  Sun Mar 26 09:50:03 2023 -0700
get hubCheck to use new tdb->errMessage mechanism

diff --git src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
index b04e0f8..43082fa 100644
--- src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
+++ src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
@@ -1,1289 +1,1292 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "axt.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "bigWig.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "htmlPage.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "bedTabix.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 #include "halBlockViz.h"
 static int cacheTime = 1;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hubCheck - Check a track data hub for integrity.\n"
   "   hubCheck http://yourHost/yourDir/hub.txt\n"
   "   -noTracks             - don't check remote files for tracks, just trackDb (faster)\n"
   "   -checkSettings        - check trackDb settings to spec\n"
   "   -version=[v?|url]     - version to validate settings against\n"
   "                                     (defaults to version in hub.txt, or current standard)\n"
   "   -extra=[file|url]     - accept settings in this file (or url)\n"
   "   -level=base|required  - reject settings below this support level\n"
   "   -settings             - just list settings with support level\n"
   "   -genome=genome        - only check this genome\n"
   "   -udcDir=/dir/to/cache - place to put cache for remote bigBed/bigWigs.\n"
   "                                     Will create this directory if not existing\n"
   "   -httpsCertCheck=[abort,warn,log,none] - set the ssl certificate verification mode.\n"  
   "   -httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions= - space separated list of domains to whitelist.\n"  
   "   -printMeta            - print the metadata for each track\n"
   "   -cacheTime=N          - set cache refresh time in seconds, default %d\n"
   "   -verbose=2            - output verbosely\n"
   , cacheTime
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"version", OPTION_STRING},
    {"level", OPTION_STRING},
    {"extra", OPTION_STRING},
    {"noTracks", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"settings", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"checkSettings", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"genome", OPTION_STRING},
    {"test", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"printMeta", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"udcDir", OPTION_STRING},
    {"httpsCertCheck", OPTION_STRING},
    {"httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions", OPTION_STRING},
    {"specHost", OPTION_STRING},
    {"cacheTime", OPTION_INT},
    // intentionally undocumented option for hgHubConnect
    {"htmlOut", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct trackHubCheckOptions
 /* How to check track hub */
     boolean checkFiles;         /* check remote files exist and are correct type */
     boolean checkSettings;      /* check trackDb settings to spec */
     boolean printMeta;          /* print out the metadata for each track */
     char *version;              /* hub spec version to check */
     char *specHost;             /* server hosting hub spec */
     char *level;                /* check hub is valid to this support level */
     char *extraFile;            /* name of extra file/url with additional settings to accept */
     char *genome;               /* only check this genome */
     /* intermediate data */
     struct hash *settings;      /* supported settings for this version */
     struct hash *extra;         /* additional trackDb settings to accept */
     struct slName *suggest;     /* list of supported settings for suggesting */
     /* hgHubConnect only */
     boolean htmlOut;            /* put special formatted text into the errors dyString */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec
 /* Setting name and support level, from trackDbHub.html (the spec) */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *next;
     char *name;                 /* setting name */
     char *level;                /* support level (required, base, full, new, deprecated) */
 /* Mini English spell-check using axt sequence alignment code!  From JK
  * Works in this context when thresholded high.  */
 static struct axtScoreScheme *scoreSchemeEnglish()
 /* Return something that will match just English words more or less. */
 struct axtScoreScheme *ss;
 ss->gapOpen = 4;
 ss->gapExtend = 2;
 /* Set up diagonal to match */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<256; ++i)
     ss->matrix[i][i] = 2;
 /* Set up upper and lower case to match mostly */
 int caseDiff = 'A' - 'a';
 for (i='a'; i<='z'; ++i)
     ss->matrix[i][i+caseDiff] = 1;
     ss->matrix[i+caseDiff][i] = 1;
 return ss;
 static int scoreWordMatch(char *a, char *b, struct axtScoreScheme *ss)
 /* Return alignment score of two words */
 struct dnaSeq aSeq = { .name = "a", .dna = a, .size = strlen(a)};
 struct dnaSeq bSeq = { .name = "b", .dna = b, .size = strlen(b)};
 struct axt *axt = axtAffine(&aSeq, &bSeq, ss);
 int result = 0;
 if (axt != NULL)
     result = axt->score;
 return result;
 static char *suggestSetting(char *setting, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Suggest a similar word from settings lists.  Suggest only if there is a single good match */
 char *best = NULL;
 int bestScore = 0;
 int bestCount = 0;
 struct slName *suggest;
 struct axtScoreScheme *ss = scoreSchemeEnglish();
 for (suggest = options->suggest; suggest != NULL; suggest = suggest->next)
     int score = scoreWordMatch(setting, suggest->name, ss);
     if (score < bestScore)
     if (score > bestScore)
         best = suggest->name;
         bestScore = score;
         bestCount = 1;
         // same score
 if (bestCount == 1 && bestScore > 15)
     verbose(3, "suggest %s score: %d\n", best, bestScore);
     return best;
 return NULL;
 struct htmlPage *trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(char *specHost, char *version)
 /* Open the trackDbHub.html file and attach html reader. Use default version if NULL */
 char *specUrl;
 char buf[256];
 if (version != NULL && startsWith("http", version))
     specUrl = version;
     safef(buf, sizeof buf, "http://%s/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbHub%s%s.html", 
                         specHost, version ? "." : "", version ? version: "");
     specUrl = buf;
 verbose(2, "Using spec at %s\n", specUrl);
 struct htmlPage *page = htmlPageGet(specUrl);
 if (page == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't open hub settings spec %s", specUrl);
 //TODO: apply page validator
 //htmlPageValidateOrAbort(page);  // would like to use this, but current page doesn't validate
 // Would need to replace empty table (replaced by JS) with div, and assure htmlPageValidateOrAbort
 // is run on any page change.
