  Thu Aug 24 15:48:47 2023 -0700
Separate out hgTracks only fix for broken old style pcr result track, refs #32028

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
index 79bfd4f..dab510d 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
@@ -964,45 +964,38 @@
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 static struct dnaSeq *maybeGetPcrResultSeq(struct linkedFeatures *lf)
 /* Return (if possible) the primer sequences concatenated with the 
  * target sequence between where they match. */
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 char *pslFileName, *primerFileName;
 struct targetDb *target;
 if (! pcrResultParseCart(database, cart, &pslFileName, &primerFileName, &target))
     return NULL;
 char *fPrimer = NULL, *rPrimer = NULL, *nonCompRPrimer = NULL;
 char *primerKey = NULL;
-if (lf->original)
+if (lf->original && stringIn("_", ((struct psl *)lf->original)->qName))
     // we can use the qName to extract the primer sequence, which
     // may be different from the primers the user pasted in!
     struct psl *psl = (struct psl *)lf->original;
     fPrimer = cloneString(psl->qName);
     char *under = strchr(fPrimer, '_');
-    if (under)
     *under = 0;
-    else
-        {
-        errAbort("Badly formatted qName ('%s', missing '_' character. "
-            "Please send an email to genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu with the assembly, "
-            "forward and reverse primers, and other PCR settings.", psl->qName);
-        }
     rPrimer = under + 1;
     pcrResultGetPrimers(primerFileName, &fPrimer, &rPrimer, primerKey);
 if ((fPrimer == NULL) || (rPrimer == NULL))
         return NULL;
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(rPrimer);
 // we need to reverse complement the sequence for the display, but we
 // don't want to when we do the lookup in the psl file
 nonCompRPrimer = cloneString(rPrimer);
 reverseComplement(rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 if (lf->name && isNotEmpty(lf->name))
     struct psl *tpsl;