  Tue Mar 28 16:43:15 2023 -0700
fixing dbSnpJsonToTab part of the dbSnp pipeline, our code was not handling clinvar records that had multiple significances, even though the json clearly shows it can be a list. Also the jsonQuery code is great at fetching a list of elements that match your query, but it just sticks them all together, and has no idea which came from which so maintaining the grouping and order was tricky. Used Angies suggestion to html-encode the commas so the rest of the code just things it is a single string without any commas in it so it can work properly inside the comma-separated list. It also reports in Warnings.tab the comma-separated ones re-encoded so you can double check those RS ids worked correctly in the browser, it also lists the multiple-sigs list for easy viewing for the pipeline-runner. fixes #30617

diff --git src/hg/snp/dbSnpJsonToTab/dbSnpJsonToTab.c src/hg/snp/dbSnpJsonToTab/dbSnpJsonToTab.c
index 4d66933..2d051b0 100644
--- src/hg/snp/dbSnpJsonToTab/dbSnpJsonToTab.c
+++ src/hg/snp/dbSnpJsonToTab/dbSnpJsonToTab.c
@@ -1,2007 +1,2073 @@
 /* dbSnpJsonToTab - Extract fields from dbSNP JSON files, write out as tab-separated BED+. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2019 The Regents of the University of California */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "basicBed.h"
 #include "bigDbSnp.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "indelShift.h"
 #include "iupac.h"
 #include "jsonQuery.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "soTerm.h"
 #include "twoBit.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "dbSnpJsonToTab - Extract fields from dbSNP JSON files, write out as tab-separated track files\n"
   "   dbSnpJsonToTab assemblyList refSeqToUcsc refsnp-chrN.json[.gz] outRoot\n"
   "assemblyList is a comma-separated set of assembly_name values in JSON, e.g. 'GRCh37.p13,GRCh38.p12'\n"
   "refSeqToUcsc is tab-sep, 4 columns: RefSeq acc (NC_...), assembly_name, twoBitFile, ucscName (chr...)\n"
   "Track files starting with outRoot will be created:\n"
   "  outRoot.<assembly>.bigDbSnp: BED4+ for main dbSNP track in each assembly in assemblyList\n"
   "                               (final columns need to be added later by bedJoinTabOffset)\n"
   "  outRootDetails.tab: tab-separated allele frequency counts and other details (for bedJoinTabOffset)\n"
   "  outRoot.<assembly>.badCoords.bed: plain BED4 with range of inconsistent SPDI coords\n"
   "Additional files are written out for error reporting:\n"
   "  outRootMerged.tab: two columns, obsolete dbSNP rs# ID and current rs# ID\n"
   "  outRootErrors.tab: lines of error info for rejected JSON objects\n"
   "  outRootWarnings.tab: warnings to report to dbSNP for rejected mappings or frequencies\n"
   "   -freqSourceOrder=LIST      LIST is an ordered, comma-sep list of project names (no spaces)\n"
   "                              for frequency data submitted to dbSNP, e.g. '1000genomes,GnomAD'\n"
   "                              If given, then the bigDbSnp minorAlleleFreq array uses the order.\n"
   "                              Otherwise minorAlleleFreq contains only one frequency, from the\n"
   "                              project with the highest sample count reported for that variant.\n"
   "   -equivRegions=FILE         Each line of FILE contains space-separated acc:start:end regions\n"
   "                              that are equivalent, for example PAR1 or PAR2 on X and Y,\n"
   "                              or an alt sequence and the corresponding portion of its chrom.\n"
   "                              These use RefSeq accesions not UCSC chr names, so that multiple\n"
   "                              assemblies can be described in the same file.\n"
 // Globals
 int freqSourceCount = 0;
 char **freqSourceOrder = NULL;
 struct hash *seqIsRc = NULL;
 struct hash *ncGrcToChrom = NULL;
 struct hash *ncToTwoBitChrom = NULL;
 struct hash *ncToSeqWin = NULL;
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
     {"freqSourceOrder", OPTION_STRING},
     {"equivRegions", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0},
 struct outStreams
 /* Container for various output files that are not assembly-specific */
     FILE *details;    // outRootDetails.tab
     FILE *merged;     // outRootMerged.tab
     FILE *err;        // outRootErrors.tab
     FILE *warn;       // outRootWarnings.tab
 static FILE *openOutFile(char *format, char *outRoot)
 /* Open a file for writing, named by format (which must have exactly one %s) and outRoot. */
 struct dyString *name = dyStringCreate(format, outRoot);
 FILE *outF = mustOpen(name->string, "w");
 return outF;
 static struct outStreams *outStreamsOpen(char *outRoot)
 /* Open output file handles */
 struct outStreams *outStreams;
 outStreams->details = openOutFile("%sDetails.tab", outRoot);
 outStreams->merged = openOutFile("%sMerged.tab", outRoot);
 outStreams->err = openOutFile("%sErrors.tab", outRoot);
 outStreams->warn = openOutFile("%sWarnings.tab", outRoot);
 return outStreams;
 static void outStreamsClose(struct outStreams **pOutStreams)
 /* Close file handles and free struct. */
 if (*pOutStreams != NULL)
     struct outStreams *outStreams = *pOutStreams;
 struct spdiBed
 /* dbSNP 2.0 variant representation: {Sequence, Position, Deletion, Insertion}, expanded to
  * cover ambiguous placement region for indels when applicable. Add chromEnd to get bed3+. */
     struct spdiBed *next;
     char *chrom;           // Sequence ID
     uint chromStart;       // Position: 0-based start
     uint chromEnd;         // Position + number of deleted bases
     char *del;             // Deleted sequence (starting at pos) -- or number of deleted bases
     char *ins;             // Inserted sequence
 struct alObs
 // Unit of variant allele frequency observation
     struct alObs *next;
     char *allele;   // Variant allele sequence
     int obsCount;   // Number of chromosomes on which allele was observed by a project
     int totalCount; // Number of chromosomes on which project observed some allele of this variant
     int studyVersion; // Version of this study, there can be multiple for each allele.
 struct sharedProps
 /* Properties of a refsnp that are shared by all mappings to all assemblies. */
     // Extracted from JSON:
     char *name;                       // rs# ID
     int freqSourceCount;              // Number of projects reporting allele frequency observations
     struct spdiBed **freqSourceSpdis; // Array of per-project frequency allele SPDIs
     struct alObs **freqSourceObs;     // Array of per-project observation lists
     char **freqSourceMajorAl;         // Array of per-project major allele
     char **freqSourceMinorAl;         // Array of per-project minor allele
     double *freqSourceMaf;            // Array of per-project minor allele frequencies
     int biggestSourceIx;              // index of freqSourceObs with highest totalCount
     boolean *freqIsRc;                // Per-project flag for sequence isRc relative to ptlp
     struct slInt *soTerms;            // Sequence Ontology functional effect terms
     struct slName *submitters;        // dbSNP submitter handles
     struct slInt *pubMedIds;          // PubMed article citations
     struct slName *clinVarAccs;       // Accessions of ClinVar annotations, i.e. ClinVar RCV*
     struct slName *clinVarSigs;       // Reported ClinVar significance
     enum bigDbSnpClass class;         // {snv, mnv, ins, del, delins, identity}
     enum soTerm maxFuncImpact;        // {codingNonSyn, splice, codingSyn, intron, upstream, downstream, intergenic}
     int commonCount;                  // Number of projects reporting minor allele freq >= 1%
     int rareCount;                    // Number of projects reporting minor allele freq < 1%
     boolean freqIncomplete;           // At least one project provided no alt allele (only del==ins)
     boolean freqNotMapped;            // At least one project's report was not mapped to own asmbly
 struct spdiBed *spdiBedNewLm(char *seq, int pos, char *del, char *ins, struct lm *lm)
 /* Assume seq, del, and ins belong to lm and don't need to be cloned; alloc spdi in lm.
  * Checking validity of alleles is up to caller, but this does check whether del is a number
  * instead of sequence. */
 struct spdiBed *spdi;
 lmAllocVar(lm, spdi);
 spdi->chrom = seq;
 spdi->chromStart = pos;
 spdi->del = del;
 spdi->ins = ins;
 if (isAllDigits(del))
     spdi->chromEnd = pos + atoi(del);
     spdi->chromEnd = spdi->chromStart + strlen(del);
 return spdi;
 static boolean seqIsNucleotide(const char *seq)
 /* Return TRUE unless seq contains a character that is not in the IUPAC nucleotide set. */
 if (seq == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 const char *p;
 for (p = seq;  *p != '\0';  p++)
     if (!isIupac(*p))
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static struct spdiBed *parseSpdis(struct slRef *spdiList, char *name, struct lm *lm)
 /* Transform a list of SPDI JSON objects into a list of spdiBed. errAbort on invalid values. */
 struct spdiBed *spdiBList = NULL;
 struct slRef *spdiRef;
 for (spdiRef = spdiList;  spdiRef != NULL;  spdiRef = spdiRef->next)
     struct jsonElement *spdiEl = spdiRef->val;
     char *seq = jsonQueryString(spdiEl, "spdi", "seq_id", lm);
     int pos = jsonQueryInt(spdiEl, "spdi", "position", -1, lm);
     char *del = jsonQueryString(spdiEl, "spdi", "deleted_sequence", lm);
     char *ins = jsonQueryString(spdiEl, "spdi", "inserted_sequence", lm);
     if (seq == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing or null seq_id in spdi for %s", name);
     if (pos < 0)
         errAbort("Invalid or missing position in spdi for %s", name);
     if (del == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing or null deleted_sequence in spdi for %s", name);
     if (ins == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing or null inserted_sequence in spdi for %s", name);
     if (! seqIsNucleotide(del))
         errAbort("Invalid deleted_sequence '%s' in spdi for %s", del, name);
     if (! seqIsNucleotide(ins))
         errAbort("Invalid inserted_sequence '%s' in spdi for %s", ins, name);
     slAddHead(&spdiBList, spdiBedNewLm(seq, pos, del, ins, lm));
 return spdiBList;
 static boolean spdiBedListSameRef(struct spdiBed *spdiBList, char *rsId)
 /* Return TRUE if all spdiBed objects have the same chrom, chromStart and del.
