  Thu Jan 5 06:37:34 2023 -0800
first go at s3:// support, refs #30445

adding cache file to UDC protocol support, refs #30445

handling expired presigned URLs in udc protocol, refs #30445

diff --git src/inc/verbose.h src/inc/verbose.h
index 4dd68b7..016a431 100644
--- src/inc/verbose.h
+++ src/inc/verbose.h
@@ -1,53 +1,56 @@
 /* verbose.h - write out status messages according to the
  * current verbosity level.  These messages go to stderr. */
 #ifndef VERBOSE_H
 #define VERBOSE_H
 void verbose(int verbosity, char *format, ...)
 /* Write printf formatted message to log (which by
  * default is stderr) if global verbose variable
  * is set to verbosity or higher. */
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 void verboseVa(int verbosity, char *format, va_list args);
 /* Log with at given verbosity vprintf formatted args. */
 void verboseTimeInit(void);
 /* Initialize or reinitialize the previous time for use by verboseTime. */
 void verboseTime(int verbosity, char *label, ...)
 /* Print label and how long it's been since last call.  Start time can be
  * initialized with verboseTimeInit, otherwise the elapsed time will be
  * zero. */
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 void verboseDot();
 /* Write I'm alive dot (at verbosity level 1) */
 boolean verboseDotsEnabled();
 /* check if outputting of happy dots are enabled.  They will be enabled if the
  * verbosity is > 0, stderr is a tty and we don't appear to be running an
  * emacs shell. */
 int verboseLevel(void);
 /* Get verbosity level. */
 void verboseSetLevel(int verbosity);
 /* Set verbosity level in log.  0 for no logging,
  * higher number for increasing verbosity. */
 void verboseSetLogFile(char *name);
 /* Set logFile for verbose messages overrides stderr. */
 FILE *verboseLogFile();
 /* Get the verbose log file. */
+void verboseCgi(char *level);
+/* Set verbosity level for a CGI: if level is not NULL, set output file to stdout, set verbosity and print a content-type header */
 #endif /* VERBOSE_H */