  Fri Jan 20 23:09:35 2023 -0800
More fixes for stuff found by htmlCheck, refs #7914

diff --git src/hg/near/hgNear/expRatio.c src/hg/near/hgNear/expRatio.c
index 9584aac..8e495bd 100644
--- src/hg/near/hgNear/expRatio.c
+++ src/hg/near/hgNear/expRatio.c
@@ -1,809 +1,809 @@
 /* Handle expression ratio (and expMulti) type microarray data. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "sqlList.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "hgExp.h"
 #include "hgNear.h"
 static char *expCellVal(struct genePos *gp,
     struct sqlConnection *lookupConn, char *lookupTable,
     struct sqlConnection *dataConn, char *dataTable,
     int representativeCount, int *representatives, char *format)
 /* Create a comma-separated string of expression values. */
 int i;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
 int valCount;
 float *vals = NULL;
 char *result;
 if (hgExpLoadVals(lookupConn, dataConn, lookupTable, gp->name, dataTable, &valCount, &vals))
     for (i=0; i<representativeCount; ++i)
 	int ix = representatives[i];
 	if (ix != -1)
 	    float val = vals[ix];
 	    if (val < -9999)
 	        dyStringPrintf(dy, "n/a");
 	        dyStringPrintf(dy, format, val);
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, ',');
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "n/a");
 result = cloneString(dy->string);
 return result;
 static char *expRatioCellVal(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Get comma separated list of values. */
 return expCellVal(gp, conn, col->table, conn, col->posTable,
 	col->representativeCount, col->representatives, "%4.3f");
 static boolean expRatioExists(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* This returns true if relevant tables exist. */
 boolean tableOk = sameWord(col->table, "null") || sqlTableExists(conn, col->table);
 boolean posTableOk = sqlTableExists(conn, col->posTable);
 boolean expTableOk = sqlTableExists(conn, col->experimentTable);
 return tableOk && posTableOk && expTableOk;
 void expRatioCellPrint(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Print out html for expRatio cell. */
 hgExpCellPrint(col->name, gp->name, conn, col->table, conn, col->posTable, 
 	col->representativeCount, col->representatives,
 	col->expRatioUseBlue, col->forceGrayscale, !col->forceGrayscale, col->brightness);
 void expLabelPrint(struct column *col, char *subName, 
 	int representativeCount, int *representatives,
 	char *expTable)
 /* Print out labels of various experiments. */
 int skipName = atoi(columnSetting(col, "skipName", "0"));
 char *url = colInfoUrl(col);
 hgExpLabelPrint(database, col->name, subName, skipName, url,
 	representativeCount, representatives, expTable, 0);
 void expRatioLabelPrint(struct column *col)
 /* Print out labels of various experiments. */
 expLabelPrint(col, "", col->representativeCount, 
 	col->representatives, col->experimentTable);
 static void expBrightnessControl(struct column *col)
 /* Put up brightness text box. */
 char *varName = configVarName(col, "scale");
 char *val = cartUsualString(cart, varName, columnSetting(col, "brightness", "1.0"));
 hPrintf("brightness: ");
 cgiMakeTextVar(varName, val, 3);
 static void expRatioConfigControls(struct column *col)
 /* Print out configuration column */
 void expFilterControls(struct column *col, char *subName,
 	char *experimentTable, int representativeCount, int *representatives)
 /* Print out controls for advanced filter. */
 char lVarName[64];
 int i;
 int skipName = atoi(columnSetting(col, "skipName", "0"));
 char *experimentType = cloneString(columnSetting(col, "experimentType",
 char **experiments = hgExpGetNames(database, experimentTable, 
 	representativeCount, representatives, skipName);
 toUpperN(experimentType, 1);
 for (i=0; i<representativeCount; ++i)
     int ix = representatives[i];
     if (ix != -1)
 	hPrintf("<TD>&nbsp;%s</TD>", experiments[i]);
 	safef(lVarName, sizeof(lVarName), "%smin%d", subName, ix);
 	advFilterRemakeTextVar(col, lVarName, 8);
 	safef(lVarName, sizeof(lVarName), "%smax%d", subName, ix);
 	advFilterRemakeTextVar(col, lVarName, 8);
 hPrintf("Include if ");
 advFilterAnyAllMenu(col, "logic", FALSE);
 toLowerN(experimentType, 1);
 hPrintf(" %ss meet minimum/maximum criteria.", experimentType);
 static void explainLogTwoRatio(char *maxVal, char *experimentType)
 /* Put up note on log base 2 expression values. */
 hPrintf("Note: the values here range from about -%s to %s.<BR>\n",
 	maxVal, maxVal);
 hPrintf("These are calculated as logBase2(%s/reference).<BR>\n",
