  Tue Mar 7 14:38:53 2023 -0800
Fix bug where hubApi was allowing ranged requests for tracks with 'tableBrowser off' setting in trackDb. Fix cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied function to recognize correctly when 'tableBrowser off' setting is present on the same host as the CGI is running. Add tests to hubApi system to check more 'tableBrowser' settings and check getting data from more than one track at once

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/getData.c src/hg/hubApi/getData.c
index f0ed181..76a421b 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/getData.c
+++ src/hg/hubApi/getData.c
@@ -1,965 +1,966 @@
 /* manage endpoint /getData/ functions */
 #include "dataApi.h"
 static unsigned wigTableDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *database,
 	char *table, char *chrom, int start, int end, unsigned itemsDone)
 /* output wiggle data from the given table and specified chrom:start-end */
 struct wiggleDataStream *wds = wiggleDataStreamNew();
 wds->setMaxOutput(wds, maxItemsOutput);
 wds->setChromConstraint(wds, chrom);
 wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, start, end);
 int operations = wigFetchAscii;
 (void) wds->getData(wds, database, table, operations);
 struct wigAsciiData *el;
 unsigned itemCount = 0;
 for (el = wds->ascii; (itemCount + itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput && el; el = el->next)
     unsigned span = el->span;
     unsigned count = el->count;
     unsigned i = 0;
     struct asciiDatum *data = el->data;
     for ( ; (i < count) && ((itemCount + itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput); i++,data++)
 	int s = data->chromStart;
 	int e = s + span;
 	double val = data->value;
 	if (jsonOutputArrays)
 	    jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
 	    jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)s);
 	    jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)e);
 	    jsonWriteDouble(jw, NULL, val);
 	    jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 	    jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)s);
 	    jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)e);
 	    jsonWriteDouble(jw, "value", val);
 if ((itemCount + itemsDone) >= maxItemsOutput)
     reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
 return itemCount;
 }	/* static unsigned wigTableDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, ...) */
 static void jsonDatumOut(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *name, char *val,
     int jsonType)
 /* output a json item, determine type, appropriate output, name can be NULL */
 if (JSON_DOUBLE == jsonType)
     jsonWriteDouble(jw, name, sqlDouble(val));
 else if (JSON_NUMBER == jsonType)
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, name, sqlLongLong(val));
     jsonWriteString(jw, name, val);
 static unsigned sqlQueryJsonOutput(struct sqlConnection *conn,
     struct jsonWrite *jw, char *query, int columnCount, char **columnNames,
 	int *jsonTypes, unsigned itemsDone)
 /* with the SQL query set up, run through those selected items */
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row = NULL;
 unsigned itemCount = 0;
 while ((itemCount+itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     int i = 0;
     if (jsonOutputArrays)
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
 	for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
 	    jsonDatumOut(jw, NULL, row[i], jsonTypes[i]);
 	jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 	for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
 	    jsonDatumOut(jw, columnNames[i], row[i], jsonTypes[i]);
 if ((itemCount + itemsDone) >= maxItemsOutput)
     reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
 return itemCount;
 }	/*	static unsigned sqlQueryJsonOutput(...) */
 static void tableDataOutput(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
     struct sqlConnection *conn, struct jsonWrite *jw, char *track,
     char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end)
 /* output the SQL table data for given track */
 /* for MySQL select statements, name for 'chrom' 'start' 'end' to use
  *     for a table which has different names than that
 char chromName[256];
 char startName[256];
 char endName[256];
 /* defaults, normal stuff */
 safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "chrom");
 safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "chromStart");
 safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "chromEnd");
 /* 'track' name in trackDb often refers to a SQL 'table' */
 char *sqlTable = cloneString(track);
 /* might have a specific table defined instead of the track name */
 char *tableName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "table");
 if (isNotEmpty(tableName))
     sqlTable = cloneString(tableName);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlTable", sqlTable);
 /* to be determined if this name is used or changes */
 char *splitSqlTable = cloneString(sqlTable);
 /* this function knows how to deal with split chromosomes, the NULL
  * here for the chrom name means to use the first chrom name in chromInfo
 struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTable);
 if (debug && hti)
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "isPos", hti->isPos);
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "isSplit", hti->isSplit);
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "hasBin", hti->hasBin);
 /* check if table name needs to be modified */
