  Mon Jul 10 15:56:23 2023 -0700
fixed SEGV with checking certain invalid GFF3s

diff --git src/lib/tests/expected/gff3ErrorCasesTest.err src/lib/tests/expected/gff3ErrorCasesTest.err
index a1560c6..6c34edf 100644
--- src/lib/tests/expected/gff3ErrorCasesTest.err
+++ src/lib/tests/expected/gff3ErrorCasesTest.err
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 input/errorCasesTest.gff3:28: expected Target attribute in the form "target_id start end [strand]", got "CG41424-RA AABU01002023_1064-818 22000976 22001221 +"
+Annotation records for discontinuous features with ID="DMG5-chr2RHet.4.001.a" must have one and only one parent
 Annotation records for discontinuous features with ID="DMG5-chr2RHet.4.001.a" do not have the same type, found "gene" and "mRNA"
+Incorrect duplicated ID="DMG5-chr2RHet.4.001.a" or attempt to create discontinuous features for type "gene"
 Can't find annotation record "DMG5-chr2RHet.4.001" referenced by "DMG5-chr2RHet.4.001.a" Parent attribute
-GFF3: 3 parser errors
+GFF3: 5 parser errors