  Mon Feb 27 11:38:55 2023 -0800
Adding transparency support for colors refs #30569

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/rnaPLFoldTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/rnaPLFoldTrack.c
index 505875d..94f2f29 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/rnaPLFoldTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/rnaPLFoldTrack.c
@@ -1,416 +1,416 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2010 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "rnaPLFoldTrack.h"
 /* ------ BEGIN RNAplfold ------ */
 /* Declare our color gradients and the the number of colors in them */
 Color plShadesPos[RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES * 3];
 Color plOutlineColor;
 Color plHighDprimeLowLod; /* blue */
 double basePairSpan=0;
 int maxBasePairSpan=5000;
 boolean rnaPLFoldInv=FALSE; // default is inverted = sequence on buttom
 double scaleHeight=0;
 void plShadesInit(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, boolean isDprime) 
 /* Allocate the LD for positive and negative values, and error cases */
-static struct rgbColor white = {255, 255, 255};
-static struct rgbColor red   = {255,   0,   0};
-static struct rgbColor green = {0   , 255,  0};
-static struct rgbColor blue  = {  0,   0, 255};
+static struct rgbColor white = {255, 255, 255, 255};
+static struct rgbColor red   = {255,   0,   0, 255};
+static struct rgbColor green = {0   , 255,  0, 255};
+static struct rgbColor blue  = {  0,   0, 255, 255};
 plOutlineColor = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 0, 0, 0); /* black */
 plHighDprimeLowLod = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 192, 192, 240); /* blue */
 hvGfxMakeColorGradient(hvg, &white, &blue,  RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES, plShadesPos);
 hvGfxMakeColorGradient(hvg, &white, &red,   RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES, plShadesPos + RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES);
 hvGfxMakeColorGradient(hvg, &white, &green, RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES, plShadesPos + 2 * RNAPLFOLD_DATA_SHADES);
 char *cartString = cartCgiUsualString(cart, RNAPLFOLD_INVERT, RNAPLFOLD_INVERT_DEF);
 rnaPLFoldInv =  sameString(cartString,RNAPLFOLD_INVERT_BUTTOM) ? FALSE : TRUE;
 void plInitColorLookup(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, boolean isDprime)
 plShadesInit(tg, hvg, isDprime);
 colorLookup[(int)'a'] = plShadesPos[0];
 colorLookup[(int)'b'] = plShadesPos[1];
 colorLookup[(int)'c'] = plShadesPos[2];
 colorLookup[(int)'d'] = plShadesPos[3];
 colorLookup[(int)'e'] = plShadesPos[4];
 colorLookup[(int)'f'] = plShadesPos[5];
 colorLookup[(int)'g'] = plShadesPos[6];
 colorLookup[(int)'h'] = plShadesPos[7];
 colorLookup[(int)'i'] = plShadesPos[8];
 colorLookup[(int)'j'] = plShadesPos[9];
 colorLookup[(int)'A'] = plShadesPos[10];
 colorLookup[(int)'B'] = plShadesPos[11];
 colorLookup[(int)'C'] = plShadesPos[12];
 colorLookup[(int)'D'] = plShadesPos[13];
 colorLookup[(int)'E'] = plShadesPos[14];
 colorLookup[(int)'F'] = plShadesPos[15];
 colorLookup[(int)'G'] = plShadesPos[16];
 colorLookup[(int)'H'] = plShadesPos[17];
 colorLookup[(int)'I'] = plShadesPos[18];
 colorLookup[(int)'J'] = plShadesPos[19];
 colorLookup[(int)'K'] = plShadesPos[20]; 
 colorLookup[(int)'L'] = plShadesPos[21];
 colorLookup[(int)'M'] = plShadesPos[22];
 colorLookup[(int)'N'] = plShadesPos[23];
 colorLookup[(int)'O'] = plShadesPos[24];
 colorLookup[(int)'P'] = plShadesPos[25];
 colorLookup[(int)'Q'] = plShadesPos[26];
 colorLookup[(int)'R'] = plShadesPos[27];
 colorLookup[(int)'S'] = plShadesPos[28];
 colorLookup[(int)'T'] = plShadesPos[29];
 //colorLookup[(int)'y'] = plHighLodLowDprime; /* LOD error case */
 //colorLookup[(int)'z'] = plHighDprimeLowLod; /* LOD error case */
 void bedLoadRnaLpFoldItemByQuery(struct track *tg, char *table, 
 				 char *query, ItemLoader loader)
 /* RNALPFOLD specific tg->item loader, as we need to load items beyond
    the current window to load the chromEnd positions for RNALPFOLD values. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 int rowOffset = 0;
