  Fri Oct 13 11:45:13 2023 -0700
Adding download & usher tree build scripts for several non-SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
mpxv has been going for over a year, rsv & dengue for some months now.  fluA is an incomplete work in progress,
complicated by having 8 segments, greater distances, and different subtyping schemes for different segments and even for different types within the segments.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/dengue/getNcbiDengue.sh src/hg/utils/otto/dengue/getNcbiDengue.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f591004
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/dengue/getNcbiDengue.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+source ~/.bashrc
+set -beEu -x -o pipefail
+# Download all subtypes (1-4) of dengue virus (taxid 12637) from NCBI.
+# assembly              Organism name       NC_            taxid    GenBank
+# GCF_000862125.1	Dengue virus 1      NC_001477.1    11053    U88536.1 (clone 45AZ5)
+# GCF_000871845.1	Dengue virus 2      NC_001474.2    11060    U87411.1 (Thailand/16681/84)
+# GCF_000866625.1	Dengue virus 3      NC_001475.2    11069    AY099336.1 (D3/H/IMTSSA-SRI/2000/1266)
+# GCF_000865065.1	Dengue virus 4      NC_002640.1    11070    NC_002640.1 (recombinant clone rDEN4)
+today=$(date +%F)
+mkdir -p $dengueDir/ncbi/ncbi.$today
+cd $dengueDir/ncbi/ncbi.$today
+# Download all dengue sequences, sort out subtypes later.
+# Thank you Nextstrain (monkeypox/ingest/bin/genbank-url) for query format:
+while [[ $((++attempt)) -le $maxAttempts ]]; do
+    echo "metadata attempt $attempt"
+    if curl -fSs $metadataUrl | csvToTab | tawk '$7 >= '$minSize > metadata.tsv; then
+        break;
+    else
+        echo "FAILED metadata; will try again after $retryDelay seconds"
+        rm -f metadata.tsv
+        sleep $retryDelay
+        # Double the delay to give NCBI progressively more time
+        retryDelay=$(($retryDelay * 2))
+    fi
+if [[ ! -f metadata.tsv ]]; then
+    echo "datasets command failed $maxAttempts times; quitting."
+    exit 1
+wc -l metadata.tsv
+while [[ $((++attempt)) -le $maxAttempts ]]; do
+    echo "fasta attempt $attempt"
+    if datasets download virus genome taxon $taxId --include genome,biosample; then
+        break;
+    else
+        echo "FAILED fasta; will try again after $retryDelay seconds"
+        rm -f ncbi_dataset.zip
+        sleep $retryDelay
+        # Double the delay to give NCBI progressively more time
+        retryDelay=$(($retryDelay * 2))
+    fi
+if [[ ! -s ncbi_dataset.zip ]]; then
+    echo "fasta query failed $maxAttempts times; quitting."
+    exit 1
+unzip ncbi_dataset.zip
+faFilter -minSize=$minSize ncbi_dataset/data/genomic.fna stdout \
+| xz -T 20 > genbank.fa.xz
+faSize <(xzcat genbank.fa.xz)
+# Make sure the download wasn't truncated without reporting an error:
+count=$(wc -l < metadata.tsv)
+if (( $count < $minSamples )); then
+    echo "*** Too few samples ($count)!  Expected at least $minSamples.  Halting. ***"
+    exit 1
+rm -f $dengueDir/ncbi/ncbi.latest
+ln -s ncbi.$today $dengueDir/ncbi/ncbi.latest