  Sat Mar 18 14:57:23 2023 -0700
turn on phylo logo on dev.   Turn off track download for squish
auxilliary tracks

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg38/trackDb.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg38/trackDb.ra
index bc07ae8..dcc4868 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg38/trackDb.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg38/trackDb.ra
@@ -1,851 +1,852 @@
 include ../../refSeqComposite.ra
 include barCharts.ra
 include hoffMap.ra
 include cancerExpr.ra
 include mane.ra
 include gdcCancer.ra
 include cortexVelmeshev.ra
 include heartCellAtlas.ra
 include kidneyStewart.ra
 include muscleDeMicheli.ra
 #include lungVieiraBraga.ra
 include fetalGeneAtlas.ra 
 include bloodHao.ra 
 include lungTravaglini2020.ra
 include skinSoleBoldo.ra
 include liverMacParland.ra
 include pancreasBaron.ra 
 include ileumWang.ra
 include colonWang.ra
 include rectumWang.ra
 include placentaVentoTormo.ra 
 include singleCellMerged.ra
 #include lungMadissoon.ra
 #include spleenMadissoon.ra
 include tabulaSapiens.ra
 include toothKrivanek.ra
 include hippocampusAyhan.ra
 include brainDevRegions.ra
 include t2t.ra alpha
 include multiz100Logo.ra alpha
 include multiz30Logo.ra alpha
 include gtexEqtlHighConf.ra
 include liftOver.ra
 include exomeProbesets.ra
 include chm13LiftOver.ra
 include reMap.ra
 include recombRate.ra
 track miRnaAtlas
 compositeTrack on
 shortLabel miRNA Tissue Atlas
 longLabel Tissue-Specific microRNA Expression from Two Individuals
 type bigBarChart
 group expression
 maxLimit 52000
 barChartLabel Tissue
 configurable off
 subGroup1 view View a_A=Sample1 b_B=Sample2
     track miRnaAtlasSample1
     type bigBarChart
     visibility pack
     parent miRnaAtlas
     view a_A
     configurable on
         track miRnaAtlasSample1BarChart
         url2 http://www.mirbase.org/cgi-bin/query.pl?terms=$$
         url2Label miRBase v21 Precursor Accession:
         parent miRnaAtlasSample1
         visibility full
         shortLabel Sample 1
         longLabel miRNA Tissue Atlas microRna Expression
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/bbi/miRnaAtlasSample1.bb
         barChartMatrixUrl /gbdb/hgFixed/human/expMatrix/miRnaAtlasSample1Matrix.txt
         barChartSampleUrl /gbdb/hgFixed/human/expMatrix/miRnaAtlasSample1.txt
         barChartBars adipocyte artery colon dura_mater kidney liver lung muscle myocardium skin \
             spleen stomach testis thyroid small_intestine bone gallbladder fascia bladder epididymis \
             tunica_albuginea nerve_nervus_intercostalis arachnoid_mater brain
         barChartColors #F7A028 #F73528 #DEBE98 #86BF80 #CDB79E #CDB79E #9ACD32 #7A67AE #9745AC #1E90FF \
             \#CDB79E #FFD39B #A6A6A6 #008B45 #CDB79E #BD34D7 #CDA7FE #4C7CD7 #CBD79E #A6F6A1 \
             \#A6CEA4 #FFD700 #86BF10 #EEEE00
         group expression
         maxLimit 52000
         barChartLabel Tissue
         barChartUnit Quantile_Normalized_Expression
         html miRnaAtlas
         configurable on
         subGroups view=a_A
         searchIndex name
     track miRnaAtlasSample2
     type bigBarChart
     visibility pack
     parent miRnaAtlas
     view b_B
     configurable on
         track miRnaAtlasSample2BarChart
         url2 http://www.mirbase.org/cgi-bin/query.pl?terms=$$
         url2Label miRBase v21 Precursor Accession:
         parent miRnaAtlasSample2
         visibility full
         shortLabel Sample 2
         longLabel miRNA Tissue Atlas microRna Expression
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/bbi/miRnaAtlasSample2.bb
         barChartMatrixUrl /gbdb/hgFixed/human/expMatrix/miRnaAtlasSample2Matrix.txt
         barChartSampleUrl /gbdb/hgFixed/human/expMatrix/miRnaAtlasSample2.txt
         barChartBars adipocyte artery colon dura_mater kidney liver lung muscle myocardium skin \
             spleen stomach testis thyroid small_intestine_duodenum small_intestine_jejunum pancreas \
             kidney_glandula_suprarenalis kidney_cortex_renalis kidney_medulla_renalis esophagus prostate \
             bone_marrow vein lymph_node nerve_not_specified pleura brain_pituitary_gland spinal_cord \
             brain_thalamus brain_white_matter brain_nucleus_caudatus brain_gray_matter \