 //int chromEndOffset = min(winEnd-winStart, 250000); /* extended chromEnd range */
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 char **row = NULL;
 struct slList *itemList = NULL, *item = NULL;
 char altTable[64];
  if(winEnd-winStart < maxBasePairSpan)
      // test if another base-pair span as default is set
      char *tableSuffix = cartCgiUsualString(cart, RNAPLFOLD_MAXBPDISTANCE, RNAPLFOLD_MAXBPDISTANCE_DEF);
      //if(strcmp(tableSuffix,RNAPLFOLD_MAXBPDISTANCE_DEF) != 0)
      //  {
      //  }
      if(query == NULL)
        sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, chromName, winStart, winEnd/*+chromEndOffset*/, NULL, &rowOffset);
        sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
      while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     item = loader(row + rowOffset);
     slAddHead(&itemList, item);
  //slSort(&itemList, bedCmp);
  tg->items = itemList;
 void bedLoadRnaLpFoldItem(struct track *tg, char *table, ItemLoader loader)
 /* RNALPFOLD specific tg->item loader. */
 bedLoadRnaLpFoldItemByQuery(tg, table, NULL, loader);
 void rnaPLFoldLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* loadItems loads up items for the chromosome range indicated.   */
 bedLoadRnaLpFoldItem(tg, tg->table, (ItemLoader)rnaPLFoldLoad);
 tg->canPack = FALSE;
 int rnaPLFoldTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Return total height. Called before and after drawItems. 
  * Must set height, lineHeight, heightPer */ 
 tg->lineHeight = tl.fontHeight + 1;
 tg->heightPer  = tg->lineHeight - 1;
 if ( vis==tvDense || ( tg->limitedVisSet && tg->limitedVis==tvDense ) )
     tg->height = tg->lineHeight;
      tg->height = max((int)(insideWidth*(basePairSpan/2.0)/(winEnd-winStart)),tg->lineHeight);
      if(tg->height > 200)
 	 scaleHeight = 200.0 / (double)tg->height;
 	 tg->height = 200; // test !!
        scaleHeight = 1;
 return tg->height;
 void lpDrawDiamond(struct hvGfx *hvg, 
 		   int xl, int yl, int xt, int yt, int xr, int yr, int xb, int yb, 
 		   Color fillColor, Color outlineColor)
 /* Draw diamond shape. */
 struct gfxPoly *poly = gfxPolyNew();
 gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xl, yl);
 gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xt, yt);
 gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xr, yr);
 gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xb, yb);
 hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fillColor, TRUE);
 void rnaPLFoldDrawDiamond(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg, int width, 
 			  int xOff, int yOff, int a, int b, int c, int d, 
 			  Color shade, Color outlineColor, double scale, 
 			  boolean drawMap, char *name, enum trackVisibility vis,
 			  boolean trim)
 /* Draw and map a single pairwise RNALPFOLD box */
 int yMax = rnaPLFoldTotalHeight(tg, vis)+yOff;
 /* convert from genomic coordinates to hvg coordinates */
 /* multiple coordinates by 10 to avoid integer division rounding errors */
 int xl = round((double)(scale*((c+a)/2-winStart*10)))/10 + xOff;
 int xt = round((double)(scale*((d+a)/2-winStart*10)))/10 + xOff;
 int xr = round((double)(scale*((d+b)/2-winStart*10)))/10 + xOff;
 int xb = round((double)(scale*((c+b)/2-winStart*10)))/10 + xOff;
 int yl = round((double)(scaleHeight * scale*(c-a)/2))/10 + yOff;
 int yt = round((double)(scaleHeight * scale*(d-a)/2))/10 + yOff;
 int yr = round((double)(scaleHeight * scale*(d-b)/2))/10 + yOff;
 int yb = round((double)(scaleHeight * scale*(c-b)/2))/10 + yOff;
 if (!rnaPLFoldInv)
     yl = yMax - yl + yOff;
     yt = yMax - yt + yOff;
     yr = yMax - yr + yOff;
     yb = yMax - yb + yOff;
 /* correct bottom coordinate if necessary */
 if (yb<=0)
 if (yt>yMax && trim)
  lpDrawDiamond(hvg, xl, yl, xt, yt, xr, yr, xb, yb, shade, outlineColor);
 return; /* mapDiamondUI is working well, but there is a bug with 
 	   AREA=POLY on the Mac browsers, so this will be 
 	   postponed for now by not using this code */
 	/* also, since it only goes to hgTrackUi, it is redundant with mapTrackBackground.
 	 * so keep this disabled until there is something more specific like an hgc 
 	 * handler for diamonds. */
 if (drawMap && xt-xl>5 && xb-xl>5)
     mapDiamondUi(hvg, xl, yl, xt, yt, xr, yr, xb, yb, name, tg->track,
 void rnaPLFoldAddToDenseValueHash(struct hash *rnaPLFoldHash, unsigned a, char rnaPLFoldVal)
 /* Add new values to rnaFoldLp hash or update existing values.
    Values are averaged along the diagonals. */
 ldAddToDenseValueHash(rnaPLFoldHash, a, rnaPLFoldVal);
 void rnaPLFoldDrawDenseValueHash(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg, int xOff, int yOff, 
 				 double scale, Color outlineColor, struct hash *ldHash)
 ldDrawDenseValueHash(hvg, tg, xOff, yOff, scale, outlineColor, ldHash);
 /* rnaPLFoldDrawItems -- lots of disk and cpu optimizations here.  
  * Based on rnaPLFoldDrawItems */
 void rnaPLFoldDrawItems(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 			struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 			MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw item list, one per track. */
 struct rnaPLFold *dPtr = NULL;
 // *sPtr = NULL; /* pointers to 5' and 3' ends */
 double       scale     = scaleForPixels(insideWidth);
 //int          itemCount = slCount((struct slList *)tg->items);
  Color        shade     = 0, outlineColor = plOutlineColor; //getOutlineColor(tg, itemCount);
 int          a=0, b, c, d=0, i; /* chromosome coordinates and counter */
 boolean      drawMap   = FALSE; /* ( itemCount<1000 ? TRUE : FALSE ); */
 //struct hash *rnaPLFoldHash    = newHash(20);
 Color        yellow    = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &undefinedYellowColor);
 char        *rnaPLFoldVal     = NULL;
 boolean      rnaPLFoldTrm     = FALSE;
  int basePairOffset;
 if ( vis==tvDense || ( tg->limitedVisSet && tg->limitedVis==tvDense ) )
     hvGfxBox(hvg, insideX, yOff, insideWidth, tg->height-1, yellow);
 mapTrackBackground(tg, hvg, xOff, yOff);
 /*nothing to do? */
 if (tg->items==NULL)
 /* initialize arrays to convert from ascii encoding to color values */
 plInitColorLookup(tg, hvg, FALSE);
 /* Loop through all items to get values and initial coordinates (a and b) */
 for (dPtr=tg->items; dPtr!=NULL && dPtr->next!=NULL; dPtr=dPtr->next)
     a = dPtr->chromStart;
     b = a+1; //dPtr->next->chromStart;
     rnaPLFoldVal = dPtr->colorIndex;
     i = 0;
     c = a/*+1*/;
     d = b/*+1*/;
     while(rnaPLFoldVal[i] != 'Z')
 	/* Loop through all items again to get end coordinates (c and d): used to be 'drawNecklace' */
 	while(rnaPLFoldVal[i] != 'Y' && rnaPLFoldVal[i] != 'Z')
 	  //    for ( sPtr=dPtr; i<dPtr->score && sPtr!=NULL && sPtr->next!=NULL; sPtr=sPtr->next )
 	    basePairOffset = 16 * (rnaPLFoldVal[i]-'A') + (rnaPLFoldVal[i+1]-'A');
 	    //basePairOffset = (int)rnaPLFoldVal[i+1]-(int)'A';
 	    //	    if(basePairOffset > 70)
 	    //	      errAbort("Invalid Offset %d, %c, %d, %s",i+1,rnaPLFoldVal[i+1],basePairOffset,rnaPLFoldVal);
 	// 	c = sPtr->chromStart;
 	//	d = sPtr->next->chromStart;
 	    shade = colorLookup[(int)rnaPLFoldVal[i]];
 	    if(b-a >1 || d-c>1)
 	      errAbort("Invalid distance: a:%d, b:%d, c:%d, d:%d",a,b,c,d);
 	//  shade = plHighLodLowDprime;
 	//	if ( vis==tvFull && ( !tg->limitedVisSet || ( tg->limitedVisSet && tg->limitedVis==tvFull ) ) )
 	       // emphasize stable base-pairs
 	       if(shade == plShadesPos[9] || shade == plShadesPos[19] || shade == plShadesPos[29])
