  Thu Aug 17 20:18:32 2023 -0700
Fix format string, check __name__ before calling main so this can be used as a module.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/branchSpecificMask.py src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/branchSpecificMask.py
index 26a6766..e16418e 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/branchSpecificMask.py
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/branchSpecificMask.py
@@ -97,31 +97,31 @@
                 # In most cases we want the last node in the path [-1]
                 nodeIx = -1
                 # ... but if the last word starts with the sample name (with private mutations)
                 # then we do not want to mask just that sample, so backtrack to [-2]
                 if nodes[-1].startswith(name):
                     nodeIx = nodeIx - 1
                 # ... and the spec might say to backtrack even more (e.g. parent or grandparent):
                 nodeIx = nodeIx - getBacktrack(spec, name)
                 nodeMuts = nodes[nodeIx]
                 # Strip to just the node ID, discard mutations
                 node = nodeMuts.split(':')[0]
                 repNodes[name] = node;
     # Make sure we found all of them
     for rep in repNodes:
         if repNodes[rep] == '':
-            die("sample-paths file {samplePaths.name} does not have name {rep}")
+            die(f"sample-paths file {samplePaths.name} does not have name {rep}")
     return repNodes
 def makeMaskFile(spec, repNodes, maskFileName):
     """Create a file to use as input for matUtils mask --mask-mutations,
     generated from spec with node IDs from repNodes."""
     with open(maskFileName, 'w') as maskFile:
         for branch in spec:
             branchSpec = spec[branch]
             rep = branchSpec['representative']
             nodeId = repNodes[rep]
             ranges = branchSpec.get('ranges')
             if ranges:
                 for r in ranges:
                     for pos in range(r[0], r[1]+1):
@@ -131,16 +131,17 @@
                 for pos in sites:
             reversions = branchSpec.get('reversions')
             if reversions:
                 for rev in reversions:
 def main():
     args = getArgs()
     spec = getSpec(args.yamlIn)
     repNodes = getRepresentativeNodes(args.pbIn, spec)
     maskFileName = args.pbIn + '.branchSpecificMask.tsv'
     makeMaskFile(spec, repNodes, maskFileName)
     run(['matUtils', 'mask', '-i', args.pbIn, '--mask-mutations', maskFileName, '-o', args.pbOut])
+if __name__ == '__main__':