 void expRatioFilterControls(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Print out controls for advanced filter. */
 char *maxVal = columnSetting(col, "max", "3.0");
 char *experimentType = columnSetting(col, "experimentType", "tissue");
 explainLogTwoRatio(maxVal, experimentType);
 expFilterControls(col, "", col->experimentTable, 
 	col->representativeCount, col->representatives);
 static struct hash *expValHash(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* Load up all expresssion data into a hash keyed by table->name */
 char query[256];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(16);
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name,expScores from %s", table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *name = row[0];
     if (!hashLookup(hash, name))
 	float *vals = NULL;
 	int valCount;
 	sqlFloatDynamicArray(row[1], &vals, &valCount);
 	hashAdd(hash, name, vals);
 return hash;
 struct hash *getNameExpHash(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
 	char *table, char *keyField, char *valField, struct hash *expHash)
 /* For each key in table lookup val in expHash, and if there
  * put key/exp in table. */
 char query[256];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(16);
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select %s,%s from %s", keyField, valField,table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     float *val = hashFindVal(expHash, row[1]);
     if (val != NULL)
         hashAdd(hash, row[0], val);
 return hash;
 static char *expLimitString(struct column *col, char *subName, 
 	int *representatives, int repIx, boolean isMax)
 /* Return string value of min/max variable for a given expression
  * experiment. */
 char varName[64];
 static char *varType[2] = {"min", "max"};
 safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s%s%d", subName,
 	varType[isMax], representatives[repIx]);
 return advFilterVal(col, varName);
 static boolean expAdvFilterUsed(struct column *col, char *subName)
 /* Return TRUE if any of the advanced filter variables
  * for this col are set. */
 char wild[128];
 safef(wild, sizeof(wild), "%s%s.%s*", advFilterPrefix, col->name, subName);
 return anyRealInCart(cart, wild);
 struct genePos *expAdvFilter(struct column *col, char *subName,
 	struct sqlConnection *lookupConn, char *lookupTable,
 	struct sqlConnection *dataConn, char *dataTable,
 	int representativeCount, int *representatives, struct genePos *list)
 /* Do advanced filter on position. */
 if (expAdvFilterUsed(col, subName))
     struct hash *expHash = expValHash(dataConn, dataTable);
     struct hash *nameExpHash = sameWord(lookupTable,"null") ? expHash :
 	getNameExpHash(lookupConn, lookupTable, "name", "value", expHash);
     boolean orLogic = advFilterOrLogic(col, "logic", FALSE);
     int isMax;
     int repIx;
     char *varValString;
     char **mms[2];	/* Min/max strings. */
     float *mmv[2];	/* Min/max values. */
     struct genePos *newList = NULL, *gp, *next;
     /* Fetch all limit variables. */
     for (isMax=0; isMax<2; ++isMax)
 	AllocArray(mms[isMax], representativeCount);
 	AllocArray(mmv[isMax], representativeCount);
 	for (repIx=0; repIx < representativeCount; ++repIx)
 	    varValString = mms[isMax][repIx] = 
 	    		expLimitString(col, subName, representatives, repIx, isMax);
 	    if (varValString != NULL)
 		mmv[isMax][repIx] = atof(varValString);
     /* Step through each item in list and figure out if it is in. */
     for (gp = list; gp != NULL; gp = next)
 	float *vals;
 	next = gp->next;
 	if ((vals = hashFindVal(nameExpHash, gp->name)) != NULL)
 	    boolean passes = !orLogic;
 	    for (repIx=0; repIx<representativeCount; ++repIx)
 		boolean anyLimit = FALSE;
 		boolean passesOne = TRUE;
 		float val = vals[representatives[repIx]];
 		for (isMax=0; isMax<2; ++isMax)
 		    if (mms[isMax][repIx] != NULL)
 			float varVal = mmv[isMax][repIx];
 			anyLimit = TRUE;
 			if (isMax)
 			    if (val > varVal)
 				passesOne = FALSE;
 			    if (val < varVal)
 				passesOne = FALSE;
 		if (anyLimit)
 		    if (orLogic)
 			passes |= passesOne;
 			passes &= passesOne;
 	    if (passes)
 		slAddHead(&newList, gp);
     list = newList;
     /* cleanup . */
     for (isMax=0; isMax<2; ++isMax)
 return list;
 struct genePos *expRatioAdvFilter(struct column *col, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genePos *list)
 /* Do advanced filter on position. */
 return expAdvFilter(col, "", conn, col->table, conn, col->posTable,
 	col->representativeCount, col->representatives, list);
 int expRatioTableColumns(struct column *col)
 /* Return number of html columns this uses. */
