  Fri Dec 1 09:05:41 2023 -0800
Support trees whose reference/root is not from a db or hub, but rather a custom .2bit file.
This means that the selected pathogen may or may not also be a db/hub, so the selection interacts with the db cart variable but does not always match it.
Also, in phyloPlace.c, update RSV metadata column headers (RGCC lineages replace Ramaekers 2020 clades).

diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/writeCustomTracks.c src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/writeCustomTracks.c
index 292df91..89b6571 100644
--- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/writeCustomTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/writeCustomTracks.c
@@ -1,571 +1,551 @@
 /* Write custom tracks: one per subtree and one with user's uploaded samples. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2020 The Regents of the University of California */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "iupac.h"
 #include "parsimonyProto.h"
 #include "phyloPlace.h"
 #include "phyloTree.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
-// Parameter constants:
-int minSamplesForOwnTree = 3;  // If user uploads at least this many samples, show tree for them.
 static char ***imputedBasesByPosition(struct hash *samplePlacements, struct slName *sampleIds,
                                       int chromSize)
 /* Unpack imputedBases into an array of (a few) arrays indexed by 0-based position and sample index,
  * for speedy retrieval while rewriting user VCF. */
 char ***impsByPos = needMem(chromSize * sizeof(char **));
 int sampleCount = slCount(sampleIds);
 struct slName *sample;
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0, sample = sampleIds;  sample != NULL; ix++, sample = sample->next)
     struct placementInfo *info = hashFindVal(samplePlacements, sample->name);
     if (!info)
         errAbort("imputedBasesByPosition: can't find placementInfo for sample '%s'", sample->name);
     struct baseVal *bv;
     for (bv = info->imputedBases;  bv != NULL;  bv = bv->next)
         if (!impsByPos[bv->chromStart])
             impsByPos[bv->chromStart] = needMem(sampleCount * sizeof(char *));
         impsByPos[bv->chromStart][ix] = bv->val;
 return impsByPos;
 static boolean anyImputedBases(struct hash *samplePlacements, struct slName *sampleIds)
 /* Return TRUE if any sample has at least one imputed base. */
 struct slName *sample;
 for (sample = sampleIds;  sample != NULL;  sample = sample->next)
     struct placementInfo *info = hashFindVal(samplePlacements, sample->name);
     if (info && info->imputedBases)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 struct tempName *userVcfWithImputedBases(struct tempName *userVcfTn, struct hash *samplePlacements,
                                          struct slName *sampleIds, int chromSize, int *pStartTime)
 /* If usher imputed the values of ambiguous bases in user's VCF, then swap in
  * the imputed values and write a new VCF to use as the custom track.  Otherwise just use
  * the user's VCF for the custom track. */
 struct tempName *ctVcfTn = userVcfTn;
 if (anyImputedBases(samplePlacements, sampleIds))
     trashDirFile(ctVcfTn, "ct", "imputed", ".vcf");
     FILE *f = mustOpen(ctVcfTn->forCgi, "w");
     struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(userVcfTn->forCgi, TRUE);
     int sampleCount = slCount(sampleIds);
     int colCount = VCF_NUM_COLS_BEFORE_GENOTYPES + sampleCount;
     char ***impsByPos = imputedBasesByPosition(samplePlacements, sampleIds, chromSize);
     char *line;
     int size;
     while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &size))
         if (line[0] == '#')
             fputs(line, f);
             char *words[colCount];
             int wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
             lineFileExpectWords(lf, colCount, wordCount);
             int chromStart = atoi(words[1]) - 1;
             if (impsByPos[chromStart])
                 verbose(3, "%d ref=%s alt=%s\n", chromStart+1, words[3], words[4]);
                 int gtIx;
                 for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < sampleCount;  gtIx++)
                     if (impsByPos[chromStart][gtIx])
                         char *val = impsByPos[chromStart][gtIx];
                         // We can't just swap the value in; we need the numerical index.
                         // Is the imputed value ref, alt, or member of list of alts?