 /* TODO: validate this is a trackDbHub spec */
 /* (e.g. scan tags for the hub version, perhaps limiting to first N tags) */
 return page;
 char *trackHubVersionDefault(char *specHost, struct htmlPage **pageRet)
 /* Return default version of hub spec by parsing for version id in the page */
 struct htmlPage *page = trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(specHost, NULL);
 struct htmlTag *tag;
 /* Find version tag (span id=) */
 char buf[256];
 verbose(6, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));
 for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
     if (sameString(strLower(tag->name), "span") &&
         tag->attributes != NULL &&
         sameString(strLower(tag->attributes->name), "id") &&
         sameString(tag->attributes->val, "trackDbHub_version"))
             int len = min(tag->next->start - tag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
             memcpy(buf, tag->end, len);
             buf[len] = 0;
             verbose(6, "Found version: %s\n", buf);
             return cloneString(buf);
 return NULL;
 int trackHubSettingLevel(struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec)
 /* Get integer for level  (required > base > full > new > deprecated). -1 for unknown */
 if (sameString(spec->level, "required"))
     return 5;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "base"))
     return 4;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "full"))
     return 3;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "new"))
     return 2;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "deprecated"))
     return 1;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "all"))     //used only as check option
     return 0;
 return -1; // unknown
 boolean trackHubSettingLevelCmp(struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec1, struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec2)
 /* Compare setting levels */
 return trackHubSettingLevel(spec1) - trackHubSettingLevel(spec2);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *trackHubSettingsForVersion(char *specHost, char *version)
 /* Return list of settings with support level. Version can be version string or spec url */
 struct htmlPage *page = NULL;
 if (version == NULL)
     version = trackHubVersionDefault(specHost, &page);
     if (version == NULL)
         errAbort("Can't get default spec from host %s", specHost);
 /* Retrieve specs from file url. 
  * Settings are the first text word within any <code> tag having class="level-" attribute.
  * The level represents the level of support for the setting (e.g. base, full, deprecated)
  * The support level ('level-*') is the class value of the * <code> tag.
  * E.g.  <code class="level-full">boxedConfig on</code> produces:
  *      setting=boxedConfig, class=full */
 if (page == NULL)
     page = trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(specHost, version);
 if (page == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't get settings spec for version %s from host %s", version, specHost);
 verbose(5, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec, *savedSpec;
 struct hash *specHash = hashNew(0);
 struct htmlTag *tag;
 struct htmlAttribute *attr;
 char buf[256];
 for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
     if (differentWord(tag->name, "code"))
     attr = tag->attributes;
     if (attr == NULL || differentString(attr->name, "class") || !startsWith("level-", attr->val))
     int len = min(tag->next->start - tag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
     memcpy(buf, tag->end, len);
     buf[len] = 0;
     verbose(6, "Found spec: %s\n", buf);
     spec->name = cloneString(firstWordInLine(buf));
     if (spec->name == NULL || strlen(spec->name) == 0)
         warn("ERROR: format problem with trackDbHub.html -- contact UCSC.");
     spec->level = cloneString(chopPrefixAt(attr->val, '-'));
     verbose(6, "spec: name=%s, level=%s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
     savedSpec = (struct trackHubSettingSpec *)hashFindVal(specHash, spec->name);
     if (savedSpec != NULL)
         verbose(6, "found spec %s level %s in hash\n", savedSpec->name, savedSpec->level);
     if (savedSpec == NULL)
         hashAdd(specHash, spec->name, spec);
         verbose(6, "added spec %s at level %s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
     else if (trackHubSettingLevelCmp(spec, savedSpec) > 0)
         hashReplace(specHash, spec->name, spec);
         verbose(6, "replaced spec %s at level %s, was %s\n", 
             spec->name, spec->level, savedSpec->level);
 struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(specHash);
 int settingsCt = slCount(list);
 verbose(5, "Found %d settings's\n", slCount(list));
 if (settingsCt == 0)
     errAbort("Can't find hub setting info for version %s (host %s)."
