  Thu Apr 6 14:29:04 2023 -0700
adding endpoint /list/files function to list hgdownload files refs #23589

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
index e9c386a..7499a967 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
+++ src/hg/hubApi/apiUtils.c
@@ -679,15 +679,39 @@
 void hubAliasSetup(struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome)
 /* see if this hub has an alias file and run chromAliasSetupBb() for it */
 if (hubGenome->settingsHash)
     char *aliasFile = hashFindVal(hubGenome->settingsHash, "chromAliasBb");
     char *absFileName = NULL;
     if (aliasFile)
        absFileName = trackHubRelativeUrl((hubGenome->trackHub)->url, aliasFile);
     if (absFileName)
         chromAliasSetupBb(NULL, absFileName);
+char *genArkPath(char *genome)
+/* given a GenArk hub genome name, e.g. GCA_021951015.1 return the path:
+ *               GCA/021/951/015/GCA_021951015.1
+ * prefix that with desired server URL: https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/
+ *   if desired.  Or suffix add /hub.txt to get the hub.txt URL
+ *
+ *   already been proven that genome is a GCx_ name prefix before calling
+ */
+struct dyString *genArkPath = dyStringNew(0);
+char tmpBuf[4];
+safencpy(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), genome, 3);
+dyStringPrintf(genArkPath, "%s/", tmpBuf);
+safencpy(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), genome+4, 3);
+dyStringPrintf(genArkPath, "%s/", tmpBuf);
+safencpy(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), genome+7, 3);
+dyStringPrintf(genArkPath, "%s/", tmpBuf);
+safencpy(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), genome+10, 3);
+dyStringPrintf(genArkPath, "%s", tmpBuf);
+return dyStringCannibalize(&genArkPath);