Mon Sep 4 12:18:02 2023 -0700
fixing word break bug on bigBed extra tables, refs #29652
diff --git src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
index 0140cb5..dd26321 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
@@ -1,533 +1,532 @@
/* Handle details pages for wiggle tracks. */
/* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California
* See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
#include "common.h"
#include "wiggle.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "hgc.h"
#include "hCommon.h"
#include "hgColors.h"
#include "bigBed.h"
#include "hui.h"
#include "subText.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "chromAlias.h"
#include "instaPort.h"
static void bigGenePredLinks(char *track, char *item)
/* output links to genePred driven sequence dumps */
Potential Off-targets | \n");
char *coords[65536];
int coordCount = chopByChar(val, '|', coords, ArraySize(coords));
int i;
struct subText *subList = NULL;
slSafeAddHead(&subList, subTextNew("ig:", "intergenic "));
slSafeAddHead(&subList, subTextNew("ex:", "exon "));
slSafeAddHead(&subList, subTextNew("in:", "intron "));
slSafeAddHead(&subList, subTextNew("|", "-"));
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
boolean hasLocus = sqlTableExists(conn, "locusName");
if (coordCount==0)
puts("Too many off-targets found to display or no off-targets. Please use the Crispor.org link at the top of the page to show all off-targets.\n");
"Mismatched nucleotides | \n"
"CFD Score | \n");
if (hasLocus)
printf("Locus | \n");
printf("Position | \n");
boolean collapsed = FALSE;
for (i=0; i10)
collapsed = TRUE;
printf(" \n");
// parse single coordinate string
// chr15;63615585-;71 = chrom;startPosStrand;scoreAsInt
char *parts[3];
chopByChar(coords[i], ';', parts, 3);
char* chrom = parts[0];
char* posStrand = parts[1];
char* scoreStr = parts[2];
// get score and strand
char strand = *(posStrand+strlen(posStrand)-1);
int pos = atol(posStrand);
int scoreInt = atoi(scoreStr);
float score = (float)scoreInt/1000;
// get the DNA sequence - this is slow! twoBit currently does not cache
// if the input is not sorted and this list is sorted by off-target score (CFD)
struct dnaSeq *seq = hDnaFromSeq(database, chrom, pos, pos+23, dnaUpper);
if (strand=='-')
reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
char *guideSeq = (char*)slPairFindVal(extraFields, "guideSeq");
// PAM = the last three chars of the off-target
char *pam = seq->dna+20;
// print sequence + PAM
printMismatchString(guideSeq, seq->dna);
printf(" %s", pam);
printf(" | \n");
// print score of off-target
printf("%0.3f | ", score);
// print name of this locus
if (hasLocus)
struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, "locusName", chrom, pos, pos+23, NULL, 0);
char **row;
row = sqlNextRow(sr);
if (row != NULL)
char *desc = row[4];
char *descLong = subTextString(subList, desc);
printf("%s | ", descLong);
// print link to location
printf("%s:%d (%c) | \n",
hgTracksPathAndSettings(), database,
chrom, pos+1, pos+23, chrom, pos+1, strand);
printf(" \n");
if (coordCount!=0)
printf(" \n");
if (collapsed)
"Show all %d off-targets...\n", coordCount);
jsOnEventById("click", "crisprShowAllLink", "crisprShowAll(); return false;");
// inline .js is bad style but why pollute our global .js files for such a rare
// case? Maybe we should have a generic "collapsible" class, like bootstrap?