             brain_cerebral_cortex_temporal brain_cerebral_cortex_frontal \
             brain_cerebral_cortex_occipital brain_cerebellum
         barChartColors #F7A028 #F73528 #DEBE98 #86BF80 #CDB79E #CDB79E #9ACD32 #7A67AE #9745AC #1E90FF \
             \#CDB79E #FFD39B #A6A6A6 #008B45 #CDB79E #CDB79E #CD9B1D \
             \#CDB79E #CDB79E #CDB79E #AC8F69 #D9D9D9 #BD3487 \
             \#FF00FF #EE82EE #F7E300 #73A585 #B4EEB4 #EEEE00 \
             \#EEEE00 #EEEE00 #EEEE00 #EEEE00 \
             \#EEEE00 #EEEE00 \
             \#EEEE00 #EEEE00
         group expression
         maxLimit 52000
         barChartLabel Tissue
         barChartUnit Quantile_Norm_Expr
         html miRnaAtlas
         configurable on
         subGroups view=b_B
         searchIndex name
 searchTable miRnaAtlasSample1BarChart
 searchType bigBed
 searchPriority 1
 searchDescription miRNA Tissue Atlas Sample 1
 searchMethod exact
 semiShortCircuit 1
 searchTable miRnaAtlasSample2BarChart
 searchType bigBed
 searchPriority 1
 searchDescription miRNA Tissue Atlas Sample 2
 searchMethod exact
 semiShortCircuit 1
 track cosmicRegions
 shortLabel COSMIC Regions
 longLabel Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer V82
 type bigBed 8 +
 bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/cosmic/cosMutHg38V82.bb
 labelFields cosmLabel
 group phenDis
 color 200, 0, 0
 url http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/mutation/overview?id=$$
 urlLabel COSMIC ID:
 searchIndex name,cosmLabel
 tableBrowser off
 mouseOverField _mouseOver
 html cosmicRegions
 noScoreFilter on
 searchTable cosmicRegions
 searchPriority 2.07207
 searchType bigBed
 searchDescription COSMIC Regions
 track coriellDelDup override
 origAssembly hg19 
 pennantIcon 19.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg19" 
 track revel override
 origAssembly hg19 
 pennantIcon 19.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg19"
 include nonCodingRNAs.ra
 #track wgRna override 
 #dataVersion miRBase Release 15.0 (April 2010) and snoRNABase Version 3
 #pennantIcon 19.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg19" 
 track hgIkmc override
 origAssembly hg19 
 pennantIcon 19.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg19" 
 track fishClones override
 origAssembly hg18
 pennantIcon 18.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg18"
 track fosEndPairs override
 origAssembly hg18
 pennantIcon 18.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg18"
 track interactions override
 directUrl hgGeneGraph?db=hg38&gene=%s
 track par override
 group x
 visibility hide
 track windowmaskerSdust override
 group rep
 priority 8
 track nestedRepeats override
 group rep
 priority 2
 track simpleRepeat override
 group rep
 priority 7
 track rmskJoinedBaseline override
 group rep
 priority 4
 visibility hide
 track stsMap override
 visibility hide
 searchName assemblyAcc
 searchTable gold
 searchMethod prefix
 query select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,frag from %s where frag like '%s%%'
 searchPriority 5
 shortCircuit 1
 termRegex [A-Z][A-Z0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
 # Local declaration so that local gap.html is picked up.
 track gap override
 html gap
 visibility hide
 include rmskTracks.ra
 track ctgPos2
 shortLabel GRC Contigs
 longLabel Genome Reference Consortium Contigs
 group map
 visibility hide
 type ctgPos
 url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/$$
 chromosomes chr1,chr3,chr4,chr5,chr6,chr7,chr8,chr9,chr10,chr11,chr12,chr13,chr14,chr15,chr16,chr17,chr18,chr19,chr2,chr20,chr21,chr22,chrX,chrY
 searchTable ctgPos2
 searchMethod prefix
 shortCircuit 1
 termRegex [GK][LI][028][0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
 query select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,contig from %s where contig like '%s%%'
 searchPriority 5
 track scaffolds
 shortLabel Scaffolds
 longLabel GRCh38 Defined Scaffold Identifiers
 group map
 visibility hide
 color 0,0,0
 type bed 4 .
 searchTable scaffolds
 searchMethod prefix
 searchType bed
 shortCircuit 1
 termRegex [1-9HMXY][0-9A-Z_]*
 searchPriority 18
 track analysisGap
 shortLabel Analysis Gap
 longLabel Extra Gap Locations in Analysis Set Sequence on chr5, 14, 19, 21, 22, Y
 group x
 visibility hide
 type bed 4 .