                         if (sameString(val, words[3]))
                             words[VCF_NUM_COLS_BEFORE_GENOTYPES+gtIx] = "0";
                             verbose(3, "gtIx %d: val matches ref (%s)\n", gtIx, val);
                         else if (sameString(val, words[4]))
                             words[VCF_NUM_COLS_BEFORE_GENOTYPES+gtIx] = "1";
                             verbose(3, "gtIx %d: val matches alt (%s)\n", gtIx, val);
                             // There may be multiple alts.  The alt itself might be ambiguous
                             // and require replacement.
                             boolean foundIt = FALSE;
                             struct slName *alt, *alts = slNameListFromComma(words[4]);
                             int colIx = VCF_NUM_COLS_BEFORE_GENOTYPES + gtIx;
                             int altIx;
                             for (altIx = 0, alt = alts;  alt != NULL;  altIx++, alt = alt->next)
                                 if (sameString(val, alt->name))
                                     // val is in the list of alts; substitute in its index.
                                     foundIt = TRUE;
                                     int len = strlen(words[colIx]);
                                     safef(words[colIx], len+1, "%d", altIx+1);
                                     verbose(3, "gtIx %d: val matches alts[%d] (%s)\n",
                                             gtIx, altIx, val);
                             if (!foundIt)
                                 for (altIx = 0, alt = alts;  alt != NULL;  altIx++, alt = alt->next)
                                     if (alt->name[1] == '\0' && val[1] == '\0' &&
                                         char lowerV = tolower(val[0]);
                                         if (strchr(iupacAmbiguousToString(alt->name[0]), lowerV))
                                                   "gtIx %d: val (%s) matches ambig alts[%d] (%s)\n",
                                                     gtIx, val, altIx, alt->name);
                                             // The alt is an ambiguous character that includes val.
                                             // Replace this alt with val.
                                             foundIt = TRUE;
                                             alt->name[0] = val[0];
                                             // Update the alts column
                                             words[4] = slNameListToString(alts, ',');
                                             int len = strlen(words[colIx]);
                                             safef(words[colIx], len+1, "%d", altIx+1);
                                             verbose(3, "gtIx %d: swapped in %s\n",
                                                     gtIx, words[colIx]);
                                 if (!foundIt)
                                     // Add the imputed value as a new alt.
                                     int altCount = slCount(alts);
                                     verbose(3, "gtIx %d: adding val as new alts[%d] = %s\n",
                                             gtIx, altCount, val);
                                     int len = strlen(words[colIx]);
                                     safef(words[colIx], len+1, "%d", altCount+1);
                                     slAddTail(alts, slNameNew(val));
                                     words[4] = slNameListToString(alts, ',');
                                     verbose(3, "gtIx %d: swapped in %s\n", gtIx, words[colIx]);
             int i;
             fputs(words[0], f);
             for (i = 1;  i < colCount;  i++)
                 fputc('\t', f);
                 fputs(words[i], f);
             fputc('\n', f);
     reportTiming(pStartTime, "Make user VCF with imputed bases");
 return ctVcfTn;
-static struct phyloTree *uploadedSamplesTree(char *sampleTreeFile, char *bigTreeFile,
-                                             struct slName *sampleIds)
-/* Read in tree from bigTreeFile, prune all nodes that have no leaf descendants in sampleIds,
- * save pruned tree to sampleTreeFile. */
-struct phyloTree *tree = phyloOpenTree(bigTreeFile);
-tree = phyloPruneToIds(tree, sampleIds);
-FILE *f = mustOpen(sampleTreeFile, "w");
-phyloPrintTree(tree, f);
-return tree;
 static int heightForSampleCount(int fontHeight, int count)
 /* Return a height sufficient for this many labels stacked vertically. */
 return (fontHeight + 1) * count;
-static struct phyloTree *addSampleOnlyCustomTrack(FILE *ctF, struct tempName *vcfTn,
-                                                  char *bigTreePlusFile, struct slName *sampleIds,
+static void addSampleOnlyCustomTrack(FILE *ctF, struct tempName *vcfTn,
+                                     struct slName *sampleIds, struct phyloTree *sampleTree,
                                      char *geneTrack, int fontHeight, int *pStartTime)
 /* Make custom track with uploaded VCF.  If there are enough samples to make a non-trivial tree,
  * then make the tree by pruning down the big tree plus samples to only the uploaded samples. */
-struct phyloTree *sampleTree = NULL;
 fprintf(ctF, "track name=uploadedSamples description='Uploaded sample genotypes' "
         "type=vcf visibility=pack "
         "hapClusterEnabled=on hapClusterHeight=%d ",
         heightForSampleCount(fontHeight, slCount(sampleIds)));
-if (slCount(sampleIds) >= minSamplesForOwnTree)
+if (sampleTree != NULL)
+    // Write tree of uploaded samples to a file so we can draw it in left label area.