"function crisprShowAll() {\n"
" $('#crisprShowAllLink').hide();\n"
" $('.crisprLinkHidden').show();\n"
" return false;\n"
static void detailsTabPrintSpecial(char *name, char *val, struct slPair *extraFields)
/* some extra fields require special printing code, they all start with '_' */
if (sameWord(name, "_mismatchCounts"))
else if (sameWord(name, "_crisprOfftargets"))
extFieldCrisprOfftargets(val, extraFields);
static int seekAndPrintTable(struct trackDb *tdb, char *detailsUrl, off_t offset, struct slPair *extraFields)
/* seek to 0 at url, get headers, then seek to offset, read tab-sep fields and output
* (extraFields are needed for some special field handlers). Return the number of fields
* successfully printed. */
int printCount = 0;
// open the URL and get the first line
char *headerLine = readOneLineMaybeBgzip(detailsUrl, 0, 0);
if (headerLine == NULL)
printf("Error: Could not open the URL referenced in detailsUrls, %s", detailsUrl);
return printCount;
boolean skipEmptyFields = trackDbSettingOn(tdb, "skipEmptyFields");
// get the headers
char *headers[1024];
int headerCount = chopTabs(headerLine, headers);
// clone the headers
int i;
for (i=0; i", detailsUrl);
printf("The header line of the tab-sep file has a different number of fields compared ");
printf("with the line pointed to by offset %lld in the bigBed file. ", (long long int)offset);
printf("Number of headers: %d", headerCount);
printf("Number of fields at offset: %d", fieldCount);
return printCount;
struct slName *tblFieldNames = NULL;
struct hash *fieldsToEmbeddedTbl = hashNew(0);
struct embeddedTbl *tblList = NULL;
getExtraTableFields(tdb, &tblFieldNames, &tblList, fieldsToEmbeddedTbl);
// print the table for all external extra fields
printf(" \n");
dyStringPrintf(tableLabelsDy, "];\n");
return printCount;
struct slPair *parseDetailsTablUrls(struct trackDb *tdb)
/* Parse detailsUrls setting string into an slPair list of {offset column name, fileOrUrl} */
char *detailsUrlsStr = trackDbSetting(tdb, "detailsUrls");
if (!detailsUrlsStr)
detailsUrlsStr = trackDbSetting(tdb, "detailsTabUrls");
if (!detailsUrlsStr)
return NULL;
struct slPair *detailsUrls = slPairListFromString(detailsUrlsStr, TRUE);
if (!detailsUrls)
printf("Problem when parsing trackDb setting detailsUrls \n");
printf("Expected: a space-separated key=val list, like 'fieldName1=URL1 fieldName2=URL2' \n");
printf("But got: '%s' ", detailsUrlsStr);
return NULL;
struct slPair *pair;
for (pair = detailsUrls; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
pair->val = hReplaceGbdb(replaceChars(pair->val, "$db", database));
return detailsUrls;
static int printAllExternalExtraFields(struct trackDb *tdb, struct slPair *extraFields)
/* handle the "detailsUrls" trackDb setting:
* For each field, print a separate html table with all field names and values
* from the external tab-sep file. Return the number of fields we successfully printed */
int printCount = 0;
struct slPair *detailsUrls = parseDetailsTablUrls(tdb), *pair;
for (pair = detailsUrls; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
char *fieldName = pair->name;
char *detailsUrl = pair->val;
// get extra bigBed field (=the offset) and seek to it
void *p = slPairFindVal(extraFields, fieldName);
if (p==NULL)
printf("Error when parsing trackDb detailsUrls statement: \n");
printf("Cannot find extra bigBed field with name %s\n", fieldName);
return 0;
char *offsetStr = (char*)p;
if (offsetStr==NULL || sameWord(offsetStr, "0"))
/* need to show the empty off-targets for crispr tracks */
if (startsWith("crispr", tdb->track))
extFieldCrisprOfftargets(NULL, NULL);
// empty or "0" value in bigBed means that the lookup should not be performed
off_t offset = atoll(offsetStr);
printCount += seekAndPrintTable(tdb, detailsUrl, offset, extraFields);
return printCount;
static void bigBedClick(char *fileName, struct trackDb *tdb,
char *item, int start, int end, int bedSize)
/* Handle click in generic bigBed track. */
char *chrom = cartString(cart, "c");
/* Open BigWig file and get interval list. */
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpenAlias(fileName, chromAliasFindAliases);
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
int ivStart = start, ivEnd = end;
char *itemForUrl = item;
if (start == end)
// item is an insertion; expand the search range from 0 bases to 2 so we catch it:
ivStart = max(0, start-1);
char *instaFile = cloneString(trackDbSetting(tdb, "instaPortUrl"));