 if (hti && hti->isSplit)
     if (isNotEmpty(chrom))
 	char fullTableName[256];
 	safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", chrom, hti->rootName);
 	splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName);
 	if (debug)
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "splitSqlTable", splitSqlTable);
 	char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db);
 	char fullTableName[256];
 	safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName);
 	splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName);
 	if (debug)
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "splitSqlTable", splitSqlTable);
 /* determine name for 'chrom' in table select */
 if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "chrom"))
     if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "tName"))	// track type psl
 	safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "tName");
 	safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "tStart");
 	safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "tEnd");
     else if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "genoName"))// track type rmsk
 	safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "genoName");
 	safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "genoStart");
 	safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "genoEnd");
 if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "txStart"))	// track type genePred
     safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "txStart");
     safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "txEnd");
 struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(64);
 /* no chrom specified, return entire table */
 if (isEmpty(chrom))
     /* this setup here is for the case of non-split tables, will later
      * determine if split, and then will go through each chrom
     sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s", splitSqlTable);
 else if (0 == (start + end))	/* have chrom, no start,end == full chr */
     if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, chromName))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without chrom specification, genome: '%s'", track, db);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom);
     struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, chrom);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size);
     if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type))
 	if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom);
         itemsReturned += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom, 0, ci->size, 0);
         return;	/* DONE */
 	if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, startName))
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s' order by %s", splitSqlTable, chromName, chrom, startName);
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", splitSqlTable, chromName, chrom);
 else	/* fully specified chrom:start-end */
     if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, chromName))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without chrom and start,end specifications, genome: '%s'", track, db);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom);
     if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type))
 	if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom);
         itemsReturned += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom, start, end, 0);
         return;	/* DONE */
 	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where ", splitSqlTable);
 	if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, startName))
 	    if (hti->hasBin)
 		hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query);
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s='%s' AND %s > %u AND %s < %u ORDER BY %s", chromName, chrom, endName, start, startName, end, startName);
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without start,end specification, genome: '%s'", track, db);
 if (debug)
     jsonWriteString(jw, "select", query->string);
 /* continuing, could be wiggle output with no chrom specified */
 char **columnNames = NULL;
 char **columnTypes = NULL;
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 struct asObject *as = asForTable(conn, splitSqlTable, tdb);
 if (! as)
     apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for table '%s', genome: '%s'", splitSqlTable, db);
 struct asColumn *columnEl = as->columnList;
 int asColumnCount = slCount(columnEl);
 int columnCount = tableColumns(conn, splitSqlTable, &columnNames, &columnTypes, &jsonTypes);
 if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
     outputSchema(tdb, jw, columnNames, columnTypes, jsonTypes, hti,
 	columnCount, asColumnCount, columnEl);
 unsigned itemsDone = 0;
 /* empty chrom, needs to run through all chrom names */
 if (isEmpty(chrom))
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track);	/* begin track data output */
     char fullTableName[256];
     struct chromInfo *ciList = createChromInfoList(NULL, db);
     slSort(ciList, chromInfoCmp);
     struct chromInfo *ci = ciList;
     for ( ; ci && itemsDone < maxItemsOutput; ci = ci->next )
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, ci->chrom);	/* starting a chrom output */
 	query = dyStringNew(64);
 	if (hti && hti->isSplit) /* when split, make up split chr name */
 	    safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", ci->chrom, hti->rootName);
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", fullTableName, chromName, ci->chrom);
