  Mon Jun 26 08:59:00 2023 -0700
Porting hgGeneGraph to python3. refs #31563

diff --git src/hg/hgGeneGraph/README.txt src/hg/hgGeneGraph/README.txt
index d64c02a..3fa95f2 100644
--- src/hg/hgGeneGraph/README.txt
+++ src/hg/hgGeneGraph/README.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 The gene graph viewer has three dependencies:
-- the "dot" binary from the graphviz package. It requires a rather recent graphviz version.
+- the "dot" binary from the graphviz package.
   The exact location can be specified with the hg.conf option graphvizPath.
-- the Python >2.6 kent-like library "hgLib" from ../pylib
-- the Python >2.6 library "MySQLdb". The makefile in ../pylib will add it to CGI-BIN, as a fallback
+  There is a statically-compiled version in https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/external.x86_64/loader/
+  Making a static build of graphviz is extremely time consuming, it can easily take a day to get all the 
+  dependencies in the right version. Some documentation is here: http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Graphviz_static_build
+- the Python >3.6 kent-like library "hgLib3" from ../pylib
 The gene graph tables are created with the ggTables command. ggTables parses input files
 constructed with various gg* commands, ggGpmlToTag, ggKgmlToTab, ggMsrToTab,
 ggPidToTab, ggPpiToTab, ggSpfToTab. These tables are loaded into hgFixed, the prefix of all
 tables is "gg". The main table is "ggLink".
 See the makeDoc and /hive/data/genomes/hg19/bed/interactions/