struct hash *chainHash = NULL;
struct bigBedInterval *bbList = NULL;
if (instaFile)
bbList = instaIntervals(instaFile, bbi, chrom, ivStart, ivEnd, &chainHash);
bbList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom, ivStart, ivEnd, 0, lm);
/* Get bedSize if it's not already defined. */
if (bedSize == 0)
bedSize = bbi->definedFieldCount;
char *scoreFilter = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, "scoreFilter", NULL);
int minScore = 0;
if (scoreFilter)
minScore = atoi(scoreFilter);
/* Find particular item in list - matching start, and item if possible. */
boolean found = FALSE;
boolean firstTime = TRUE;
struct bigBedInterval *bb;
for (bb = bbList; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next)
if (bedSize > 3)
char *name = cloneFirstWordByDelimiterNoSkip(bb->rest, '\t');
boolean match = (isEmpty(name) && isEmpty(item)) || sameOk(name, item);
if (!match)
found = TRUE;
if (firstTime)
printf(" \n");
int seq1Seq2Fields = 0;
// check for seq1 and seq2 in columns 7+8 (eg, pairedTagAlign)
boolean seq1Seq2 = sameOk(trackDbSetting(tdb, BASE_COLOR_USE_SEQUENCE), "seq1Seq2");
if (seq1Seq2 && bedSize == 6)
seq1Seq2Fields = 2;
char *fields[bedSize+seq1Seq2Fields];
char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
char *rest = cloneString(bb->rest);
char *restFields[256];
int restCount = 0;
int restBedFields = 0;
char **extraFields = NULL;
int extraFieldCount = 0;
struct slPair *extraFieldPairs = NULL;
if (isNotEmpty(rest))
restCount = chopTabs(rest, restFields);
restBedFields = bedSize - 3;
if (restCount > restBedFields)
extraFields = (restFields + restBedFields);
extraFieldCount = restCount - restBedFields;
extraFieldPairs = getExtraFields(tdb, extraFields, extraFieldCount);
int bbFieldCount = bigBedIntervalToRow(bb, chrom, startBuf, endBuf, fields,
if (bbFieldCount != bedSize+seq1Seq2Fields)
errAbort("Disagreement between trackDb field count (%d) and %s fieldCount (%d)",
bedSize, fileName, bbFieldCount);
struct bed *bed = NULL;
if (instaFile)
if ((bed = instaBed(bbi, chainHash, bb)) == NULL)
errAbort("can't port %s",fields[3]);
bed = bedLoadN(fields, bedSize);
if ((bed == NULL) || (bedSize >= 6 && scoreFilter && bed->score < minScore))
if (!(bed->chromStart == start && bed->chromEnd == end))
// if there are extra fields, load them up because we may want to use them in URL:
itemForUrl = getIdInUrl(tdb, item);
printCustomUrlWithFields(tdb, bed->name, bed->name, item == itemForUrl, extraFieldPairs);
if (itemForUrl)
printIframe(tdb, itemForUrl);
bedPrintPos(bed, bedSize, tdb);
// display seq1 and seq2
if (seq1Seq2 && bedSize+seq1Seq2Fields == 8)
printf("Sequence 1 | Sequence 2 | "
" %s | %s | ", fields[6], fields[7]);
else if (restCount > 0)
if (restCount > restBedFields)
int printCount = extraFieldsPrint(tdb, NULL, extraFields, extraFieldCount);
printCount += printAllExternalExtraFields(tdb, extraFieldPairs);
if (printCount == 0)
int i;
char label[20];
safef(label, sizeof(label), "nonBedFieldsLabel");
printf("%s ",
trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, label, "Non-BED fields:"));
for (i = restBedFields; i < restCount; i++)
printf("%s%s", (i > 0 ? "\t" : ""), restFields[i]);
printf(" \n");
if (sameString(tdb->type, "bigGenePred"))
bigGenePredLinks(tdb->track, item);
if (isCustomTrack(tdb->track))
time_t timep = bbiUpdateTime(bbi);
char *motifPwmTable = trackDbSetting(tdb, "motifPwmTable");
if (motifPwmTable)
struct dnaSeq *seq = hDnaFromSeq(database, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, dnaLower);
if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
struct dnaMotif *motif = loadDnaMotif(bed->name, motifPwmTable);
motifHitSection(seq, motif);
if (!found)
printf("No item %s starting at %d\n", emptyForNull(item), start);
void genericBigBedClick(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb,
char *item, int start, int end, int bedSize)
/* Handle click in generic bigBed track. */
char *fileName = bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(tdb, conn, tdb->table);
bigBedClick(fileName, tdb, item, start, end, bedSize);
void bigBedCustomClick(struct trackDb *tdb)
/* Display details for BigWig custom tracks. */
char *fileName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
char *item = cartOptionalString(cart, "i");
int start = cartInt(cart, "o");
int end = cartInt(cart, "t");
bigBedClick(fileName, tdb, item, start, end, 0);