208487f343486678f30923d5cfea34b4ec34c366 markd Sun May 7 20:34:31 2023 -0700 fixed typo in help message diff --git src/hg/utils/overlapSelect/usage.txt src/hg/utils/overlapSelect/usage.txt index f48b74e..3ffd4aa 100644 --- src/hg/utils/overlapSelect/usage.txt +++ src/hg/utils/overlapSelect/usage.txt @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ Options: -selectFmt=fmt - specify selectFile format: psl - PSL format (default for *.psl files). Additional columns are copied as-is. pslq - PSL format, using query instead of target. Additional columns are copied as-is. genePred - genePred format (default for *.gp or *.genePred files). Additional columns are copied as-is. bed - BED format (default for *.bed files). If BED doesn't have blocks, the bed range is used. If it has more than 12 columns, the remainder of the columns are copied as-is. bed3+ - BED format where only the first three columns are used as the range, the remainder are copied as-is. bed6+ - BED format where only the first six columns are used as the - range and strange, the remainder are copied as-is. + range and strand, the remainder are copied as-is. chain - chain file format (default from .chain files) chainq - chain file format, using query instead of target -selectCoordCols=spec - selectFile is tab-separate with coordinates as described by spec, which is one of: o chromCol - chrom in this column followed by start and end. o chromCol,startCol,endCol,strandCol,name - chrom, start, end, and strand in specified columns. Columns can be omitted from the end or left empty to not specify. NOTE: column numbers are zero-based -selectCds - Use only CDS in the selectFile -selectRange - Use entire range instead of blocks from records in the selectFile. -inFmt=fmt - specify inFile format, same values as -selectFmt. -inCoordCols=spec - inFile is tab-separate with coordinates specified by spec, in format described above.