  * errAbort if diff chrom, return FALSE for diff start/del. */
 if (spdiBList && spdiBList->next)
     struct spdiBed *spdiB;
     for (spdiB = spdiBList->next;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
         if (differentString(spdiBList->chrom, spdiB->chrom))
             errAbort("Mismatching SPDI seq ('%s' vs '%s') for %s",
                      spdiBList->chrom, spdiB->chrom, rsId);
         if (spdiBList->chromStart != spdiB->chromStart)
             warn("Mismatching SPDI pos (%s: %d vs %d) for %s",
                  spdiB->chrom, spdiBList->chromStart, spdiB->chromStart, rsId);
             return FALSE;
         if (differentString(spdiBList->del, spdiB->del))
             warn("Mismatching SPDI del (%s:%d: '%s' vs '%s') for %s",
                  spdiB->chrom, spdiB->chromStart, spdiBList->del, spdiB->del, rsId);
             return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static void spdiBedListAssertSameRef(struct spdiBed *spdiBList)
 /* Sanity check -- raise assertion if spdiBList elements do not all have the same seq, pos, del. */
 if (spdiBList && spdiBList->next)
     assert(spdiBList->chromEnd == spdiBList->chromStart + strlen(spdiBList->del));
     struct spdiBed *spdiB;
     for (spdiB = spdiBList->next;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
         assert(spdiB->chrom == spdiBList->chrom || sameString(spdiB->chrom, spdiBList->chrom));
         assert(spdiB->chromStart == spdiBList->chromStart);
         assert(spdiB->chromEnd == spdiBList->chromEnd);
         assert(spdiB->del == spdiBList->del || sameString(spdiB->del, spdiBList->del));
 static enum bigDbSnpClass varTypeToClass(char *varType)
 /* Convert JSON variant_type to bigDbSnp enum form. */
 if (sameString(varType, "snv"))
     return bigDbSnpSnv;
 else if (sameString(varType, "mnv"))
     return bigDbSnpMnv;
 else if (sameString(varType, "ins"))
     return bigDbSnpIns;
 else if (sameString(varType, "del"))
     return bigDbSnpDel;
 else if (sameString(varType, "delins"))
     return bigDbSnpDelins;
 else if (sameString(varType, "identity"))
     return bigDbSnpIdentity;
     errAbort("varTypeToClass: unrecognized variant_type '%s'.", varType);
 return bigDbSnpSnv;  // we never get here; appease gcc
 static int freqSourceToIx(char *source, struct slName **pSourceList, struct lm *lm)
 /* Convert source name to index using freqSourceOrder if defined, otherwise sourceList
  * (expand sourceList if source is not already in the list). */
 int ix = -1;
 if (freqSourceOrder)
     ix = stringArrayIx(source, freqSourceOrder, freqSourceCount);
     if (ix < 0)
         errAbort("freqSourceOrder does not contains '%s'", source);
     ix = slNameFindIx(*pSourceList, source);
     if (ix < 0)
         ix = slCount(*pSourceList);
         slAddTail(pSourceList, lmSlName(lm, source));
 return ix;
 static struct alObs *parseAlObs(struct jsonElement *obsEl, char **retSource,
                                 struct spdiBed **retSpdiB, struct lm *lm)
 /* Parse one allele observation. */
 struct alObs *obs = NULL;
 lmAllocVar(lm, obs);
 char *source = jsonQueryString(obsEl, "alObs", "study_name", lm);
 if (source == NULL)
     errAbort("parseAlObs: Missing or null study_name");
 struct slRef *spdiRef = jsonQueryElement(obsEl, "alObs", "observation", lm);
 struct spdiBed *spdiB = parseSpdis(spdiRef, source, lm);
 obs->allele = spdiB->ins;
 obs->obsCount = jsonQueryInt(obsEl, "alObs", "allele_count", -1, lm);
 obs->totalCount = jsonQueryInt(obsEl, "alObs", "total_count", -1, lm);
 obs->studyVersion = jsonQueryInt(obsEl, "alObs", "study_version", -1, lm);
 if (obs->obsCount < 0)
     errAbort("parseAlObs: allele_count not reported for %s (ins_seq %s)",
              source, obs->allele);
 if (obs->totalCount < 0)
     errAbort("parseAlObs: total_count not reported for %s (ins_seq %s)",
              source, obs->allele);
 if (obs->totalCount == 0)
     errAbort("parseAlObs: got a total_count of 0 for %s (ins_seq %s)",
              source, obs->allele);
 *retSource = source;
 *retSpdiB = spdiB;
 return obs;
 static void addMissingRefAllele(struct sharedProps *props, char *rsId, struct lm *lm)
 /* If the reference allele was omitted from frequency reports (dbSNP JIRA VR-178), infer the count
  * and add the reference allele to lists of spdis and obs. */
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     if (props->freqSourceSpdis[ix] == NULL)
     boolean gotRef = FALSE;
     int sumCounts = 0;
     struct spdiBed *spdiB;
     struct alObs *obs;
     for (spdiB = props->freqSourceSpdis[ix], obs = props->freqSourceObs[ix];
          spdiB != NULL && obs != NULL;
          spdiB = spdiB->next, obs = obs->next)
         if (sameString(spdiB->del, spdiB->ins))
             gotRef = TRUE;
         sumCounts += obs->obsCount;
     if (!gotRef)
         struct spdiBed *firstSpdiB = props->freqSourceSpdis[ix];
         struct alObs *firstObs = props->freqSourceObs[ix];
         if (sumCounts > firstObs->totalCount)
             errAbort("addMissingRefAllele: %s, source %d, total_count is %d < sum of non-ref "
                      "counts %d", rsId, ix, firstObs->totalCount, sumCounts);
         struct spdiBed *spdiB = spdiBedNewLm(firstSpdiB->chrom, firstSpdiB->chromStart,
                                              firstSpdiB->del, firstSpdiB->del, lm);
         struct alObs *obs;
         lmAllocVar(lm, obs);
         obs->allele = spdiB->del;
         obs->obsCount = firstObs->totalCount - sumCounts;
         obs->totalCount = firstObs->totalCount;
         slAddHead(&props->freqSourceSpdis[ix], spdiB);
         slAddHead(&props->freqSourceObs[ix], obs);
 static void stripOldStudyVersions(struct sharedProps *props, char *rsId)
 /* After frequency allele observations have been sorted into per-project lists,
  * make sure the alleles look like [ACGT]+ and the reported total_counts are consistent.
  * The sum of obsCounts may be less than total_count (no-calls), but not greater. */
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     int maxStudyVersion = 0;
     boolean multipleVersions = FALSE;
     struct alObs *obsList = props->freqSourceObs[ix], *obs;
     for (obs = obsList;  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
 	if (obs == obsList)
 	    maxStudyVersion = obs->studyVersion;
 	    if (obs->studyVersion > maxStudyVersion)
 		maxStudyVersion = obs->studyVersion;
 		multipleVersions = TRUE;
 	    else if (obs->studyVersion != maxStudyVersion)
 		multipleVersions = TRUE;
     if (multipleVersions)
 	struct alObs *newObsList = NULL;
 	struct alObs *nextObs = NULL;
 	struct spdiBed *spdiBList = props->freqSourceSpdis[ix], *spdiB, *nextSpdiB, *newSpdiBList = NULL;
         for (obs = obsList, spdiB = spdiBList;  obs != NULL; obs = nextObs, spdiB = nextSpdiB)
 	    nextObs = obs->next;
 	    nextSpdiB = spdiB->next;
 	    if (obs->studyVersion == maxStudyVersion)
 		slAddHead(&newObsList, obs);
 		slAddHead(&newSpdiBList, spdiB);
 	props->freqSourceObs[ix]   = newObsList;
 	props->freqSourceSpdis[ix] = newSpdiBList;
 static void checkFreqSourceObs(struct sharedProps *props, char *rsId)
 /* After frequency allele observations have been sorted into per-project lists,
  * make sure the alleles look like [ACGT]+ and the reported total_counts are consistent.
