  Fri Oct 13 11:45:13 2023 -0700
Adding download & usher tree build scripts for several non-SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
mpxv has been going for over a year, rsv & dengue for some months now.  fluA is an incomplete work in progress,
complicated by having 8 segments, greater distances, and different subtyping schemes for different segments and even for different types within the segments.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/mpxv/buildTree.sh src/hg/utils/otto/mpxv/buildTree.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1129847
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/mpxv/buildTree.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+source ~/.bashrc
+set -beEu -o pipefail
+# Make masked VCF from nextalign'd INSDC sequences
+mpxvScriptDir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
+today=$(date +%F)
+# RefSeq assembly for our track hub
+asmDir=$(echo $asmAcc \
+    | sed -re 's@^(GC[AF])_([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]+)@\1/\2/\3/\4/\1_\2\3\4.\5@')
+# NC_063383.1 reference
+# GenBank flat file for taxonium
+mkdir -p $mpxvDir/ncbi/ncbi.$today
+$mpxvScriptDir/getNcbiMpxv.sh >& $mpxvDir/ncbi/ncbi.$today/getNcbiMpxv.log
+mkdir -p $buildDir
+cd $buildDir
+# Use metadata to make a renaming file
+perl -wne 'chomp; @w=split(/\t/);
+    my ($acc, $iso, $loc, $date, $name) = ($w[0], $w[1], $w[3], $w[4], $w[11]);
+    if ($iso eq "") { $iso = $name; }
+    my $country = $loc;  $country =~ s/:.*//;
+    my $COU = $country;  $COU =~ s/^(\w{3}).*/$1/;  $COU = uc($COU);
+    if ($country eq "United Kingdom") { $COU = "UK"; }
+    if ($iso !~ /$country/ && $iso !~ /\b$COU\b/) { $iso = "$country/$iso"; }
+    my $year = $date;  $year =~ s/-.*//;
+    if ($iso !~ /$year/) { $iso = "$iso/$year"; }
+    my $fullName = "$iso|$acc|$date";  $fullName =~ s/ /_/g;
+    print "$acc\t$fullName\n";' \
+    $mpxvNcbiDir/metadata.2017outbreak.tsv > renaming.tsv
+# Use Nextstrain's exclusion list too.
+awk '{print $1;}' ~angie/github/monkeypox/config/exclude_accessions_mpxv.txt \
+| grep -Fwf - <(cut -f 1 $mpxvNcbiDir/metadata.2017outbreak.tsv) \
+    > exclude.ids
+# This builds the whole tree from scratch!  Eventually we'll want to add only the new sequences
+# to yesterday's tree.
+time cat <(twoBitToFa $ref2bit stdout) <(xzcat $mpxvNcbiDir/nextalign.fa.xz) \
+| faToVcf -maxDiff=100 -verbose=2 -excludeFile=exclude.ids -includeNoAltN stdin stdout \
+| vcfRenameAndPrune stdin renaming.tsv stdout \
+| vcfFilter -excludeVcf=$mpxvScriptDir/mask.vcf.gz stdin \
+| pigz -p 8 \
+    > all.masked.vcf.gz
+echo '()' > emptyTree.nwk
+time $usherSampled -T 64 -A -e 5 \
+        -t emptyTree.nwk \
+        -v all.masked.vcf.gz \
+        -o mpxv.$today.masked.preOpt.pb\
+        --optimization_radius 0 --batch_size_per_process 10 \
+        > usher.addNew.log 2>usher-sampled.stderr
+# Optimize:
+time ~angie/github/usher_branch/build/matOptimize \
+    -T 64 -r 20 -M 2 -S move_log.usher_branch \
+    -i mpxv.$today.masked.preOpt.pb \
+    -o mpxv.$today.masked.opt.pb \
+    >& matOptimize.usher_branch.log
+# It crashes when I add
+#    -v all.masked.vcf.gz \
+# -- bug Cheng later.
+# Annotate root nodes for Nextstrain lineages.
+join -t$'\t' <(sort renaming.tsv) <(cut -f 1,4 $mpxvNcbiDir/nextclade.tsv | sort) \
+| tawk '{print $3, $2;}' | sort > lineageToName
+$matUtils annotate -T 30 -i mpxv.$today.masked.opt.pb -c lineageToName \
+    -o mpxv.$today.masked.pb \
+    >& annotate.log
+# Make metadata that uses same names as tree and includes nextclade lineage assignments.
