  Fri Sep 8 14:00:26 2023 -0700
Disable multi-wig download in download track in window pop up, refs #21342

diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index eed7001..d87d1c0 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -5297,41 +5297,41 @@
                 autoOpen: false,
                 buttons: downloadTrackDataButtons
         htmlStr = "<p>Use this selection window to download track data" +
             " for the current region (" + genomePos.get() + "). Please note that large regions" +
             " may be slow to download.</p>";
         htmlStr  += "<div><button id='checkAllDownloadTracks'>Check All</button>" +
             "&nbsp;" +
             "<button id='uncheckAllDownloadTracks'>Clear All</button>" +
         _.each(hgTracks.trackDb, function(track, trackName) {
             showDisabledMsg = false;
             if (!trackName.includes("Squish") && trackName !== "ruler" && track.visibility > 0) {
                 htmlStr += "<input type=checkbox class='downloadTrackName' id='" + trackName + "'";
-                if (trackName.startsWith("ct_")) {
+                if (trackName.startsWith("ct_") || !tdbIsLeaf(track)) {
                     showDisabledMsg = true;
                     htmlStr += " disabled ";
                 } else {
                     htmlStr += " checked ";
                 htmlStr +=  ">";
                 htmlStr += "<label>" + track.shortLabel + "</label>";
                 htmlStr += "</input>";
                 if (showDisabledMsg) {
-                    htmlStr += "&nbsp;<span id='" + trackName + "Tooltip'> (?)</span>";
+                    htmlStr += "&nbsp;<span id='" + trackName + "Tooltip'><a href='#'>(?)</a></span>";
                 htmlStr += "<br>";
         htmlStr += "<div ><label style='padding-right: 10px' for='downloadFileName'>Enter an output file name</label>";
         htmlStr += "<input type=text size=30 class='downloadFileName' id='downloadFileName'" +
             " value='" + getDb() + ".tracks'</input>";
         htmlStr += "<br>";
         htmlStr += "<label style='padding-right: 10px' for='outputFormat'>Choose an output format</label>";
         htmlStr += "<select name='outputFormat' id='outputFormat'>";
         htmlStr += "<option selected value='json'>JSON</option>";
         htmlStr += "<option value='csv'>CSV</option>";
         htmlStr += "<option value='tsv'>TSV</option>";
         htmlStr += "</select>";
         htmlStr += "</div>";