  Fri Mar 24 17:04:28 2023 -0700
properly clone the trackDb errMessage pointer for trackDb caching

diff --git src/hg/lib/trackDbCache.c src/hg/lib/trackDbCache.c
index 40f2751..9408dd7 100644
--- src/hg/lib/trackDbCache.c
+++ src/hg/lib/trackDbCache.c
@@ -1,468 +1,469 @@
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <openssl/sha.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include <time.h>
 static char *trackDbCacheDir;     // the trackDb cache directory root   
 #ifndef CACHELOG
 #define cacheLog(a,...)
 #else /* CACHELOG */
 void vaCacheLog(char *format, va_list args)
 /* Call top of warning stack to issue warning. */
 fputs("cacheLog: ", stderr);
 vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 void cacheLog(char *format, ...)
 /* Issue a warning message. */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 vaCacheLog(format, args);
 #endif /* CACHELOG */
 struct trackDb *lmCloneSuper(struct lm *lm, struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *superHash)
 /* clone a super track tdb structure. */
 if (superHash == NULL)
     errAbort("parsing supertrack without superHash");
 struct trackDb *super = (struct trackDb *)hashFindVal(superHash, tdb->parent->track);
 if (super == NULL)
     super = lmCloneTdb(lm, tdb->parent, NULL, NULL);
     hashAdd(superHash, super->track, super);
 lmRefAdd(lm, &super->children, tdb);
 return super;
 struct hashEl *lmCloneHashElList(struct lm *lm, struct hashEl *list)
 /* Clone a list of hashEl's. */
 struct hashEl *newList = NULL;
 for(; list; list = list->next)
     struct hashEl *hel = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(struct hashEl));
     slAddHead(&newList, hel);
     hel->name = lmCloneString(lm, list->name);
     hel->val = lmCloneString(lm, (char *)list->val);  // we're assuming that the values are strings
     hel->hashVal = list->hashVal;
 return newList;
 struct hash *lmCloneHash(struct lm *lm, struct hash *hash)
 /* Clone a hash into local memory. */
 struct hash *newHash = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(struct hash));
 *newHash = *hash;
 newHash->lm = NULL;
 newHash->ownLm = TRUE;  // mark as having been read in from trackDb cache
 newHash->next = NULL;
 lmAllocArray(lm, newHash->table, hash->size);
 int ii;
 for(ii=0; ii < hash->size; ii++)
     if (hash->table[ii] != NULL)
         newHash->table[ii] = lmCloneHashElList(lm, hash->table[ii]);
 return newHash;
 struct trackDb *lmCloneTdb(struct lm *lm, struct trackDb *tdb, struct trackDb *parent,  struct hash *superHash)
 /* clone a single tdb structure.  Will clone its children if it has any */
 struct trackDb *newTdb = lmAlloc(lm, sizeof(struct trackDb));
 *newTdb = *tdb;
 if (tdb->subtracks)
     newTdb->subtracks = lmCloneTdbList(lm, tdb->subtracks, newTdb, NULL);
 if ((tdb->parent != NULL) && (superHash != NULL))
     newTdb->parent = lmCloneSuper(lm, newTdb, superHash);
     newTdb->parent = parent;
 newTdb->track = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->track);
+newTdb->errMessage = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->errMessage);
 newTdb->table = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->table);
 newTdb->shortLabel = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->shortLabel);
 newTdb->longLabel = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->longLabel);
 newTdb->type = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->type);
 if ( newTdb->restrictCount )
     lmAllocArray(lm, newTdb->restrictList, newTdb->restrictCount);
     int ii;
     for(ii=0; ii < newTdb->restrictCount; ii++)
         newTdb->restrictList[ii] = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->restrictList[ii]);
 newTdb->url = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->url);
 newTdb->html = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->html);
 newTdb->grp = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->grp);
 newTdb->parentName = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->parentName);
 if (tdb->viewHash)
     newTdb->viewHash =  lmCloneHash(lm, tdb->viewHash);
 newTdb->children = NULL;
 newTdb->overrides = NULL;
 newTdb->tdbExtras = NULL;
 newTdb->settings = lmCloneString(lm, tdb->settings);
 newTdb->settingsHash = lmCloneHash(lm, tdb->settingsHash);
 return newTdb;
 struct trackDb *lmCloneTdbList(struct lm *lm, struct trackDb *list, struct trackDb *parent, struct hash *superHash)
 /* clone a list of tdb structures. */
 struct trackDb *tdb, *prevTdb = NULL, *newList = NULL;
 for(tdb = list; tdb; tdb = tdb->next)
     struct trackDb *newTdb = lmCloneTdb(lm, tdb, parent, superHash); 
     if (prevTdb)
         prevTdb->next = newTdb;
         newList = newTdb;
     prevTdb = newTdb;
 return newList;
 static char *cacheDirForDbAndTable(char *string, char *tdbPathString)
 /* Determine the directory name for the trackDb cache files */
 char dirName[4096];
 if (tdbPathString == NULL)
     safef(dirName, sizeof dirName, "%s/%s", trackDbCacheDir, string);
     safef(dirName, sizeof dirName, "%s/%s.%s", trackDbCacheDir, string, tdbPathString);
 return cloneString(dirName);
 static time_t checkIncFiles(char *dirName, time_t hubTime)
 /* Check the incFiles.txt file (if present) to see if it has files with newer dates than in time. */
 char fileName[4096];
 safef(fileName, sizeof fileName, "%s/%s", dirName, "incFiles.txt");
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileMayOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 if (lf == NULL)
     return hubTime;
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     struct udcFile *checkCache = udcFileMayOpen(line, NULL);
     if (checkCache == NULL)  // if the file disappeared, let's expire the cache!