  * The sum of obsCounts may be less than total_count (no-calls), but not greater. */
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     int totalCount = 0;
     struct alObs *obsList = props->freqSourceObs[ix], *obs;
     for (obs = obsList;  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
         if (! seqIsNucleotide(obs->allele))
             errAbort("checkFreqSourceObs: invalid observed allele '%s' for %s", obs->allele, rsId);
         if (obs->obsCount < 0)
             errAbort("checkFreqSourceObs: invalid obsCount %d for %s", obs->obsCount, rsId);
         if (obs->obsCount > obs->totalCount)
             errAbort("checkFreqSourceObs: obsCount %d > totalCount %d for %s",
                      obs->obsCount, obs->totalCount, rsId);
         totalCount += obs->obsCount;
     for (obs = obsList;  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
         if (obs->totalCount < totalCount)
             errAbort("checkFreqSourceObs: obsCounts sum to %d, but total_count is %d for %s",
                      totalCount, obs->totalCount, rsId);
         else if (obs->totalCount != obsList->totalCount)
             errAbort("checkFreqSourceObs: inconsistent totalCount (%d for '%s' != %d for '%s' "
                      "for %s", obs->totalCount, obs->allele, obsList->totalCount, obsList->allele,
 static void parseFrequencies(struct slRef *annotationsRef, struct sharedProps *props,
                              char *rsId, struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract per-project allele frequency count data from JSON.  Note: the alleles are from the
  * reference assembly that the project used; current reference might be different. */
 struct slRef *obsList = jsonQueryElementList(annotationsRef, "annotations", "frequency[*]", lm);
 if (obsList != NULL)
     if (freqSourceOrder)
         props->freqSourceCount = freqSourceCount;
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceSpdis, freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceObs, freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqIsRc, freqSourceCount);
         props->freqSourceCount = 0;
         int allocSize = slCount(obsList);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceSpdis, allocSize);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceObs, allocSize);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqIsRc, allocSize);
     struct slName *unorderedSourceList = NULL;
     int maxSampleCount = 0;
     int biggestSourceIx = 0;
     int validCount = 0;
     struct slRef *obsRef;
     for (obsRef = obsList;  obsRef != NULL;  obsRef = obsRef->next)
         struct jsonElement *obsEl = obsRef->val;
         char *source = NULL;
         struct spdiBed *spdiB = NULL;
         struct alObs *obs = parseAlObs(obsEl, &source, &spdiB, lm);
         int ix = freqSourceToIx(source, &unorderedSourceList, lm);
         props->freqIsRc[ix] = hashIntValDefault(seqIsRc, spdiB->chrom, -1);
         if (props->freqIsRc[ix] >= 0)
             slAddHead(&props->freqSourceSpdis[ix], spdiB);
             slAddHead(&props->freqSourceObs[ix], obs);
             if (obs->totalCount > maxSampleCount)
                 maxSampleCount = obs->totalCount;
                 biggestSourceIx = ix;
             props->freqNotMapped = TRUE;
     if (props->freqNotMapped)
         warn("Frequency report not mapped to own assembly for %s", props->name);
     if (validCount > 0)
         if (!freqSourceOrder)
             props->freqSourceCount = slCount(unorderedSourceList);
         int ix;
         for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount; ix++)
         addMissingRefAllele(props, rsId, lm);
         stripOldStudyVersions(props, rsId);
         checkFreqSourceObs(props, rsId);
         props->biggestSourceIx = biggestSourceIx;
         props->freqSourceCount = 0;
         props->freqSourceSpdis = NULL;
         props->freqSourceObs = NULL;
         props->freqIsRc = NULL;
 static struct slInt *soTermStringIdToIdList(struct slName *soTermNames, struct lm *lm)
 /* Given a list of strings like "SO:0001627", convert them to enum soTerm, sort by functional
  * impact, discard duplicates and return as slInt list with highest impact first. */
 struct slInt *intList = NULL;
 if (soTermNames)
     int termCount = slCount(soTermNames);
     enum soTerm termArray[termCount];
     struct slName *term;
     int i;
     for (i = 0, term = soTermNames;  term != NULL;  i++, term = term->next)
         termArray[i] = soTermStringIdToId(term->name);
     assert(i == termCount);
     qsort(termArray, termCount, sizeof termArray[0], soTermCmp);
     for (i = 0;  i < termCount; i++)
         if (i == 0 || termArray[i] != termArray[i-1])
             struct slInt *intEl;
             lmAllocVar(lm, intEl);
             intEl->val = termArray[i];
             slAddHead(&intList, intEl);
 return intList;
 struct seqWindow *getChromSeq(struct hash *ncToSeqWin, char *nc, struct hash *ncToTwoBitChrom)
 /* Look up nc in ncToSeqWin.  If not found, look it up in ncToTwoBitChrom, make a seqWin,
  * store it in ncToSeqWin and return it.  Return NULL if neither hash has nc. */
 struct seqWindow *seqWin = hashFindVal(ncToSeqWin, nc);
 if (seqWin == NULL)
     char *twoBitChrom = hashFindVal(ncToTwoBitChrom, nc);
     if (twoBitChrom != NULL)
         struct dnaSeq *dnaSeq = twoBitLoadAll(twoBitChrom);
         if (dnaSeq != NULL)
             // Use memSeqWindow instead of twoBitSeqWindow to avoid keeping a bunch of open
             // twoBitFile handles.
             // Hmm, a dnaSeqWindow would be more efficient, no cloning and strlen...
             // or at the least, memSeqWindowNew could take a size arg.
             seqWin = memSeqWindowNew(twoBitChrom, dnaSeq->dna);
             hashAdd(ncToSeqWin, nc, seqWin);
 if (seqWin == NULL)
     errAbort("No twoBit file and chrom found in refSeqToUcsc file for seq '%s'", nc);
 return seqWin;
 static boolean maybeExpandRange(struct spdiBed *spdiBTrim, struct seqWindow *seqWin,
                                 struct spdiBed *spdiB, struct lm *lm)
 /* If spdiBTrim is a pure insertion or deletion within a repetitive region,
  * then expand spdiB to the full repetitive range and return TRUE.
  * spdiBTrim is assumed to already have minimal representation (see trimSpdi). */
 boolean changed = FALSE;
 uint refTrimStart = spdiBTrim->chromStart;
 uint refTrimEnd = spdiBTrim->chromEnd;
 char *altTrim = spdiBTrim->ins;
 int refTrimLen = refTrimEnd - refTrimStart;
 int altTrimLen = strlen(altTrim);
 if (indelShiftIsApplicable(refTrimLen, altTrimLen))
     // Now shift the minimal representation left and right and compare with spdiB coords.
     uint leftStart = refTrimStart, leftEnd = refTrimEnd;
     char leftAlt[altTrimLen+1];
     safecpy(leftAlt, sizeof leftAlt, altTrim);
     int leftShifted = indelShift(seqWin, &leftStart, &leftEnd, leftAlt,
                                  INDEL_SHIFT_NO_MAX, isdLeft);
     uint rightStart = refTrimStart, rightEnd = refTrimEnd;
     char rightAlt[altTrimLen+1];
     safecpy(rightAlt, sizeof rightAlt, altTrim);
     int rightShifted = indelShift(seqWin, &rightStart, &rightEnd, rightAlt,
                                   INDEL_SHIFT_NO_MAX, isdRight);
     if (leftShifted || rightShifted)
         changed = TRUE;
         // Expand spdiB->del to cover the whole range.,
         int newRefLen = rightEnd - leftStart;
         spdiB->del = lmAlloc(lm, newRefLen+1);
         seqWindowCopy(seqWin, leftStart, newRefLen, spdiB->del, newRefLen+1);
         // Concatenate ref bases to the left, altTrim, ref bases to the right -> new alt
         char refLeft[leftShifted+1];
         seqWindowCopy(seqWin, leftStart, leftShifted, refLeft, sizeof refLeft);
         char refRight[rightShifted+1];
         seqWindowCopy(seqWin, refTrimEnd, rightShifted, refRight, sizeof refRight);
         int newAltLen = leftShifted + altTrimLen + rightShifted;
         spdiB->ins = lmAlloc(lm, newAltLen+1);
         safef(spdiB->ins, newAltLen+1, "%s%s%s", refLeft, altTrim, refRight);
         spdiB->chromStart = leftStart;
         spdiB->chromEnd = rightEnd;
 return changed;
 static void checkObsVsSpdi(struct alObs *obsList, struct spdiBed *spdiBList)
 /* assert that obsList and spdiBList have same length and each obs->allele is the same as the
  * corresponding spdiB->ins. */
 assert(slCount(spdiBList) == slCount(obsList));
 struct spdiBed *spdiB;
 struct alObs *obs;
 for (spdiB = spdiBList, obs = obsList;
      spdiB != NULL;
      spdiB = spdiB->next, obs = obs->next)
     assert(sameString(obs->allele, spdiB->ins));
 static struct spdiBed *trimSpdi(struct spdiBed *spdiB, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return a new spdiBed that is the minimal representation of spdiB. */
 struct spdiBed *spdiBTrim = spdiBedNewLm(spdiB->chrom, spdiB->chromStart,
                                          lmCloneString(lm, spdiB->del),
                                          lmCloneString(lm, spdiB->ins), lm);
 int refTrimLen = 0, altTrimLen = 0;
 trimRefAlt(spdiBTrim->del, spdiBTrim->ins, &spdiBTrim->chromStart, &spdiBTrim->chromEnd,
            &refTrimLen, &altTrimLen);
 return spdiBTrim;
 static void spdiBedListNormalizeRange(struct spdiBed *spdiBList, struct seqWindow *seqWin,
                                       struct lm *lm)
 /* If members of spdiBList have inconsistent chromStart/chromEnd/del then expand chromStart,
  * chromEnd, del and ins to cover the full range of all elements in list.  Ref allele is
  * not included when finding range -- it is reset using an alt's final del. */
 if (spdiBList && spdiBList->next)
     struct spdiBed *spdiBRef = NULL, *spdiBAlt = NULL;
     char *firstChrom = NULL;
     int minChromStart = BIGNUM;
     int maxChromEnd = 0;
     boolean inconsistent = FALSE;
     struct spdiBed *spdiB;
     for (spdiB = spdiBList;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
         if (firstChrom == NULL)
             firstChrom = spdiB->chrom;
         else if (differentString(spdiB->chrom, firstChrom))
             errAbort("spdiBedListNormalizeRange: inconsistent chrom '%s' vs. '%s'",
                      firstChrom, spdiB->chrom);
         if (spdiB->del == spdiB->ins || sameString(spdiB->del, spdiB->ins))
             if (spdiBRef != NULL)
                 errAbort("spdiBedListNormalizeRange: multiple ref allele SPDIs not supported.");
             spdiBRef = spdiB;
             if (spdiBAlt == NULL)
                 spdiBAlt = spdiB;
             else if (spdiB->chromStart != spdiBAlt->chromStart ||
                      spdiB->chromEnd != spdiBAlt->chromEnd)
                 inconsistent = TRUE;
             else if (! (spdiB->del == spdiBAlt->del || sameString(spdiB->del, spdiBAlt->del)))
                 errAbort("spdiBedListNormalizeRange: same coords %s|%d|%d, different del "
                          "'%s' / '%s'",
                          spdiB->chrom, spdiB->chromStart, spdiB->chromEnd,
                          spdiB->del, spdiBAlt->del);
             if (spdiB->chromStart < minChromStart)
                 minChromStart = spdiB->chromStart;
             if (spdiB->chromEnd > maxChromEnd)
                 maxChromEnd = spdiB->chromEnd;
     if (inconsistent)
         int newDelLen = maxChromEnd - minChromStart;
         char *newDel = lmAlloc(lm, newDelLen+1);
         seqWindowCopy(seqWin, minChromStart, newDelLen, newDel, newDelLen+1);
         for (spdiB = spdiBList;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
             // Skip ref allele for now, it is updated at end.