     struct tempName sampleTreeTn;
     trashDirFile(&sampleTreeTn, "ct", "uploadedSamples", ".nwk");
-    sampleTree = uploadedSamplesTree(sampleTreeTn.forCgi, bigTreePlusFile, sampleIds);
+    FILE *f = mustOpen(sampleTreeTn.forCgi, "w");
+    phyloPrintTree(sampleTree, f);
+    carefulClose(&f);
     fprintf(ctF, "hapClusterMethod='treeFile %s' ", sampleTreeTn.forCgi);
     fprintf(ctF, "hapClusterMethod=fileOrder ");
 if (isNotEmpty(geneTrack))
     fprintf(ctF, "hapClusterColorBy=function geneTrack=%s", geneTrack);
 fputc('\n', ctF);
 struct lineFile *vcfLf = lineFileOpen(vcfTn->forCgi, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(vcfLf, &line, NULL))
     fprintf(ctF, "%s\n",line);
 reportTiming(pStartTime, "add custom track for uploaded samples");
-return sampleTree;
 static struct vcfFile *parseUserVcf(char *userVcfFile, int chromSize, int *pStartTime)
 /* Read in user VCF file and parse genotypes. */
 struct vcfFile *userVcf = vcfFileMayOpen(userVcfFile, NULL, 0, chromSize, 0, chromSize, TRUE);
 if (! userVcf)
     return NULL;
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = userVcf->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
 reportTiming(pStartTime, "read userVcf and parse genotypes");
 return userVcf;
 static void writeSubtreeTrackLine(FILE *ctF, struct subtreeInfo *ti, int subtreeNum, char *source,
                                   char *geneTrack, int fontHeight)
 /* Write a custom track line to ctF for one subtree. */
 fprintf(ctF, "track name=subtree%d", subtreeNum);
 // Keep the description from being too long in order to avoid buffer overflow in hgTrackUi
 // (and limited space for track title in hgTracks)
 int descLen = fprintf(ctF, " description='Subtree %d: uploaded sample%s %s",
                       subtreeNum, (slCount(ti->subtreeUserSampleIds) > 1 ? "s" : ""),
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = ti->subtreeUserSampleIds->next;  id != NULL;  id = id->next)
     if (descLen > 100)
         fprintf(ctF, " and %d other samples", slCount(id));
     descLen += fprintf(ctF, ", %s", id->name);
 int height = heightForSampleCount(fontHeight, slCount(ti->subtreeNameList));
 fprintf(ctF, " and nearest neighboring %s sequences' type=vcf visibility=dense "
         "hapClusterEnabled=on hapClusterHeight=%d hapClusterMethod='treeFile %s' "
         source, height, ti->subtreeTn->forHtml,
         slNameListToString(ti->subtreeUserSampleIds, ','));
 if (isNotEmpty(geneTrack))
     fprintf(ctF, " hapClusterColorBy=function geneTrack=%s", geneTrack);
 fputc('\n', ctF);
 static void writeVcfHeader(FILE *f, struct slName *sampleNames)
 /* Write a minimal VCF header with sample names for genotype columns. */
 fprintf(f, "##fileformat=VCFv4.2\n");
 struct slName *s;
 for (s = sampleNames;  s != NULL;  s = s->next)
     fprintf(f, "\t%s", s->name);
 fputc('\n', f);
 static struct slRef *slRefListCopyReverse(struct slRef *inList)
 /* Return a clone of inList but in reverse order. */
 struct slRef *outList = NULL;
 struct slRef *ref;
 for (ref = inList;  ref != NULL;  ref = ref->next)
     slAddHead(&outList, slRefNew(ref->val));
 return outList;
 static void treeToBaseAlleles(struct phyloTree *node, char *refBases,
                               char **sampleBases, struct hash *sampleToIx, struct slRef *parentMuts)
 /* Traverse tree, building up an array of reference bases indexed by position, and an array
  * (indexed by pos) of sample allele arrays indexed by sampleToIx. */
 struct slRef *nodeMuts = parentMuts;
 if (node->priv != NULL)
     // Start out with a copy of parent node mutations in reverse order so we can add at head
     // and then reverse all.