         hubTime = time(NULL);
     time_t incTime = udcUpdateTime(checkCache);
     if (incTime > hubTime)
         hubTime = incTime;
 return hubTime;
 static struct trackDb *checkCache(char *string, char *tdbPathString, time_t time)
 /* Check to see if this db or hub has a cached trackDb. string is either a db 
  * or a SHA1 calculated from a hubUrl. Use time to see if cache should be flushed. */
 char *dirName = cacheDirForDbAndTable(string, tdbPathString);
 if (!isDirectory(dirName))
     cacheLog("abandoning cache search for %s, no directory", string);
     return NULL;
 // check the incFiles file and see if any of the included files are newer 
 // than the time we've been given
 time = checkIncFiles(dirName, time);
 // look for files named by the address they use
 struct slName *files = listDir(dirName, "*");
 char fileName[4096];
 for(; files; files = files->next)
     if (sameString(files->name, "name.txt"))
     if (sameString(files->name, "incFiles.txt"))
     safef(fileName, sizeof fileName, "%s/%s", dirName, files->name);
     cacheLog("checking cache file %s", fileName);
     struct stat statBuf;
     if (stat(fileName, &statBuf) < 0)
         // if we can't stat the shared memory, let's just toss it
         cacheLog("can't stat file %s, unlinking", fileName);
     if (statBuf.st_mtime < time)
         // if the cache is older than the data, toss it
         cacheLog("cache is older than source, unlinking");
     int oflags = O_RDONLY;
     int fd = open(fileName, oflags);
     if (fd < 0)
         cacheLog("cannot open %s", fileName);
     char *addressString = cloneString(files->name);
     char *dot = strchr(addressString, '.');
     if (dot == NULL)
         cacheLog("no dot in  %s", addressString);
     unsigned cachedStructVersion = atoi(dot + 1);
     cacheLog("cached trackDb version %d, should be %d in  %s", cachedStructVersion, TRACKDB_VERSION,  addressString);
     if (TRACKDB_VERSION != cachedStructVersion)
         cacheLog("wrong cached trackDb version %d, should be %d in  %s", cachedStructVersion, TRACKDB_VERSION,  addressString);
     *dot = 0;
     unsigned long address = atoi(addressString); // the name of the file is the address it uses plus TRACKDB_VERSION
     unsigned long size = fileSize(fileName);
     u_char *mem = (u_char *) mmap((void *)address, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
     cacheLog("asked for memory %lx of size %ld, got %lx",address, size, mem);
     if ((unsigned long)mem == address)  // make sure we can get this address
         u_char *ret = mem + lmBlockHeaderSize();
         // we're going to depend on access time working correctly
         cacheLog("using cache memory at %lx", ret);
         return (struct trackDb *)ret;
     cacheLog("unmapping cache memory at %lx", mem);
     munmap((void *)mem, size);
 cacheLog("abandoning cache search for %s", string);
 return NULL;
 struct trackDb *trackDbCache(char *db, char *tdbPathString, time_t time)
 /* Check to see if this db has a cached trackDb. */
 cacheLog("checking for cache for db %s tdbPathString %s at time  %ld", db, tdbPathString,  time);
 return checkCache(db, tdbPathString, time);
 struct trackDb *trackDbHubCache(char *trackDbUrl, time_t time)
 cacheLog("checking for cache for hub %s at time  %ld", trackDbUrl, time);
 unsigned char hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
 SHA1((const unsigned char *)trackDbUrl, strlen(trackDbUrl), hash);
 char newName[(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1) * 2];
 hexBinaryString(hash,  SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, newName, (SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1) * 2);
 return checkCache(newName, NULL, time);
 static void cloneTdbListToSharedMem(char *string, char *tdbPathString, struct trackDb *list, unsigned long size, char *name, char *incFiles)
 /* Allocate shared memory and clone trackDb list into it. Record the names of include files in incFiles if not empty. */
 static int inited = 0;
 if (inited == 0)