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", splitSqlTable, chromName, ci->chrom);
 	if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type))
             itemsDone += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom,
 		start, end, itemsDone);
 	    itemsDone += sqlQueryJsonOutput(conn, jw, query->string,
 		columnCount, columnNames, jsonTypes, itemsDone);
 	jsonWriteListEnd(jw);	/* chrom data output list end */
     if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput)
 	reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
     jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw);	/* end track data output */
     itemsReturned += itemsDone;
     {	/* a single chrom has been requested, run it */
     jsonWriteListStart(jw, track);	/* data output list starting */
     itemsDone += sqlQueryJsonOutput(conn, jw, query->string, columnCount,
 	columnNames, jsonTypes, itemsDone);
     jsonWriteListEnd(jw);	/* data output list end */
     itemsReturned += itemsDone;
 if (reachedMaxItems)
     downloadUrl = dyStringNew(128);
     dyStringPrintf(downloadUrl, "", db, splitSqlTable);
 }	/*  static void tableDataOutput(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, ... ) */
 static unsigned bbiDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bbi,
     char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end, struct sqlFieldType *fiList,
      struct trackDb *tdb, unsigned itemsDone)
 /* output bed data for one chrom in the given bbi file */
 char *itemRgb = trackDbSetting(tdb, "itemRgb");
 if (bbi->definedFieldCount > 8)
     itemRgb = "on";
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 int columnCount = slCount(fiList);
 AllocArray(jsonTypes, columnCount);
 int i = 0;
 struct sqlFieldType *fi;
 for ( fi = fiList; fi; fi = fi->next)
     if (itemRgb)
 	if (8 == i && sameWord("on", itemRgb))
 	    jsonTypes[i++] = JSON_STRING;
 	    jsonTypes[i++] = autoSqlToJsonType(fi->type);
 	jsonTypes[i++] = autoSqlToJsonType(fi->type);
 struct lm *bbLm = lmInit(0);
 struct bigBedInterval *iv, *ivList = NULL;
 ivList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi,chrom, start, end, 0, bbLm);
 char *row[bbi->fieldCount];
 unsigned itemCount = 0;
 for (iv = ivList; itemCount < maxItemsOutput && iv; iv = iv->next)
     char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
     bigBedIntervalToRow(iv, chrom, startBuf, endBuf, row, bbi->fieldCount);
     int i;
     struct sqlFieldType *fi = fiList;
     if (jsonOutputArrays)
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
 	for (i = 0; i < bbi->fieldCount; ++i)
 	    jsonDatumOut(jw, NULL, row[i], jsonTypes[i]);
 	jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 	for (i = 0; i < bbi->fieldCount; ++i, fi = fi->next)
 	    jsonDatumOut(jw, fi->name, row[i], jsonTypes[i]);
     if (itemCount >= maxItemsOutput)
 	reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
 return itemCount;
 }	/* static void bbiDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, . . . ) */
 static unsigned wigDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bwf,
     char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end)
 /* output wig data for one chrom in the given bwf file, return itemCount out */
 unsigned itemCount = 0;
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct bbiInterval *iv, *ivList = bigWigIntervalQuery(bwf, chrom, start, end, lm);
 if (NULL == ivList)
     return itemCount;
 jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom);
 for (iv = ivList; iv && itemCount < maxItemsOutput; iv = iv->next)
     int s = max(iv->start, start);
     int e = min(iv->end, end);
     double val = iv->val;
     if (jsonOutputArrays)
 	jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)s);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)e);
 	jsonWriteDouble(jw, NULL, val);
 	jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)s);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)e);
 	jsonWriteDouble(jw, "value", val);
 if (itemCount >= maxItemsOutput)
     reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
 return itemCount;
 }	/*	static unsigned wigDataOutput(...) */
 static void bigWigData(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom,
     unsigned start, unsigned end)
 /* output the data for a bigWig bbi file */
 struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL;
 unsigned itemsDone = 0;
 if (isEmpty(chrom))
     chromList = bbiChromList(bwf);
     struct bbiChromInfo *bci;
     for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next)
 	itemsDone += wigDataOutput(jw, bwf, bci->name, 0, bci->size);
 	if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput)
 	    reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
 	itemsDone += wigDataOutput(jw, bwf, chrom, start, end);
 itemsReturned += itemsDone;
 static void getHubTrackData(char *hubUrl)
 /* return data from a hub track, optionally just one chrom data,
  *  optionally just one section of that chrom data
 char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
 char *trackArg = cgiOptionalString("track");
 char *chrom = cgiOptionalString("chrom");
 char *start = cgiOptionalString("start");
 char *end = cgiOptionalString("end");
 if (isEmpty(genome))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing genome=<name> for endpoint '/getData/track'  given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl);