     struct singleNucChange *sncs = node->priv;
     nodeMuts = slRefListCopyReverse(parentMuts);
     slAddHead(&nodeMuts, slRefNew(sncs));
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < node->numEdges;  i++)
         treeToBaseAlleles(node->edges[i], refBases, sampleBases, sampleToIx, nodeMuts);
     // Leaf node: if in sampleToIx, then for each mutation (beware back-mutations),
     // set refBase if it has not already been set and set sample allele.
     int ix = hashIntValDefault(sampleToIx, node->ident->name, -1);
     if (ix >= 0)
         struct slRef *mlRef;
         for (mlRef = nodeMuts;  mlRef != NULL;  mlRef = mlRef->next)
             struct singleNucChange *snc, *sncs = mlRef->val;
             for (snc = sncs;  snc != NULL;  snc = snc->next)
                 // Don't let a back-mutation overwrite the true ref value:
                 if (!refBases[snc->chromStart])
                     refBases[snc->chromStart] = snc->refBase;
                 if (sampleBases[snc->chromStart] == NULL)
                     AllocArray(sampleBases[snc->chromStart], sampleToIx->elCount);
                 sampleBases[snc->chromStart][ix] = snc->newBase;
 if (node->priv != NULL)
 static void vcfToBaseAlleles(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *refBases, char **sampleBases,
                              struct hash *sampleToIx)
 /* Build up an array of reference bases indexed by position, and an array (indexed by pos)
  * of sample allele arrays indexed by sampleToIx, from variants & genotypes in vcff. */
 int gtIxToSampleIx[vcff->genotypeCount];
 int gtIx;
 for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < vcff->genotypeCount;  gtIx++)
     int ix = hashIntValDefault(sampleToIx, vcff->genotypeIds[gtIx], -1);
     gtIxToSampleIx[gtIx] = ix;
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < vcff->genotypeCount;  gtIx++)
         int ix = gtIxToSampleIx[gtIx];
         if (ix >= 0)
             // If refBases was already set by tree, go with that.
             if (!refBases[rec->chromStart])
                 refBases[rec->chromStart] = rec->alleles[0][0];
             if (sampleBases[rec->chromStart] == NULL)
                 AllocArray(sampleBases[rec->chromStart], sampleToIx->elCount);
             int alIx = rec->genotypes[gtIx].hapIxA;
             if (alIx < 0)
                 sampleBases[rec->chromStart][ix] = '.';
             else if (alIx > 0)
                 sampleBases[rec->chromStart][ix] = rec->alleles[alIx][0];
             // If alIx == 0 (ref), leave the sample base at '\0', the default assumption.
 static int tallyAlts(char *sampleAlleles, char ref, int sampleCount, char *altAlleles,
                      int *altCounts, int maxAltCount, int *retNoCallCount)
 /* Scan through sampleAlleles looking for alternate alleles.  Return the number of alternate
  * alleles and fill in altAlleles and altCounts (number of observations of each alt allele).