     inited = 1;
 int oflags=O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
 char *dirName = cacheDirForDbAndTable(string, tdbPathString);
 if (!isDirectory(dirName))
     cacheLog("making directory %s", dirName);
     chmod(dirName, 0777);
 char tempFileName[4096];
 safef(tempFileName, sizeof tempFileName, "%s",  rTempName(dirName, "temp", ""));
 int fd = open(tempFileName, oflags, 0666 );
 if (fd < 0)
     cacheLog("unable to open shared memory %s errno %d", tempFileName, errno);
     cacheLog("open shared memory %s", tempFileName);
 ftruncate(fd, 0);
 ftruncate(fd, size);
 size_t psize = getpagesize();
 unsigned long pageMask = psize - 1;
 unsigned long paddress = 0;
 unsigned char *mem;
 int numTries = 20;
 // we try numTries times to connect to a random address 
 for(; numTries; numTries--)
     unsigned long address = random();
     paddress = (address + psize - 1) & ~pageMask;
     mem = (u_char *) mmap((void *)paddress, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
     cacheLog("asked for memory %lx of size %ld, got %lx",paddress, size, mem);
     if ((unsigned long)mem == paddress)
     cacheLog("unmapping memory at %lx",mem);
     munmap((void *)mem, size);
     mem = 0;
 if (mem == 0)
     cacheLog("giving up on finding memory");
 struct lm *lm = lmInitWMem(mem, size);
 struct hash *superHash = newHash(8);
 lmCloneTdbList(lm, list, NULL, superHash);
 unsigned long memUsed = lmUsed(lm) + lmBlockHeaderSize();
 cacheLog("cloning tdbList %p used %ld bytes called with %ld", list, memUsed, size);
 msync((void *)paddress, memUsed, MS_SYNC);
 ftruncate(fd, memUsed);
 // for the moment we're not unmapping these so multiple attached hubs will get
 // different addresses
 //munmap((void *)paddress, size);
 char fileName[4096];
 safef(fileName, sizeof fileName, "%s/%ld.%d", dirName, paddress, TRACKDB_VERSION);
 cacheLog("renaming %s to %s", tempFileName, fileName);
 mustRename(tempFileName, fileName);
 // write out the name of the trackDb being cached.
 safef(fileName, sizeof fileName, "%s/name.txt", dirName);
 FILE *stream = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 if (tdbPathString == NULL)
     fprintf(stream, "%s\n", name);
     fprintf(stream, "%s.%s\n", name,tdbPathString);
 // write out included files if present, or delete existing file if not
 safef(fileName, sizeof fileName, "%s/incFiles.txt", dirName);
 if (!isEmpty(incFiles))
     stream = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
     fputs(incFiles, stream);
 void trackDbCloneTdbListToSharedMem(char *db, char *tdbPathString, struct trackDb *list, unsigned long size)
 /* For this native db, allocate shared memory and clone trackDb list into it. */
 cacheLog("cloning memory for db %s %ld", db, size);
 cloneTdbListToSharedMem(db, tdbPathString, list, size, db, NULL);
 void trackDbHubCloneTdbListToSharedMem(char *trackDbUrl, struct trackDb *list, unsigned long size, char *incFiles)
 /* For this hub, Allocate shared memory and clone trackDb list into it. incFiles has a list of include files that may be null. */
 if ((*trackDbUrl == '.') || (list == NULL)) // don't cache empty lists or collections
 cacheLog("cloning memory for hub %s %ld", trackDbUrl, size);
 unsigned char hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
 SHA1((const unsigned char *)trackDbUrl, strlen(trackDbUrl), hash);
 char newName[(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1) * 2];
 hexBinaryString(hash,  SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, newName, (SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1) * 2);
 cloneTdbListToSharedMem(newName, NULL, list, size, trackDbUrl, incFiles);
 boolean trackDbCacheOn()
 /* Check to see if we're caching trackDb contents. */
 static boolean checkedCache = FALSE;
 static boolean doCache = FALSE;
 if (!checkedCache)
     trackDbCacheDir = cfgOption("cacheTrackDbDir");
     if (isNotEmpty(trackDbCacheDir))
         chmod(trackDbCacheDir, 0777);
         doCache = TRUE;
     checkedCache = TRUE;
 return doCache;