4fb78c6bbad5852d825f348e8ec13faaa6b46f5c markd Tue Jul 18 12:37:09 2023 -0700 allow UTR as a discontinouis feature diff --git src/inc/gff3.h src/inc/gff3.h index f7f0fa6..b3a1e80 100644 --- src/inc/gff3.h +++ src/inc/gff3.h @@ -1,303 +1,304 @@ /* * Object for accessing GFF3 files * See GFF3 specification for details of file format: * http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml */ #ifndef gff3_h #define gff3_h struct gff3Ann /* Annotation record from a GFF3 file. Attributes define in the spec (those * starting with upper case letters) are parsed into fields of this * object. User defined attributes (starting with lower-case characters) are * stored as in a list, along with a copy of the string versions of the spec * attributes. All strings stored in the object have been un-escaped. * All storage for the object is allocated by the gff3File object. * For discontinuous features, there are multiple gff3Ann objects. * These objects are stored in a double-linked list, and all references * point to the first one in ascending start order.*/ { struct gff3Ann *prevPart; /* Discontinuous features have linked annotation */ struct gff3Ann *nextPart; /* field name next not used to avoid confusion */ char *seqid; /* The ID of the landmark used to establish the coordinate * system for the current feature. IDs may contain any * characters. */ char *source; /* The source is a free text qualifier intended to describe * the algorithm or operating procedure that generated this * feature. Typically this is the name of a piece of * software, such as "Genescan" or a database name, such as * "Genbank." In effect, the source is used to extend the * feature ontology by adding a qualifier to the type * creating a new composite type that is a subclass of the * type in the type column. */ char *type; /* The type of the feature (previously called the "method"). * This is constrained to be either: (a) a term from the * "lite" sequence ontology, SOFA; or (b) a SOFA accession * number. The latter alternative is distinguished using the * syntax SO:000000. */ int start; /* The start and end of the feature, in 0-based, half open * integer coordinates, relative to the landmark given in * seqid. Start is always less than or equal to end. For * zero-length features, such as insertion sites, start equals * end and the implied site is to the right of the indicated * base in the direction of the landmark.*/ int end; float score; /* The score of the feature, a floating point number. As in earlier versions of the format, the semantics of the score are ill-defined. It is strongly recommended that E-values be used for sequence similarity features, and that P-values be used for ab initio gene prediction features. */ boolean haveScore; /* was score specified? */ char *strand; /* The strand of the feature. '+' for positive strand * (relative to the landmark), '-' for minus strand, and * NULL for features that are not stranded. In addition, * '?' can be used for features whose strandedness is * relevant, but unknown. */ int phase; /* For features of type "CDS", the phase indicates where the * feature begins with reference to the reading frame. The * phase is one of the integers 0, 1, or 2, indicating the * number of bases that should be removed from the beginning of * this feature to reach the first base of the next codon. In * other words, a phase of 0 indicates that the next codon * begins at the first base of the region described by the * current line, a phase of 1 indicates that the next codon * begins at the second base of this region, and a phase of 2 * indicates that the codon begins at the third base of this * region. This is NOT to be confused with the frame, which is * simply start modulo 3. For forward strand features, phase * is counted from the start field. For reverse strand * features, phase is counted from the end field. The phase is * REQUIRED for all CDS features. and -1 for other features. */ /* The remaining fields are the attributes. Attributes defined by the * GFF3 spec (starting with an upper-case letter) are stored in the fields * below. Application-specific attributes (starting with a lower-case * letter) are stored in the attrs list. */ char *id; /* Indicates the name of the feature. IDs must be unique * within the scope of the GFF file.*/ char *name; /* Display name for the feature. This is the name to be * displayed to the user. Unlike IDs, there is no requirement * that the Name be unique within the file. */ struct slName *aliases; /* A secondary names for the feature. It is * suggested that this tag be used whenever a * secondary identifier for the feature is needed, * such as locus names and accession numbers. * Unlike ID, there is no requirement that Alias * be unique within the file. */ struct slName *parentIds; /* Indicates the parent of the feature. A parent * ID can be used to group exons into transcripts, * transcripts into genes, an so forth. A feature * may have multiple parents. Parent can *only* be * used to indicate a partof relationship. */ struct gff3AnnRef *parents; /* Parent objects for parentIds */ char *targetId; /* Indicates the target of a nucleotide-to-nucleotide or protein-to-nucleotide alignment. NULL if not specified. */ int targetStart; /* target start/end, in 0-based, half open coordinates */ int targetEnd; char *targetStrand; /* optional target strand, or NULL if none. */ char *gap; /* The alignment of the feature to the target if the two are * not collinear (e.g. contain gaps). The alignment format is * taken from the CIGAR format. See "THE GAP ATTRIBUTE" * section of GFF3 specification for a description of this * format.