 if (isEmpty(trackArg))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing track=<name> for endpoint '/getData/track'  given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl);
 struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = findHubGenome(hub, genome, "/getData/track",
 struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(hubGenome, NULL);
 if (NULL == tdb)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find a track hub definition in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track'  given hubUrl='%s'", genome, hubUrl);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
 // allow optional comma sep list of tracks
 char *tracks[100];
 int numTracks = chopByChar(trackArg, ',', tracks, sizeof(tracks));
 int i = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++)
     char *track = cloneString(tracks[i]);
     struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(track, tdb);
     if (NULL == thisTrack)
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track'  given hubUrl='%s'", track, genome, hubUrl);
     if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack))
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container for data access", track);
     if (! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type))
         apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, track);
     char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl");
     struct bbiFile *bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
     if (NULL == bbi)
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track type %s management not implemented yet TBD track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track'  given hubUrl='%s'", thisTrack->type, track, genome, hubUrl);
     unsigned chromSize = 0;
     struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL;
     if (isNotEmpty(chrom))
         chromSize = bbiChromSize(bbi, chrom);
         if (0 == chromSize)
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in bigBed file URL '%s', track=%s genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", chrom, bigDataUrl, track, genome, hubUrl);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromSize", (long long)chromSize);
         chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(chromList));
     unsigned uStart = 0;
     unsigned uEnd = chromSize;
     if ( ! (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) )
         uStart = sqlUnsigned(start);
         uEnd = sqlUnsigned(end);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", uStart);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", uEnd);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "bigDataUrl", bigDataUrl);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "trackType", thisTrack->type);
     if (allowedBigBedType(thisTrack->type))
         struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi);
         if (! as)
         apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome: '%s' for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", bigDataUrl, track, genome, hubUrl);
         struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
         if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
             bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as);
         jsonWriteListStart(jw, track);
         unsigned itemsDone = 0;
         if (isEmpty(chrom))
         struct bbiChromInfo *bci;
         for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next)
             itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, bci->name, 0, bci->size,
             fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone);
             if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput)
             reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
         itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd, fiList,
             thisTrack, itemsDone);
         itemsReturned += itemsDone;
     else if (startsWith("bigWig", thisTrack->type))
         if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track);
         bigWigData(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 }	/*	static void getHubTrackData(char *hubUrl)	*/
 static void getTrackData()
 /* return data from a track, optionally just one chrom data,
  *  optionally just one section of that chrom data
 char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome");
 char *chrom = cgiOptionalString("chrom");
 char *start = cgiOptionalString("start");
 char *end = cgiOptionalString("end");
 /* 'track' name in trackDb often refers to a SQL 'table' */
 char *trackArg = cgiOptionalString("track");
 //char *sqlTable = cloneString(trackArg); /* might be something else */
      /* depends upon 'table' setting in track db, or split table business */
 unsigned chromSize = 0;	/* maybe set later */
 unsigned uStart = 0;
 unsigned uEnd = chromSize;	/* maybe set later */
 if ( ! (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) )
     uStart = sqlUnsigned(start);
     uEnd = sqlUnsigned(end);
     if (uEnd < uStart)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "given start coordinate %u is greater than given end coordinate", uStart, uEnd);
 if (isEmpty(db))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL variable genome=<ucscDb> name for endpoint '/getData/track");
 if (isEmpty(trackArg))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL variable track=<trackName> name for endpoint '/getData/track");
 /* database existence has already been checked before now, might
  * have disappeared in the mean time (well, not really . . .)
