d5932e4051a4885f0036831cdfc5fbf1eb08a499 lrnassar Tue Oct 10 17:16:27 2023 -0700 Fixing broken blog links, refs #32439 diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html index 863a067..188a380 100755 --- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html +++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/api.html @@ -106,35 +106,35 @@ </ul> </p> <!-- ========== Parameters to endpoint functions ======================= --> <a id="Parameters"></a> <h2>Parameters to endpoint functions</h2> <p> <ul> <li>hubUrl=<url> - specify track hub or assembly hub URL</li> <li>genome=<name> - specify genome assembly in UCSC Genome Browser or track/assembly hub</li> <li>track=<trackName> - specify data track in track/assembly hub or UCSC database genome assembly</li> <li>chrom=<chrN> - specify chromosome name for sequence or track data</li> <li>start=<123> - specify start coordinate (0 relative) for data from track or sequence retrieval (start and end required together). See also: <a - href='http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog/the-ucsc-genome-browser-coordinate-counting-systems/' + href='https://genome-blog.gi.ucsc.edu/blog/the-ucsc-genome-browser-coordinate-counting-systems/' target=_blank>UCSC browser coordinate counting systems</a></li> <li>end=<456> - specify end coordinate (1 relative) for data from track or sequence retrieval (start and end required together). See also: <a - href='http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog/the-ucsc-genome-browser-coordinate-counting-systems/' + href='https://genome-blog.gi.ucsc.edu/blog/the-ucsc-genome-browser-coordinate-counting-systems/' target=_blank>UCSC browser coordinate counting systems</a></li> <li>maxItemsOutput=1000 - limit number of items to output, default: 1,000, maximum limit: 1,000,000 (use <em>-1</em> to get maximum output)</li> <li>trackLeavesOnly=1 - on <em>/list/tracks</em> function, only show tracks, do not show composite container information</li> <li>jsonOutputArrays=1 - on <em>/getData/track</em> function, JSON format is array type for each item of data, instead of the default object type</li> <li>format=text - on <em>/list/files</em> function, return plain text listing of download files instead of JSON format output (which includes more meta-data information). Text output contains less meta-data in comment lines prefixed by the '#' hash character.</li> <li>search=<term>&genome=<name> - on <em>/search</em> function, specify term to be search within a UCSC Genome Browser genome assembly</li> <li>categories=helpDocs - on <em>/search?search=<term>&genome=<name></em> function, restrict the search within the UCSC Genome Browser help documentation</li> <li>categories=publicHubs - on <em>/search?search=<term>&genome=<name></em> function, restrict the search within the UCSC Genome Browser Public Hubs</li>