 int *reps = col->representatives;
 int repCount = col->representativeCount;
 int i, count = 1;
 for (i=0; i<repCount; ++i)
     if (reps[i] == -1)
 return count;
 void setupColumnExpRatio(struct column *col, char *parameters)
 /* Set up expression ratio type column. */
 /* Hash up name value pairs and extract some we care about. */
 char *repList = columnSetting(col, "representatives", NULL);
 char *expMax = columnSetting(col, "max", "3.0");
 col->table = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 col->posTable = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 col->experimentTable = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 if (col->posTable == NULL)
     errAbort("missing parameters from type line of %s", col->name);    
 /* Convert list of ascii number in repList to an array of binary
  * numbers in col->representatives. */
 if (repList != NULL)
     char *dupe = cloneString(repList);
     sqlSignedDynamicArray(dupe, &col->representatives, &col->representativeCount);
     errAbort("Missing required representatives list in %s", col->name);
 /* Figure out color scheme. */
     char *forceGrayscale = columnSetting(col, "forceGrayscale", "off");
     col->forceGrayscale = (sameWord(forceGrayscale,"on")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     col->expRatioUseBlue = hgExpRatioUseBlue(cart, expRatioColorVarName);
 /* Figure out scale. */
     char *varName = configVarName(col, "scale");
     char *val = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "1");
     char *raVal = columnSetting(col, "brightness", "1");
     double fVal = (cartVarExists(cart, varName)) ? atof(val) : atof(raVal);
     if (fVal == 0) fVal = 1.0;
     col->brightness = fVal/atof(expMax);
 col->exists = expRatioExists;
 col->cellVal = expRatioCellVal;
 col->cellPrint = expRatioCellPrint;
 col->labelPrint = expRatioLabelPrint;
 col->configControls = expRatioConfigControls;
 col->filterControls = expRatioFilterControls;
 col->advFilter = expRatioAdvFilter;
 /* --------- expMulti stuff for more complex expression ratio tracks -------- */
 static struct expMultiData *emdNew(char *name, char *label, char *spec)
 /* Create new expMultiData based on spec. */
 char *dupe = cloneString(spec);
 char *s = dupe;
 char *repString;
 struct expMultiData *emd;
 emd->name = cloneString(name);
 emd->shortLabel = cloneString(label);
 emd->experimentTable = cloneString(nextWord(&s));
 emd->ratioTable = cloneString(nextWord(&s));
 emd->absoluteTable = cloneString(nextWord(&s));
 repString = nextWord(&s);
 if (repString == NULL)
     errAbort("Short spec in emdNew");
 sqlSignedDynamicArray(repString, &emd->representatives, &emd->representativeCount);
 return emd;
 static struct expMultiData *makeEmd(struct column *col, char *name, char *label,
 	struct expMultiData **pList)
 /* Create new expMultiData based on specs in column settings and hang it on list. */
 char *spec = hashFindVal(col->settings, name);
 struct expMultiData *emd;
 if (spec == NULL)
     return NULL;
 emd = emdNew(name, label, spec);
 slAddHead(pList, emd);
 return emd;
 struct expMultiData *emdFind(struct expMultiData *list, char *name)
 /* Find named expMultiData, or NULL if not on list. */
 struct expMultiData *emd;
 for (emd = list; emd != NULL; emd = emd->next)
     if (sameString(name, emd->name))
         return emd;
 return NULL;
 struct expMultiData *getSelectedEmd(struct column *col, struct expMultiData *emdList)
 /* Get user selected column or default. */
 struct expMultiData *emd = NULL;
 char *emdVal = configVarVal(col, "emd");
 if (emdVal != NULL)
    emd = emdFind(emdList, emdVal);
 if (emd == NULL)
    emd = emdList;
 return emd;
 static boolean expMultiExists(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Returns true if relevant tables exist. */
 struct sqlConnection *fConn = hgFixedConn();
 struct expMultiData *emd;
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, col->table))
     return FALSE;
 for (emd = col->emdList; emd != NULL; emd = emd->next)
     if (!sqlTableExists(fConn, emd->ratioTable))
         return FALSE;
     if (!sqlTableExists(fConn, emd->absoluteTable))
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static char *expMultiCellVal(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp,
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return comma separated string. */
 struct expMultiData *emd = col->emd;
 char *dataTable;
 char *format;
 char *ret;
 if (col->expShowAbs)
     dataTable = emd->absoluteTable;
     format = "%2.1f";
     dataTable = emd->ratioTable;
     format = "%4.3f";
