  Tue Mar 7 14:38:53 2023 -0800
Fix bug where hubApi was allowing ranged requests for tracks with 'tableBrowser off' setting in trackDb. Fix cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied function to recognize correctly when 'tableBrowser off' setting is present on the same host as the CGI is running. Add tests to hubApi system to check more 'tableBrowser' settings and check getting data from more than one track at once

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
index 4a4b423..1f18ba2 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
+++ src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
@@ -1,642 +1,642 @@
 /* utility functions for data API business */
 #include "dataApi.h"
 /* when measureTiming is used */
 static long processingStart = 0;
 void startProcessTiming()
 /* for measureTiming, beginning processing */
 processingStart = clock1000();
 void apiFinishOutput(int errorCode, char *errorString, struct jsonWrite *jw)
 /* finish json output, potential output an error code other than 200 */
 /* this is the first time any output to stdout has taken place for
  * json output, therefore, start with the appropriate header.
 /* potentially with an error code return in the header */
 if (errorCode)
     char errString[2048];
     safef(errString, sizeof(errString), "Status: %d %s",errorCode,errorString);
     if (err429 == errorCode)
 	puts("Retry-After: 30");
 else if (reachedMaxItems)
     char errString[2048];
     safef(errString, sizeof(errString), "Status: %d %s",err206,err206Msg);
 if (debug)
     char sizeString[64];
     unsigned long long vmPeak = currentVmPeak();
     sprintLongWithCommas(sizeString, vmPeak);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "vmPeak", sizeString);
 if (measureTiming)
     long nowTime = clock1000();
     long long et = nowTime - processingStart;
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "totalTimeMs", et);
 if (itemsReturned)
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "itemsReturned", itemsReturned);
 if (reachedMaxItems)
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "maxItemsLimit", TRUE);
     if (downloadUrl && downloadUrl->string)
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "dataDownloadUrl", downloadUrl->string);
 }	/*	void apiFinishOutput(int errorCode, char *errorString, ... ) */
 void apiErrAbort(int errorCode, char *errString, char *format, ...)
 /* Issue an error message in json format, and exit(0) */
 char errMsg[2048];
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vsnprintf(errMsg, sizeof(errMsg), format, args);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "error", errMsg);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "statusCode", errorCode);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "statusMessage", errString);
 apiFinishOutput(errorCode, errString, jw);
 cgiExitTime("hubApi err", enteredMainTime);
 struct jsonWrite *apiStartOutput()
 /* begin json output with standard header information for all requests */
 time_t timeNow = time(NULL);
 // struct tm tm;
 // gmtime_r(&timeNow, &tm);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 // not recommended: jsonWriteString(jw, "apiVersion", "v"CGI_VERSION);
 // not needed jsonWriteString(jw, "source", "UCSantaCruz");
 jsonWriteDateFromUnix(jw, "downloadTime", (long long) timeNow);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "downloadTimeStamp", (long long) timeNow);
 if (debug)
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "botDelay", (long long) botDelay);
 return jw;
 /* these json type strings beyond 'null' are types for UCSC jsonWrite()
  * functions.  The real 'official' json types are just the first six
 char *jsonTypeStrings[] =
     "string",	/* type 0 */
     "number",	/* type 1 */
     "object",	/* type 2 */
     "array",	/* type 3 */
     "boolean",	/* type 4 */
     "null",	/* type 5 */
     "double"	/* type 6 */
 /* this set of SQL types was taken from a survey of all the table
  *  descriptions on all tables on hgwdev.  This is not necessarily
  *  a full range of all SQL types possible, just what we have used in
  *  UCSC databases.  The fallback default will be string.
