  Fri Mar 10 02:44:26 2023 -0800
trying to improve docs page for uniprot, email with markd and jonathan, no redmine

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/uniprot.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/uniprot.html
index 7ca655c..4a55ab6 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/uniprot.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/uniprot.html
@@ -152,47 +152,60 @@
 Briefly, UniProt protein sequences were aligned to the transcripts associated
 with the protein, the top-scoring alignments were retained, and the result was
 projected to the genome through a transcript-to-genome alignment.
 Depending on the genome, the transcript-genome alignments was either
 provided by the source database (NBCI RefSeq), created at UCSC (UCSC RefSeq) or
 derived from the transcripts (Ensembl/Augustus).  The transcript set is NCBI
 RefSeq for hg38, UCSC RefSeq for hg19 (due to alt/fix haplotype misplacements 
 in the NCBI RefSeq set on hg19). For other genomes, RefSeq, Ensembl and Augustus 
 are tried, in this order. The resulting protein-genome alignments of this process 
 are available in the file formats for liftOver or pslMap from our data archive
 (see "Data Access" section below).
-<p>An important step of the mapping process is filtering the alignment from
-protein to transcript. Due to differences between the UniProt proteins and the
-transcripts and the genome, the best matching transcript is not always the
-correct transcript.  Therefore, only for organisms that have a RefSeq transcript track,
-proteins are only aligned to the RefSeq transcripts that are annotated
-by UniProt for this protein. If no transcripts are annotated on the protein, or
-the annotated ones do not exist anymore, but a NCBI Gene ID is annotated,
-the RefSeq transcripts for the gene are used.  If no NCBI Gene is annotated,
-then the best matching alignment is used. Only a handful of edge cases
-(pseudogenes, very recently added proteins) on hg38 remain where the
-global transcriptome-wide matches have to be used.  The details page of the
-protein alignments shows the transcripts used for the mapping and how
-these transcripts were found. There can be multiple transcripts for one
-protein, as their coding sequences can be identical or several of them do
-not differ by more than 1% in alignment score.
+<p>An important step of the mapping process protein -&gt; transcript -&gt;
+genome is filtering the alignment from protein to transcript. Due to
+differences between the UniProt proteins and the transcripts (proteins were
+made many years before the transcripts were made, and human genomes have
+variants), the transcript with the highest BLAST score when aligning the
+protein to all transcripts is not always the correct transcript for a protein
+sequence.  Therefore, the protein sequence is aligned to only a very short list
+of one or sometimes more transcripts, selected by a three-step procedure:
+    <li>Use transcripts directly annotated by UniProt: for organisms that have a RefSeq transcript track,
+proteins are aligned to the RefSeq transcripts that are annotated
+by UniProt for this particular protein.
+    <li>Use transcripts for NCBI Gene ID annotated by UniProt: If no transcripts are annotated on the
+protein, or the annotated ones have been deprecated by NCBI, but a NCBI Gene ID is
+annotated, the RefSeq transcripts for this Gene ID are used. This can result in multiple matching transcripts for a protein.
+    <li>Use best matching transcript: If no NCBI Gene is
+annotated, then BLAST scores are used to pick the transcripts. There can be multiple transcripts for one
+protein, as their coding sequences can be identical. All transcripts within 1% of the highest observed BLAST score are used.
+For strategy 2 and 3, many of the transcripts found do not differ in coding
+sequence, so the resulting alignments on the genome will be identical.
+Therefore, any identical alignments are removed in a final filtering step. The
+details page of these alignments will contain a list of all transcripts that
+result in the same protein-genome alignment.  On hg38, only a handful of edge
+cases (pseudogenes, very recently added proteins) remain in 2023 where strategy
+3 has to be used.</p>
 <p>In other words, when an NCBI or UCSC RefSeq track is used for the mapping and to align a
 protein sequence to the correct transcript, we use a three stage process:
     <li>If UniProt has annotated a given RefSeq transcript for a given protein
     sequence, the protein is aligned to this transcript. Any difference in the
     version suffix is tolerated in this comparison.  
     <li>If no transcript is annotated or the transcript cannot be found in the
     NCBI/UCSC RefSeq track, the UniProt-annotated NCBI Gene ID is resolved to a
     set of NCBI RefSeq transcript IDs via the most current version of NCBI
     genes tables. Only the top match of the resulting alignments and all
     others within 1% of its score are used for the mapping.
     <li>If no transcript can be found after step (2), the protein is aligned to all transcripts,
     the top match, and all others within 1% of its score are used.