             if (sameString(spdiB->del, spdiB->ins))
             // If needed, expand chromStart/chromEnd and add bases from the reference to the
             // left and/or right of del and ins.
             int padLeft = spdiB->chromStart - minChromStart;
             int padRight = maxChromEnd - spdiB->chromEnd;
             if (padLeft > 0 || padRight > 0)
                 spdiB->chromStart = minChromStart;
                 spdiB->chromEnd = maxChromEnd;
                 spdiB->del = newDel;
                 // Concatenate left padding, old ins value, and right padding to make new ins.
                 int oldInsLen = strlen(spdiB->ins);
                 int newInsLen = padLeft + oldInsLen + padRight;
                 char *newIns = lmAlloc(lm, newInsLen+1);
                 safencpy(newIns, newInsLen+1, newDel, padLeft);
                 safencpy(newIns+padLeft, newInsLen+1-padLeft, spdiB->ins, oldInsLen);
                 safencpy(newIns+padLeft+oldInsLen, newInsLen+1-padLeft-oldInsLen,
                          newDel+newDelLen-padRight, padRight);
                 spdiB->ins = newIns;
     // Now that alts are settled, fix ref allele.
     if (spdiBRef && spdiBAlt &&
         (spdiBRef->chromStart != spdiBAlt->chromStart || spdiBRef->chromEnd != spdiBAlt->chromEnd))
         spdiBRef->chromStart = spdiBAlt->chromStart;
         spdiBRef->chromEnd = spdiBAlt->chromEnd;
         spdiBRef->del = spdiBRef->ins = spdiBAlt->del;
 static void setObsToSpdi(struct alObs *obsList, struct spdiBed *spdiBList)
 /* Set alleles in obsList to match ins in spdiBList. */
 assert(slCount(spdiBList) == slCount(obsList));
 struct spdiBed *spdiB;
 struct alObs *obs;
 for (spdiB = spdiBList, obs = obsList;
      spdiB != NULL;
      spdiB = spdiB->next, obs = obs->next)
     obs->allele = spdiB->ins;
 static void spdiNormalizeFreq(struct sharedProps *props, struct hash *ncToTwoBitChrom,
                               struct hash *ncToSeqWin, struct lm *lm)
 /* Allele frequency counts come directly from VCF, so although they are encoded as SPDI, they do
  * not cover the entire repetitive range.  Expand variant alleles on the sequence on which they
  * were originally reported; if there is an indel difference between the reporting assembly and
  * the mapping assembly then this will resolve the actual alleles correctly (sometimes ref and alt
  * may be different for different assemblies). */
 int sIx;
 for (sIx = 0;  sIx < props->freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
     struct spdiBed *spdiBList = props->freqSourceSpdis[sIx];
     if (spdiBList != NULL)
         struct seqWindow *seqWin = getChromSeq(ncToSeqWin, spdiBList->chrom, ncToTwoBitChrom);
         struct alObs *obsList = props->freqSourceObs[sIx];
         // Sanity check that spdiBList and obsList are consistent before we start tweaking:
         checkObsVsSpdi(obsList, spdiBList);
         boolean changed = FALSE;
         struct spdiBed *spdiB;
         for (spdiB = spdiBList;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
             // The reference allele (del == ins) can't be shifted in a meaningful way --
             // skip it for now and see how the alt alleles (the actual changes) might be shifted.
             if (sameString(spdiB->del, spdiB->ins))
             struct spdiBed *spdiBTrim = trimSpdi(spdiB, lm);
             if (maybeExpandRange(spdiBTrim, seqWin, spdiB, lm))
                 changed = TRUE;
             else if (spdiBTrim->chromStart != spdiB->chromStart ||
                      spdiBTrim->chromEnd != spdiB->chromEnd)
                 // Use the trimmed version
                 changed = TRUE;
                 spdiB->chromStart = spdiBTrim->chromStart;
                 spdiB->chromEnd = spdiBTrim->chromEnd;
                 spdiB->del = spdiBTrim->del;
                 spdiB->ins = spdiBTrim->ins;
         if (changed)
             spdiBedListNormalizeRange(spdiBList, seqWin, lm);
             setObsToSpdi(obsList, spdiBList);
 static double mafFromSource(struct sharedProps *props, int sourceIx,
                             char **retMajorAllele, char **retMinorAllele, struct lm *lm)
 /* Compare allele counts from source and return minor allele frequency (2nd-highest).
  * Set *retMajorAllele to allele with highest count (for comparison with mapped ref alleles).
  * If there are no observations from source, return NAN (divide by zero). */
 char *majorAllele = NULL, *minorAllele = NULL;
 int majorAlleleCount = -1, minorAlleleCount = -1;
 double totalCount = 0;
 struct alObs *obs;
 for (obs = props->freqSourceObs[sourceIx];  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
     if (obs->obsCount > majorAlleleCount)
         minorAllele = majorAllele;
         minorAlleleCount = majorAlleleCount;
         majorAlleleCount = obs->obsCount;
         majorAllele = obs->allele;
     else if (obs->obsCount > minorAlleleCount)
         minorAllele = obs->allele;
         minorAlleleCount = obs->obsCount;
     totalCount = obs->totalCount;
 if (totalCount > 0)
     if (majorAlleleCount < 0)
         errAbort("no allele observed despite nonzero totalCount...?");
     if (minorAlleleCount < 0)
         // Allele and count are provided for only one allele -- inferring the other allele
         // would be dicey, so just add a note and erase the freq data from this source and
         // return NaN.
         props->freqIncomplete = TRUE;
         props->freqSourceSpdis[sourceIx] = NULL;
         props->freqSourceObs[sourceIx] = NULL;
         *retMajorAllele = NULL;
         *retMinorAllele = NULL;
         warn("Incomplete freq data from source %d for %s", sourceIx, props->name);
         return NAN;
 *retMajorAllele = lmCloneString(lm, majorAllele);
 *retMinorAllele = lmCloneString(lm, minorAllele);
 // If no data from source, divide by zero will return -nan or -inf. (Use isfinite() to test)
 return (double)minorAlleleCount / totalCount;
 static void sortFrequencies(struct sharedProps *props, struct lm *lm)
 /* Determine major/minor allele and per-project MAF (if given).
  * If -freqOrder option was given, then fill in props->freqSource* arrays in that order.
  * Otherwise, choose the MAF from the project with the largest sample count as a fallback. */
 if (props->freqSourceCount > 0)
     if (freqSourceOrder != NULL)
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMajorAl, freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMinorAl, freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMaf, freqSourceCount);
         int sIx;
         for (sIx = 0;  sIx < freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
             props->freqSourceMaf[sIx] = mafFromSource(props, sIx,
                                                       &props->freqSourceMinorAl[sIx], lm);
             if (isfinite(props->freqSourceMaf[sIx]))
                 if (props->freqSourceMaf[sIx] >= 0.01)
         // No freqSourceOrder -- just use source with biggest totalCount for this variant.
         props->freqSourceCount = 1;
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMajorAl, props->freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMinorAl, props->freqSourceCount);
         lmAllocArray(lm, props->freqSourceMaf, props->freqSourceCount);
         props->freqSourceMaf[0] = mafFromSource(props, props->biggestSourceIx,
                                                 &props->freqSourceMinorAl[0], lm);
         if (isfinite(props->freqSourceMaf[0]))
             if (props->freqSourceMaf[0] >= 0.01)
     if (props->freqIncomplete)
         // At least one freq project was erased due to incomplete data.  If it was the only
         // project with any data, set props->freqSourceCount to 0 (no freq data).
         int sIx;
         boolean gotFreq = FALSE;
         for (sIx = 0;  sIx < props->freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
             if (isfinite(props->freqSourceMaf[sIx]))
                 gotFreq = TRUE;
         if (!gotFreq)
             props->freqSourceCount = 0;
             props->freqSourceMajorAl = NULL;
             props->freqSourceMinorAl = NULL;
+static void dyStringPrintSlNameList(struct dyString *dy, struct slName *list, char *sep); // forward declaration
 static struct sharedProps *extractProps(struct jsonElement *top, struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract the properties shared by all mappings of a refsnp from JSON, alloc & return. */
 struct sharedProps *props = NULL;
 lmAllocVar(lm, props);
 char *rsNumber = jsonQueryString(top, "top", "refsnp_id", lm);
 char rsName[strlen(rsNumber)+3];
 safef(rsName, sizeof rsName, "rs%s", rsNumber);
 props->name = lmCloneString(lm, rsName);
 char *varType = jsonQueryString(top, "top", "primary_snapshot_data.variant_type", lm);
 props->class = varTypeToClass(varType);
 struct slRef *annotationsRef = jsonQueryElement(top, "top",
                                                  "primary_snapshot_data.allele_annotations[*]", lm);
 parseFrequencies(annotationsRef, props, rsName, lm);
 spdiNormalizeFreq(props, ncToTwoBitChrom, ncToSeqWin, lm);
 sortFrequencies(props, lm);
 struct slName *soTermNames = jsonQueryStringList(annotationsRef, "annotations",
                                                  ".sequence_ontology[*].accession", lm);
 soTermNames = slCat(soTermNames,
                     jsonQueryStringList(annotationsRef, "annotations",
                                         ".protein.sequence_ontology[*].accession", lm));
 props->soTerms = soTermStringIdToIdList(soTermNames, lm);
 props->maxFuncImpact = props->soTerms ? props->soTerms->val : soUnknown;
 props->submitters = jsonQueryStrings(top, "top",
 slUniqify(&props->submitters, slNameCmp, NULL);
 props->pubMedIds = jsonQueryInts(top, "top", "citations[*]", lm);
 props->clinVarAccs = jsonQueryStringList(annotationsRef, "annotations",
 				    "clinical[*].accession_version", lm);
 props->clinVarSigs = jsonQueryStringList(annotationsRef, "annotations",
                                           "clinical[*].clinical_significances[*]", lm);
+if (slCount(props->clinVarAccs) != slCount(props->clinVarSigs))  // extra steps to deal with rare cases of elements with multiple significances listed.
