  Wed Oct 25 17:00:56 2023 -0700
Adding a new condition to check for another regex expression. I found that two of the broken examples had spaces in the URL, so try to match on that and translate them. I also found one which had three backslashes incorrectly, so try to fix that too. I added it to a new loop so as not to affect the original functionality. This seems to cover all of the broken cases we had noted. Refs #31963

diff --git src/hg/encode/getTrackReferences/getTrackReferences src/hg/encode/getTrackReferences/getTrackReferences
index 234dd03..2b99cb9 100755
--- src/hg/encode/getTrackReferences/getTrackReferences
+++ src/hg/encode/getTrackReferences/getTrackReferences
@@ -108,44 +108,57 @@
     if not re.search("\.$", dateStr):
         dateStr = dateStr + "."
     # construct hyperlinks for PMID and PMCID (if it exists)
     idStr = "PMID: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>" % (htmlEscape(infoDict['url']), infoDict['pubmed'])
     if 'pmc' in infoDict:
         idStr = idStr + "; PMC: <a href=\"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/%s/\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>" % (infoDict['pmc'], infoDict['pmc'])
     if doi and 'doi' in infoDict:
         idStr = ("DOI: <a href=\"https://doi.org/%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>; " % (htmlEscape(infoDict['doi']), infoDict['doi'] ) ) + idStr
     # now that the pubmed link has been constructed, we can overwrite the url in infoDict with the original article URL
     # make sure the portlet that generates outlinks for PubMed didn't fail.  If it did, try again until
     # it works or we give up.
     # Note: no longer sure this is necessary - seems like NCBI is doing something different now, but at
     # any rate urllib2 no longer seems to fetch the links list in at least some cases.  Requests works.
+    origUrl = infoDict['url']
     for try_count in range(10):
         origComment = ""
+        infoDict['url'] = origUrl
         fetch = requests.get(infoDict['url'])
+        try:
 	    m = re.search('<div class="full-text-links-list">\s*<a\s+(class="[^"]*"\s+)?href="(\S+)"', fetch.text)
             if m:
                 if m.group(2):
+                    # Rhetorical: how can m match without m.group(1) being defined for this regex? Anyway ....
                     infoDict['url'] = m.group(2).replace("&amp;", "&")
-            origComment = "<!-- Can't find original article link for %s -->" % infoDict['url']
                 #n = re.search('<div class="icons"></div>', doc) # another possible detection of failed portlet
                 p = re.search('Default output of portlet NCBIPageSection', doc)
                 if p is None:
+        except:
+	    try:
+		m = re.search('<div class="full-text-links-list">\s*<a\s+(class="[^"]*"\s+)?href="(.+)"', fetch.text)
+                if m:
+                    if m.group(2):
+                        # Rhetorical: how can m match without m.group(1) being defined for this regex? Anyway ....
+                        infoDict['url'] = m.group(2).replace("&amp;", "&").replace(" ", "%20").replace("///","//")
+                    break
+            except:
+                print "Failed to fetch complete links from NCBI after 10 tries.  Try again later or just use the PubMed paper link."
         print "Failed to fetch complete links from NCBI after 10 tries.  Try again later or just use the PubMed paper link."
     htmlLines = list()
     htmlLines.append("%s" % authStr)
     htmlLines.append("<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">" % htmlEscape(infoDict['url']))
     htmlLines.append("%s</a>." % htmlEscape(title))
     htmlLines.append("<em>%s</em>. %s" % (htmlEscape(journal), dateStr))
     htmlLines.append("%s" % idStr)
     if plain:
         htmlLines = list()
         idStr = "PMID: %s" % infoDict['pubmed'];
         if 'pmc' in infoDict: