  Thu Mar 16 14:32:36 2023 -0700
script to make the alias table tsv after the assemblyRequest page has been made refs #30474

diff --git src/hg/gar/mkAlias.pl src/hg/gar/mkAlias.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d230944
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/gar/mkAlias.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my %alreadyDone;	# a record of lc(names) already used, can not have
+		# duplicate alias names pointing to different destinations
+                # value is lc(destination)
+my %ambiguous;	# alias names that match to more than one target, don't use
+		# them.  key is lc(alias) value is destination
+my %goodToGo;	# key is lc(alias), value is alias<tab>destination neither lc()
+                # any ambiguous ones have been removed if so discovered later
+my %protectedAliases;	# key is the lc(alias) name, value is their destination
+                # if any other aliases come in after they are in this list,
+                # don't use them or knock anything out if they are ambiguous
+                # these aliases are pointing to database browser instances
+                # on the RR, they take precedence over any other relationships
+sub outOne($$) {
+  my ($alias, $destination) = @_;
+  my $lcAlias = lc($alias);
+  my $lcDest = lc($destination);
+  return if ($lcAlias eq $lcDest);	# no identity functions
+  return if (defined($ambiguous{$lcAlias}));	# ignore ambiguous aliases
+  return if (defined($ambiguous{$lcDest}));	# ignore ambiguous aliases
+  if (defined($protectedAliases{lc($alias)})) {
+    ## warning if ambiguous
+    if ($protectedAliases{lc($alias)} ne lc($destination)) {
+      printf STDERR "# WARNING: protected and ambiguous ? %s -> %s %s\n", $alias, $destination, $protectedAliases{lc($alias)};
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  if (defined($alreadyDone{$lcAlias})) {	# check for ambiguous dups
+     if ($alreadyDone{$lcAlias} ne $lcDest) {
+        $ambiguous{$lcAlias} = $destination;
+        $ambiguous{$lcDest} = $alias;
+        printf STDERR "# ambiguous %s %s %s\n", $alias, $destination, $alreadyDone{$lcAlias};
+        delete($goodToGo{$lcDest}) if (defined($goodToGo{$lcDest}));
+        delete($goodToGo{$lcAlias}) if (defined($goodToGo{$lcAlias}));
+     }	# else it is not ambiguous, only an exact duplicate
+  } else {	# this is a new one
+     $alreadyDone{$lcAlias} = $lcDest;
+     $alreadyDone{$lcDest} = $lcAlias;  # no circular definitions
+     $goodToGo{$lcAlias} = sprintf("%s\t%s", $alias, $destination);
+  }
+# just for verficatiuon, see if any ambiguous names come in here
+# there should not be anything like that
+sub priorityAmbiguous($$) {
+  my ($id, $db) = @_;
+  if ($protectedAliases{lc($id)} ne lc($db)) {
+     printf STDERR "# ERROR: ambiguous protectedAlias: %s -> %s != %s\n", $id, $db, $protectedAliases{lc($id)};
+     exit 255;
+  }
+  return;
+# special relationships for database browsers on the RR, they take
+# precedence over all other relationships, check for ambiguous confusion
+sub dbPriority($$) {
+  my ($asmId, $db) = @_;
+  if (defined($protectedAliases{lc($asmId)})) {
+     priorityAmbiguous($asmId, $db);
+  }
+  outOne($asmId, $db);
+  $protectedAliases{lc($asmId)} = lc($db);
+  my @a = split('_', $asmId, 3);
+  my $accession = "$a[0]_$a[1]";
+  if (defined($protectedAliases{lc($accession)})) {
+     priorityAmbiguous($accession, $db);
+  }
+  outOne($accession, $db);
+  $protectedAliases{lc($accession)} = lc($db);
+  if (defined($protectedAliases{lc($a[2])})) {
+     priorityAmbiguous($a[2], $db);
+  }
+  outOne($a[2], $db);
+  $protectedAliases{lc($a[2])} = lc($db);
+## establish a list of active database browsers
+my %rrActive;	# key is db name from hgcentral where active=1, value is 1
+open (FH, "hgsql -N -hgenome-centdb -e 'select name from dbDb where active=1;' hgcentral|") or die "can not hgsql select from dbDb.hgcentral";
+while (my $dbName = <FH>) {
+  chomp $dbName;
+  $rrActive{$dbName} = 1;
+close (FH);
+printf STDERR "# first preference, specific high priority database assemblies\n";
+# first preference are the high priority database assemblies
+# these should override GenArk hubs or any other relations, these are
+# manually verified
+dbPriority("GCA_009914755.4_T2T-CHM13v2.0", "hs1");
+dbPriority("GCF_009914755.1_T2T-CHM13v2.0", "hs1");
+dbPriority("GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14", "hg38");
+dbPriority("GCA_000001405.29_GRCh38.p14", "hg38");
+dbPriority("GCA_000001405.14_GRCh37.p13", "hg19");
+dbPriority("GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13", "hg19");
+dbPriority("GCA_000001635.1_MGSCv37", "mm9");
+dbPriority("GCF_000001635.18_MGSCv37", "mm9");
+dbPriority("GCA_000001635.8_GRCm38.p6", "mm10");
+dbPriority("GCF_000001635.26_GRCm38.p6", "mm10");
+dbPriority("GCA_000001635.9_GRCm39", "mm39");
+dbPriority("GCF_000001635.27_GRCm39", "mm39");
+# second priority, see if we can add more aliases for equivalent
+#  active browsers on the RR
+printf STDERR "# second priority, any NCBI name perfect match to active RR database\n";
+open (FH, "hgsql -N -e 'SELECT source,destination FROM asmEquivalent WHERE ((sourceAuthority=\"refseq\" OR sourceAuthority=\"genbank\") AND destinationAuthority=\"ucsc\") AND ABS(matchCount-sourceCount)<1;' hgFixed|") or die "can not SELECT from asmEquivalent";
+while (my $line=<FH>) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my ($asmId, $db) = split('\t', $line);
+  if (defined($rrActive{$db})) {
+    dbPriority($asmId, $db);
+  }
+#  printf STDERR "# '%s'\t'%s'\n", $asmId, $db;
+close (FH);
+# third priority, any NCBI name with a match count difference of 1 matching
+#  any active RR database, but do NOT override or conflict with any of the
+#   previously established relationships.
+printf STDERR "# third priority, any NCBI name with a close match count\n";
+open (FH, "hgsql -N -e 'SELECT source,destination FROM asmEquivalent WHERE ((sourceAuthority=\"refseq\" OR sourceAuthority=\"genbank\") AND destinationAuthority=\"ucsc\") AND ABS(matchCount-sourceCount)=1;' hgFixed|") or die "can not SELECT from asmEquivalent";
+while (my $line=<FH>) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my ($asmId, $db) = split('\t', $line);
+  next if (defined($protectedAliases{lc($asmId)}));
+  if (defined($rrActive{$db})) {
+    printf STDERR "# secondary %s -> %s\n", $asmId, $db;
+    dbPriority($asmId, $db);
+  }
+close (FH);
+printf STDERR "# fourth GenArk hubs\n"; 
+# fourth preference will be GenArk hubs
+open (FH, "grep -v '^#' UCSC_GI.assemblyHubList.txt|grep -v GCA_009914755.4|") or die "can not read UCSC_GI.assemblyHubList.txt";
+while (my $line = <FH>) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my ($accession, $asmName, $rest) = split('\t', $line, 3);
+  my $asmId = "${accession}_${asmName}";
+  outOne($accession, $accession);
+  outOne($asmName, $accession);
+  outOne($asmId, $accession);
+close (FH);
+printf STDERR "# fifth equivalent genbank assemblies\n"; 
+# fourth set, equivalent genbank to refseq only one difference and
+# destination is an assembly hub
+# extract ordered list of asmId from GenArk listing:
+`grep -v "^#" UCSC_GI.assemblyHubList.txt | \
+  awk -F\$'\\t' '{printf "%s_%s\\n", \$1,\$2}' | sort -u > genArk.asmId.list`;
+# and extract genbank to refseq equivalents with only one difference:
+# join with genArk list to select only those for a destination:
+`hgsql -N -e 'SELECT source,destination FROM asmEquivalent WHERE (sourceAuthority="genbank" AND destinationAuthority="refseq") AND ABS(matchCount-sourceCount)<2;' hgFixed | sort -k2 > asmEquiv.gbk.rs.list`;
+open (FH, "join -t\$'\\t' -1 2 asmEquiv.gbk.rs.list genArk.asmId.list | awk '{printf \"%s\\t%s\\n\", \$2, \$1}'|") or die "can not join asmEquiv.gbk.rs.list genArk.asmId.list";
+while (my $line = <FH>) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my ($src, $dest) = split('\t', $line);
+  my @d = split('_', $dest, 3);
+  my $genArk = "$d[0]_$d[1]";
+  my @a = split('_', $src, 3);
+  my $accession = "$a[0]_$a[1]";
+  outOne($accession, $genArk);
+  outOne($src, $genArk);
+close (FH);
+if ( 0 == 1 ) {
+printf STDERR "# fifth no equivalents\n"; 
+# fifth set are those we have no equivalent, can be requested
+open (FH, "awk -v FS=\$'\t' -v OFS=\$'\t' '\$2 = \"request\"' primates.tableData.txt mammals.tableData.txt birds.tableData.txt fish.tableData.txt fungi.tableData.txt invertebrate.tableData.txt plants.tableData.txt vertebrate.tableData.txt|") or die "can not read *.tableData.txt";
+while (my $line = <FH>){
+  my (undef, undef, $comName, $sciName, $asmId, $rest) = split('\t', $line, 6);
+  my ($gcX, $id, $name) = split('_', $asmId, 3);
+  my $accession = "${gcX}_$id";
+  outOne($accession, "n/a");
+  outOne($asmId, "n/a");
+  outOne($name, "n/a");
+close (FH);
+# all done, output the table
+foreach my $lcAlias(sort keys %goodToGo) {
+  printf "%s\n", $goodToGo{$lcAlias};