+    {
+    struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256);
+    dyStringClear(dy);
+    dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, props->clinVarSigs, ",");
+    char *origClinVarSigs = cloneString(dy->string);
+    props->clinVarSigs = NULL;
+    for (struct slRef *anno=annotationsRef; anno; anno=anno->next)
+	{
+        // to achieve the needed effect, step through the top-level annotationsRef one element at a time, instead of as a list.
+	struct slRef *annoAnnoNext = anno->next;
+	anno->next = NULL;  // suppress the siblings temporarily so we process each element one at a time.
+	for (int c = 0; ; ++c)
+	    {
+	    char queryString[256];
+	    safef(queryString, sizeof queryString, "clinical[%d].clinical_significances[*]", c);
+	    struct slName *theseSigNames = jsonQueryStringList(anno, "annotations", queryString, lm);
+	    if (!theseSigNames)
+		{
+		break;
+		}
+            // re-encode the separation of multiple values with a html encoding instead of a comma
+	    // so they will not mess up the comma-separated list that acts like an array.
+            if (slCount(theseSigNames) >=2)
+		{
+                dyStringClear(dy);
+		for(struct slName *slTemp = theseSigNames; slTemp; slTemp=slTemp->next)
+		    {	
+		    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s", slTemp->name);
+		    if (slTemp->next)
+			{
+			dyStringPrintf(dy,  "&#44;");
+			}
+		    }
+		slAddHead(&props->clinVarSigs, slNameNew(dy->string));
+                dyStringClear(dy);
+		dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, theseSigNames, ",");
+		warn("comma separator html-encoded in %s which has multiple clinical_significances [%s]", rsName, dy->string);
+		}
+	    else  // just one on the list
+		{
+		slAddHead(&props->clinVarSigs, theseSigNames);
+		}
+	    }
+	anno->next = annoAnnoNext;  // restore the pointer
+	}
+    slReverse(&props->clinVarSigs);
+    // recreate the error to re-create the original to confirm correct result, with all fields in the same order.
+    dyStringClear(dy);
+    dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, props->clinVarSigs, ",");
+    char *badReconstruction = replaceChars(dy->string, "&#44;", ",");
+    assert(sameString(origClinVarSigs, badReconstruction));
+    freeMem(badReconstruction);
+    freeMem(origClinVarSigs);
+    dyStringFree(&dy);
+    }
 return props;
 static void setBdsFreqData(struct sharedProps *props, boolean isRc, struct bigDbSnp *bds,
                            struct dyString *dyUcscNotes, struct lm *lm)
 /* Use isRc, props to fill in bds->majorAllele, ->minorAllele, determine whether ref is maj/min.
  * Add notes to dyUcscNotes if applicable. */
 if (props->freqSourceCount > 0)
     bds->freqSourceCount = props->freqSourceCount;
     lmAllocArray(lm, bds->majorAllele, props->freqSourceCount);
     lmAllocArray(lm, bds->minorAllele, props->freqSourceCount);
     lmAllocArray(lm, bds->minorAlleleFreq, props->freqSourceCount);
     char *firstMajorAllele = NULL;
     boolean refIsMinor = FALSE;
     boolean diffMajor = FALSE;
     int sIx;
     for (sIx = 0;  sIx < props->freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
         boolean freqIsRc = props->freqIsRc[sIx];
         bds->minorAlleleFreq[sIx] = props->freqSourceMaf[sIx];
         bds->majorAllele[sIx] = lmCloneString(lm, emptyForNull(props->freqSourceMajorAl[sIx]));
         bds->minorAllele[sIx] = lmCloneString(lm, emptyForNull(props->freqSourceMinorAl[sIx]));
         if (isfinite(bds->minorAlleleFreq[sIx]))
             if (isRc != freqIsRc)
                 reverseComplement(bds->majorAllele[sIx], strlen(bds->majorAllele[sIx]));
                 reverseComplement(bds->minorAllele[sIx], strlen(bds->minorAllele[sIx]));
             char *majorAllele = bds->majorAllele[sIx];
             if (differentString(bds->ref, majorAllele))
                 refIsMinor = TRUE;
             if (firstMajorAllele == NULL)
                 firstMajorAllele = majorAllele;
             else if (majorAllele != NULL &&
                      differentString(firstMajorAllele, majorAllele))
                 diffMajor = TRUE;
     if (refIsMinor)
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRefIsMinor ",");
     if (diffMajor)
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsDiffMajor ",");
 static void checkRareRef(struct sharedProps *props, char *ref, boolean isRc,
                          struct dyString *dyUcscNotes)
 /* If frequency counts are reported, test whether the reference has ever been observed,
  * and if so whether it is rare, i.e. < 1%.  If so, add to dyUcscNotes. */
 double rareThreshold = 0.01;
 boolean haveFrequencies = FALSE, refWasObserved = FALSE;
 double maxRefAF = 0.0;
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     if (props->freqSourceObs[ix] != NULL)
         haveFrequencies = TRUE;
     boolean freqIsRc = props->freqIsRc[ix];
     int refLen = strlen(ref);
     char refCpy[refLen+1];
     safecpy(refCpy, sizeof refCpy, ref);
     if (isRc != freqIsRc)
         reverseComplement(refCpy, refLen);
     struct spdiBed *spdiB;
     struct alObs *obs;
     for (spdiB = props->freqSourceSpdis[ix], obs = props->freqSourceObs[ix];
          spdiB != NULL && obs != NULL;
          spdiB = spdiB->next, obs = obs->next)
         if (sameString(refCpy, spdiB->ins))
             if (obs->obsCount > 0)
                 refWasObserved = TRUE;
                 double refAF = (double)obs->obsCount / (double)obs->totalCount;
                 if (refAF > maxRefAF)
                     maxRefAF = refAF;
     if (maxRefAF >= rareThreshold)
 if (haveFrequencies && maxRefAF < rareThreshold)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRefIsRare ",");
     if (!refWasObserved)
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRefIsSingleton ",");
 static enum bigDbSnpClass bigDbSnpClassFromAlleles(struct bigDbSnp *bds)
 /* Return what we expect bigDbSnpClass to be based on allele lengths. */
 enum bigDbSnpClass alleleClass = 0;
 if (bds->altCount == 0)
     alleleClass = bigDbSnpIdentity;
     int refLen = strlen(bds->ref);
     boolean altLenZero = TRUE;
     boolean altLenLtRef = FALSE;
     boolean altLenEqRef = FALSE;
     boolean altLenGtRef = FALSE;
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < bds->altCount;  i++)
         int altLen = strlen(bds->alts[i]);
         if (altLen < refLen)
             altLenLtRef = TRUE;
         else if (altLen == refLen)
             altLenEqRef = TRUE;
         else if (altLen > refLen)
             altLenGtRef = TRUE;
         if (altLen > 0)
             altLenZero = FALSE;
     if (!altLenLtRef &&  altLenEqRef && !altLenGtRef)
         if (refLen == 1)
             alleleClass = bigDbSnpSnv;
             alleleClass = bigDbSnpMnv;
     else if (bds->altCount == 0)
         alleleClass = bigDbSnpIdentity;
     else if (refLen == 0)
         alleleClass = bigDbSnpIns;
     else if (altLenZero)
         alleleClass = bigDbSnpDel;
         alleleClass = bigDbSnpDelins;
 return alleleClass;
 static void checkIndelPlacement(struct bigDbSnp *bds, struct seqWindow *seqWin,
                                 struct lm *lm)
 /* If bds is/has a pure insertion or deletion in a repetitive genomic region, make sure that
  * bds's SPDI-based coords cover the whole repetitive region as expected. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < bds->altCount;  i++)
     char *alt = bds->alts[i];
     if (isEmpty(bds->ref) || isEmpty(alt) ||
         stringIn(bds->ref, alt) || stringIn(alt, bds->ref))
         // First trim ref and alt to their minimal version for indelShift to work with.
         // There may be nothing to trim because they're usually minimal already and
         // stringIn catches false positive like A/TAAC, and that's fine.
         struct spdiBed *spdiB = spdiBedNewLm(bds->chrom, bds->chromStart, bds->ref, alt, lm);
         struct spdiBed *spdiBTrim = trimSpdi(spdiB, lm);
         maybeExpandRange(spdiBTrim, seqWin, spdiB, lm);
         if (spdiB->chromStart != bds->chromStart || spdiB->chromEnd != bds->chromEnd)
             errAbort("Range of %s (%s|%d|%d ref='%s', alt='%s') "
                      "could be expanded to %s|%d|%d\n",
                      bds->name, bds->chrom, bds->chromStart, bds->chromEnd, bds->ref, alt,
                      bds->chrom, spdiB->chromStart, spdiB->chromEnd);
 static void addClinVarSigs(struct dyString *dyUcscNotes, struct sharedProps *props)
 /* If clinVarSigs indicate benign, pathogenic, or both (conflicting), add ucscNote. */
 boolean isBenign = FALSE, isPathogenic = FALSE;
 struct slName *sig;
 for (sig = props->clinVarSigs;  sig != NULL;  sig = sig->next)
     if (sameString(sig->name, "likely-benign") ||
              sameString(sig->name, "benign") ||
              sameString(sig->name, "benign-likely-benign"))
         isBenign = TRUE;
     else if (sameString(sig->name, "pathogenic") ||
              sameString(sig->name, "likely-pathogenic") ||
              sameString(sig->name, "pathogenic-likely-pathogenic"))
         isPathogenic = TRUE;
     else if (sameString(sig->name, "conflicting-interpretations-of-pathogenicity"))
         isBenign = TRUE;
         isPathogenic = TRUE;
 if (isBenign && isPathogenic)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsClinvarConflicting ",");
 else if (isBenign)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsClinvarBenign ",");
 else if (isPathogenic)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsClinvarPathogenic ",");
 static boolean delMismatchesGenome(struct bigDbSnp *bds, struct seqWindow *seqWin)
 /* Return TRUE if bds->ref (spdi del) does not match assembly sequence at bds coords.