  * bigint binary bit blob char date datetime decimal double enum float int
  * longblob longtext mediumblob mediumint mediumtext set smallint text
  * timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext unsigned varbinary varchar
  * Many of these are not yet encountered since they are often in
  * non-positional tables.  This system doesn't yet output non-positional
  * tables.
 static int sqlTypeToJsonType(char *sqlType)
 /* convert SQL data type to JSON data type (index into jsonTypes[]) */
 /* assume string, good enough for just about anything */
 int typeIndex = JSON_STRING;
 if (startsWith("tinyint(1)", sqlType))
     typeIndex = JSON_BOOLEAN;
 else if (startsWith("bigint", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("int", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("mediumint", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("smallint", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("tinyint", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("unsigned", sqlType)
     typeIndex = JSON_NUMBER;
 else if (startsWith("decimal", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("double", sqlType) ||
      startsWith("float", sqlType)
     typeIndex = JSON_DOUBLE;
 else if (startsWith("binary", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("bit", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("blob", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("char", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("date", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("datetime", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("enum", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("longblob", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("longtext", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("mediumblob", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("set", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("text", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("time", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("timestamp", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("tinyblob", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("tinytext", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("varbinary", sqlType) ||
 	startsWith("varchar", sqlType)
     typeIndex = JSON_STRING;
 return typeIndex;
 }	/*	static int sqlTypeToJsonType(char *sqlType)	*/
 int autoSqlToJsonType(char *asType)
 /* convert an autoSql field type to a Json type */
 /* assume string, good enough for just about anything */
 int typeIndex = JSON_STRING;
 if (startsWith("int", asType) ||
     startsWith("uint", asType) ||
     startsWith("short", asType) ||
     startsWith("ushort", asType) ||
     startsWith("byte", asType) ||
     startsWith("ubyte", asType) ||
     startsWith("bigit", asType)
     typeIndex = JSON_NUMBER;
 else if (startsWith("float", asType))
 	typeIndex = JSON_DOUBLE;
 else if (startsWith("char", asType) ||
 	 startsWith("string", asType) ||
 	 startsWith("lstring", asType) ||
 	 startsWith("enum", asType) ||
 	 startsWith("set", asType)
 	typeIndex = JSON_STRING;
 return typeIndex;
 }	/*	int asToJsonType(char *asType)	*/
 /* temporarily from table browser until proven works, then move to library */
 /* UNFORTUNATELY, this version needs an extra argument: tdb
  *  the table browser has a global hash to satisify that requirement
 struct asObject *asForTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
     struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Get autoSQL description if any associated with table. */
 /* Wrap some error catching around asForTable. */
 if (tdb != NULL)
     return asForTdb(conn,tdb);
 // Some cases are for tables with no tdb!
 struct asObject *asObj = NULL;
 if (sqlTableExists(conn, "tableDescriptions"))
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
         char query[256];
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
               "select autoSqlDef from tableDescriptions where tableName='%s'", table);
         char *asText = asText = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
         // If no result try split table. (not likely)
         if (asText == NULL)
             sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                   "select autoSqlDef from tableDescriptions where tableName='chrN_%s'", table);
             asText = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
         if (asText != NULL && asText[0] != 0)
             asObj = asParseText(asText);
 return asObj;
 int tableColumns(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
    char ***nameReturn, char ***typeReturn, int **jsonTypes)
 /* return the column names, and their MySQL data type, for the given table
  *  return number of columns (aka 'fields')
 struct sqlFieldInfo *fi, *fiList = sqlFieldInfoGet(conn, table);
 int columnCount = slCount(fiList);
 char **namesReturn = NULL;
 char **typesReturn = NULL;
 int *jsonReturn = NULL;
 AllocArray(namesReturn, columnCount);
 AllocArray(typesReturn, columnCount);
 AllocArray(jsonReturn, columnCount);
 int i = 0;
 for (fi = fiList; fi; fi = fi->next)
     namesReturn[i] = cloneString(fi->field);
     typesReturn[i] = cloneString(fi->type);
     jsonReturn[i] = sqlTypeToJsonType(fi->type);
 *nameReturn = namesReturn;
 *typeReturn = typesReturn;
 *jsonTypes = jsonReturn;
 return columnCount;
 struct trackHub *errCatchTrackHubOpen(char *hubUrl)
 /* use errCatch around a trackHub open in case it fails */
 struct trackHub *hub = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     hub = trackHubOpen(hubUrl, "");
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     apiErrAbort(err404, err404Msg, "error opening hubUrl: '%s', '%s'", hubUrl,  errCatch->message->string);
 return hub;
 static int trackDbTrackCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on 'track' name; use shortLabel as secondary sort key.