 chromosomes chr14,chr19,chr21,chr22,chr5,chrY
 track hg38ContigDiff
 shortLabel Hg19 Diff
 longLabel Contigs New to GRCh38/(hg38), Not Carried Forward from GRCh37/(hg19)
 visibility hide
 group map
 type bed 9 .
 scoreFilterByRange on
 itemRgb on
 color 0,0,0
 urlLabel Genbank accession:
 url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/$$
 track centromeres
 shortLabel Centromeres
 longLabel Centromere Locations
 group map
 visibility hide
 type bed 4 .
 chromosomes chr1,chr10,chr11,chr12,chr13,chr14,chr15,chr16,chr17,chr18,chr19,chr2,chr20,chr21,chr22,chr3,chr4,chr5,chr6,chr7,chr8,chr9,chrX,chrY
 color 255,0,0
 url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/$$
 urlLabel NCBI accession record:
 include ../chainNetHuman.ra
 include ../chainNetPrimate.ra
 include ../chainNetPlacental.ra
 include ../chainNetVertebrate.ra
 track contigAlignmentSegments
 shortLabel ContigSegments
 longLabel Non-bridged Contig Segments Used in lastz/chain/net Alignment Pipeline
 group x
 visibility hide
 type bed 4
 track chainSelf override
 longLabel $Organism Chained Self Alignments
 group rep
 priority 6
 chainColor Normalized Score
 matrixHeader A, C, G, T
 matrix 16 91,-114,-31,-123,-114,100,-125,-31,-31,-125,100,-114,-123,-31,-114,91
 type chain hg38
 otherDb hg38
 chainNormScoreAvailable yes
 scoreFilter 20000
 track multiz4way
 shortLabel Cons 4-way
 longLabel 4-Way Multiz Alignment & Conservation
 group compGeno
 visibility hide
 color 0, 10, 100
 altColor 0,90,10
 type wigMaf 0.0 1.0
 maxHeightPixels 100:40:11
 # wiggle phastCons4way
 # spanList 1
 pairwiseHeight 12
 yLineOnOff Off
 # frames multiz4wayFrames
 # irows on
 autoScale Off
 windowingFunction mean
 summary multiz4waySummary
 speciesCodonDefault hg38
 speciesGroups mammal
 sGroup_mammal rheMac3 mm10 canFam3
 treeImage phylo/hg38_4way.gif
 include defaultPriority.ra
 track altSeqLiftOverBigPsl
 #superTrack altSequence pack
 visibility hide
 shortLabel Big Alt Map
 longLabel Big GRCh38 Alignments to the Alternate Sequences/Haplotypes
 type bigPsl
 bigDataUrl http://hgwdev.soe.ucsc.edu/~braney/altSeqLiftOverPsl.bb
 html altSequence
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
 showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
 showCdsAllScales .
 baseColorDefault diffBases
 baseColorUseSequence lfExtra
 #baseColorUseSequence extFile seqNcbiAltSequence extNcbiAltSequence
 release alpha
 track altSequenceExp
 superTrack on
 shortLabel Exp Alt Map
 longLabel GRCh38 Haplotype to Reference Sequence Mapping Correspondence
 visibility hide
 group x
     track ncbiAltMappingsChain
     superTrack altSequenceExp pack
     shortLabel Alt Map Chain
     longLabel Chain Mappings to the Alternate Sequences/Haplotypes
     type chain hg38
     spectrum on
     html altSequence
     track ncbiAltMappingsMaf
     superTrack altSequenceExp pack
     shortLabel Alt Map Maf
     longLabel Maf Mappings to the Alternate Sequences/Haplotypes
     type maf
     html altSequence
 include trackDb.4way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.5way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.7way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.17way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.20way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.27way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.30way.ra
 include trackDb.10way.ra
 include trackDb.mito204way.ra
 track ucscRetroAli8
 shortLabel Retroposed Genes 8.0
 longLabel Retroposed Genes V8, Including Pseudogenes
 group genes
 type psl
 color 20,0,250
 visibility hide
 ucscRetroInfo ucscRetroInfo8
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 baseColorUseCds table ucscRetroCds8
 baseColorUseSequence extFile ucscRetroSeq8 ucscRetroExtFile8
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
 showCdsAllScales .
 showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
 searchName ucscRetroInfoRefSeq8
 searchTable ucscRetroAli8
 searchDescription Retroposed GenesV8, Including Pseudogenes - 2014-07-08
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 xrefTable hgFixed.refLink, ucscRetroInfo8
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo8.name, hgFixed.refLink.name from %s where hgFixed.refLink.name like '%s%%' and refSeq = mrnaAcc 
 searchPriority 3.52
 track mrnaBig
 bigDataUrl http://hgwdev.soe.ucsc.edu/~braney/bigMrna.bb
 shortLabel Big $Organism mRNAs
 longLabel Big $Organism mRNAs from GenBank 
 group x
 visibility hide
 type bigPsl
 baseColorUseCds given
 #baseColorUseSequence genbank
 baseColorUseSequence lfExtra
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 #baseColorDefault diffBases
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 indelPolyA on
 release alpha
 searchName ucscRetroInfoMrna8
 searchTable ucscRetroAli8
 searchDescription Retroposed GenesV8, Including Pseudogenes - 2014-07-08
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 searchPriority 3.55
 searchName ucscRetroUniProt8
 searchTable ucscRetroAli8
 searchDescription Retroposed GenesV8, Including Pseudogenes - 2014-07-08
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefTable kgXref, ucscRetroInfo8
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo8.name, spDisplayID from %s where spDisplayID like '%s%%' and kgName = kgID 
 searchPriority 3.54
 searchName ucscRetroKnownGene8
 searchTable ucscRetroAli8
 searchDescription Retroposed GenesV8, Including Pseudogenes - 2014-07-08
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefTable kgXref, ucscRetroInfo8
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo8.name, geneSymbol from %s where geneSymbol like '%s%%' and kgName = kgID 
 searchPriority 3.53
 track ucscRetroAli9
 shortLabel RetroGenes V9
 longLabel Retroposed Genes V9, Including Pseudogenes
 group genes
 type psl
 color 20,0,250
 visibility hide
 ucscRetroInfo ucscRetroInfo9
 baseColorDefault diffCodons
 baseColorUseCds table ucscRetroCds9
 baseColorUseSequence extFile ucscRetroSeq9 ucscRetroExtFile9
 indelDoubleInsert on
 indelQueryInsert on
 showDiffBasesAllScales .
 showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0
 showCdsAllScales .
 showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0
 dataVersion Jan. 2015
 exonNumbers off
 searchName ucscRetroInfoRefSeq9
 searchTable ucscRetroAli9
 searchDescription Retroposed Genes V9, Including Pseudogenes
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 xrefTable hgFixed.refLink, ucscRetroInfo9
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo9.name, hgFixed.refLink.name from %s where hgFixed.refLink.name like '%s%%' and refSeq = mrnaAcc 
 searchPriority 3.52
 searchName ucscRetroInfoMrna9
 searchTable ucscRetroAli9
 searchDescription Retroposed Genes V9, Including Pseudogenes
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 searchPriority 3.55
 searchName ucscRetroUniProt9
 searchTable ucscRetroAli9
 searchDescription Retroposed Genes V9, Including Pseudogenes
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefTable kgXref, ucscRetroInfo9
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo9.name, spDisplayID from %s where spDisplayID like '%s%%' and kgName = kgID 
 searchPriority 3.54
 searchName ucscRetroKnownGene9
 searchTable ucscRetroAli9
 searchDescription Retroposed Genes V9, Including Pseudogenes
 query select tName, tStart,tEnd, qName from %s where qName like '%s%%'
 dontCheckXrefQueryFormat 1
 xrefTable kgXref, ucscRetroInfo9
 xrefQuery select ucscRetroInfo9.name, geneSymbol from %s where geneSymbol like '%s%%' and kgName = kgID 
