  Thu Jul 13 11:57:07 2023 -0700
Adding documentation and examples for hgSearch API, refs #24113

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
index 5f76c3f..863a067 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html
@@ -8,30 +8,31 @@
 <h1>REST API data interface</h1>
 <h6><a href="#REST">What is REST?</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Intro">What is JSON output data?</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Access">What is the access URL?</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Return">What type of data can be accessed?</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Endpoint">Endpoint functions</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Parameters">Parameters to endpoint functions</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Parameter_use">Required and optional parameters</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Track_types">Supported track types</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Mirrors">Using the API on mirrors and local installations</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#list_examples">Example data access, list functions</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#getData_examples">Example data access, getData functions</a></h6>
+<h6><a href="#Search_examples">Example data access, Search functions</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Error_examples">Error return examples</a></h6>
 <h6><a href="#Practical_examples">Practical examples</a></h6>
 <!-- ========== What is REST? ============================== -->
 <a id="REST"></a>
 <h2>What is REST?</h2>
 REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. It states architectural guidelines for how 
 an API will operate. See also: <a target="_blank" href="https://restfulapi.net/">Principles
 of REST</a>
 <!-- ========== What is JSON data? ============================== -->
 <a id="Intro"></a>
 <h2>What is JSON output data?</h2>
@@ -59,115 +60,128 @@
 The following data sets can be accessed at this time:
 <li>List of available public hubs</li>
 <li>List of available UCSC Genome Browser genome assemblies</li>
 <li>List of files available for download for UCSC Browser genome assemblies</li>
 <li>List of genomes from a specified assembly or track hub</li>
 <li>List of available data tracks from a specified hub or UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly
 (see also: <a
  href='trackDb/trackDbHub.html' target=_blank>track definition help</a>)</li>
 <li>List of chromosomes contained in an assembly hub or UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li>
 <li>List of chromosomes contained in a specific track of an assembly or track hub, or UCSC Genome
 Browser genome assembly</li>
 <li>Return DNA sequence from an assembly hub 2bit file, or UCSC Genome Browser assembly</li>
 <li>Return track data from a specified assembly or track hub, or UCSC Genome Browser assembly</li>
+<li>Return search matches to words in track data, track names, track descriptions, public hub
+track names, and public hub descriptions within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li>
 <b>Note:</b> BLAT also supports programmatic URL queries which return in JSON format. See our
 <a href="/FAQ/FAQblat.html#blat14">BLAT FAQ</a> for more info.
 <!-- ========== Endpoint functions ======================= -->
 <a id="Endpoint"></a>
 <h2>Endpoint functions to return data</h2>
 The URL <b>https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/</b> is used to access
 the endpoint functions.  For example:
     curl -L 'https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/list/ucscGenomes'
 <li><b>/list/publicHubs</b> - list public hubs</li>
 <li><b>/list/ucscGenomes</b> - list UCSC Genome Browser database genomes</li>
 <li><b>/list/hubGenomes</b> - list genomes from specified hub</li>
 <li><b>/list/files</b> - list download files available for specified genome</li>
 <li><b>/list/tracks</b> - list data tracks available in specified hub or database genome
 (see also: <a href='trackDb/trackDbHub.html' target=_blank>track definition help</a>)</li>
 <li><b>/list/chromosomes</b> - list chromosomes from a data track in specified hub or database
 <li><b>/list/schema</b> - list the schema for a data track in specified hub or database
 <li><b>/getData/sequence</b> - return sequence from specified hub or database genome</li>
 <li><b>/getData/track</b> - return data from specified track in hub or database genome</li>
+<li><b>/search</b> - return search matches within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li>
 <!-- ========== Parameters to endpoint functions ======================= -->
 <a id="Parameters"></a>
 <h2>Parameters to endpoint functions</h2>
 <li>hubUrl=&lt;url&gt; - specify track hub or assembly hub URL</li>
 <li>genome=&lt;name&gt; - specify genome assembly in UCSC Genome Browser or track/assembly hub</li>
 <li>track=&lt;trackName&gt; - specify data track in track/assembly hub or UCSC database genome
 <li>chrom=&lt;chrN&gt; - specify chromosome name for sequence or track data</li>
 <li>start=&lt;123&gt; - specify start coordinate (0 relative) for data from track or sequence
 retrieval (start and end required together). See also: <a
 target=_blank>UCSC browser coordinate counting systems</a></li>
 <li>end=&lt;456&gt; - specify end coordinate (1 relative) for data from track or sequence
 retrieval (start and end required together). See also: <a
 target=_blank>UCSC browser coordinate counting systems</a></li>
 <li>maxItemsOutput=1000 - limit number of items to output, default: 1,000, maximum limit:
 1,000,000 (use <em>-1</em> to get maximum output)</li>