 ret = expCellVal(gp, conn, col->table, hgFixedConn(), dataTable,
 	emd->representativeCount, emd->representatives, format);
 return ret;
 void expMultiCellPrint(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Print out html for expMulti cell. */
 struct expMultiData *emd = col->emd;
 char *dataTable;
 float scale;
 if (col->expShowAbs)
     dataTable = emd->absoluteTable;
     scale = col->expAbsScale;
     dataTable = emd->ratioTable;
     scale = col->expRatioScale;
 hgExpCellPrint(col->name, gp->name, conn, col->table, hgFixedConn(), dataTable, 
 	emd->representativeCount, emd->representatives,
 	col->expRatioUseBlue, col->expShowAbs, TRUE, scale);
 void expMultiLabelPrint(struct column *col)
 /* Print out labels of various experiments. */
 struct expMultiData *emd = col->emd;
 expLabelPrint(col, emd->name, emd->representativeCount, 
 	emd->representatives, emd->experimentTable);
 static void expEmdControl(struct column *col)
 /* Show selected/median/all control. */
 struct expMultiData *emd;
 struct expMultiData *curEmd = getSelectedEmd(col, col->emdList);
 char *experimentType = columnSetting(col, "experimentType", "tissue");
 hPrintf("%ss: ", experimentType);
 hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\">", configVarName(col, "emd"));
 for (emd = col->emdList; emd != NULL; emd = emd->next)
     hPrintf("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\"", emd->name);
     if (emd == curEmd)
 	hPrintf(" SELECTED");
-    hPrintf(">%s", emd->shortLabel);
+    hPrintf(">%s</OPTION>", emd->shortLabel);
 static void expAbsRatioControl(struct column *col)
 /* Show ratio/absolute control. */
 char *name = configVarName(col, "ratioAbs");
 char *curVal = cartUsualString(cart, name, "ratio");
 static char *choices[2] = {"ratio", "absolute"};
 hPrintf("values: ");
 cgiMakeDropList(name, choices, ArraySize(choices), curVal);
 static void expMultiConfigControls(struct column *col)
 /* Print out configuration column */
 static void expMultiFilterPrefix(struct column *col, int maxPrefixSize, char *retPrefix )
 /* Fill in prefix to use for filter variables in this multi configuration. */
 char *absRel = (col->expShowAbs ? "abs" : "rel");
 safef(retPrefix, maxPrefixSize, "%s.%s.", absRel, col->emd->name);
 static void explainAbsolute(char *maxVal)
 /* Explain a little about absolutes. */
 hPrintf("Note: the values here range up to about %s.<BR>\n", maxVal);
 hPrintf("Values of 20 or less indicate unmeasurable expression.<BR>\n");
 static void expMultiFilterControls(struct column *col, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Print out controls for advanced filter. */
 char emfPrefix[64];
 struct expMultiData *emd = col->emd;
 if (col->expShowAbs)
     char *absoluteMax = columnSetting(col, "absoluteMax", "30000");
     char *ratioMax = columnSetting(col, "ratioMax", "3.0");
     char *experimentType = columnSetting(col, "experimentType", "tissue");
     explainLogTwoRatio(ratioMax, experimentType);
 expMultiFilterPrefix(col, sizeof(emfPrefix), emfPrefix);
 expFilterControls(col, emfPrefix, emd->experimentTable, 
 	emd->representativeCount, emd->representatives);
 hPrintf("<BR>Other filter controls for this %s column will be<BR>", col->shortLabel);
 hPrintf("displayed if the column is configured differently.  Only<BR>");
 hPrintf("the displayed controls are active.");
 struct genePos *expMultiAdvFilter(struct column *col, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genePos *list)
 /* Do advanced filter on position. */
 char *dataTable;
 char emfPrefix[64];
 struct expMultiData *emd = col->emd;
 if (col->expShowAbs)
     dataTable = emd->absoluteTable;
     dataTable = emd->ratioTable;
 expMultiFilterPrefix(col, sizeof(emfPrefix), emfPrefix);
 return expAdvFilter(col, emfPrefix, conn, col->table, hgFixedConn(), dataTable,
 	emd->representativeCount, emd->representatives, list);
 void setupColumnExpMulti(struct column *col, char *parameters)
 /* Set up expression type column that can be ratio or absolute,
  * short or long. */
 struct expMultiData *emdList = NULL;
 char *ratioMax = columnSetting(col, "ratioMax", "3.0");
 char *absoluteMax = columnSetting(col, "absoluteMax", "30000");
 col->table = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 if (col->table == NULL)
     errAbort("missing parameters from type line of %s", col->name);    
 /* Check that we have at least one set of experiments to display,
  * and set the current experiments. */
 makeEmd(col, "all", "all replicates", &emdList);
 // customize otherwise confusing menu option for GTEx.  Simply, this option selects all tissues.