 searchPriority 3.53
 track genomicSuperDups override
 group rep
 priority 5
 track sibTxGraph override
 url http://ccg.vital-it.ch/cgi-bin/tromer/tromergraph2draw.pl?db=hg38&species=H.+sapiens&tromer=$$
 track gtexGene override
 pennantIcon 19.jpg ../goldenPath/help/liftOver.html "lifted from hg19"
 track ucscGenePfam override
 shortLabel Pfam in GENCODE
 longLabel Pfam Domains in GENCODE Genes
 html gencodePfam
 include trackDb.cloneEnd.ra
 include hg38Patch11.ra alpha
 include knownGene.ra beta,public
 include knownGene.alpha.ra alpha
 include knownGeneArchive.ra alpha
-include trackDb.100way.ra
+include trackDb.100way.ra beta,public
+include trackDb.100way.alpha.ra alpha
 include trackDb.145way.ra alpha
 include trackDb.241wayT.ra alpha
 include trackDb.241way.ra
 # track multiz145way
 # shortLabel 145way maf
 # longLabel 145-way MAF track
 # group compGeno
 # visibility hide
 # type maf
 track microsat override
 group rep
 priority 3
 searchTable sgpGene
 searchType genePred
 termRegex chr[0-9MUXYn]+[BGHIJKLv0-9_]+(alt_|random_)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
 searchPriority 50
 searchTable geneid
 searchType genePred
 searchMethod prefix
 termRegex chr[0-9MUXYn]+[BGHIJKLv0-9_]+(alt_|random_)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
 searchPriority 50
 track gwasCatalog override
 snpTable snp144
 snpVersion 144
 # override to use hg38 specific html page
 track crispr override
 html crispr
 track ncbiRefSeqRefGene
 compositeTrack on
 shortLabel refGeneRefSeq
 longLabel comparing gene tracks refGene with ncbiRefSeq
 visibility hide
 type bed 12
 group x
     track lostRefGene
     subTrack ncbiRefSeqRefGene
     shortLabel lostRefGene
     longLabel refGene predictions 'lost' in NCBI RefSeq track
     color 155,0,0
     track exactRefGene
     subTrack ncbiRefSeqRefGene
     shortLabel exactRefGene
     longLabel refGene predictions 'exact' in NCBI RefSeq track
     color 0,155,0
     track compatibleRefGene
     subTrack ncbiRefSeqRefGene
     shortLabel compatibleRefGene
     longLabel refGene predictions 'compatible' in NCBI RefSeq track
     color 0,0,255
 track gtexBrain
 release alpha
 type barChart
 maxLimit 370000
 barChartUnit RPKM
 barChartLabel Brain Regions
 barChartMetric median
 barChartBars \
     brainAmygdala brainAnCinCortex brainCaudate brainCerebelHemi brainCerebellum brainCortex \
     brainFrontCortex brainHippocampus brainHypothalamus brainNucAccumbens brainPutamen \
     brainSpinalcord brainSubstanNigra
 bedNameLabel Gene accession
 shortLabel GTEx Brain
 longLabel GTEx Brain Gene Expression in barChart track format
 group expression
 track dgvPlus override
 group varRep
     track dgvMerged override
     parent dgvPlus on
     type bigBed 9 +
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/dgv/dgvMerged.bb
     filter._size 1:9734324
     filterByRange._size on
     filterLabel._size Genomic size of variant
     filterValues.varType complex,deletion,duplication,gain,gain+loss,insertion,inversion,loss,mobile element insertion,novel sequence insertion,sequence alteration,tandem duplication
     dataVersion 2020-02-25
     searchIndex name
     track dgvSupporting override
     parent dgvPlus
     type bigBed 9 +
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/dgv/dgvSupporting.bb
     filter._size 1:9320633
     filterByRange._size on
     filterLabel._size Genomic size of variant
     filterValues.varType complex,deletion,duplication,gain,gain+loss,insertion,inversion,loss,mobile element insertion,novel sequence insertion,sequence alteration,tandem duplication
     dataVersion 2020-02-25
     searchIndex name
 searchTable dgvMerged