  * Note: parallel code to hgTracks.c:tgCmpPriority */
 const struct trackDb *a = *((struct trackDb **)va);
 const struct trackDb *b = *((struct trackDb **)vb);
 int dif = strcmp(a->track, b->track);
 if (dif < 0)
    return -1;
 else if (dif == 0.0)
    return strcasecmp(a->shortLabel, b->shortLabel);
    return 1;
 struct trackDb *obtainTdb(struct trackHubGenome *genome, char *db)
 /* return a full trackDb fiven the hub genome pointer, or ucsc database name */
 struct trackDb *tdb = NULL;
 if (db)
     tdb = hTrackDb(db);
     boolean foundFirstGenome = FALSE;
     tdb = trackHubTracksForGenome(genome->trackHub, genome, NULL, &foundFirstGenome);
     tdb = trackDbLinkUpGenerations(tdb);
     tdb = trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(tdb, genome->name);
 slSort(tdb, trackDbTrackCmp);
 // slSort(&tdb, trackDbCmp);
 return tdb;
 struct trackDb *findTrackDb(char *track, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* search tdb structure for specific track, recursion on subtracks */
 struct trackDb *trackFound = NULL;
 for (trackFound = tdb; trackFound; trackFound = trackFound->next)
     if (trackFound->subtracks)
         struct trackDb *subTrack = findTrackDb(track, trackFound->subtracks);
 	if (subTrack)
 	    if (sameOk(subTrack->track, track))
 		trackFound = subTrack;
     if (sameOk(trackFound->track, track))
 return trackFound;
 boolean allowedBigBedType(char *type)
 /* return TRUE if the big* bed-like type is to be supported
  * add to this list as the big* bed-like supported types are expanded
 if (startsWithWord("bigBarChart", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigBed", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigGenePred", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigInteract", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigLolly", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigRmsk", type) ||
     startsWithWord("bigPsl", type)
     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 struct bbiFile *bigFileOpen(char *trackType, char *bigDataUrl)
 /* open bigDataUrl for correct trackType and error catch if failure */
 struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 if (allowedBigBedType(trackType))
     bbi = bigBedFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
 else if (startsWith("bigWig", trackType))
     bbi = bigWigFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     apiErrAbort(err404, err404Msg, "error opening bigFile URL: '%s', '%s'", bigDataUrl,  errCatch->message->string);
 return bbi;
 int chromInfoCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on size */
 const struct chromInfo *a = *((struct chromInfo **)va);
 const struct chromInfo *b = *((struct chromInfo **)vb);
 int dif;
 dif = (long) a->size - (long) b->size;
 return dif;
 struct trackHubGenome *findHubGenome(struct trackHub *hub, char *genome,
     char *endpoint, char *hubUrl)
 /* given open 'hub', find the specified 'genome' called from 'endpoint' */
 struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = NULL;
 for (hubGenome = hub->genomeList; hubGenome; hubGenome = hubGenome->next)
     if (sameString(genome, hubGenome->name))
 if (NULL == hubGenome)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified genome=%s for endpoint '%s'  given hubUrl '%s'", genome, endpoint, hubUrl);
 return hubGenome;
 char *verifyLegalArgs(char *validArgList[])
 /* validArgList is an array of strings for valid arguments
  * returning string of any other arguments not on that list found in
  * cgiVarList(), NULL when none found.