               " Use -version to indicate a different version number or url.", version, specHost);
 slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *specs = NULL;
 int baseCt = 0;
 int requiredCt = 0;
 int deprecatedCt = 0;
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "base"))
     else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "required"))
     else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "deprecated"))
     slAddHead(&specs, el->val);
         "Found %d supported settings for this version (%d required, %d base, %d deprecated)\n",
                 slCount(specs), requiredCt, baseCt, deprecatedCt);
 return specs;
 int hubSettingsCheckInit(struct trackHub *hub,  struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, 
                         struct dyString *errors)
 int retVal = 0;
 if (hub->version != NULL && options->version == NULL)
     options->version = hub->version;
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubLevel = NULL;
 int level = 0;
 if (hub->version != NULL)
     if ((level = trackHubSettingLevel(hubLevel)) < 0)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "Unknown hub support level: %s. Defaulting to 'all'.\n",
         retVal = 1;
         options->level = hub->level;
 verbose(2, "Checking hub '%s'", hub->longLabel);
 if (options->level)
     verbose(2, " for compliance to level '%s' (use -settings to view)", options->level);
 verbose(2, "\n");
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     /* make hash of settings for this version, saving in options */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting, *settings = 
                 trackHubSettingsForVersion(options->specHost, options->version);
     options->settings = newHash(0);
     options->suggest = NULL;
     for (setting = settings; setting != NULL; setting = setting->next)
         hashAdd(options->settings, setting->name, setting);
         slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, setting->name);
     /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */
     // TODO: move extra file handling here (out of hubCheck)
     if (options->extra != NULL)
         struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(options->extra);
         struct hashEl *hel;
         while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
             slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, hel->name);
     verbose(3, "Suggest list has %d settings\n", slCount(options->suggest));
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckTrackSetting(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb, char *setting, 
                                 struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check trackDb setting to spec (by version and level). Returns non-zero if error, msg in errors */
 int retVal = 0;
 verbose(4, "    Check setting '%s'\n", setting);
 /* skip internally added/used settings */
 if (sameString(setting, "polished") || sameString(setting, "group"))
     return 0;
 /* check setting is in extra file of supported settings */
 if (options->extra && hashLookup(options->extra, setting))
         return 0;
 /* check setting is supported in this version */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubSetting = hashFindVal(options->settings, setting);
 if (hubSetting == NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is unknown/unsupported", setting);
     char *suggest = suggestSetting(setting, options);
     if (suggest != NULL)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, " (did you mean '%s' ?)", suggest);
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "\n");
     retVal = 1;
 else if (sameString(hubSetting->level, "deprecated"))
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is deprecated\n", setting);
     retVal = 1;
     /*  check level */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *checkLevel = NULL;
     checkLevel->level = options->level;
     if (trackHubSettingLevel(hubSetting) < trackHubSettingLevel(checkLevel))
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is level '%s'\n", setting, hubSetting->level);
         retVal = 1;
 return retVal;
 boolean extFileExists(char *path)
 /* Check that a remote URL actually exists, path may be a URL or a local path relative to hub.txt */
 // if the file is local check that it exists:
 if (!hasProtocol(path) && udcExists(path))
     return TRUE;
     // netLineFileSilentOpen will handle 301 redirects and the like
     if (netLineFileSilentOpen(path) != NULL)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 char *makeFolderObjectString(char *id, char *text, char *parent, char *title, boolean children, boolean openFolder)
 /* Construct a folder item for one of the jstree arrays */
 struct dyString *folderString = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(folderString, "{icon: '../../images/folderC.png', id: '%s', "
     "text:'%s', parent:'%s',"
     "li_attr:{title:'%s'}, children:%s, state: {opened: %s}}",
     htmlEncode(id), htmlEncode(text), htmlEncode(parent), title, children ? "true" : "false", openFolder ? "true" : "false");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&folderString);