 searchMethod exact
 searchType bigBed
 searchDescription DGV Merged Variants
 searchTable dgvSupporting
 searchMethod exact
 searchType bigBed
 searchDescription DGV Supporting Variants
 track gtexTranscExpr override
 bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/gtex/gtexTranscExpr.bb
 # ENCODE tracks
 include trackDb.gencode.ra
 include wgEncodeReg.ra
 include encode3.ra 
 include wgEncodeReg.dev.ra alpha
 include hic.ra
 include gnomad.ra
 include platinumGenomes.ra
 track epdNew
 compositeTrack on
 shortLabel EPDnew Promoters
 longLabel Promoters from EPDnew
 html ../../epdNewPromoter
 type bigBed 8
 group expression
 visibility hide
 urlLabel EPDnew link:
 bedNameLabel Promoter ID
 exonArrows on
     track epdNewPromoter
     shortLabel EPDnew v6
     longLabel Promoters from EPDnew human version 006
     parent epdNew on
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/bbi/epdNewHuman006.$D.bb
     dataVersion EPDNew Human Version 006 (May 2018)
     url https://epd.epfl.ch/cgi-bin/get_doc?db=hgEpdNew&format=genome&entry=$$
     color 50,50,200
     priority 1
     track epdNewPromoterNonCoding
     shortLabel EPDnew NC v1
     longLabel ncRNA promoters from EPDnewNC human version 001
     parent epdNew on
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/bbi/epdNewHumanNc001.$D.bb
     dataVersion EPDNewNC Human Version 001 (April 2019)
     url https://epd.epfl.ch/cgi-bin/get_doc?db=hsNCEpdNew&format=genome&entry=$$
     color 180,0,134
     priority 2
 #RefSeq Select is a subtrack part of the RefSeq Composite in ../../refSeqComposite.ra
 #For more information on this change, see RM#24787
 track ncbiRefSeqSelect
 parent refSeqComposite off
 priority 8
 type genePred
 shortLabel RefSeq Select and MANE
 longLabel NCBI RefSeq Select and MANE subset: A single representative transcript
 trackHandler ncbiRefSeq
 idXref ncbiRefSeqLink mrnaAcc name
 color 20,20,160
 baseColorUseCds given
 baseColorDefault genomicCodons
 track clinGenCnv override
 filter.size 773:11309456
 filterLimits.size 773:11309456
 track covidHct
 shortLabel Transcription response
 longLabel High-confidence SARS-CoV-2 infection transcriptional response target genes
 priority 100
 type bigBed 8 +
 color 150,20,20
 mouseOver $_mouseOver : $name - CQV: $cqv - Rank: $rank
 group covid
 bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/covidHct/covidHct.bb
 release alpha
 track orphadata override
 urls ensemblID="https://ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Gene/Summary?db=core;g=$$" pmid="https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/$$" orphaCode="http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?lng=en&Expert=$$" omim="https://www.omim.org/entry/$$?search=$$&highlight=$$" hgnc="https://www.genenames.org/data/gene-symbol-report/#!/hgnc_id/HGNC:$$"
 include dbSnpArchiveHg38.ra
 include affyArchive.ra
 include genePredArchive.ra
 include tgpArchive.ra
 include spliceAi.ra
 track genotypeArrays
 shortLabel Array Probesets
 longLabel Microarray Probesets
 type bigBed 4
 visibility hide
 group varRep
 compositeTrack on
     track genetiSureCytoCghSnp
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH+SNP
     longLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH+SNP 4x180K 085591 20200302
     type bigBed 4
     visibility pack
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/snpCnvArrays/agilent/hg38.GenetiSure_Cyto_CGH+SNP_Microarray_4x180K_085591_D_BED_20200302.bb
     priority 1
     track genetiSureCytoCgh4x180
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH 4x180K
     longLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH 4x180K 085589 20200302
     type bigBed 4
     visibility pack