  * Sometimes the genome has an N and dbSNP has a more specific IUPAC character.
  * errAbort if there's some other kind of inconsistency. */
 int refLen = strlen(bds->ref);
 uint refStart = bds->chromStart;
 uint refEnd = bds->chromEnd;
 if (refLen != refEnd - refStart)
     errAbort("Inconsistent ref and coords for %s: ref is '%s' (%d bases) "
              "but position is %s|%d|%d (%d bases)",
              bds->name, bds->ref, refLen, bds->chrom, refStart, refEnd, refEnd - refStart);
 char genomeRef[refLen+1];
 seqWindowCopy(seqWin, refStart, refLen, genomeRef, sizeof genomeRef);
 if (differentString(genomeRef, bds->ref))
     if (strchr(genomeRef, 'N'))
         return TRUE;
         errAbort("bds->ref '%s' mismatches genome sequence '%s'", bds->ref, genomeRef);
 return FALSE;
 static boolean hasAmbiguousFreqAllele(struct sharedProps *props)
 /* Return TRUE if any allele from any frequency source contains an IUPAC ambiguous character. */
 int sIx;
 for (sIx = 0;  sIx < props->freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
     struct alObs *obs;
     for (obs = props->freqSourceObs[sIx];  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
         if (anyIupac(obs->allele))
             return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean freqHasNonRefAltAllele(struct sharedProps *props, boolean isRc, struct bigDbSnp *bds)
 /* Return TRUE if any allele from any frequency source does not match any ref/alt (SPDI) allele. */
 int sIx;
 for (sIx = 0;  sIx < props->freqSourceCount;  sIx++)
     boolean freqIsRc = props->freqIsRc[sIx];
     struct alObs *obs;
     for (obs = props->freqSourceObs[sIx];  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
         int alLen = strlen(obs->allele);
         char alCpy[alLen+1];
         safecpy(alCpy, sizeof alCpy, obs->allele);
         if (freqIsRc != isRc)
             reverseComplement(alCpy, alLen);
         boolean foundIt = FALSE;
         if (sameString(alCpy, bds->ref))
             foundIt = TRUE;
             int i;
             for (i = 0;  i < bds->altCount;  i++)
                 if (sameString(alCpy, bds->alts[i]))
                     foundIt = TRUE;
         if (!foundIt)
             return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void addUcscNotes(struct sharedProps *props, boolean isRc, boolean isMultiMapper,
                          struct bigDbSnp *bds, struct seqWindow *seqWin,
                          struct dyString *dyUcscNotes, struct lm *lm)
 /* Record interesting conditions if applicable. */
 if (props->class != bigDbSnpClassFromAlleles(bds))
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsClassMismatch ",");
 if (props->clinVarAccs != NULL)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsClinvar ",");
 addClinVarSigs(dyUcscNotes, props);
 if (props->commonCount > 0)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsCommonSome ",");
     if (props->rareCount == 0)
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsCommonAll ",");
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRareSome ",");
 else if (props->rareCount > 0 || props->freqSourceCount == 0)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRareSome ",");
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRareAll ",");
 if (props->freqIncomplete)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsFreqIncomplete ",");
 if (props->freqNotMapped)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsFreqNotMapped ",");
 if (isRc)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRevStrand ",");
 if (isMultiMapper)
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsMultiMap ",");
 checkRareRef(props, bds->ref, isRc, dyUcscNotes);
 if (delMismatchesGenome(bds, seqWin))
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRefMismatch ",");
 if (anyIupac(bds->ref))
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsRefIsAmbiguous ",");
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < bds->altCount;  i++)
     if (anyIupac(bds->alts[i]))
         dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsAltIsAmbiguous ",");
 if (hasAmbiguousFreqAllele(props))
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsFreqIsAmbiguous ",");
 if (freqHasNonRefAltAllele(props, isRc, bds))
     dyStringAppend(dyUcscNotes, bdsFreqNotRefAlt ",");
 bds->ucscNotes = lmCloneString(lm, dyUcscNotes->string);
 static void calcShiftBases(struct bigDbSnp *bds)
 /* Return the max length of uncertain placement from all alt alleles. */
 int maxBasesTrimmed = 0;
 int refLen = bds->chromEnd - bds->chromStart;
 char refTrim[refLen+1];
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < bds->altCount;  i++)
     // Make copies of ref and alt, trim the copies, measure the change.
     int refTrimLen = refLen;
     safecpy(refTrim, sizeof refTrim, bds->ref);
     int altTrimLen = strlen(bds->alts[i]);
     char altTrim[altTrimLen+1];
     safecpy(altTrim, sizeof altTrim, bds->alts[i]);
     uint start = bds->chromStart, end = bds->chromEnd;
     trimRefAlt(refTrim, altTrim, &start, &end, &refTrimLen, &altTrimLen);
     int basesTrimmed = refLen - refTrimLen;
     if (basesTrimmed > maxBasesTrimmed)
         maxBasesTrimmed = basesTrimmed;
     if (maxBasesTrimmed >= refLen)
 bds->shiftBases = min(refLen, maxBasesTrimmed);
 static struct bigDbSnp *parsePlacement(struct jsonElement *pl, struct sharedProps *props,
                                        boolean isMultiMapper, struct dyString *dy, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return a bigDbSnp with information about one placement (mapping). */
 struct bigDbSnp *bds;
 lmAllocVar(lm, bds);
 struct slRef *allSpdiRef = jsonQueryElement(pl, "placement", "alleles[*].allele.spdi", lm);
 bds->chrom = jsonQueryString(pl, "placement", "seq_id", lm);
 if (bds->chrom == NULL)
     errAbort("Missing or NULL seq_id for %s", props->name);
 struct spdiBed *spdiBList = parseSpdis(allSpdiRef, props->name, lm);
 if (!sameString(bds->chrom, spdiBList->chrom))
     errAbort("seq_id mismatch: placement has '%s' but spdi has '%s for %s'",
              bds->chrom, spdiBList->chrom, props->name);
 if (! spdiBedListSameRef(spdiBList, props->name))
     // Bad coords/alleles for this placement (usually due to mapping bug) -- don't proceed.
     return NULL;
 bds->chromStart = spdiBList->chromStart;
 bds->chromEnd = spdiBList->chromEnd;
 bds->name = props->name;
 bds->ref = spdiBList->del;
 // spdiBList may or may not include no-change allele (del == ins)
 lmAllocArray(lm, bds->alts, slCount(spdiBList));
 struct spdiBed *spdiB;
 for (spdiB = spdiBList;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
     if (!sameString(bds->ref, spdiB->ins))
         bds->alts[bds->altCount++] = spdiB->ins;
 boolean isRc = jsonQueryBoolean(pl, "placement",
                                 "placement_annot.is_aln_opposite_orientation", FALSE, lm);
 setBdsFreqData(props, isRc, bds, dy, lm);
 bds->maxFuncImpact = props->maxFuncImpact;
 bds->class = props->class;
 struct seqWindow *seqWin = getChromSeq(ncToSeqWin, bds->chrom, ncToTwoBitChrom);
 checkIndelPlacement(bds, seqWin, lm);
 addUcscNotes(props, isRc, isMultiMapper, bds, seqWin, dy, lm);
 return bds;
 static void equivRegionAdd(struct hash *equivRegions, struct bed3 *region, struct bed3 *regionList)
 /* Associate regionList with region by looking up the binKeeper for region->chrom in equivRegions
  * and adding regionList to the binKeeper for region start & end. */
 struct binKeeper *bk = hashFindVal(equivRegions, region->chrom);
 if (bk == NULL)
     bk = binKeeperNew(0, BINRANGE_MAXEND_512M);
     hashAdd(equivRegions, region->chrom, bk);
 binKeeperAdd(bk, region->chromStart, region->chromEnd, regionList);
 static struct hash *getEquivRegions()
 /* If not done already, read -equivRegions file if specified and parse it into data structure
  * of equivalent regions for detecting legitimate cases of multiple mappings. */
 static struct hash *equivRegions = NULL;
 static boolean alreadyInited = FALSE;
 if (!alreadyInited)
     char *equivRegionsFile = optionVal("equivRegions", NULL);
     if (isNotEmpty(equivRegionsFile))
         equivRegions = hashNew(0);
         struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(equivRegionsFile, TRUE);
         char *line;
         while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
             // Build a list of equivalent regions; hash each region->chrom to list.
             char *words[128];
             int wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
             if (wordCount >= ArraySize(words))
                 lineFileAbort(lf, "getEquivRegions: too many words per line (%d)", wordCount);
             struct bed3 *regionList = NULL;
             int i;
             for (i = 0;  i < wordCount;  i++)
                 char *chrom = cloneString(words[i]);
                 char *colon = strchr(chrom, ':');
                 if (colon)
                     char *startStr = colon+1;
                     char *nextColon = strchr(startStr, ':');
                     if (! nextColon)
                         lineFileAbort(lf, "getEquivRegions: expected each word to have "
                                       "0 or 2 colons, but got '%s'", words[i]);
                     *colon = '\0';
                     *nextColon = '\0';
                     char *endStr = nextColon+1;
                     if (!isAllDigits(startStr) || !isAllDigits(endStr))
                         lineFileAbort(lf, "getEquivRegions: expected a number following each colon, "
                                       "but got '%s'", words[i]);
                     int start = atoi(startStr);
                     int end = atoi(endStr);
                     slAddHead(&regionList, bed3New(chrom, start, end));
                     slAddHead(&regionList, bed3New(chrom, 0, 0));
             // Sort so that a main chromosome goes before alts/fixes.
             slSort(&regionList, bedCmp);
             // Associate all regions with the same list.  we can use pointer equality later.