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
 if (NULL == conn)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find genome 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/getData/track", db);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
 // load the tracks
 struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL;
-cartTrackDbInitForApi(NULL, db, &tdbList, NULL, FALSE);
+cartTrackDbInitForApi(NULL, db, &tdbList, NULL, TRUE);
 // allow optional comma sep list of tracks
 char *tracks[100];
 int numTracks = chopByChar(trackArg, ',', tracks, sizeof(tracks));
 int i = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++)
     char *track = cloneString(tracks[i]);
     char *sqlTable = cloneString(track);
+    if (cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(db, sqlTable) ||
+            (cartTrackDbIsNoGenome(db, sqlTable) && !(chrom && start && end)))
+        apiErrAbort(err403, err403Msg, "this data request: 'db=%s;track=%s' is protected data, see also:", db, track);
     struct trackDb *thisTrack = tdbForTrack(db, track, &tdbList);
     if (NULL == thisTrack)
         if (! sqlTableExists(conn, track))
             apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find track=%s name for endpoint '/getData/track", track);
     if (thisTrack && ! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type))
         apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, track);
     if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack))
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container", track);
     /* might be a big* track with no table */
     char *bigDataUrl = NULL;
     boolean tableTrack = TRUE;
     if (thisTrack)
         bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl");
         /* might have a specific table defined instead of the track name */
         char *tableName = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "table");
         if (isNotEmpty(tableName))
             sqlTable = cloneString(tableName);
         sqlTable = cloneString(track);
-    if (protectedTrack(db, thisTrack, sqlTable) && !(chrom && start && end))
-            apiErrAbort(err403, err403Msg, "this data request: 'db=%s;track=%s' is protected data, see also:", db, track);
     struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTable);
     char *splitSqlTable = NULL;
     if (hti && hti->isSplit)
         if (isNotEmpty(chrom))
             char fullTableName[256];
             safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", chrom, hti->rootName);
             splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName);
             char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db);
             char fullTableName[256];
             safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName);
             splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName);
     if (! hTableOrSplitExists(db, sqlTable))
         if (! bigDataUrl)
             apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified 'track=%s' for endpoint: /getData/track?genome=%s;track=%s", track, db, track);
             tableTrack = FALSE;
     if (tableTrack)
         char *dataTime = NULL;
         if (hti && hti->isSplit)
             dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, splitSqlTable);
             dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, sqlTable);
         time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
         replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/*	ISO 8601	*/
         jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
         if (differentStringNullOk(sqlTable,track))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlTable", sqlTable);
     if (thisTrack)
         jsonWriteString(jw, "trackType", thisTrack->type);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "track", track);
     if (debug)
         jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "jsonOutputArrays", jsonOutputArrays);
     char query[4096];
     struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
     struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL;
     if (thisTrack && startsWith("big", thisTrack->type))
         if (bigDataUrl)
             bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
             char quickReturn[2048];
             sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select fileName from %s", sqlTable);
             if (sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, quickReturn, sizeof(quickReturn)))
                 bigDataUrl = cloneString(quickReturn);
                 bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
         if (NULL == bbi)
             apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find bigDataUrl=%s for track=%s in database=%s for endpoint '/getData/track'", bigDataUrl, track, db);
         if (isNotEmpty(chrom))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom);
             chromSize = bbiChromSize(bbi, chrom);
             if (0 == chromSize)
                 apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in bigWig file URL %s", chrom, bigDataUrl);
             if (uEnd < 1)
                 uEnd = chromSize;
             jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromSize", (long long)chromSize);
             chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);
             jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(chromList));
          jsonWriteString(jw, "bigDataUrl", bigDataUrl);
     /* when start, end given, show them */
     if ( uEnd > uStart )
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", uStart);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", uEnd);
     if (thisTrack && allowedBigBedType(thisTrack->type))
         struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi);
         if (! as)
             apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome='%s' for endpoint '/getData/track'", bigDataUrl, track, db);
         struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
         if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
             bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as);
         jsonWriteListStart(jw, track);
         unsigned itemsDone = 0;
         if (isEmpty(chrom))
             struct bbiChromInfo *bci;
             for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next)
                 itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, bci->name, 0, bci->size,
                     fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone);
                 if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput)
                     reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
             itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd, fiList,
                     thisTrack, itemsDone);
         itemsReturned += itemsDone;
     else if (thisTrack && startsWith("bigWig", thisTrack->type))
         if (jsonOutputArrays || debug)
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track);
         bigWigData(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd);