 char *makeChildObjectString(char *id, char *title, char *shortLabel, char *longLabel,
     char *color, char *name, char *text, char *parent)
 /* Construct a single child item for one of the jstree arrays */
 struct dyString *item = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(item, "{icon: 'fa fa-plus', id:'%s', li_attr:{class: 'hubError', title: '%s', "
         "shortLabel: '%s', longLabel: '%s', color: '%s', name:'%s'}, "
         "text:'%s', parent: '%s', state: {opened: true}}",
         htmlEncode(id), title, htmlEncode(shortLabel), htmlEncode(longLabel), color, name, htmlEncode(text), htmlEncode(parent));
 return dyStringCannibalize(&item);
 void hubErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHub *hub, boolean doHtml)
 /* Construct the right javascript for the jstree for a top level hub.txt error. */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     char *sl;
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     static int count = 0; // force a unique id for the jstree object
     char id[512];
     //TODO: Choose better default labels
     if (hub && hub->shortLabel != NULL)
         sl = hub->shortLabel;
         sl = "Hub Error";
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
     stripChar(strippedMessage, '\n');
     safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", sl, count);
     // make the error message
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [%s];\n", htmlEncode(sl),
         makeChildObjectString(id, "Hub Error", htmlEncode(sl), htmlEncode(sl), "#550073", htmlEncode(sl), strippedMessage, sl));
 void genomeErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHub *hub,
     struct trackHubGenome *genome, boolean doHtml)
 /* Construct the right javascript for the jstree for a top-level genomes.txt error or
  * error opening a trackDb.txt file */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     static int count = 0; // forces unique ID's which the jstree object needs
     char id[512];
     char *errorMessages[16];
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
     // multiple errors may be in a single message, chop by newline and make a node in the tree for each message
     int numMessages = chopByChar(strippedMessage, '\n', errorMessages, sizeof(errorMessages));
     int i = 0;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [", genomeName);
     for (; i < numMessages && isNotEmpty(errorMessages[i]); i++)
         safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", genomeName, count);
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeChildObjectString(id, "Genome Error", genomeName, genomeName, "#550073", genomeName, errorMessages[i], genomeName));
 void trackDbErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, boolean doHtml)
 /* Adds the right object for a jstree object of trackDb configuration errors.  */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     char *splitMessages[16]; // SUBGROUP_MAX=9 but add a few extra just in case
     char parentOrTrackString[512];
     char id[512];
     static int count = 0; // forces unique ID's which the jstree object needs
     int numMessages = 0;
     int i = 0;
     // if a subtrack is missing multiple subgroups, then message will contain
     // at least two newline separated errors, both should be printed separately:
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
         while (lastChar(strippedMessage) == '\n')
         numMessages = chopByChar(strippedMessage, '\n', splitMessages, sizeof(splitMessages));
     for (; i < numMessages; i++)
         if (isNotEmpty(splitMessages[i]))
             safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), count);
             safef(parentOrTrackString, sizeof(parentOrTrackString), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,",
                     makeChildObjectString(id, "TrackDb Error", tdb->shortLabel, tdb->longLabel,
                     "#550073", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), splitMessages[i], parentOrTrackString));
 boolean checkEmptyMembersForAll(membersForAll_t *membersForAll, struct trackDb *parentTdb)
 /* membersForAll may be allocated and exist but not have any actual members defined. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(membersForAll->members); i++)
     if (membersForAll->members[i] != NULL)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 int hubCheckSubtrackSettings(struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Check that 'subgroups' are consistent with what is defined at the parent level */
 int retVal = 0;
 if (!tdbIsSubtrack(tdb))
     return retVal;
 int i;
 char *subtrackName = trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track);
 sortOrder_t *sortOrder = NULL;
 membership_t *membership = NULL;
 membersForAll_t *membersForAll = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     membersForAll = membersForAllSubGroupsGet(tdb->parent, NULL);
     // membersForAllSubGroupsGet() warns about the parent stanza, turn it into an errAbort
     if (errCatch->gotWarning)
         errAbort("%s", errCatch->message->string);
