  Thu Jun 22 15:04:39 2023 -0700
now working on a list and can print out full country names no redmine

diff --git src/hg/geoIpToCountry/geoIpToCountry.c src/hg/geoIpToCountry/geoIpToCountry.c
index 5abef76..fd8a130 100644
--- src/hg/geoIpToCountry/geoIpToCountry.c
+++ src/hg/geoIpToCountry/geoIpToCountry.c
@@ -1,64 +1,138 @@
 /* program geoIpToCountry
  * by Galt Barber 2023-06-21
  * use geoIp innfrastructure and hgcentral.geoIpCountry6 table 
  * to quicklyy map IP address to country-code. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "geoMirror.h"
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
-    {"-help"    , OPTION_BOOLEAN},
+    {"help"    , OPTION_BOOLEAN},
+    {"twoLetterCodes"    , OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0}
-struct hash *locHash = NULL;
+// could use this hash to avoid duplicate processing
+static struct hash *locHash = NULL;
+// may have country code translation here
+static struct hash *countryCode = NULL;
 void usage(char *p) 
 /* display correct usage/syntax */
-    "%s IPaddress\n"
+    "%s <options> IPaddress\n"
     "    IP address may be IPv4 or IPv6.\n"
+    "    Or, it can be a file name with a list of addresses to check.\n"
+    "options:\n"
+    " -twoLetterCodes <file.tsv> - to provide translation of two letter codes\n"
+    "                              to full country names."
 int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
 char *ipStr=NULL;
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
-if ((argc != 2) || optionExists("-help"))
+if ((argc != 2) || optionExists("help"))
+struct sqlConnection *centralConn = hConnectCentral();
+char *codes = optionVal("twoLetterCodes", NULL);
+boolean fileList = isRegularFile(ipStr);
+if (codes)
+    {
+    char *words[2];
+    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(codes, TRUE);
+    verbose(2, "# reading country code translations: %s\n", codes);
+    countryCode = newHash(0);
+    while (lineFileNextRowTab(lf, words, ArraySize(words)))
+	{
+	hashAdd(countryCode, words[1], cloneString(words[0]));
+        verbose(3, "# %s == %s\n", words[1], words[0]);
+	}
+    lineFileClose(&lf);
+    }
-struct sqlConnection *centralConn = hConnectCentral();
 char *geoSuffix = cfgOptionDefault("browser.geoSuffix","");
 char fullTableName[1024];
 safef(fullTableName, sizeof fullTableName, "%s%s", "geoIpCountry6", geoSuffix);
 if (!sqlTableExists(centralConn, fullTableName))
     errAbort("geoIpCountry6 table not found in hgcentral.\n");
+if (fileList)
+    {
+    locHash = newHash(0);
+    char *line;
+    long long lineCount = 0;
+    long long checked = 0;
+    long long failed = 0;
+    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(ipStr, TRUE);
+    verbose(2, "# processing file list: %s\n", ipStr);
+    verboseTimeInit();
+    while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
+	{
+        ++lineCount;
+        if (hashIncInt(locHash, line) > 1)
+	    continue;
+        ++checked;
+	char *country = geoMirrorCountry6(centralConn, line);
+	if (strlen(country)==2)  // ok
+	    {
+	    if (countryCode)
+		{
+		char *name = hashFindVal(countryCode, country);
+                verbose(2, "# looking %s found: '%s'\n", country, name);
+		printf("%s\t%s\t'%s'\n", country, line, name);
+		}
+	    else
+		printf("%s\t%s\n", country, line);
+	    }
+        else
+	    {
+	    printf("n/a\t%s\tfailed\n", line);
+	    ++failed;
+            }
+	}
+    lineFileClose(&lf);
+   verboseTime(0, "# processed %lld lines, checked %lld addresses, %lld failed", lineCount, checked, failed);
+    }
+    {
     char *country = geoMirrorCountry6(centralConn, ipStr);
     if (strlen(country)==2)  // ok
-    printf("%s\n", country);
+	{
+	    if (countryCode)
+		{
+		char *name = hashFindVal(countryCode, country);
+		printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", country, ipStr, name);
+		}
+	    else
+		printf("%s\t%s\n", country, ipStr);
+	}
 	errAbort("unable to read IP address for %s, error message was: %s", ipStr, country);
+    }
 // Leave it to others to extend it to process a list of things.
 // Example code for hostName lookup is in kent/src/utils/dnsInfo/dnsInfo.c
 return 0; 