         tableDataOutput(db, thisTrack, conn, jw, track, chrom, uStart, uEnd);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 }	/*	static void getTrackData()	*/
 static void getSequenceData(char *db, char *hubUrl)
 /* return DNA sequence, given at least a genome=name and chrom=chr,
    optionally start and end, might be a track hub for UCSC database  */
 char *chrom = cgiOptionalString("chrom");
 char *start = cgiOptionalString("start");
 char *end = cgiOptionalString("end");
 long timeStart = clock1000();
 if (isEmpty(chrom))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL chrom=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s'", db);
 if (chromSeqFileExists(db, chrom))
     struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, chrom);
     unsigned chromSize = ci->size;
     struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
     if (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end))
 	if (chromSize > MAX_DNA_LENGTH)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %u (size of %s) too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s'", chromSize, chrom, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, db, chrom);
 	    seq = hChromSeqMixed(db, chrom, 0, chromSize);
 	if ( (sqlSigned(end) - sqlSigned(start)) > MAX_DNA_LENGTH)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s'", sqlSigned(end) - sqlSigned(start), MAX_DNA_LENGTH, db, chrom, start, end);
 	    if (sqlSigned(end) > chromSize)
 		apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request end coordinate %d past end of chromosome size %d for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s'", sqlSigned(end), chromSize, db, chrom, start, end);
 	    seq = hChromSeqMixed(db, chrom, sqlSigned(start), sqlSigned(end));
     long endTime = clock1000();
     long long et = endTime - timeStart;
     if (NULL == seq)
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s'", chrom, db, chrom);
     struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
     if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl))
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
     if (measureTiming)
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dnaFetchTimeMs", et);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom);
     if (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end))
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)sqlSigned(start));
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)sqlSigned(end));
     timeStart = clock1000();
     jsonWriteString(jw, "dna", seq->dna);
     endTime = clock1000();
     et = endTime - timeStart;
     if (measureTiming)
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dnaJsonWriteTimeMs", et);
     apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in sequence for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s", chrom, db, chrom);
 }	/*	static void getSequenceData(char *db, char *hubUrl)	*/
 static void getHubSequenceData(char *hubUrl)
 /* return DNA sequence, given at least a genome=name and chrom=chr,
    optionally start and end  */
 char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
 char *chrom = cgiOptionalString("chrom");
 char *start = cgiOptionalString("start");
 char *end = cgiOptionalString("end");
 if (isEmpty(genome))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing genome=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence'  given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl);
 if (isEmpty(chrom))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing chrom=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", genome, hubUrl);
 struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = NULL;
 for (hubGenome = hub->genomeList; hubGenome; hubGenome = hubGenome->next)
     if (sameString(genome, hubGenome->name))
 if (NULL == hubGenome)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence'  given hubUrl '%s'", genome, hubUrl);
 /* might be a UCSC database track hub, where hubGenome=name is the database */
 if (isEmpty(hubGenome->twoBitPath))
     getSequenceData(hubGenome->name, hubUrl);
 /* this MaybeChromInfo will open the twoBit file, if not already done */
 struct chromInfo *ci = trackHubMaybeChromInfo(hubGenome->name, chrom);
 unsigned chromSize = ci->size;
 if (NULL == ci)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", chrom, genome, chrom, hubUrl);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom);
 int fragStart = 0;
 int fragEnd = 0;
 if (isNotEmpty(start) && isNotEmpty(end))
     fragStart = sqlSigned(start);
     fragEnd = sqlSigned(end);
     if ((fragEnd - fragStart) > MAX_DNA_LENGTH)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%d;end=%d' given hubUrl='%s'", fragEnd-fragEnd, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, genome, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd, hubUrl);
     if (fragEnd > chromSize)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request end coordinate %d past end of chromosome size %d for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%d;end=%d' given hubUrl='%s'", fragEnd, chromSize, genome, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd, hubUrl);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)fragStart);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)fragEnd);
     if (ci->size > MAX_DNA_LENGTH)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", ci->size, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, genome, chrom, hubUrl);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size);
 struct dnaSeq *seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(hubGenome->tbf, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd);
 if (NULL == seq)
     if (fragEnd > fragStart)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s' give hubUrl='%s'", chrom, start, end, genome, chrom, start, end, hubUrl);
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' give hubUrl='%s'", chrom, genome, chrom, hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dna", seq->dna);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 void apiGetData(char *words[MAX_PATH_INFO])
 /* 'getData' function, words[1] is the subCommand */
 char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl");
 if (sameWord("track", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argGetDataTrack);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /getData/track '%s'", extraArgs);
     if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl))
 else if (sameWord("sequence", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argGetDataSequence);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /getData/sequence '%s'", extraArgs);
     if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl))
 	char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome");
 	if (isEmpty(db))
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL genome=<ucscDb> name for endpoint '/getData/sequence");
 	/* existence of db has already been proven before getting here */
 	getSequenceData(db, NULL);
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "do not recognize endpoint function: '/%s/%s'", words[0], words[1]);