     if (membersForAll && checkEmptyMembersForAll(membersForAll, tdb->parent))
         membership = subgroupMembershipGet(tdb);
         sortOrder = sortOrderGet(NULL, tdb->parent);
         if (membership == NULL)
             errAbort("missing 'subgroups' setting for subtrack %s", subtrackName);
         // if a sortOrder is defined, make sure every subtrack has that membership
         if (sortOrder)
             for (i = 0; i < sortOrder->count; i++)
                 char *col = sortOrder->column[i];
                 if ( (!sameString(col, SUBTRACK_COLOR_SUBGROUP)) && (membership == NULL || stringArrayIx(col, membership->subgroups, membership->count) == -1))
                     warn("%s not a member of sortOrder subgroup %s", subtrackName, col);
         // now check that this subtrack is a member of every defined subgroup
         for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(membersForAll->members); i++)
             if (membersForAll->members[i] != NULL)
                 char *subgroupName = membersForAll->members[i]->groupTag;
                 if (stringArrayIx(subgroupName, membership->subgroups, membership->count) == -1)
                     warn("subtrack %s not a member of subgroup %s", subtrackName, subgroupName);
         // check that the subtrack does not have any bogus subgroups that don't exist in the parent
         for (i = 0; i < membership->count; i++)
             char *subgroupName = membership->subgroups[i];
             if (!subgroupingExists(tdb->parent, subgroupName))
                 warn("subtrack \"%s\" has a subgroup \"%s\" not defined at parent level", subtrackName, subgroupName);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     retVal = 1;
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckCompositeSettings(struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Check composite level settings like subgroups, dimensions, sortOrder, etc.
  * Note that this function returns an int because we want to warn about all errors in a single
  * composite stanza rather than errAbort on the first error */
 int retVal = 0;
 // for now all the combination style stanzas can get checked here, but
 // in the future they might need their own routines
 if (! (tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb)) )
     return retVal;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     // check that subgroup lines are syntactically correct:
     // "subGroup name Title tag1=value1 ..."
     (void)membersForAllSubGroupsGet(tdb, NULL);
     // check that multiWigs have > 1 track
     char *multiWigSetting = trackDbLocalSetting(tdb, "container");
     if (multiWigSetting && slCount(tdb->subtracks) < 2)
         errAbort("container multiWig %s has only one subtrack. multiWigs must have more than one subtrack", tdb->track);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     // don't add a new line because one will already be inserted by the errCatch->message
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
     retVal = 1;
 return retVal;
 void hubCheckParentsAndChildren(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Check that a single trackDb stanza has the correct parent and subtrack pointers */
 if (tdbIsSuper(tdb) || tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb))
     if (tdb->subtracks == NULL)
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared superTrack, compositeTrack, view or "
             "container, but has no subtracks", tdb->track);
     // Containers should not have a bigDataUrl setting
     if (trackDbLocalSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl"))
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared superTrack, compositeTrack, view or "
             "container, and also has a bigDataUrl", tdb->track);
     // multiWigs cannot be the child of a composite
     if (tdbIsContainer(tdb) &&
             (tdb->parent != NULL &&
             (tdbIsComposite(tdb->parent) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb->parent))))
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared container multiWig and has parent \"%s\"."
             " Container multiWig tracks cannot be children of composites or views",
             tdb->track, tdb->parent->track);
 else if (tdb->subtracks != NULL)
     errAbort("Track \"%s\" has children tracks (e.g: \"%s\"), but is not a "
         "compositeTrack, container, view or superTrack", tdb->track, tdb->subtracks->track);
 boolean checkTypeLine(struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 boolean retVal = FALSE;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     char *type = trackDbRequiredSetting(tdb, "type");
     char *splitType[4];
     int numWords = chopByWhite(cloneString(type), splitType, sizeof(splitType));
     if (sameString(splitType[0], "bigBed"))
         if (numWords > 1 && (strchr(splitType[1], '+') || strchr(splitType[1], '.')))
             errAbort("error in type line \"%s\" for track \"%s\". "
                 "A space is needed after the \"+\" or \".\" character.", type, tdb->track);
         if (numWords > 2 && (!sameString(splitType[2], "+") && !sameString(splitType[2], ".")))