 <li>trackLeavesOnly=1 - on <em>/list/tracks</em> function, only show tracks, do not show
 composite container information</li>
 <li>jsonOutputArrays=1 - on <em>/getData/track</em> function, JSON format is array type
 for each item of data, instead of the default object type</li>
 <li>format=text - on <em>/list/files</em> function, return plain text listing
 of download files instead of JSON format output (which includes more meta-data information).  Text output contains less meta-data in comment lines prefixed by the '#' hash character.</li>
+<li>search=&lt;term&gt;&genome=&lt;name&gt; - on <em>/search</em> function, specify term to be
+search within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li>
+<li>categories=helpDocs - on <em>/search?search=&lt;term&gt;&genome=&lt;name&gt;</em> function, restrict the search
+within the UCSC Genome Browser help documentation</li>
+<li>categories=publicHubs - on <em>/search?search=&lt;term&gt;&genome=&lt;name&gt;</em> function, restrict the search
+within the UCSC Genome Browser Public Hubs</li>
+<li>categories=trackDb - on <em>/search?search=&lt;term&gt;&genome=&lt;name&gt;</em> function, restrict the search
+within the track database (trackDb) settings</li>
 The parameters are added to the endpoint URL beginning with a
 question mark <b>?</b>, and multiple parameters are separated with
 the semi-colon <b>;</b>.  For example:
 <!-- ========== Required and optional parameters  ======================= -->
 <a id="Parameter_use"></a>
 <h2>Required and optional parameters</h2>
 <tr><th>Endpoint function</th><th>Required</th><th>Optional</th></tr>
 <tr><th>/list/files</th><td>genome</td><td>format=text, maxItemsOutput</td></tr>
 <tr><th>/list/tracks</th><td>genome or (hubUrl and genome)</td><td>trackLeavesOnly=1</td></tr>
 <tr><th>/list/chromosomes</th><td>genome or (hubUrl and genome)</td><td>track</td></tr>
 <tr><th>/list/schema</th><td>(genome or (hubUrl and genome)) and track</td><td>(none)</td></tr>
 <tr><th>/getData/sequence</th><td>(genome or (hubUrl and genome)) and chrom</td><td>start and
 <tr><th>/getData/track</th><td>(genome or (hubUrl and genome)) and track</td><td>chrom,
 (start and end), maxItemsOutput, jsonOutputArrays</td></tr>
+<tr><th>/search</th><td>search and genome</td><td>categories=helpDocs,
+categories=publicHubs, categories=trackDb</td></tr>
 The <b>hubUrl</b> and <b>genome</b> parameters are required together to
 specify a unique genome in an assembly or track hub.  The <b>genome</b> for
 a track hub will usually be a UCSC database genome.  Assembly hubs will
 have their own unique <b>genome</b> sequences.  Specify <b>genome</b> without
 a <b>hubUrl</b> to refer to a UCSC Genome Browser assembly.
 Using the <b>chrom=&lt;name&gt;</b> parameter will limit the request
 to the single specified chromosome.  To limit the request to a specific
 position, both <b>start=4321</b> and <b>end=5678</b> must be given together.
@@ -305,30 +319,50 @@
 target=_blank>Get track data for specified track in a track hub</a> -
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?hubUrl=http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/mouseStrains/hub.txt;genome=CAST_EiJ;track=ensGene;chrom=chr1'
 target=_blank>Get track data for specified track and chromosome in a track hub</a> -
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?hubUrl=http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/mouseStrains/hub.txt;genome=CAST_EiJ;track=gc5Base;chrom=chr1;start=4321;end=5678'
 target=_blank>Wiggle track data for specified track, chromosome with start and end limits in an assembly hub genome</a> -
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?genome=galGal6;track=gc5BaseBw;maxItemsOutput=100'
 target=_blank>Wiggle track data for specified track in a UCSC database genome</a> -
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?genome=galGal6;track=ncbiRefSeqOther;chrom=chr1;start=750000;end=55700000'
 target=_blank>bigBed data from a UCSC database, chrom and start,end limits</a> -
+<a id="Search_examples"></a>
+<h3>Search functions</h3>
+<li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/search?search=brca1&genome=hg38'
+target=_blank>Search matches within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</a> -
+<li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/search?search=bigBed&genome=hg38&categories=helpDocs'
+target=_blank>Search matches within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly and restrict the
+search within the UCSC Genome Browser help documentation</a> -
+<li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/search?search=cerebellum&genome=hg38&categories=publicHubs'
+target=_blank>Search matches within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly and restrict the
+search within the UCSC Genome Browser Public Hubs</a> -
+<li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/search?search=signal&genome=hg38&categories=trackDb'
+target=_blank>Search matches within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly and restrict the
+search within the track database (trackDb) settings</a> -
 <a id="Error_examples"></a>
 <h3>Error return examples</h3>
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?hubUrl=http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/mouseStrains/hub.txt;genome=CAST_EiJ;track=assembly;chrom=chrI;start=43521;end=54321'
 target=_blank>Request track data for non-existent chromosome in an assembly hub genome</a> -
 <li><a href='https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/track?genome=hg19;track=decipherSnvs'
 target=_blank>Request track data from a restricted track</a>. See <a href='../../FAQ/FAQdownloads.html#download40' 
 target=_blank>FAQ</a> -