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/snpCnvArrays/agilent/hg38.GenetiSure_Cyto_CGH_Microarray_4x180K_085589_D_BED_20200302.bb
     priority 2
     track genetiSureCytoCghSnp8x60
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH 8x60
     longLabel Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH 8x60K 085590 20200302
     type bigBed 4
     visibility pack
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/snpCnvArrays/agilent/hg38.GenetiSure_Cyto_CGH_Microarray_8x60K_085590_D_BED_20200302.bb
     priority 3
     track snpArrayIllumina850k
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel Illumina 850k
     longLabel Illumina 850k EPIC Methylation Array
     type bigBed 6
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/bbi/illumina/epic850K.bb
     visibility pack
     urls refGeneAccession="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/$$" rsID="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/?term=$$"
     colorByStrand 255,0,0 0,0,255
     html genotypeArrays
     priority 5
     noScoreFilter on
     track snpArrayIllumina450k
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel Illumina 450k
     longLabel Illumina 450k Methylation Array
     type bigBed 6
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/bbi/illumina/illumina450K.bb
     visibility pack
     urls refGeneAccession="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/$$" rsID="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/?term=$$"
     colorByStrand 255,0,0 0,0,255
     html genotypeArrays
     priority 4
     noScoreFilter on
     track snpArrayCytoSnp850k
     parent genotypeArrays on
     shortLabel CytoSNP 850k
     longLabel Illumina 850k CytoSNP Array
     type bigBed 6 +
     bigDataUrl /gbdb/hg38/bbi/cytoSnp/cytoSnp850k.bb
     visibility pack
     urls rsID="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/?term=$$"
     colorByStrand 255,0,0 0,0,255
     html genotypeArrays
     priority 6
     noScoreFilter on
 searchTable snpArrayIllumina450k
 searchMethod exact
 searchType bigBed
 termRegex cg[0-9]+
 semiShortCircuit 1
 searchPriority 55
 searchTable snpArrayIllumina850k
 searchMethod exact
 searchType bigBed
 termRegex cg[0-9]+
 semiShortCircuit 1
 searchPriority 55
 include hprcChain.ra
 include trackDb.470way.ra
 track michaelMaf
 release alpha
 shortLabel Michae's Big MAF
 longLabel Michael Alignment
 bigDataUrl http://genome.senckenberg.de/data/hg38/bigMaf.bb
 summary http://genome.senckenberg.de/data/hg38/bigMafSummary.bb
 type bigMaf
 speciesOrder panPan3 panTro6 gorGor6 ponAbe3 HLhylMol2 HLnomLeu4 HLpapAnu5 HLtheGel1 cerAty1 HLmanSph1 manLeu1 macNem1 HLmacFas6 HLmacFus1 rheMac10 HLcerMon1 HLcerNeg1 HLallNig1 HLeryPat1 chlSab2 HLpilTep2 colAng1 HLsemEnt1 HLtraFra1 nasLar1 HLpygNem1 HLrhiRox2 rhiBie1 HLpitPit1 HLpleDon1 HLateGeo1 HLaloPal1 HLsaiBol1 saiBol1 HLsapApe1 cebCap1 HLcebAlb1 aotNan1 HLsagImp1 HLcalJac4 HLcalPym1 tarSyr2 HLnycCou1 otoGar3 HLcheMed1 proCoq1 HLindInd1 HLlemCat1 HLproSim1 HLeulFul1 HLeulMon1 eulFla1 HLeulFla1 eulMac1 HLmicTav1 HLmicSpe31 micMur3 HLmirZaz1 HLmirCoq1 HLdauMad1 HLgalVar2 HLacoRus1 HLacoCah1 HLpsaObe1 HLmerUng1 HLrhoOpi1 HLratNor7 rn6 HLratRat7 mm39 mm10 HLmusSpi1 HLmusSpr1 HLmusCar1 HLmusPah1 HLmasCou1 HLapoSyl1 HLgraSur1 HLarvNil1 HLcriGri3 mesAur1 HLonyTor1 HLperNas1 HLperCri1 HLperEre1 HLperCal2 HLperLeu1 HLperManBai2 HLperPol1 HLneoLep1 HLsigHis1 HLondZib1 HLmyoGla2 HLellTal1 HLellLut1 HLarvAmp1 HLmicFor1 HLmicOec1 micOch1 HLmicArv1 HLmicAgr2 HLcriGam1 nanGal1 HLrhiPru1 jacJac1 HLallBul1 HLzapHud1 HLcasCan3 HLperLonPac1 HLdipSte1 dipOrd2 HLpedCap1 HLcteGun1 HLhysCri1 HLereDor1 HLcoePre1 HLdasPun1 HLhydHyd1 