             errAbort("error in type line \"%s\" for track \"%s\". "
                 "Only \"+\" or \".\" is allowed after bigBed numFields setting.", type, tdb->track);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
     retVal = TRUE;
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckTrack(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb,
                         struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check track settings and optionally, files */
 int retVal = 0;
 int trackDbErrorCount = 0;
 if (options->checkSettings && options->settings)
     //verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", slCount(settings));
     verbose(3, "Checking track: %s\n", tdb->shortLabel);
     verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", hashNumEntries(tdb->settingsHash));
     struct hashEl *hel;
     struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
     while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
         retVal |= hubCheckTrackSetting(hub, tdb, hel->name, options, errors);
     /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */
 if (options->printMeta)
     struct slPair *metaPairs = trackDbMetaPairs(tdb);
     if (metaPairs != NULL)
         printf("%s\n", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
         struct slPair *pair;
         for(pair = metaPairs; pair; pair = pair->next)
             printf("\t%s : %s\n", pair->name, (char *)pair->val);
 struct trackDb *tempTdb = NULL;
 char *textName = NULL;
 char idName[512];
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 boolean trackIsContainer = (tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb));
 // first get down into the subtracks
 if (tdb->subtracks != NULL)
     for (tempTdb = tdb->subtracks; tempTdb != NULL; tempTdb = tempTdb->next)
         retVal |= hubCheckTrack(hub, genome, tempTdb, options, errors);
 // for when assembly hubs have tracks with the same name, prepend assembly name to id
 safef(idName, sizeof(idName), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [", idName);
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
+    if (tdb->errMessage)  // if we found any errors when first reading in the trackDb
+        errAbort("%s",tdb->errMessage);
     if (trackIsContainer)
         retVal |= hubCheckCompositeSettings(genome, tdb, errors, options);
     if (tdbIsSubtrack(tdb))
         retVal |= hubCheckSubtrackSettings(genome, tdb, errors, options);
     // check that type line is syntactically correct regardless of
     // if we actually want to check the data file itself
     boolean foundTypeError = checkTypeLine(genome, tdb, errors, options);
     // No point in checking the data file if the type setting is incorrect,
     // since hubCheckBigDataUrl will error out early with a less clear message
     // if the type line is messed up. This has the added benefit of providing
     // consistent messaging on command line interface vs web interface
     if (!foundTypeError && options->checkFiles)
         hubCheckBigDataUrl(hub, genome, tdb);
     if (!sameString(tdb->track, "cytoBandIdeo"))
         trackHubAddDescription(genome->trackDbFile, tdb);
         if (!tdb->html)
             warn("warning: missing description page for track: '%s'", tdb->track);
     if (!trackIsContainer && sameString(trackDbRequiredSetting(tdb, "type"), "bigWig"))
         char *autoScaleSetting = trackDbLocalSetting(tdb, "autoScale");
         if (autoScaleSetting && !sameString(autoScaleSetting, "off") && !sameString(autoScaleSetting, "on"))
             errAbort("track \"%s\" has value \"%s\" for autoScale setting, "
                     "valid autoScale values for individual bigWig tracks are \"off\" or \"on\" only. "
                     "If \"%s\" is part of a bigWig composite track and you want to use the "
                     "\"%s\" setting, only declare \"autoScale group\" in the parent stanza",
                     trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), autoScaleSetting, trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), 
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     retVal = 1;
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
         trackDbErrorCount += 1;
 if (options->htmlOut)
     if (trackIsContainer)
         for (tempTdb = tdb->subtracks; tempTdb != NULL; tempTdb = tempTdb->next)
             char subtrackName[512];
             safef(subtrackName, sizeof(subtrackName), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tempTdb->track));
             textName = trackHubSkipHubName(tempTdb->longLabel);
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeFolderObjectString(subtrackName, textName, idName, "TRACK", TRUE, retVal));
     else if (!retVal)
         // add "Error" to the trackname to force uniqueness for the jstree
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "{icon: 'fa fa-plus', "
             "id:'%sError', text:'No trackDb configuration errors', parent:'%s'}", idName, idName);
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckGenome(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome,
                 struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check out genome within hub. */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL;
 int genomeErrorCount = 0;
 boolean openedGenome = FALSE;
 verbose(3, "checking genome %s\n", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name));
