3a74edab38d1a6e928729bc6b4feec3762ee2f40 angie Tue Nov 14 17:05:26 2023 -0800 Don't offer uncompressed protobuf for download (only compressed). Also don't offer redundant .nextclade.pangolin version of same file. diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh index 3e5f83a..6ebf17f 100755 --- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh +++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/extractPublicTree.sh @@ -1,184 +1,181 @@ #!/bin/bash set -beEu -x -o pipefail # Do not modify this script, modify the source tree copy: # kent/src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updateCombinedTree.sh usage() { echo "usage: $0 date prevDate" echo "This assumes that \$date/gisaidAndPublic.\$date.masked.pb has been generated." } if [ $# != 2 ]; then usage exit 1 fi today=$1 prevDate=$2 ottoDir=/hive/data/outside/otto/sarscov2phylo cncbDir=$ottoDir/cncb.latest scriptDir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") source $scriptDir/util.sh usherDir=~angie/github/usher matUtils=$usherDir/build/matUtils cd $ottoDir/$today # Extract public samples from tree grep -v \|EPI_ISL_ samples.$today > newPublicNames # Dunno why, but when I tried using -s together with the filtering params, it ran for 3 hours # and I killed it -- stuck in a loop? Run two commands: $matUtils extract -i gisaidAndPublic.$today.masked.pb \ -s newPublicNames \ -o public-$today.all.masked.preTrim.pb $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.preTrim.pb \ --max-parsimony 20 \ --max-branch-length 50 \ --max-path-length 150 \ -O -o public-$today.all.masked.pb # Add nextclade annotations to protobuf (completely specified by nextstrain.clade-mutations.tsv) grep -v \|EPI_ISL cladeToName > cladeToPublicName time $matUtils annotate -T 50 \ -l \ -i public-$today.all.masked.pb \ -P $ottoDir/$prevDate/cladeToPath.public \ -M $scriptDir/nextstrain.clade-mutations.tsv \ -D details.nextclade.public \ -o public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pb \ >& annotate.nextclade.public # Add pangolin lineage annotations to public protobuf grep -v \|EPI_ISL lineageToName > lineageToPublicName time $matUtils annotate -T 50 \ -i public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pb \ -P $ottoDir/$prevDate/lineageToPath.public \ -M $scriptDir/pango.clade-mutations.tsv \ -c lineageToPublicName \ -f 0.95 \ -D details.pango.public \ -o public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pangolin.pb \ >& annotate.pango.public # Extract Newick and VCF from public-only tree time $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb \ -t public-$today.all.nwk \ -v public-$today.all.masked.vcf time pigz -p 8 -f public-$today.all.masked.vcf zcat gisaidAndPublic.$today.metadata.tsv.gz \ | grep -v \|EPI_ISL_ \ | pigz -p 8 \ > public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz rm public-$today.all.masked.pb ln -f public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pangolin.pb public-$today.all.masked.pb # Save paths for use tomorrow. $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb -C clade-paths.public tail -n+2 clade-paths.public \ | grep -E '^[12]' \ | cut -f 1,3 > cladeToPath.public tail -n+2 clade-paths.public \ | grep -E '^[A-Za-z]' \ | cut -f 1,3 > lineageToPath.public cncbDate=$(ls -l $cncbDir | sed -re 's/.*cncb\.([0-9]{4}-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]).*/\1/') echo "sarscov2phylo release 13-11-20; NCBI and COG-UK sequences downloaded $today; CNCB sequences downloaded $cncbDate" \ > version.txt $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb -u samples.public.$today sampleCountComma=$(echo $(wc -l < samples.public.$today) \ | sed -re 's/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/; s/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3},[0-9]{3})$/\1,\2/;') echo "$sampleCountComma genomes from GenBank, COG-UK and CNCB ($today); sarscov2phylo 13-11-20 tree with newer sequences added by UShER" \ > hgPhyloPlace.description.txt # Make Taxonium V2 .jsonl.gz protobuf for display usher_to_taxonium --input public-$today.all.masked.pb \ --metadata public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz \ --genbank ~angie/github/taxonium/taxoniumtools/test_data/hu1.gb \ --columns genbank_accession,country,date,pangolin_lineage,pango_lineage_usher \ --clade_types=nextstrain,pango \ --name_internal_nodes \ --title "$today tree with sequences from GISAID, INSDC, COG-UK and CNCB" \ --output public-$today.