HLcavTsc1 cavPor3 cavApe1 HLdolPat1 chiLan1 HLdinBra1 HLmyoCoy1 HLcteSoc1 octDeg1 HLthrSwi1 HLpetTyp1 hetGla2 HLfukDam2 HLaplRuf1 HLsciVul1 HLsciCar1 HLxerIna1 HLmarFla1 HLmarHim1 HLmarMar1 HLmarVan1 HLmarMon1 HLmarMon2 HLspeDau1 HLuroPar1 speTri2 HLcynGun1 HLmusAve1 HLgraMur1 HLgliGli1 ochPri3 HLsylBac1 HLoryCunCun4 oryCun2 HLoryCun3 HLlepAme1 HLlepTim1 tupBel1 tupChi1 panHod1 HLoviCan1 HLhemHyl1 HLoviCan2 HLoviNivLyd1 HLoviAmm1 HLoviAri5 HLoviOri1 HLammLer1 HLoreAme1 HLcapSib1 HLcapIbe1 HLcapHir2 HLcapAeg1 HLconTau2 HLbeaHun1 HLdamLun1 HLoryGaz1 HLoryDam1 HLhipNig1 HLhipEqu1 HLredRed1 HLkobEll1 HLkobLecLec1 HLmadKir1 HLrapCam1 HLeudTho1 HLsaiTat1 HLantMar1 HLlitWal1 HLcepHar1 HLsylGri1 HLphiMax1 HLoreOre1 HLneoPyg1 HLnanGra1 HLproPrz1 HLneoMos1 HLaepMel1 HLbubBub2 HLsynCaf1 HLtraImb1 HLtraStr1 HLtraScr1 HLbosFro1 HLbosGau1 HLbosGru1 HLbosMut2 bosTau9 HLbosInd2 bisBis1 HLmosMos1 HLmosBer1 HLmosChr1 HLhydIne1 HLcapPyg1 HLalcAlc1 HLelaDav1 HLranTar1 HLranTarGra2 HLodoHem1 HLodoVir3 HLodoVir2 HLodoVir1 HLmunRee1 HLmunMun1 HLmunCri1 HLcerHanYar1 HLaxiPor1 HLprzAlb1 HLcerEla1 HLantAme1 HLokaJoh2 HLgirCam1 HLgirTip1 HLgirCam2 HLtraKan1 HLtraJav1 orcOrc1 HLhipAmp1 HLhipAmp3 HLphyCat2 phyCat1 HLkogBre1 HLplaMin1 HLzipCav1 HLmesBid1 HLlagObl1 HLgloMel1 HLpepEle1 HLsouChi1 HLturAdu2 HLturAdu1 HLturTru4 turTru2 HLturTru3 HLdelLeu2 HLmonMon1 HLneoAsi1 HLphoSin1 HLphoPho2 HLphoPho1 lipVex1 HLponBla1 HLlniGeo1 balAcu1 HLbalBon1 HLbalPhy1 HLmegNov1 HLbalMus1 HLbalEde1 HLescRob1 HLeubGla1 HLeubJap1 HLbalMys1 susScr11 HLcatWag1 HLcamFer3 HLcamDro2 HLcamBac1 HLlamGla1 HLlamGuaCac1 HLlamGlaCha1 HLvicPacHua3 HLvicVicMen1 vicPac2 HLtapTer1 HLtapInd1 HLtapInd2 HLrhiUni1 HLdicSum1 HLdicBic1 cerSim1 HLcerSimCot1 equPrz1 equCab3 HLequQuaBoe1 HLequAsi1 HLequAsiAsi2 HLursThi1 HLursAme1 HLursAme2 ursMar1 HLursArc1 HLailMel2 HLpotFla1 HLnasNar1 HLbasSum1 HLproLot1 HLeriBar1 HLhalGry1 HLphoVit1 neoSch1 lepWed1 HLmirLeo1 odoRosDiv1 HLodoRos1 HLcalUrs1 HLarcGaz2 HLzalCal1 HLeumJub1 HLailFul2 HLmusFur2 HLmusPut1 HLmusErm1 HLneoVis1 enhLutKen1 enhLutNer1 HLlutLut1 HLlonCan1 HLpteBra1 HLpteBra2 HLgulGul1 HLmarZib1 HLcroCro1 HLhyaHya1 HLparHer1 HLpanLeo1 HLpanOnc2 HLpanOnc1 HLpanPar1 panTig1 HLneoNeb1 HLfelNig1 felCat9 HLpumYag1 HLlynPar1 HLlynCan1 HLpriBen1 HLpumCon1 HLaciJub2 HLtaxTax1 HLmirAng2 HLvulVul1 HLvulLag1 HLlycPic2 HLlycPic3 canFam4 HLcanLupDin1 canFam5 HLmanJav1 HLmanJav2 HLmanPen2 manPen1 HLphaTri2 HLmanTri1 HLmelCap1 HLspiGra1 HLmunMug1 HLhelPar1 HLsurSur1 HLsurSur2 HLcryFer2 HLsacBil1 HLnatTum1 HLmyoMyo6 myoDav1 HLmyoLuc1 myoLuc2 myoBra1 HLmyoSep1 HLmurAurFea1 HLnycHum2 HLaeoCin1 HLlasBor1 eptFus1 HLantPal1 HLpipKuh2 HLpipPip1 HLpipPip2 HLminSch1 HLminNat1 HLmolMol2 HLtadBra2 HLtadBra1 HLmacCal1 HLlepYer1 HLgloSor2 HLanoCau1 HLartJam2 HLartJam1 HLstuHon1 HLcarPer3 HLcarPer2 HLtonSau1 HLphyDis3 HLdesRot2 HLmicHir1 ptePar1 HLmorBla1 HLnocLep2 HLnocLep1 HLeonSpe1 HLrouLes1 HLrouAeg4 HLrouMad1 HLrhiSed1 HLrhiTri1 HLrhiLuc1 HLrhiSin1 HLrhiAff1 HLaseSto1 HLcraTho1 HLmegLyr2 HLhipArm1 HLhipLar1 HLhipGal1 HLhipCyc1 HLrhiFer5 HLpteRuf1 HLpteGig1 HLpteVam2 HLptePse1 pteAle1 HLeidHel2 HLeidDup1 HLmacSob1 HLcynBra1 HLsolPar1 eriEur2 sorAra2 HLuroGra1 HLscaAqu1 HLtalOcc1 conCri1 echTel2 HLmicTal1 eleEdw1 oryAfe1 chrAsi1 HLhetBru1 HLproCap3 HLloxAfr4 HLeleMax1 HLhydGig1 triMan1 HLdugDug1 dasNov3 HLtolMat1 HLtamTet1 HLmyrTri1 HLchoHof3 HLchoDid2 HLchoDid1 HLphaGym1 HLtriVul1 HLpseOcc1 HLpseCor1 HLthyCyn1 HLantFla1 HLsarHar2 HLdidVir1 HLgraAgi1 monDom5 HLphaCin1 HLvomUrs1 macEug2 HLnotEug3 HLospRuf1 HLmacGig1 HLmacFul1 HLgymLea1 HLpseCup1 HLtacAcu1 HLornAna3
 include topmed.ra alpha
 include gerp.ra alpha
 include crossTissueMaps.ra alpha
 include problematic.ra