+echo -e "strain\tgenbank_accession\tdate\tcountry\tlocation\tlength\thost\tbioproject_accession\tbiosample_accession\tsra_accession\tauthors\tpublications\tNextstrain_lineage" \
+    > mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv
+join -t$'\t' <(sort renaming.tsv) <(cut -f 1,4 $mpxvNcbiDir/nextclade.tsv | sort) \
+| join -t$'\t' -o 1.2,2.1,2.6,2.4,2.5,2.8,2.9,2.10,2.11,2.13,2.14,2.15,1.3 \
+    - <(sort $mpxvNcbiDir/metadata.2017outbreak.tsv \
+        | perl -F'/\t/' -walne '$F[3] =~ s/(: ?|$)/\t/;  print join("\t", @F);') \
+    >> mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv
+pigz -f -p 8 mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv
+# Make a tree version description for hgPhyloPlace
+$matUtils extract -i mpxv.$today.masked.pb -u samples.$today
+sampleCount=$(wc -l < samples.$today)
+# Sometimes NCBI download is incomplete; don't replace yesterday's tree in that case.
+if (( $sampleCount < $minSamples )); then
+    echo "*** Too few samples ($sampleCount)!  Expected at least $minSamples.  Halting. ***"
+    exit 1
+sampleCountComma=$(echo $sampleCount \
+                   | sed -re 's/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/; s/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3},[0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/;')
+echo "$sampleCountComma genomes from INSDC (GenBank/ENA/DDBJ) ($today)" \
+    > hgPhyloPlace.description.txt
+# Make a taxonium view
+usher_to_taxonium --input mpxv.$today.masked.pb \
+    --metadata mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv.gz \
+    --genbank $gbff \
+    --columns genbank_accession,location,date,authors,Nextstrain_lineage \
+    --clade_types=pango \
+    --output mpxv.$today.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz \
+    >& usher_to_taxonium.log
+# Update links to latest protobuf and metadata in hgwdev cgi-bin directories
+for dir in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin{-angie,,-beta}/hgPhyloPlaceData/$asmAcc; do
+    ln -sf $(pwd)/mpxv.$today.masked.pb $dir/mpxv.latest.pb
+    ln -sf $(pwd)/mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv.gz $dir/mpxv.latest.metadata.tsv.gz
+    ln -sf $(pwd)/hgPhyloPlace.description.txt $dir/mpxv.latest.version.txt
+# Extract Newick and VCF for anyone who wants to download those instead of protobuf
+$matUtils extract -i mpxv.$today.masked.pb \
+    -t mpxv.$today.nwk \
+    -v mpxv.$today.masked.vcf
+pigz -p 8 -f mpxv.$today.nwk mpxv.$today.masked.vcf
+# Link to public trees download directory hierarchy
+read y m d < <(echo $today | sed -re 's/-/ /g')
+mkdir -p $archive
+ln -f $(pwd)/mpxv.$today.{nwk,masked.vcf,metadata.tsv,masked.taxonium.jsonl}.gz $archive/
+gzip -c mpxv.$today.masked.pb > $archive/mpxv.$today.masked.pb.gz
+ln -f $(pwd)/hgPhyloPlace.description.txt $archive/mpxv.$today.version.txt
+# Update 'latest' in $archiveRoot
+for f in $archive/mpxv.$today.*; do
+    latestF=$(echo $(basename $f) | sed -re 's/'$today'/latest/')
+    ln -f $f $archiveRoot/$latestF
+# Update hgdownload-test link for archive
+mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/hubs/$asmDir/UShER_hMPXV/$y/$m
+ln -sf $archive /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/hubs/$asmDir/UShER_hMPXV/$y/$m
+# rsync to hgdownload hubs dir
+rsync -v -a -L --delete /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/hubs/$asmDir/UShER_hMPXV/* \
+    qateam@hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu:/mirrordata/hubs/$asmDir/UShER_hMPXV/
+set +o pipefail
+grep 'Could not' annotate.log | cat
+grep skipping annotate.log | cat
+set -o pipefail
+cat hgPhyloPlace.description.txt
+zcat mpxv.$today.metadata.tsv.gz | tail -n+2 | cut -f 13 | sort | uniq -c