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz >& utt.log # Make a size-limited public tree for ShUShER so it doesn't exceed browser memory limits $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb --set-size 6000000 \ -o public-$today.all.masked.ShUShER.pb.gz # Link to public trees download directory hierarchy archiveRoot=/hive/users/angie/publicTrees read y m d < <(echo $today | sed -re 's/-/ /g') archive=$archiveRoot/$y/$m/$d mkdir -p $archive gzip -c public-$today.all.nwk > $archive/public-$today.all.nwk.gz -ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.{pb,vcf.gz} $archive/ +ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.vcf.gz $archive/ gzip -c public-$today.all.masked.pb > $archive/public-$today.all.masked.pb.gz ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz $archive/ -gzip -c public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pangolin.pb \ - > $archive/public-$today.all.masked.nextclade.pangolin.pb.gz gzip -c lineageToPublicName > $archive/lineageToPublicName.tsv.gz gzip -c cladeToPublicName > $archive/cladeToPublicName.tsv.gz ln -f `pwd`/hgPhyloPlace.description.txt $archive/public-$today.version.txt ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz $archive/ ln -f `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.ShUShER.pb.gz $archive/ # Update 'latest' in $archiveRoot ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.nwk.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.nwk.gz -ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.masked.pb $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.pb ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.masked.pb.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.pb.gz ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.masked.vcf.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.vcf.gz ln -f $archive/public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.metadata.tsv.gz ln -f $archive/public-$today.version.txt $archiveRoot/public-latest.version.txt ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz \ $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.taxonium.jsonl.gz ln -f $archive/public-$today.all.masked.ShUShER.pb.gz \ $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.ShUShER.pb.gz # Update hgdownload-test link for archive mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/wuhCor1/UShER_SARS-CoV-2/$y/$m ln -sf $archive /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/wuhCor1/UShER_SARS-CoV-2/$y/$m # Update links to latest public protobuf and metadata in hgwdev cgi-bin directories pigz -p 8 -c samples.public.$today > samples.public.$today.gz for dir in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin{-angie,-beta,}/hgPhyloPlaceData/wuhCor1; do ln -sf `pwd`/public-$today.all.masked.pb $dir/public-latest.all.masked.pb ln -sf `pwd`/public-$today.metadata.tsv.gz $dir/public-latest.metadata.tsv.gz ln -sf `pwd`/hgPhyloPlace.description.txt $dir/public-latest.version.txt ln -sf `pwd`/samples.public.$today.gz $dir/public-latest.names.gz done # Update MSA and make tree version with only MSA sequences awk -F\| '{ if ($3 == "") { print $1 "\t" $0; } else { print $2 "\t" $0; } }' samples.public.$today \ | sort > idToName.public time cat <(faSomeRecords <(xzcat $ottoDir/$prevDate/public-$prevDate.all.aligned.fa.xz) \ <(cut -f 1 idToName.public) stdout) \ <(faSomeRecords new.aligned.fa <(cut -f 1 idToName.public) stdout) \ | xz -T 30 \ > public-$today.all.aligned.fa.xz time faRenameRecords <(xzcat public-$today.all.aligned.fa.xz) idToName.public stdout \ | faUniqify stdin stdout \ | xz -T 30 \ > public-$today.all.msa.fa.xz fastaNames public-$today.all.msa.fa.xz | sort > msaFaNames wc -l msaFaNames $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.pb -s msaFaNames \ -o public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb -u samples.public.msa cmp msaFaNames <(sort samples.public.msa) pigz -f -p 8 public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb $matUtils extract -i public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb.gz -t public-$today.all.masked.msa.nwk pigz -f -p 8 public-$today.all.masked.msa.nwk archiveRoot=/hive/users/angie/publicTrees read y m d < <(echo $today | sed -re 's/-/ /g') archive=$archiveRoot/$y/$m/$d ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb.gz $archive/ ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.msa.fa.xz $archive/ ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.masked.msa.nwk.gz $archive/ ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.masked.msa.pb.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.masked.msa.pb.gz ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.msa.fa.xz $archiveRoot/public-latest.all.msa.fa.xz ln -f $(pwd)/public-$today.all.masked.msa.nwk.gz $archiveRoot/public-latest.masked.msa.nwk.gz