@@ -207,82 +220,97 @@
 this process or example edge cases. We are not aware of a way to evaluate the
 results completely and in an automated manner.</p>
 Proteins were aligned to transcripts with TBLASTN, converted to PSL, filtered
 with pslReps (93% query coverage, keep alignments within top 1% score), lifted to genome
 positions with pslMap and filtered again with pslReps.  UniProt annotations were
 obtained from the UniProt XML file.  The UniProt annotations were then mapped to the
 genome through the alignment described above using the pslMap program.  This approach
 draws heavily on the <A HREF="https://modbase.compbio.ucsf.edu/LS-SNP/"
 TARGET="_BLANK">LS-SNP</A> pipeline by Mark Diekhans.
 Like all Genome Browser source code, the main script used to build this track
 can be found on <a
-<h2>Automated data updates and release history</h2>
+<h2>Older releases</h2>
 This track is automatically updated on an ongoing basis, every 2-3 months.
-The current version is always shown on the track details page, it includes the
+The current version name is always shown on the track details page, it includes the
 release of UniProt, the version of the transcript set and a unique MD5 that is
 based on the protein sequences, the transcript sequences, the mapping file
 between both and the transcript-genome alignment. The exact transcript
 that was used for the alignment is shown when clicking a protein alignment
 in one of the two alignment tracks.
-For reproducibility of older analysis results, previous versions of this track
+For reproducibility of older analysis results and for manual inspection, previous versions of this track
 are available for browsing in the form of the <a
-    target=_blank> UCSC UniProt Archive Track Hub</a>. The underlying data of
+    target=_blank> UCSC UniProt Archive Track Hub</a> (click this link to connect the hub now). The underlying data of
     all releases of this track (past and current) can be obtained from our <a
 target=_blank>downloads server</a>, including the UniProt
-protein-to-genome alignment. The file formats available are in the
-command line programs liftOver or pslMap, which can be used to map
-coordinates on protein sequences to genome coordinates. The filenames are
-unipToGenome.over.chain.gz (liftOver) and unipToGenomeLift.psl.gz (pslMap).  </p>
+protein-to-genome alignment.</p>
 <h2>Data Access</h2>
 The raw data of the current track can be explored interactively with the
 <a href="../cgi-bin/hgTables">Table Browser</a>, or the
 <a href="../cgi-bin/hgIntegrator">Data Integrator</a>.
 For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that 
 can be downloaded from the
 <a href="http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/$db/uniprot/" target="_blank">download server</a>.
 The exact filenames can be found in the 
 <a href="https://github.com/ucscGenomeBrowser/kent/blob/master/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/uniprot.ra">track configuration file</a>. 
 Annotations can be converted to ASCII text by our tool <tt>bigBedToBed</tt>
 which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled
 binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found
 <a href="http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#utilities_downloads">here</a>.
 The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example:
 <tt>bigBedToBed http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/$db/uniprot/unipStruct.bb -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout</tt> 
 Please refer to our
 <a href="https://groups.google.com/a/soe.ucsc.edu/forum/#!forum/genome">mailing list archives</a>
 for questions, or our
 <a href="../FAQ/FAQdownloads.html#download36">Data Access FAQ</a>
 for more information. 
+<h2>Lifting from UniProt to genome coordinates in pipelines</h2>
+<p>To facilitate mapping protein coordinates to the genome, we provide the
+alignment files in formats that are suitable for our command line tools. Our
+command line programs liftOver or pslMap can be used to map
+coordinates on protein sequences to genome coordinates. The filenames are
+unipToGenome.over.chain.gz (liftOver) and unipToGenomeLift.psl.gz (pslMap).</p>
+<p>Example commands:
+wget -q https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/archive/hg38/uniprot/2022_03/unipToGenome.over.chain.gz
+wget -q https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/liftOver
+chmod a+x liftOver
+echo 'Q99697 1 10 annotationOnProtein' &gt; prot.bed
+liftOver prot.bed unipToGenome.over.chain.gz genome.bed
+cat genome.bed
 This track was created by Maximilian Haeussler at UCSC, with a lot of input from Chris
 Lee, Mark Diekhans and Brian Raney, feedback from the UniProt staff, Alejo
 Mujica, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Pia Riestra, GeneDx. Thanks to UniProt for making all data
 available for download.
 UniProt Consortium.
 <a href="https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/40/D1/D71/2903687/Reorganizing-the-protein-space-at-
 the-Universal" target="_blank">