 makeEmd(col, "median", startsWith("gtex", col->name) ? "all" : "median of replicates", &emdList);
 makeEmd(col, "selected", "selected", &emdList);
 if (emdList == NULL)
    errAbort("Need at least one of all/median/selected for %s", col->name);
 col->emdList = emdList;
 col->emd = getSelectedEmd(col, emdList);
 /* Figure out whether showing absolute or relative */
     char *val = cartUsualString(cart, configVarName(col, "ratioAbs"), "ratio");
     col->expShowAbs = sameString(val, "absolute");
 /* Figure out color scheme. */
     col->expRatioUseBlue = hgExpRatioUseBlue(cart, expRatioColorVarName);
 /* Figure out scale. */
     char *varName = configVarName(col, "scale");
     char *val = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "1");
     double fVal = atof(val);
     if (fVal == 0) fVal = 1.0;
     col->expRatioScale = fVal/atof(ratioMax);
     col->expAbsScale = fVal/log(atof(absoluteMax));
 col->exists = expMultiExists;
 col->configControls = expMultiConfigControls;
 col->cellVal = expMultiCellVal;
 col->cellPrint = expMultiCellPrint;
 col->labelPrint = expMultiLabelPrint;
 col->filterControls = expMultiFilterControls;
 col->advFilter = expMultiAdvFilter;
 /* --------- expMax stuff to show maximum expression value -------- */
 boolean expMaxExists(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* This returns true if col->table exists. */
 return sqlTableExists(conn, col->table) 
 	&& sqlTableExists(hgFixedConn(), col->posTable);
 static float expMaxVal(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct sqlConnection *fConn)
 /* Return maximum expression value or -10000 if there's a problem. */
 char query[256];
 char expName[64];
 float maxVal = -10000;
 boolean noLookup = sameWord(col->table, "null");
 if (!noLookup)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select value from %s where name = '%s'", 
 	  col->table, gp->name);
 if (noLookup || 
     (sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, expName, sizeof(expName)) != NULL))
     char *commaString = NULL;
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select expScores from %s where name = '%s'",
 	  col->posTable, (noLookup) ? gp->name : expName);
     if ((commaString = sqlQuickString(fConn, query)) != NULL)
 	float *vals = NULL;
 	int valCount, i;
 	maxVal = atof(commaString);
 	sqlFloatDynamicArray(commaString, &vals, &valCount);
 	for (i=1; i<valCount; ++i)
 	    if (maxVal < vals[i])
 	        maxVal = vals[i];
 return maxVal;
 static char *expMaxCellVal(struct column *col, struct genePos *gp, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return value as string for this cell. */
 float maxVal = expMaxVal(col, gp, conn, hgFixedConn());
 char buf[32];
 if (maxVal <= -10000)
     return NULL;
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1.1f", maxVal);
 return cloneString(buf);
 struct genePos *expMaxAdvFilter(struct column *col, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genePos *list)
 /* Do advanced filter on max expression. */
 char *minString = advFilterVal(col, "min");
 char *maxString = advFilterVal(col, "max");
 if (minString != NULL || maxString != NULL)
     struct sqlConnection *fConn = hgFixedConn();
     struct genePos *passList = NULL, *gp, *next;
     float minVal = 0, maxVal = 0, val;
     if (minString != NULL)
         minVal = atof(minString);
     if (maxString != NULL)
         maxVal = atof(maxString);
     for (gp = list; gp != NULL; gp = next)
 	next = gp->next;
 	val = expMaxVal(col, gp, conn, fConn);
 	if (minString != NULL && val < minVal)
 	if (maxString != NULL && val > maxVal)
 	slAddHead(&passList, gp);
     return passList;
     return list;
 void setupColumnExpMax(struct column *col, char *parameters)
 /* Set up maximum expression value column. */
 col->table = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 col->posTable = cloneString(nextWord(&parameters));
 if (col->posTable == NULL)
     errAbort("Not enough fields in type expMax for %s", col->name);
 col->exists = expMaxExists;
 col->cellVal = expMaxCellVal;
 col->filterControls = minMaxAdvFilterControls;
 col->advFilter = expMaxAdvFilter;