  Thu Jun 22 10:17:38 2023 -0700
Send verbose usher_to_taxonium output to log

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh
index 50a84d3..3e5f83a 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh
@@ -92,31 +92,31 @@
 $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb -u samples.public.$today
 sampleCountComma=$(echo $(wc -l < samples.public.$today) \
                    | sed -re 's/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/; s/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3},[0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/;')
 echo "$sampleCountComma genomes from GenBank, COG-UK and CNCB ($today); sarscov2phylo 13-11-20 tree with newer sequences added by UShER" \
     > hgPhyloPlace.description.txt
 # Make Taxonium V2 .jsonl.gz protobuf for display
 usher_to_taxonium --input public-$today.all.masked.pb \
     --metadata public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz \
     --genbank ~angie/github/taxonium/taxoniumtools/test_data/hu1.gb \
     --columns genbank_accession,country,date,pangolin_lineage,pango_lineage_usher \
     --clade_types=nextstrain,pango \
     --name_internal_nodes \
     --title "$today tree with sequences from GISAID, INSDC, COG-UK and CNCB" \
-    --output public-$today.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz
+    --output public-$today.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz >& utt.log
 # Make a size-limited public tree for ShUShER so it doesn't exceed browser memory limits
 $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb --set-size 6000000 \
     -o public-$today.all.masked.ShUShER.pb.gz
 # Link to public trees download directory hierarchy
 read y m d < <(echo $today | sed -re 's/-/ /g')
 mkdir -p $archive
 gzip -c public-$today.all.nwk > $archive/public-$today.all.nwk.gz
 ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.{pb,vcf.gz} $archive/
 gzip -c public-$today.all.masked.pb > $archive/public-$today.all.masked.pb.gz
 ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz $archive/
 gzip -c public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pangolin.pb \