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     if (genome->twoBitPath != NULL)
         // check that twoBitPath is a valid file, warn instead of errAbort so we can continue checking
         // the genome stanza
         char *twoBit = genome->twoBitPath;
         if (!extFileExists(twoBit))
             warn("Error: '%s' twoBitPath does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, twoBit);
         // groups and htmlPath are optional settings, again only warn if they are malformed
         char *groupsFile = genome->groups;
         if (groupsFile != NULL && !extFileExists(groupsFile))
             warn("warning: '%s' groups file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, groupsFile);
         char *htmlPath = hashFindVal(genome->settingsHash, "htmlPath");
         if (htmlPath == NULL)
             warn("warning: missing htmlPath setting for assembly hub '%s'", genome->name);
         else if (!extFileExists(htmlPath))
             warn("warning: '%s' htmlPath file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, htmlPath);
     boolean foundFirstGenome = FALSE;
     tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, genome, NULL, &foundFirstGenome);
     tdbList = trackDbLinkUpGenerations(tdbList);
     tdbList = trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(tdbList, genome->name);
     trackHubPolishTrackNames(hub, tdbList);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     openedGenome = TRUE;
     genomeErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, hub, genome, options->htmlOut);
     if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
         genomeErrorCount += 1;
 verbose(2, "%d tracks in %s\n", slCount(tdbList), genome->name);
 struct trackDb *tdb;
 int tdbCheckVal;
 static struct dyString *tdbDyString = NULL;
 if (!tdbDyString)
     tdbDyString = dyStringNew(0);
 // build up the track results list, keep track of number of errors, then
 // open up genomes folder
 char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
 for (tdb = tdbList; tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next)
     if (options->htmlOut)
         // if we haven't already found an error then open up the array
         if (!openedGenome)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s']  = [", genomeName);
             openedGenome = TRUE;
     // use different dyString for the actual errors generated by each track
     tdbCheckVal = hubCheckTrack(hub, genome, tdb, options, tdbDyString);
     genomeErrorCount += tdbCheckVal;
     if (options->htmlOut)
         // when assembly hubs have tracks with the same name, prepend assembly name to id
         char name[512];
         safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", makeFolderObjectString(name, tdb->longLabel, genomeName, "TRACK", TRUE, tdbCheckVal ? TRUE : FALSE));
         if (tdb->next != NULL)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, ",");
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", tdbDyString->string);
 return genomeErrorCount;
 void checkGenomeRestriction(struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct trackHub *hub)
 /* check the a genome restriction from the command line is a valid genome */
 if (options->genome == NULL)
     return;  // OK
 for (struct trackHubGenome *genome = hub->genomeList; genome != NULL; genome = genome->next)
     if (sameString(trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), options->genome))
         return;  // OK
 errAbort("Genome %s not found in hub", options->genome);
 boolean shouldCheckGenomes(struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct trackHubGenome *genome)
 /* should this genome be check based on command line restrictions */
 return (options->genome == NULL) ||
     sameString(trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), options->genome);
 int trackHubCheck(char *hubUrl, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check a track data hub for integrity. Put errors in dyString.
  *      return 0 if hub has no errors, 1 otherwise
  *      if options->checkTracks is TRUE, check remote files of individual tracks
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackHub *hub = NULL;
 struct dyString *hubErrors = dyStringNew(0);
 int retVal = 0;
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     hub = trackHubOpen(hubUrl, "");
     char *descUrl = hub->descriptionUrl;
     if (descUrl == NULL)
         warn("warning: missing hub overview description page (descriptionUrl setting)");
     else if (!extFileExists(descUrl))
         warn("warning: %s descriptionUrl setting does not exist", hub->descriptionUrl);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     retVal = 1;
     hubErr(hubErrors, errCatch->message->string, hub, options->htmlOut);
     if (options->htmlOut)
         if (hub && hub->shortLabel)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [%s,",
                 makeFolderObjectString(hub->shortLabel, "Hub Errors", "#",
                     "Click to open node", TRUE, TRUE));
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [%s,",
                 makeFolderObjectString("Hub Error", "Hub Errors", "#",
                     "Click to open node", TRUE, TRUE));
 if (hub == NULL)
     // the reason we couldn't close the array in the previous block is because
     // there may be non-fatal errors and we still want to keep trying to check
     // the genomes settings, which need to be children of the root '#' node.