*/ char *derivesFromId; /* Used to disambiguate the relationship between one * feature and another when the relationship is a * temporal one rather than a purely structural "part * of" one. This is needed for polycistronic * genes. */ struct gff3Ann *derivesFrom; /* Object for derivesFromId */ struct slName *notes; /* free text notes. */ boolean isCircular; /* is this item circular */ struct slName *dbxrefs; /* database cross references. */ struct slName *ontologyTerms; /* cross reference to ontology terms. */ struct gff3Attr *attrs; /* attributes, both user-define and spec-defined, * parsed into one or more values */ struct gff3AnnRef *children; /* child nodes */ struct gff3SeqRegion *seqRegion; /* start/end of sequence region, taken * from ##sequence-region records, or * NULL if not specified.*/ struct gff3File *file; /* file this record is associated with */ int lineNum; /* line number of record in file, or -1 * if not known */ }; /* flags */ #define GFF3_WARN_WHEN_POSSIBLE 0x01 // generate warnings and drop entries rather than errors struct gff3AnnRef /* A reference to a gff3Ann object */ { struct gff3AnnRef *next; /* next link in the chain */ struct gff3Ann *ann; /* reference to object */ }; struct gff3Attr /* an attribute and string values */ { struct gff3Attr *next; /* next attribute in the list */ char *tag; /* name of attribute */ struct slName *vals; /* values for the attribute */ }; struct gff3SeqRegion /* start/end of a sequence region, taken from ##sequence-region record.*/ { struct gff3SeqRegion *next; /* next region */ char *seqid; /* sequence if of region */ int start; /* bounds of region */ int end; }; struct gff3File /* Object representing a GFF file. Manages all memory for related objects. */ { char *fileName; /* path of file that was parsed */ struct hash *byId; /* index of gff3Ann object by id. Links to first object of link discontinuous features */ struct gff3AnnRef *anns; /* all records in the file. Includes all parts of discontinuous features */ struct gff3AnnRef *roots; /* all records without parents. */ struct hash *pool; /* used to allocate string values that tend to * be repeated in the files. localMem is also * to allocated memory for all other objects. */ struct gff3SeqRegion *seqRegions; /* list of gff3SeqRegion objects. */ struct hash *seqRegionMap; /* map of seqId to gff3SeqRegion objects. NULL * if none are specified */ struct slName *featureOntologies; /* feature ontology URIs */ struct slName *attributeOntologies; /* attribute ontology URIs */ struct slName *sourceOntologies; /* source ontology URIs */ struct slName *species; /* Species, usually NCBI Taxonomy * URI */ char *genomeBuildSource; /* source of genome build */ char *genomeBuildName; /* name or version of genome build */ struct dnaSeq *seqs; /* list of sequences */ struct hash *seqMap; /* map of sequence ids to sequence * string from ##FASTA section or * NULL if none specified */ struct lineFile *lf; /* only set while parsing */ FILE *errFh; /* write errors to this file */ unsigned int flags; /* flags controlling parsing */ int maxErr; /* maximum number of errors before aborting */ int errCnt; /* error count */ }; /* standard attribute tags */ extern char *gff3AttrID; extern char *gff3AttrName; extern char *gff3AttrAlias; extern char *gff3AttrParent; extern char *gff3AttrTarget; extern char *gff3AttrGap; extern char *gff3AttrDerivesFrom; extern char *gff3AttrNote; extern char *gff3AttrDbxref; extern char *gff3AttrOntologyTerm; /* commonly used features names */ extern char *gff3FeatGene; extern char *gff3FeatPseudogene; extern char *gff3FeatMRna; extern char *gff3FeatNCRnaGene; extern char *gff3FeatNCRna; extern char *gff3FeatRRna; extern char *gff3FeatTRna; extern char *gff3FeatLncRna; extern char *gff3FeatPseudogenicTranscript; extern char *gff3FeatScRna; extern char *gff3FeatSnRna; extern char *gff3FeatSnoRna; extern char *gff3FeatUnconfirmedTranscript; extern char *gff3FeatExon; extern char *gff3FeatCDS; extern char *gff3FeatThreePrimeUTR; +extern char *gff3FeatUTR; extern char *gff3FeatFivePrimeUTR; extern char *gff3FeatStartCodon; extern char *gff3FeatStopCodon; extern char *gff3FeatTranscript; extern char *gff3FeatPrimaryTranscript; extern char *gff3FeatCGeneSegment; extern char *gff3FeatDGeneSegment; extern char *gff3FeatJGeneSegment; extern char *gff3FeatVGeneSegment; struct gff3File *gff3FileOpen(char *fileName, int maxErr, unsigned flags, FILE *errFh); /* Parse a GFF3 file into a gff3File object. If maxErr not zero, then * continue to parse until this number of error have been reached. A maxErr * less than zero does not stop reports all errors. Write errors to errFh, * if NULL, use stderr. See above flags. */ void gff3FileFree(struct gff3File **g3fPtr); /* Free a gff3File object */ struct gff3Ann *gff3FileFindAnn(struct gff3File *g3f, char *id); /* find an annotation record by id, or NULL if not found. */ struct gff3Attr *gff3AnnFindAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, char *tag); /* find a user attribute, or NULL */ void gff3AnnWrite(struct gff3Ann *g3a, FILE *fh); /* Write an annotation record to the specified file. * This only writes a single record, it is not recursive.*/ void gff3FileWrite(struct gff3File *g3f, char *fileName); /* write contents of an GFF3File object to a file */ INLINE struct gff3AnnRef *gff3AnnRefNew(struct gff3Ann *g3a) /* Allocate a gff3AnnRef object from the heap. Not used by the parsing code, as * all data is contained in localMem objects */ { struct gff3AnnRef *ref; AllocVar(ref); ref->ann = g3a; return ref; } int gff3AnnRefLocCmp(const void *va, const void *vb); /* sort compare function for location of two gff3AnnRef objects */ void gff3UnlinkChild(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Ann *child); /* unlink the child from it's parent (do not free) */ void gff3LinkChild(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3Ann *child); /* Add a child to a parent */ INLINE int gff3PhaseToFrame(int phase) /* convert a phase to a frame */ { switch (phase) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 2; case 2: return 1; } return -1; } #endif