  * Also simplify sampleAlleles by replacing ref alleles (from back-mutations) with '\0'. */
 int altCount = 0;
 int noCallCount = 0;
 memset(altAlleles, 0, sizeof(*altAlleles) * maxAltCount);
 memset(altCounts, 0, sizeof(*altCounts) * maxAltCount);
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < sampleCount;  ix++)
     if (sampleAlleles[ix] == ref)
         sampleAlleles[ix] = '\0';
     char sampleAl = sampleAlleles[ix];
     if (sampleAl == '.')
     else if (sampleAl != '\0')
         int altIx;
         for (altIx = 0;  altIx < altCount;  altIx++)
             if (altAlleles[altIx] == sampleAl)
         if (altIx == altCount)
             if (altCount == maxAltCount)
                 errAbort("Too many alternate alleles for maxAltCount=%d; increase it.",
             // Add new alt allele.
             altAlleles[altIx] = sampleAl;
 *retNoCallCount = noCallCount;
 return altCount;
 static void altsToGenotypes(char *sampleAlleles, int sampleCount, char *altAlleles, int altCount,
                             char *genotypes)
 /* Fill in genotypes with '0' for ref allele, '1' for first alternate allele, etc. */
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0;  ix < sampleCount;  ix++)
     char sampleAl = sampleAlleles[ix];
     if (sampleAl == '\0')
         genotypes[ix] = '0';
     else if (sampleAl == '.')
         genotypes[ix] = '.';
         int altIx;
         for (altIx = 0;  altIx < altCount;  altIx++)
             if (altAlleles[altIx] == sampleAl)
         if (altIx == altCount)
             errAbort("altsToGenotypes: sample %d allele '%c' not found in array of %d alts.",
                      ix, sampleAl, altCount);
         genotypes[ix] = '1' + altIx;
 static void baseAllelesToVcf(char *refBases, char **sampleBases, char *chrom, int baseCount,
                              int sampleCount, FILE *f)
 /* Write VCF rows with per-sample genotypes from refBases and sampleBases. */
 int chromStart;
 for (chromStart = 0;  chromStart < baseCount;  chromStart++)
     char ref = refBases[chromStart];
     if (ref != '\0')
         // This position has a variant.  Tally up alternate alleles and counts and determine
         // allele indices to use when printing out genotypes.
         int maxAlts = 16;
         char altAlleles[maxAlts];
         int altCounts[maxAlts];
         int noCallCount;
         int altCount = tallyAlts(sampleBases[chromStart], ref, sampleCount,
                                  altAlleles, altCounts, maxAlts, &noCallCount);
         if (altCount == 0)
         char genotypes[sampleCount];
         altsToGenotypes(sampleBases[chromStart], sampleCount, altAlleles, altCount, genotypes);
         int pos = chromStart+1;
         fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%c%d%c",
                 chrom, pos, ref, pos, altAlleles[0]);
         int altIx;
         for (altIx = 1;  altIx < altCount;  altIx++)
             fprintf(f, ",%c%d%c", ref, pos, altAlleles[altIx]);
         fprintf(f, "\t%c\t%c", ref, altAlleles[0]);
         for (altIx = 1;  altIx < altCount;  altIx++)
         fprintf(f, ",%c", toupper(altAlleles[altIx]));
         fputs("\t.\t.\t", f);
         fprintf(f, "AC=%d", altCounts[0]);
         for (altIx = 1;  altIx < altCount;  altIx++)
             fprintf(f, ",%d", altCounts[altIx]);
         fprintf(f, ";AN=%d\tGT", sampleCount - noCallCount);
         int gtIx;
         for (gtIx = 0;  gtIx < sampleCount;  gtIx++)
             fprintf(f, "\t%c", genotypes[gtIx]);
         fputc('\n', f);
 static void writeSubtreeVcf(FILE *f, struct hash *sampleToIx, char *chrom, int chromSize,
                             struct vcfFile *userVcf, struct phyloTree *subtree)