     // Here we are at a fatal error so we can close the array and return
     if (options->htmlOut)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
     return 1;
 if (options->htmlOut && retVal != 1)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [");
 if (options->checkSettings)
     retVal |= hubSettingsCheckInit(hub, options, errors);
 struct trackHubGenome *genome;
 checkGenomeRestriction(options, hub);
 char genomeTitleString[128];
 struct dyString *genomeErrors = dyStringNew(0);
 for (genome = hub->genomeList; genome != NULL; genome = genome->next)
     if (shouldCheckGenomes(options, genome))
         int numGenomeErrors = hubCheckGenome(hub, genome, options, genomeErrors);
         if (options->htmlOut)
             char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
             safef(genomeTitleString, sizeof(genomeTitleString),
                   "%s (%d configuration error%s)", genomeName, numGenomeErrors,
                   numGenomeErrors == 1 ? "" : "s");
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeFolderObjectString(genomeName, genomeTitleString, "#",
                            "Click to open node", TRUE, numGenomeErrors > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE));
         retVal |= numGenomeErrors;
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&genomeErrors));
 return retVal;
 static void addExtras(char *extraFile, struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions)
 /* Add settings from extra file (e.g. for specific hub display site) */
 verbose(2, "Accepting extra settings in '%s'\n", extraFile);
 checkOptions->extraFile = extraFile;
 checkOptions->extra = hashNew(0);
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 if (startsWith("http", extraFile))
     struct dyString *ds = netSlurpUrl(extraFile);
     char *s = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
     lf = lineFileOnString(extraFile, TRUE, s);
     lf = lineFileOpen(extraFile, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     hashAdd(checkOptions->extra, line, NULL);
 verbose(3, "Found %d extra settings\n", hashNumEntries(checkOptions->extra));
 static void showSettings(struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions)
 /* Print settings and levels for the indicated version */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *settings = 
             trackHubSettingsForVersion(checkOptions->specHost, checkOptions->version);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting = NULL;
 setting->level = checkOptions->level;
 int checkLevel = trackHubSettingLevel(setting);
 verbose(3, "Showing level %d (%s) and higher\n", checkLevel, setting->level);
 for (setting = settings; setting != NULL; setting = setting->next)
     if (trackHubSettingLevel(setting) >= checkLevel)
         printf("%s\t%s\n", setting->name, setting->level);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 2 && !optionExists("settings"))
 struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions = NULL;
 checkOptions->specHost = (optionExists("test") ? "genome-test.soe.ucsc.edu" : "genome.ucsc.edu");
 checkOptions->specHost = optionVal("specHost", checkOptions->specHost);
 checkOptions->printMeta = optionExists("printMeta");
 checkOptions->checkFiles = !optionExists("noTracks");
 checkOptions->checkSettings = optionExists("checkSettings");
 checkOptions->genome = optionVal("genome", NULL);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting = NULL;
 setting->level = optionVal("level", "all");
 if (trackHubSettingLevel(setting) < 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognized support level %s\n\n", setting->level);
 checkOptions->level = setting->level;
 char *version = NULL;
 if (optionExists("version"))
     version = optionVal("version", NULL);
 checkOptions->version = version;
 char *extraFile = optionVal("extra", NULL);
 if (extraFile != NULL)
     addExtras(extraFile, checkOptions);
 cacheTime = optionInt("cacheTime", cacheTime);
 // UDC cache dir: first check for hg.conf setting, then override with command line option if given.
 udcSetDefaultDir(optionVal("udcDir", udcDefaultDir()));
 char *httpsCertCheck = optionVal("httpsCertCheck", NULL);
 if (httpsCertCheck)
     //  level log for testing, but you only see something if SCRIPT_NAME env variable is set like CGIs have.
     if (sameString(httpsCertCheck, "abort") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "warn") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "log") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "none"))
 	setenv("https_cert_check", httpsCertCheck, 1);
 	// log level is not very useful, but included it for completeness.
 	verbose(1, "The value of -httpsCertCheck should be either abort to avoid Man-in-middle attack,\n"
 		"warn to warn about failed certs,\n"
 		"none indicating the verify is skipped entirely.");
 // should be space separated list, if that lists contains "noHardwiredExceptions" then the built-in hardwired whitelist in https.c is skipped.
 char *httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions = optionVal("httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions", NULL);
 if (httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions)
     setenv("https_cert_check_domain_exceptions", httpsCertCheckDomainExceptions, 1);
 knetUdcInstall();  // make the htslib library use udc
 if (optionExists("settings"))
     return 0;
 // hgHubConnect specific option for generating a jstree of the hub errors
 checkOptions->htmlOut = optionExists("htmlOut");
 struct dyString *errors = dyStringNew(1024);
 if (trackHubCheck(argv[1], checkOptions, errors) || checkOptions->htmlOut)
     if (checkOptions->htmlOut) // just dump errors string to stdout
         printf("%s", errors->string);
         return 1;
         // uniquify and count errors
         struct slName *errs = slNameListFromString(errors->string, '\n');
         slUniqify(&errs, slNameCmp, slNameFree);
         int errCount = slCount(errs);
         printf("Found %d problem%s:\n", errCount, errCount == 1 ? "" : "s");
         printf("%s\n", slNameListToString(errs, '\n'));
         return 1;
 return 0;