             struct bed3 *region;
             for (region = regionList;  region != NULL;  region = region->next)
                 equivRegionAdd(equivRegions, region, regionList);
         warn("-equivRegions=FILE not specified; will not be able to detect variants "
              "that are mapped to multiple non-equivalent regions.");
     alreadyInited = TRUE;
 return equivRegions;
 static struct slRef *equivRegionFind(struct hash *equivRegions, struct bed3 *region,
                                      struct lm *lm)
 /* Return ref list of equivalent region lists that overlap region. */
 struct binElement *beList = NULL;
 struct binKeeper *bk = hashFindVal(equivRegions, region->chrom);
 if (bk)
     int start = region->chromStart;
     int end = region->chromEnd;
     // binKeeperFind can't find overlap with 0-length insertions (start == end) so expand those:
     if (start == end)
     beList = binKeeperFind(bk, start, end);
 struct slRef *refList = NULL;
 struct binElement *binEl;
 for (binEl = beList;  binEl != NULL;  binEl = binEl->next)
     lmRefAdd(lm, &refList, binEl->val);
 return refList;
 static struct bed3 *bed3FromPlRef(struct slRef *plRef, struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract a bed3 from the first SPDI found in the first placement in plRef. */
 struct jsonElement *pl = plRef->val;
 struct slRef *spdiRef = jsonQueryElement(pl, "placement", "alleles[0].allele.spdi", lm);
 struct jsonElement *spdiEl = spdiRef->val;
 struct bed3 *region;
 lmAllocVar(lm, region);
 region->chrom = jsonQueryString(spdiEl, "first spdi", "seq_id", lm);
 region->chromStart = jsonQueryInt(spdiEl, "first spdi", "position", -1, lm);
 char *ref = jsonQueryString(spdiEl, "first spdi", "deleted_sequence", lm);
 region->chromEnd = region->chromStart + strlen(ref);
 return region;
 static struct bed3 *bed3ListFromPlRef(struct slRef *plRefList, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return a list of bed3 derived from placement SPDIs in plRef. */
 struct bed3 *list = NULL;
 struct slRef *plRef;
 for (plRef = plRefList;  plRef != NULL;  plRef = plRef->next)
     slAddHead(&list, bed3FromPlRef(plRef, lm));
 return list;
 static boolean uniqChroms(struct bed3 *bedList)
 /* Return TRUE if each item of *sorted* bedList has a different chrom. */
 boolean uniq = TRUE;
 if (bedList != NULL)
     struct bed3 *bed;
     for (bed = bedList;  bed->next != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
         if (sameString(bed->chrom, bed->next->chrom))
             uniq = FALSE;
 return uniq;
 static boolean allMappingsHaveMatch(struct slRef *equivRegionsA[], struct slRef *equivRegionsB[],
                                     int plCount)
 // Return true if each placement's list of equivRegion sets in A has at least one set that
 // matches at least one set from some other placement's list in B.  A and B may/may not be the same.
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < plCount;  i++)
     struct slRef *plEquivList = equivRegionsA[i];
     boolean foundMatch = FALSE;
     int j;
     for (j = 0;  j < plCount;  j++)
         if (j == i)
         struct slRef *otherEquivList = equivRegionsB[j];
         struct slRef *plEquiv;
         for (plEquiv = plEquivList;  plEquiv != NULL;  plEquiv = plEquiv->next)
             struct slRef *otherEquiv;
             for (otherEquiv = otherEquivList;  otherEquiv;  otherEquiv = otherEquiv->next)
                 // We can use pointer equality because getEquivRegions assigns same list
                 // pointer to each region in list.
                 if (plEquiv->val == otherEquiv->val)
                     foundMatch = TRUE;
     if (! foundMatch)
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static boolean detectMultiMappers(struct slRef *placements, struct lm *lm)
 /* Return TRUE if placements map to more than one genomic locus, aside from legitimate cases
  * like the PAR regions on X and Y, or alt/fix sequences and their corresponding chromosomal
  * locations. */
 struct hash *equivRegions = getEquivRegions();
 int plCount = slCount(placements);
 if (equivRegions && plCount > 1)
     // Get a bed3 list of placements and make sure there aren't multiple mappings on the same chrom.
     struct bed3 *bedList = bed3ListFromPlRef(placements, lm);
     slSort(&bedList, bedCmp);
     if (!uniqChroms(bedList))
         return TRUE;
     // Gather up equivRegions lists for all placements.  If any placement has no equivRegions,
     // then we're done.
     struct slRef *plEquivRegions[plCount];
     struct bed3 *bed;
     int i;
     for (i = 0, bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next, i++)
         struct slRef *listOfLists = equivRegionFind(equivRegions, bed, lm);
         if (listOfLists == NULL)
             return TRUE;
         plEquivRegions[i] = listOfLists;
     if (!allMappingsHaveMatch(plEquivRegions, plEquivRegions, plCount))
         // Sometimes the test for equivalent regions fails because all regions point to a
         // common location -- but that location does not have a mapping, so its suite of
         // regions are not in the mix.  For example, a variant is mapped to 4 alts of the
         // same chrom -- but not to the chrom itself, so all regions point to the main chrom,
         // but none of the 4 mappings' regions are in common with each other.
         // So try harder before giving up: add equivalent regions that overlap original equivs.
         struct slRef *plExpandedEquivs[plCount];
         for (i = 0, bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next, i++)
             struct slRef *expandedEquivs = NULL;
             struct slRef *plEquiv;
             for (plEquiv = plEquivRegions[i];  plEquiv != NULL;  plEquiv = plEquiv->next)
                 struct slRef *setRef;
                 for (setRef = plEquiv;  setRef != NULL;  setRef = setRef->next)
                     struct bed3 *set = setRef->val;
                     struct bed3 *region;
                     for (region = set;  region != NULL;  region = region->next)
                         if (differentString(bed->chrom, region->chrom))
                             expandedEquivs = slCat(equivRegionFind(equivRegions, region, lm),
             plExpandedEquivs[i] = expandedEquivs;
         if (!allMappingsHaveMatch(plEquivRegions, plExpandedEquivs, plCount))
             return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void dyStringPrintSlNameList(struct dyString *dy, struct slName *list, char *sep)
 /* Append list of names with separator to dy; separator appears after every item. Skip empty names. */
 struct slName *item;
 for (item = list;  item != NULL;  item = item->next)
     if (isNotEmpty(item->name))
         dyStringAppend(dy, item->name);
         dyStringAppend(dy, sep);
 static void dyStringPrintSlIntList(struct dyString *dy, struct slInt *list, char *sep)
 /* Append list of names with separator to dy; separator appears after every item. */
 struct slInt *item;
 for (item = list;  item != NULL;  item = item->next)
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d", item->val);
     dyStringAppend(dy, sep);
 static void appendFrequencies(struct sharedProps *props, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Condense the frequency data in props into an autoSql array of compact strings and append to dy.
  * Also add autoSql int array of total_count because those may vary between variants. */
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d\t", props->freqSourceCount);
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     boolean freqIsRc = props->freqIsRc[ix];
     struct alObs *obs;
     for (obs = props->freqSourceObs[ix];  obs != NULL;  obs = obs->next)
         if (obs != props->freqSourceObs[ix])
             dyStringAppendC(dy, '|');
         if (freqIsRc)
             // Store all frequencies on + strand of "preferred top level placement"
             reverseComplement(obs->allele, strlen(obs->allele));
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s:%d", obs->allele, obs->obsCount);
         if (freqIsRc)
             // rc again to restore original values
             reverseComplement(obs->allele, strlen(obs->allele));
     dyStringAppendC(dy, ',');
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '\t');
 for (ix = 0;  ix < props->freqSourceCount;  ix++)
     if (props->freqSourceObs[ix] != NULL)
         dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d,", props->freqSourceObs[ix]->totalCount);
         dyStringAppend(dy, "0,");
 static void writeDetails(struct sharedProps *props, struct dyString *dy, FILE *outPropsF)
 /* Write props out as tab-sep line to outPropsF. */
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s\t", props->name);
 appendFrequencies(props, dy);
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "\t%d\t", slCount(props->soTerms));
 dyStringPrintSlIntList(dy, props->soTerms, ",");
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "\t%d\t", slCount(props->clinVarAccs));
 dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, props->clinVarAccs, ",");
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '\t');
 dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, props->clinVarSigs, ",");
+assert(slCount(props->clinVarAccs) == slCount(props->clinVarSigs));
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "\t%d\t", slCount(props->submitters));
 dyStringPrintSlNameList(dy, props->submitters, ",");
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "\t%d\t", slCount(props->pubMedIds));
 dyStringPrintSlIntList(dy, props->pubMedIds, ",");
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '\n');
 fputs(dy->string, outPropsF);
 static void updateSeqIsRc(struct slRef *placements, struct lm *lm)
 /* Note is_aln_opposite_orientation flag for each mapped sequence, regardless of whether it's
  * in the assembly that we're working on; later we can look up sequences from freq reports. */
 struct slRef *plRef;
 for (plRef = placements;  plRef != NULL;  plRef = plRef->next)
     char *seqId = jsonQueryString(plRef->val, "placement", "seq_id", lm);
     boolean isRc = jsonQueryBoolean(plRef->val, "placement",
                                     "placement_annot.is_aln_opposite_orientation", FALSE, lm);
     struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(seqIsRc, seqId);
     if (hel)
         if (isRc != ptToInt(hel->val))
             errAbort("updateSeqIsRc: sequence '%s' has both true and false for "
                      "placement_annot.is_aln_opposite_orientation", seqId);
         hashAddInt(seqIsRc, seqId, isRc);
 struct perAssembly
 // For each assembly whose mappings we're extracting from JSON, we need the name,
 // a jsonQuery path to extract just the mappings for that assembly, and an output file.
