  Wed Sep 20 00:01:21 2023 -0700
fixed problems handling overlapping PSL blocks caused by protein to NA alignemtns. Now handles internal coversions create overlapoing blocks

diff --git src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile
index 19a1d92..e57e0db 100644
--- src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile
+++ src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile
@@ -1,141 +1,148 @@
 kentSrc = ../../..
 include ${kentSrc}/inc/common.mk
 #pslMap = valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=25 pslMap
 pslMap = ${DESTBINDIR}/pslMap
 pslSwap = ${DESTBINDIR}/pslSwap
 blastToPsl = ${DESTBINDIR}/blastToPsl
 pslCheck = ${DESTBINDIR}/pslCheck
 chainSwap = ${DESTBINDIR}/chainSwap
 test:	gapBoth mrnaMrnaMap mrnaMrnaXMap mrnaMapOver mrnaMapOverSwap \
 	mrnaMapOverChain mrnaMapOverChainSwap testMapFileWithInQName \
 	kgProt negQChain testProtPort_ProtNa testProtPort_ProtProt \
 	testProtNa_NaNa testProtProt_NaNa \
-	testTypeErr
+	testTypeErr testProtTrans
 # basic tests of protein -> mrna -> genome mapping
 kgProt: mkdirs
 	${blastToPsl} input/kgProtMRna.blast output/kgProtMRna.psl
 	${pslMap} output/kgProtMRna.psl input/kgMRna.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # this generated a gap in both query and target
 gapBoth: mkdirs
 	${blastToPsl} input/gapBothProtMRna.blast output/gapBothProtMRna.psl
 	${pslMap} output/gapBothProtMRna.psl input/gapBothMRna.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # mrna->mrna->genome
 mrnaMrnaMap: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} input/mrnaRefSeq.psl input/refSeqGen.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # mrna->mrna->genome, using translated mrna/mrna alignments
 mrnaMrnaXMap: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} input/mrnaRefSeqX.psl input/refSeqGen.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # mrna->mm6->hg17, using untranslated mrna->mm6.  At one point this
 # got the strand wrong.
 # also check mapInfo on unmapped entries
 mrnaMapOver: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -mapInfo=output/$@.mapinfo input/mrnaToMm6.psl input/mm6ToHg17.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapinfo output/$@.mapinfo
 # swapped mapping psl, same result as mrnaMapOver
 mrnaMapOverSwap: mkdirs
 	${pslSwap} -noRc input/mm6ToHg17.psl output/hg17ToMm6.psl
 	${pslMap} -swapMap -mappingPsls=output/$@.mapping.psl -mapInfo=output/$@.mapinfo input/mrnaToMm6.psl output/hg17ToMm6.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.mapping.psl
 	diff -u expected/mrnaMapOver.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapinfo output/$@.mapinfo
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapping.psl output/$@.mapping.psl
 # use chain, same results as mrnaMapOver
 mrnaMapOverChain: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -chainMapFile -mappingPsls=output/$@.mapping.psl input/mrnaToMm6.psl input/mm6ToHg17.chain output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.mapping.psl
 	diff -u expected/mrnaMapOver.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapping.psl output/$@.mapping.psl
 # use chain swapped, same results as mrnaMapOver
 mrnaMapOverChainSwap: mkdirs
 	${chainSwap} input/mm6ToHg17.chain output/hg17ToMm6.chain 
 	${pslMap} -chainMapFile -swapMap input/mrnaToMm6.psl output/hg17ToMm6.chain output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/mrnaMapOver.psl output/$@.psl
 # bug created with binKeeper optimization where negative strand query chains
 # would get lost
 negQChain: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -chainMapFile input/negQ.refSeq.psl input/negQ.chain output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # retro/parent alignment through mRNA, with -simplifyMappingIds
 retroParent: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -simplifyMappingIds -swapIn -mapInfo=output/$@.mapinfo input/retro.psl input/parent.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapinfo output/$@.mapinfo
 # -mapFileWithInQName
 testMapFileWithInQName: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -mapFileWithInQName -mapInfo=output/$@.mapinfo input/gencode.src.psl input/gencode.blocks.qName-psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapinfo output/$@.mapinfo
 # swissprot canonical features that were mapped to isoform with protein
 # isoforms aligned to gencode RNAs.  Mapping these resulted in overlapping
 # blocks.  This tests block adjustments as well
 #    prot_prot   prot_na     cds_na
 testProtPort_ProtNa: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -inType=prot_prot -mapInfo=output/$@.mapinfo input/spAnnotIso.psl input/spGencode.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.mapinfo output/$@.mapinfo
 # Mapping protein alignments with protein alignments, just done with swapped PSL as map
 # This mainly tests options, as there is no difference between this and NA mappings.  
 #   prot_prot   prot_prot   prot_prot
 testProtPort_ProtProt: mkdirs
 	pslSwap input/spAnnotIso.psl output/$@.mapping.psl
 	${pslMap} -inType=prot_prot -mapType=prot_prot input/spAnnotIso.psl output/$@.mapping.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # prot_na     na_na       cds_na
 testProtNa_NaNa: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -inType=prot_na -mapType=na_na input/spGencode.psl input/gencodeGenome.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # prot_prot   na_na       cds_na
 testProtProt_NaNa: mkdirs
 	${pslMap} -inType=prot_prot -mapType=na_na input/spAnnotIso.psl expected/testProtNa_NaNa.psl output/$@.psl
 	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
 	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 # implied types will not work with prot_na map:
 #    prot_prot   prot_na     cds_na
 testTypeErr: mkdirs
 	if ${pslMap} input/spAnnotIso.psl input/spGencode.psl output/$@.psl  2> output/$@.err ; then  echo "Error: should have failed" >&2; false ; else true ; fi
 	diff expected/$@.err output/$@.err
+# bug where swissprot feature to protein is mapped via protein to transcript, genereated
+# an invalid PSL with an overlapping block
+testProtTrans: mkdirs
+	${pslMap} -inType=prot_prot -mapType=prot_na input/annotProt.psl input/protGencode.psl output/$@.psl
+	${pslCheck} -verbose=0 output/$@.psl
+	diff -u expected/$@.psl output/$@.psl
 	rm -rf output
 	@${MKDIR} output