 /* Write rows of VCF with genotypes for samples in sampleToIx (with order determined by sampleToIx)
  * with some samples found in userVcf and the rest found in subtree which has been annotated
  * with single-nucleotide variants. */
 char refBases[chromSize];
 memset(refBases, 0, sizeof refBases);
 char *sampleBases[chromSize];
 memset(sampleBases, 0, sizeof sampleBases);
 treeToBaseAlleles(subtree, refBases, sampleBases, sampleToIx, NULL);
 vcfToBaseAlleles(userVcf, refBases, sampleBases, sampleToIx);
 int sampleCount = sampleToIx->elCount;
 baseAllelesToVcf(refBases, sampleBases, chrom, chromSize, sampleCount, f);
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < chromSize;  i++)
 static void addSubtreeCustomTracks(FILE *ctF, char *userVcfFile, struct subtreeInfo *subtreeInfoList,
                                    struct hash *samplePlacements, char *chrom, int chromSize,
                                    char *source, char *geneTrack, int fontHeight, int *pStartTime)
 /* For each subtree trashfile, write VCF+treeFile custom track text to ctF. */
 struct vcfFile *userVcf = parseUserVcf(userVcfFile, chromSize, pStartTime);
 if (! userVcf)
     warn("Problem parsing VCF file with user variants '%s'; can't make subtree subtracks.",
 struct subtreeInfo *ti;
 int subtreeNum;
 for (subtreeNum = 1, ti = subtreeInfoList;  ti != NULL;  ti = ti->next, subtreeNum++)
     writeSubtreeTrackLine(ctF, ti, subtreeNum, source, geneTrack, fontHeight);
     writeVcfHeader(ctF, ti->subtreeNameList);
     writeSubtreeVcf(ctF, ti->subtreeIdToIx, chrom, chromSize, userVcf, ti->subtree);
     fputc('\n', ctF);
 reportTiming(pStartTime, "write subtree custom tracks");
 struct tempName *writeCustomTracks(char *db, struct tempName *vcfTn, struct usherResults *ur,
                                    struct slName *sampleIds, char *source, int fontHeight,
-                                   struct phyloTree **retSampleTree, int *pStartTime)
+                                   struct phyloTree *sampleTree, int *pStartTime)
 /* Write one custom track per subtree, and one custom track with just the user's uploaded samples. */
 char *chrom = hDefaultChrom(db);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, chrom);
 char *geneTrack = phyloPlaceDbSetting(db, "geneTrack");
 // Default to SARS-CoV-2 or hMPXV values if setting is missing from config.ra.
 if (isEmpty(geneTrack))
     geneTrack = sameString(db, "wuhCor1") ? "ncbiGeneBGP" : "ncbiGene";
 struct tempName *ctVcfTn = userVcfWithImputedBases(vcfTn, ur->samplePlacements, sampleIds,
                                                    chromSize, pStartTime);
 struct tempName *ctTn;
 trashDirFile(ctTn, "ct", "ct_pp", ".ct");
 FILE *ctF = mustOpen(ctTn->forCgi, "w");
 int subtreeCount = slCount(ur->subtreeInfoList);
 if (subtreeCount <= MAX_SUBTREE_CTS)
     addSubtreeCustomTracks(ctF, ctVcfTn->forCgi, ur->subtreeInfoList, ur->samplePlacements,
                            chrom, chromSize, source, geneTrack, fontHeight, pStartTime);
     printf("<p>Subtree custom tracks are added when there are at most %d subtrees, "
            "but %d subtrees were found.</p>\n",
            MAX_SUBTREE_CTS, subtreeCount);
-struct phyloTree *sampleTree = addSampleOnlyCustomTrack(ctF, ctVcfTn,
-                                                        ur->singleSubtreeInfo->subtreeTn->forCgi,
-                                                        sampleIds, geneTrack, fontHeight,
-                                                        pStartTime);
-if (retSampleTree)
-    *retSampleTree = sampleTree;
+addSampleOnlyCustomTrack(ctF, ctVcfTn, sampleIds, sampleTree, geneTrack, fontHeight, pStartTime);
 return ctTn;