  Thu Nov 16 09:19:31 2023 -0800
gnomAD fixed their chrY variants for their v4 release, add them in, refs Max email, #32545

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg38/gnomad.txt src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg38/gnomad.txt
index 8eef883..eb5cda9 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg38/gnomad.txt
+++ src/hg/makeDb/doc/hg38/gnomad.txt
@@ -1,259 +1,259 @@
 # gnomaAD for hg38
 # RM 21782
 # Genome Aggregation Database at the Broad
 # https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org
 # (2019-10-07 kate)
 # March 6, 2019: gnomAD 2.1.1
 mkdir vcf; cd vcf
 # hg38
 mkdir hg38; cd hg38
 mkdir -p /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf
 # Download from GRCh38 liftover section of downloads page:
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/README.txt
 # Exome variants
 # vcf
 # 85.31 GiB, MD5: cff8d0cfed50adc9211d1feaed2d4ca7
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/exomes/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz >&! wget.exomes.log &
 # from log: 20 minutes download time
 # --2019-10-07 16:40:48--  https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/exomes/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz
 # 2019-10-07 17:00:52 (72.6 MB/s) - 'gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz' saved [91604348731/91604348731]
 du -sh *.bgz
 # 171G    gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz
 md5sum gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz
 # cff8d0cfed50adc9211d1feaed2d4ca7  gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.gz
 # index file
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/exomes/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz.tbi
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz.tbi /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.gz.tbi
 # Genomes Variants
 # 743.06 GiB, MD5: 83de3d5b52669f714e810d4fcf047c18
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz >&! wget.genomes.log &
 # from log:  3 hrs download time
 #--2019-10-07 17:03:11--  https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz
 # 2019-10-07 20:02:56 (70.6 MB/s) - 'gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz' saved [797851733355/797851733355]
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.gz
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/2.1.1/liftover_grch38/vcf/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz.tbi
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.bgz.tbi /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.vcf.gz.tbi
 Use/adapt trackDb and HTML from hg19 track
 # Add V3.  Native hg38 analysis (not lifted)
 # Released 10/16/2019 by MacArthur lab, announced here:
 # https://macarthurlab.org/2019/10/16/gnomad-v3-0/
 # (2019-10-21 kate)
 mkdir /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3
 cd /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3
 wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/3.0/vcf/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.bgz.tbi
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.bgz.tbi /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.gz.tbi
 (date; wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gnomad-public/release/3.0/vcf/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.bgz; date) >&! wget.genomes.log &
 #Mon Oct 21 11:26:58 PDT 2019
 #Mon Oct 21 12:27:14 PDT 2019
 #    ~1 hr
 md5sum gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.bgz
 ln -s `pwd`/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.bgz /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/vcf/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.sites.vcf.gz
 # gnomAD v3.1 Update - Nov 24, 2020 - ChrisL - DONE
 # See /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1/make.txt for how to download
 # the new version
 mkdir -p $db/genomes
 # get the headers:
 bcftools view -h /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz > gnomad.v3.1.header
 # The VEP field has the important information, format:
 bcftools view -h /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz | grep vep | grep -o "Format: .*$" | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr '|' '\t' | tl > gnomad.v3.1.vep.fields
 # the specific fields (same as v2.1.1 except '_' has been swapped to '-' EXCEPT in popmax
 # fields -___-), also add some new fields like CADD scores:
 # Don't use parallel anymore, use parasol cause this still takes far too long and bogs down hgwdev:
 # make script to run each job:
 cat <<'_EOF' > run.sh
 # don't do the following, as vcfToBed will correctly exit with an error
 #set -beEu -o pipefail
 # get the suffix name after the final '/':
 vcfToBed -fields="${fields}" ${infile} ${outBed} 2>/dev/null
 /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1/gnomadVcfBedToBigBed ${outBed} stdout | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ${finalBed}
 # make a jobList file, here's a sample line:
 ./run.sh /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz {check out exists+ /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1/hg38/genomes/chr1.bed}
 ssh ku "cd ${WORKDIR}; para create jobList; para try; exit"
 # woops errors in the gnomadVcfBedToBigBed script caused the first 10 jobs fail, fix up the script
 # and run those jobs separately:
 # the regular expression is for extracting chr*.bed out of the input file and making just that name
 # the output file
 # first start the rest of the jobs:
 ssh ku "cd ${WORKDIR}; para push; exit"
 # then finish off:
 parallel -j10 --joblog secondhalf.run.log --plus "./gnomadVcfBedToBigBed {} hg38/genomes/{= s/.*(chr[0-9]+\.bed$)/\$1/ =}" ::: hg38/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chr{1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18}.bed