     struct perAssembly *next;
     char *name;                  // assembly_name e.g. GRCh38.p12
     char *placementPath;         // jsonQuery path to placements on assembly
     char *plIsTopLevelPath;      // jsonQuery path to find whether placement is top level in assembly
     FILE *outF;                  // bigDbSnp output file
     FILE *outBad;                // buggy coords BED4 output file
 static void perAssemblyFree(struct perAssembly **pPa)
 /* Close *pPa's outF and free mem. */
 if (pPa)
     struct perAssembly *pa = *pPa;
 static void perAssemblyFreeList(struct perAssembly **pPaList)
 /* Close & free a list of perAssembly. */
 if (pPaList)
     struct perAssembly *el, *next;
     for (el = *pPaList;  el != NULL;  el = next)
         next = el->next;
 static void writeMerged(struct jsonElement *top, FILE *outMergedF, struct lm *lm)
 /* If any merged IDs are given, write the mappings out to outMergedF. */
 struct slName *mergedIds = jsonQueryStrings(top, "top", "dbsnp1_merges[*].merged_rsid", lm);
 if (mergedIds)
     char *rsId = jsonQueryString(top, "top", "refsnp_id", lm);
     struct slName *mergedId;
     for (mergedId = mergedIds;  mergedId != NULL;  mergedId = mergedId->next)
         fprintf(outMergedF, "rs%s\trs%s\n", mergedId->name, rsId);
 static char *getChrom(char *refSeqAcc, char *assembly)
 /* Look up "refSeqAcc assembly" in ncGrcToChrom; if found, return chrom, otherwise return
  * refSeqAcc for translation later (e.g. NC_012920.1 liftOver to hg19 chrM).  Don't free ret. */
 char ncGrc[strlen(refSeqAcc) + 1 + strlen(assembly) + 1];
 safef(ncGrc, sizeof ncGrc, "%s %s", refSeqAcc, assembly);
 char *chrom = hashFindVal(ncGrcToChrom, ncGrc);
 return chrom ? chrom : refSeqAcc;
 static void writeBadCoords(struct jsonElement *pl, char *rsId, char *assembly, FILE *outBad,
                            struct lm *lm)
 /* Write BED4 with range encompassing inconsistent SPDI coords. */
 struct slRef *allSpdiRef = jsonQueryElement(pl, "placement", "alleles[*].allele.spdi", lm);
 struct spdiBed *spdiBList = parseSpdis(allSpdiRef, rsId, lm);
 char *chrom = getChrom(spdiBList->chrom, assembly);
 uint minChromStart = BIGNUM;
 uint maxChromEnd = 0;
 struct spdiBed *spdiB;
 for (spdiB = spdiBList;  spdiB != NULL;  spdiB = spdiB->next)
     if (spdiB->chromStart < minChromStart)
         minChromStart = spdiB->chromStart;
     if (spdiB->chromEnd > maxChromEnd)
         maxChromEnd = spdiB->chromEnd;
 fprintf(outBad, "%s\t%u\t%u\t%s\n", chrom, minChromStart, maxChromEnd, rsId);
 static void parseDbSnpJson(char *line, struct perAssembly *assemblyProps,
                            struct outStreams *outStreams)
 /* Each line of dbSNP's file contains one JSON blob describing an rs# variant.  Parse JSON,
  * extract the bits that we want to keep, print out BED+ and accompanying files. */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(1<<16);
 struct jsonElement *top = jsonParseLm(line, lm);
 struct sharedProps *props = NULL;
 struct bigDbSnp *bds = NULL;
 struct slRef *allPlacements = jsonQueryElement(top, "top",
 updateSeqIsRc(allPlacements, lm);
 struct dyString *dyScratch = dyStringNew(0);
 struct perAssembly *ap;
 for (ap = assemblyProps;  ap != NULL;  ap = ap->next)
     struct slRef *placements = jsonQueryElement(top, "top", ap->placementPath, lm);
     // Filter out scaffolds that are independent in some other assembly, but part of a regular
     // chrom in the current assembly
     struct slRef *plRef, *plRefNext, *filtered = NULL;
     for (plRef = placements;  plRef != NULL;  plRef = plRefNext)
         plRefNext = plRef->next;
         struct jsonElement *pl = plRef->val;
         boolean isTopLevel = jsonQueryBoolean(pl, "placement", ap->plIsTopLevelPath, FALSE, lm);
         if (isTopLevel)
             slAddHead(&filtered, plRef);
     placements = filtered;
     boolean multiMapper = detectMultiMappers(placements, lm);
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 //#*** NOTE: currently in some cases the alleles are incorrect on alt sequences where the
 //#*** alt has a different allele of the same variant (or just different sequence).
 //#*** We detect at least some of those by inconsistent pos/del in alt placement spdis,
 //#*** but who knows, there could be more.  Ultimately we will need to compare assembly
 //#*** sequences... unless/until dbSNP fixes their projection onto alts (JIRA VR-176).
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
         for (plRef = placements;  plRef != NULL;  plRef = plRef->next)
             struct jsonElement *pl = plRef->val;
             if (props == NULL)
                 // Write props only if we have at least one placement.
                 props = extractProps(top, lm);
                 writeDetails(props, dyScratch, outStreams->details);
                 writeMerged(top, outStreams->merged, lm);
             bds = parsePlacement(pl, props, multiMapper, dyScratch, lm);
             if (bds)
                 bds->chrom = getChrom(bds->chrom, ap->name);
                 bigDbSnpTabOut(bds, ap->outF);
                 // Prevent stale bds in errCatch below:
                 bds = NULL;
                 writeBadCoords(pl, props->name, ap->name, ap->outBad, lm);
-    if (errCatch->gotError)
-        {
     char *rsId = jsonQueryString(top, "top", "refsnp_id", lm);
     char *seqId = bds ? bds->chrom : "NOSEQ";
+    if (errCatch->gotError)
+        {
         fprintf(outStreams->err, "%s\t%s\t%s", rsId, seqId, errCatch->message->string);
     else if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
-        fprintf(outStreams->warn, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
+	{
+        fprintf(outStreams->warn, "%s\t%s\t%s", rsId, seqId, errCatch->message->string);
+        }
 static struct slName *initFreqSourceOrder()
 /* If -freqSourceOrder option was given, extract source names from the comma-sep list
  * into globals freqSourceCount and freqSourceOrder[]. */
 char *freqSourceOrderStr = optionVal("freqSourceOrder", NULL);
 struct slName *sources = NULL;
 if (freqSourceOrderStr)
     sources = slNameListFromComma(freqSourceOrderStr);
     freqSourceCount = slCount(sources);
     AllocArray(freqSourceOrder, freqSourceCount);
     struct slName *source;
     int i;
     for (i = 0, source = sources;  i < freqSourceCount;  i++, source = source->next)
         freqSourceOrder[i] = source->name;
 return sources;
 static struct perAssembly *getAssemblyProps(char *assemblyList, char *outRoot)
 /* Split comma-sep assemblyList and make placement path and bigDbSnp output file handle for each. */
 struct perAssembly *assemblyProps = NULL;
 struct slName *assembly, *assemblies = slNameListFromComma(assemblyList);
 for (assembly = assemblies;  assembly != NULL;  assembly = assembly->next)
     struct perAssembly *ap;
     ap->name = cloneString(assembly->name);
     // Fancy path to get all placements that are on the desired assembly.
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("primary_snapshot_data.placements_with_allele"
     ap->placementPath = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
     dy = dyStringCreate("placement_annot.seq_id_traits_by_assembly[assembly_name=%s].is_top_level",
     ap->plIsTopLevelPath = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
     char prefix[2048];
     safef(prefix, sizeof prefix, "%s.%s", outRoot, assembly->name);
     ap->outF = openOutFile("%s.bigDbSnp", prefix);
     ap->outBad = openOutFile("%s.badCoords.bed", prefix);
     slAddHead(&assemblyProps, ap);
 return assemblyProps;
 static void parseRefSeqToUcsc(char *refSeqToUcsc, struct hash *ncGrcToChrom,
                               struct hash *ncToTwoBitChrom)
 /* Extract mappings of {NC_*, GRC*} to chrom and NC_* to {twoBitFile, chrom}. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(refSeqToUcsc, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     char *row[5];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(line, row);
     lineFileExpectWords(lf, 4, wordCount);
     char *acc = row[0];
     char *assembly = row[1];
     char *twoBitFile = row[2];
     char *chrom = row[3];
     if (!regexMatch(acc, "^N[A-Z]_[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"))
         lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' does not look like a RefSeq sequence accession "
                       "(expecting N*_number.number in first column)", acc);
     if (!startsWith("GRCh", assembly))
         lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' does not look like a GRCh* assembly name "
                       "(expecting GRCh* in second column", assembly);
     if (!endsWith(twoBitFile, ".2bit"))
         lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' does not look like a twoBit file "
                       "(expecting *.2bit in third column)", twoBitFile);
     if (!regexMatch(chrom, "^chr[0-9A-Za-z_]+$"))
         lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' does not look like an hg* chrom name "
                       "(expecting 'chr' + alphanumeric/_ in fourth column)", chrom);
     char accAssembly[strlen(acc) + 1 + strlen(assembly) + 1];
     safef(accAssembly, sizeof accAssembly, "%s %s", acc, assembly);
     hashAdd(ncGrcToChrom, accAssembly, cloneString(chrom));
     char twoBitChrom[strlen(twoBitFile) + 1 + strlen(chrom) + 1];
     safef(twoBitChrom, sizeof twoBitChrom, "%s:%s", twoBitFile, chrom);
     hashAdd(ncToTwoBitChrom, acc, cloneString(twoBitChrom));
 void dbSnpJsonToTab(char *assemblyList, char *refSeqToUcsc, char *jsonFile, char *outRoot)
 /* dbSnpJsonToTab - Extract fields from dbSNP JSON files, write out as tab-separated BED+. */
 struct slName *sources = initFreqSourceOrder();
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(jsonFile, TRUE);
 struct outStreams *outStreams = outStreamsOpen(outRoot);
 struct perAssembly *assemblyProps = getAssemblyProps(assemblyList, outRoot);
 seqIsRc = hashNew(0);
 ncGrcToChrom = hashNew(0);
 ncToTwoBitChrom = hashNew(0);
 ncToSeqWin = hashNew(0);
 parseRefSeqToUcsc(refSeqToUcsc, ncGrcToChrom, ncToTwoBitChrom);
 char *line = NULL;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     parseDbSnpJson(line, assemblyProps, outStreams);
 // Free these up for squeaky-clean valgrind --leak-check
 // [well, except for parseOptions and errCatch getStack/getThreadVars, but whatever]
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 5)
 dbSnpJsonToTab(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;