  Fri Nov 17 09:36:25 2023 -0800
On 404 page, instruct users that write in that we also need the url that doesn't exist, refs #32637

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/admin/404.html src/hg/htdocs/admin/404.html
index 795bc4a..65f2895 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/admin/404.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/admin/404.html
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <!--#set var="TITLE" value="Genome Browser Error 404" -->
 <!--#set var="ROOT" value=".." -->
 <!-- Relative paths to support mirror sites with non-standard GB docs install -->
 <!--#include virtual="$ROOT/inc/gbPageStart.html" -->
 <h1>Error 404: Page Not Found on Our Server</h1> 
 The page you requested was not found.</p> 
 <!--#if expr='"$SERVER_NAME" != /.*.ucsc.edu/ && "$SERVER_NAME" 
 != /.*.sdsc.edu/ && "$SERVER_NAME" != /browser/'--> 
 <!-- 'browser' = GBiB --> 
   <strong>This website <em><!--#echo var="HTTP_HOST" --></em> is a &quot;mirror&quot; not run by
   UCSC.</strong> Please try to contact the person who manages this mirror if you have questions.</p>
   <strong>If you mail the UCSC mailing list, please include this mirror's address 
   <em>http://<!--#echo var="HTTP_HOST" --></em> with any questions.</strong></p> 
 <!--#else --> 
   If you think this page should exist and would like to provide information about what led 
-  to this error, please email us at 
+  to this error, please send the URL and a description to us at
   <a href="mailto:&#103;&#101;&#110;&#111;&#109;&#101;&#45;ww&#119;&#64;&#115;o&#101;.&#117;c&#115;&#99;.&#101;&#100;&#117;">&#103;&#101;&#110;&#111;&#109;&#101;&#45;ww&#119;&#64;&#115;o&#101;.&#117;c&#115;&#99;.&#101;&#100;&#117;</a>.</p> 
   <!-- above address is genome-www at soe.ucsc.edu --> 
 <!--#endif -->
 <!--#include virtual="$ROOT/inc/gbPageEnd.html" -->