 # See para.time and secondhalf.run.log for timing info
 time sort -k1,1 -k2,2n hg38/genomes/chr*.bed > gnomad.v3.1.genomes.bed
 # real    26m7.992s
 # user    31m40.053s
 # sys     14m31.118s
 nohup time bedToBigBed -type=bed9+64 -tab -as=genomes.as gnomad.v3.1.genomes.bed /hive/data/genomes/hg38/chrom.sizes genomes.bb &> bigBed.log &
 mkdir -p /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/v3.1/variants/
 ln -s `pwd`/genomes.bb /gbdb/hg38/gnomAD/v3.1/variants/
 # gnomAD v3.1.1 Update - Jun 29, 2021 - ChrisL - DONE
 # See /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/make.txt for how to download
 # the new version
 mkdir -p $db/genomes
 # get the headers:
 bcftools view -h /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz > gnomad.v3.1.1.header
 # The VEP field has most of the important information, format:
 bcftools view -h /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz | grep vep | grep -o "Format: .*$" | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr '|' '\t' | tl > gnomad.v3.1.1.vep.fields
 # Now make two control scripts for specifying fields, see
 # /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1.1/runVcfToBed.sh and
 # /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1.1/convertBeds.sh
 # for more information
 # First convert the VCFs to beds:
 #    Need a jobList for parallel to run:
 today=`date +%F`
 for c in {1..22} X Y M; do
     echo "./runVcfToBed.sh /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.1.sites.chr$c.vcf.bgz $WORKDIR/$db/genomes/gnomad.v3.1.1.chr$c.bed"
 done > vcfToBed.jobList
 parallel --joblog vcfToBed.run.log --jobs 10 :::: vcfToBed.jobList
 # WOOPS wrong path to chrM, run separately:
 ./runVcfToBed.sh /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chrM.vcf.bgz /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1.1/hg38/genomes/gnomad.v3.1.chrM.bed
 # uh oh chrM went wrong again. The chrM variant calling pipeline is different than
 # the standard variant calling pipeline gnomAD used for the rest of the genome. Thus
 # we need to get specific fields out of the chrM file, and append empty fields
 # into the other tab files (the chrM specific data will be missing for the other
 # chromosomes while the regular genome data will be mostly missing for the chrM
 # data). This also brings up a bug in the original where I was missing Total counts
 # for the population data, so just do a full re-run which unifies the tab files
 # for both chrM and the rest of the genome:
 ./runVcfToBed.chrM.sh /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.3/v3.1.1/genomes/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chrM.vcf.bgz /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v3.1.1/hg38/genomes/gnomad.v3.1.chrM.bed
 for c in {1..22} X Y; do
     echo "./convertBeds.sh $WORKDIR/$db/genomes/gnomad.v3.1.1.chr$c.bed $WORKDIR/$db/genomes/chr$c.bed"
 done > convertBed.jobList
 echo "./convertBeds.chrM.sh $WORKDIR/$db/genomes/gnomad.v3.1.chrM.bed $WORKDIR/$db/genomes/chrM.bed" >> convertBed.jobList
 time (parallel --joblog convertBed.run.log --jobs 25 :::: convertBed.jobList) &> convertBed.log &
 # Now we have one bed file and one external file per chromosome, use bgzip and
 # bedJoinTabOffset to combine them together:
 time bgzip -iI gnomad.v3.1.1.details.tab.gz.gzi -c gnomad.v3.1.1.details.pre.tab > gnomad.v3.1.1.details.tab.gz &
 # real  255m53.801s
 # user    238m3.982s
 # sys 16m7.130s
 time (ls -1S hg38/genomes/chr*.bed |
     parallel --joblog join.run.log --max-procs 12 \\
         bedJoinTabOffset -verbose=2 -bedKey=3 gnomad.v3.1.1.details.pre.tab {} joined/{/}) &> bedJoinTabOffset.log &
 time sort --merge joined/*.bed | grep -v "^#" > gnomad.v3.1.1.genomes.joined.bed
 # real    16m4.876s
 # user    12m2.699s
 # sys 6m30.244s
 # and lastly turn the merged bed into a bigBed:
 time (bedToBigBed -type=bed9+15 -tab -as=genomes.as -extraIndex=name,rsId,_displayName gnomad.v3.1.1.genomes.joined.bed /hive/data/genomes/hg38/chrom.sizes genomes.bb) &> bigBed.log &
 # Max Tue Apr  5 04:14:40 PDT 2022 - adding mutation constraint subtrack
 cd /hive/data/genomes/hg38/bed/gnomad/constraint
 # Downloaded BED file from https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.20.485034v1.supplementary-material
 # got chrX scores from konrad.j.karczewski@gmail.com because they feel unsure about them
 cat Supplementary_Data_2.bed constraint_z_genome_1kb_chrx.bed > mutConstraint.bed
 bedSort mutConstraint.bed mutConstraint.bed
 bedGraphToBigWig *.bed ../../../chrom.sizes mutConstraint.bw
 bedGraphToBigWig *.bed ../../../chrom.sizes mutConstraint.bw
 # gnomAD v4 - Nov 1, 2023 - ChrisL - DONE
 # See /hive/data/outside/gnomAD.4/make.txt for how to download
 # the new version
 # Make the work dir:
 mkdir -p /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v4
 cd /hive/data/inside/gnomAD/v4
 # for each vcf in the download  dirs, install files into /gbdb and load up a table with the pointers
 for tbl in exomes genomes
     mkdir -p ${gbdbPath}${tbl}
     ln -s ${dataPath}${tbl}/*.vcf.bgz* ${gbdbPath}${tbl}
     cp /dev/null ${tbl}.txt
     if [ ${tbl} == "exomes" ]; then
         for c in {1..22} X Y
             echo -e "${f}\tchr${c}" >> ${tbl}.txt
-        for c in {1..22} X
+        for c in {1..22} X Y
             echo -e "${f}\tchr${c}" >> ${tbl}.txt
+    tName="${tbl^}"
+    hgLoadSqlTab hg38 gnomad${tName}V4 ~/kent/src/hg/lib/bbiChroms.sql genomes.txt
-hgLoadSqlTab hg38 gnomadGenomesV4 ~/kent/src/hg/lib/bbiChroms.sql genomes.txt
-hgLoadSqlTab hg38 gnomadExomesV4 ~/kent/src/hg/lib/bbiChroms.sql exomes.txt