 	    rnaPLFoldDrawDiamond(hvg, tg, width, xOff, yOff, a, b, c, d, shade, outlineColor, scale, drawMap, "", vis, rnaPLFoldTrm);
 	    //	else if ( vis==tvDense || ( tg->limitedVisSet && tg->limitedVis==tvDense ) )
 	    //	    {
 	    //	    rnaPLFoldAddToDenseValueHash(rnaPLFoldHash, a, rnaPLFoldVal[i]);
 	    //	    rnaPLFoldAddToDenseValueHash(rnaPLFoldHash, d, rnaPLFoldVal[i]);
 	    //	    }
 	    //	else
 	    //	    errAbort("Visibility '%s' is not supported for the RNALPFOLD track yet.", hStringFromTv(vis));
 	if(rnaPLFoldVal[i] == 'Y')
 // draw diagonals
 Color pColorDarkGray;
 Color pColorLightGray;
 pColorDarkGray = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 128, 128, 128); /* dark gray */
 pColorLightGray = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 200, 200, 200); /* light gray */
 int diagDark = atoi(cartCgiUsualString(cart, RNAPLFOLD_DIAGDARK, RNAPLFOLD_DIAGDARK_DEF));
 int diagLight = atoi(cartCgiUsualString(cart, RNAPLFOLD_DIAGLIGHT, RNAPLFOLD_DIAGLIGHT_DEF));
 int x,r;
  if(winEnd-winStart<1500)  // do not show diags when zoom out too far
      double xAdd;
      xAdd=(double)insideWidth / (double)(winEnd-winStart);
      // for(i=winStart-(winEnd-winStart),r=winStart-winEnd;i<winEnd;i++,r++)
 	 if(diagDark && i%diagDark == 0)
 	     hvGfxLine(hvg, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r), yOff+tg->height, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r+(basePairSpan*xAdd)), yOff-tg->height, pColorDarkGray);
 	     hvGfxLine(hvg, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r), yOff-tg->height, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r+(basePairSpan*xAdd)), yOff+tg->height , pColorDarkGray);
 	     if(diagLight && i%diagLight == 0)
 		 hvGfxLine(hvg, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r), yOff+tg->height, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r+(basePairSpan*xAdd)), yOff-tg->height, pColorLightGray);
 		 hvGfxLine(hvg, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r), yOff-tg->height, x+(int)(xAdd*(double)r+(basePairSpan*xAdd)), yOff+tg->height, pColorLightGray);
  //if ( vis==tvDense || ( tg->limitedVisSet && tg->limitedVis==tvDense ) )
  //   rnaPLFoldDrawDenseValueHash(hvg, tg, xOff, yOff, scale, outlineColor, rnaPLFoldHash);
 void rnaPLFoldDrawLeftLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 			     struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, 
 			     boolean withCenterLabels, MgFont *font,
 			     Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw left labels. */
 char  label[16];
 int   yVisOffset  = 0 + tl.fontHeight; // ( vis == tvDense ? 0 : tg->heightPer + height/2 );
 safecpy(label, sizeof(label), tg->shortLabel);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvg, leftLabelX, yOff+yVisOffset, leftLabelWidth, tg->heightPer);
 hvGfxTextRight(hvg, leftLabelX, yOff+yVisOffset, leftLabelWidth, tg->heightPer, color, font, label);
 hvGfxSetClip(hvg, insideX, yOff, insideWidth, tg->height);
 void rnaPLFoldMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* setup special methods for the RNA LP FOLD track */
 if(tg->subtracks != 0) /* Only load subtracks, not top level track. */
 tg->loadItems      = rnaPLFoldLoadItems;
 tg->totalHeight    = rnaPLFoldTotalHeight;
 tg->drawItems      = rnaPLFoldDrawItems;
 tg->freeItems      = ldFreeItems;
 tg->drawLeftLabels = rnaPLFoldDrawLeftLabels;
 tg->mapsSelf       = TRUE;
 tg->canPack        = FALSE;
 /* ------ END RNA LP FOLD ------ */