 struct hash *validHash = NULL;
 char *words[32];
 int wordCount = 0;
 int i = 0;
 for ( ; isNotEmpty(validArgList[i]); ++i )
     words[i] = validArgList[i];
 if (wordCount)
     validHash = hashNew(0);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < wordCount; ++i)
 	hashAddInt(validHash, words[i], 1);
 int extrasFound = 0;
 struct dyString *extras = dyStringNew(128);
 struct cgiVar *varList = cgiVarList();
 struct cgiVar *var = varList;
 for ( ; var; var = var->next)
     if (sameWord("cgiSpoof", var->name))
     if (sameWord("debug", var->name))
     if (sameWord("cmd", var->name))
     if (sameWord("measureTiming", var->name))
     if (NULL == validHash)
 	dyStringPrintf(extras, ";%s=%s", var->name, var->val);
     else if (0 == hashIntValDefault(validHash, var->name, 0))
 	if (extrasFound)
 	    dyStringPrintf(extras, ";%s=%s", var->name, var->val);
 	    dyStringPrintf(extras, "%s=%s", var->name, var->val);
 if (extrasFound)
     return dyStringCannibalize(&extras);
     return NULL;
 static int dbDbCmpName(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two dbDb elements: name, ignore case. */
 const struct dbDb *a = *((struct dbDb **)va);
 const struct dbDb *b = *((struct dbDb **)vb);
 return strcasecmp(a->name, b->name);
 struct dbDb *ucscDbDb()
 /* return the dbDb table as an slList */
 char query[1024];
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char *showActive0 = cfgOptionDefault("hubApi.showActive0", "off");
 if (sameWord("on", showActive0))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from dbDb");
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from dbDb where active=1");
 struct dbDb *dbList = NULL, *el = NULL;
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     el = dbDbLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&dbList, el);
 slSort(&dbList, dbDbCmpName);
 return dbList;
 boolean isSupportedType(char *type)
 /* is given type in the supportedTypes list ? */
 boolean ret = FALSE;
 struct slName *el;
 for (el = supportedTypes; el; el = el->next)
     if (startsWith(el->name, type))
 	ret = TRUE;
 return ret;
 void wigColumnTypes(struct jsonWrite *jw)
 /* output column headers for a wiggle data output schema */
 jsonWriteListStart(jw, "columnTypes");
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "name", "start");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlType", "int");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "jsonType", "number");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "chromStart: 0-based chromosome start position");
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "name", "end");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlType", "int");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "jsonType", "number");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "chromEnd: 1-based chromosome end position");
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "name", "value");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlType", "float");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "jsonType", "number");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "numerical data value for this location:start-end");
 }	/* void wigColumnTypes(struct jsonWrite jw) */
 void outputSchema(struct trackDb *tdb, struct jsonWrite *jw,
     char *columnNames[], char *columnTypes[], int jsonTypes[],
 	struct hTableInfo *hti, int columnCount, int asColumnCount,
 	    struct asColumn *columnEl)
 /* print out the SQL schema for this trackDb */
 if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type))
     jsonWriteListStart(jw, "columnTypes");
     int i = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "name", columnNames[i]);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlType", columnTypes[i]);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "jsonType", jsonTypeStrings[jsonTypes[i]]);
         if ((0 == i) && (hti && hti->hasBin))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "Indexing field to speed chromosome range queries");
         else if (columnEl && isNotEmpty(columnEl->comment))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "description", columnEl->comment);
             jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "");
         /* perhaps move the comment pointer forward */
         if (columnEl)
             if (asColumnCount == columnCount)
                 columnEl = columnEl->next;
             else if (! ((0 == i) && (hti && hti->hasBin)))
                 columnEl = columnEl->next;
 void bigColumnTypes(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct sqlFieldType *fiList,
     struct asObject *as)
 /* show the column types from a big file autoSql definitions */
 struct asColumn *columnEl = as->columnList;
 jsonWriteListStart(jw, "columnTypes");
 struct sqlFieldType *fi = fiList;
 for ( ; fi; fi = fi->next, columnEl = columnEl->next)
     int jsonType = autoSqlToJsonType(fi->type);
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "name", fi->name);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlType", fi->type);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "jsonType",jsonTypeStrings[jsonType]);
     if (columnEl && isNotEmpty(columnEl->comment))
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "description", columnEl->comment);
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "description", "");
 boolean trackHasData(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* check if this is actually a data track:
  *	TRUE when has data, FALSE if has no data
  * When NO trackDb, can't tell at this point, will check that later
 if (tdb)
     if (tdbIsContainer(tdb) || tdbIsComposite(tdb)
 	|| tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsSuper(tdb))
 	return FALSE;
 	return TRUE;
     return TRUE;	/* might be true */
 boolean protectedTrack(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, char *tableName)
 /* determine if track is off-limits protected data */
-return cartTrackDbIsNoGenome(db, tableName);
+return cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(db, tableName) || cartTrackDbIsNoGenome(db, tableName);
 boolean isWiggleDataTable(char *type)
 /* is this a wiggle data track table */
 if (startsWith("wig", type))
     if (startsWith("wigMaf", type))
 	return FALSE;
 	return TRUE;
      return FALSE;