  Tue Nov 28 03:05:06 2023 -0800
Improving ability to restore symlinked files back into their wrangle or submit directories so they are not lost. Includes special files such as 2bit under the path "". Handles either one dataset at a time, or can with great care be used to restore all files for all sets. Great care must be used with this command, and observe many caviots as well. We have no real way to preserve our symlinks other than this.

diff --git src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwReallyRemoveDataset/cdwReallyRemoveDataset.c src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwReallyRemoveDataset/cdwReallyRemoveDataset.c
index 11d988e..c39ce74 100644
--- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwReallyRemoveDataset/cdwReallyRemoveDataset.c
+++ src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwReallyRemoveDataset/cdwReallyRemoveDataset.c
@@ -1,69 +1,116 @@
 /* cdwReallyRemoveDataset - Remove all files from a dataset and in general all traces of it.. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "cdw.h"
 #include "cdwLib.h"
 boolean really;
+boolean unSymlinkOnly = FALSE;  // if unSymlinkOnly == TRUE do not delete rows in tables cdwSumbit and cdwSumbitDir below.
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "cdwReallyRemoveDataset - Remove all files from a dataset and in general all traces of it.\n"
+  "      - It also restores the original symlinks from wrangle directories by replacing them with copies so the wrangle files are not lost.\n"
+  "      - This means your space usage will double as symlinks get restored to real files. Make sure you have enough space on the storage device.\n"
+  "      - Use mosh and screen to ensure no interruptions.\n"
+  "      - It we be slow as it copies big files back so be patient.\n"
+  "        The recovered files in wrangle directories will be owned by the curent user.\n"
+  "      - DO NOT HIT CONTROL-C!\n"
   "   cdwReallyRemoveDataset submitDir\n"
   "   -really - Needs to be set for anything to happen,  otherwise will just print file names.\n"
+  "   -unSymlinkOnly - turn symlinks back into actual files in wrangle or valData without removing the files from cdw. Requires twice the space for each dataset.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "\n"
+  "IMPORTANT NOTE - submitDir can be an empty string in which case it applies to all the valData with a blank submitDir.\n"
+  "           Never use this with -really unless you are abandoning the installation removing cdwRootDir /data/cirm/cdw/ entirely\n"
+  "            and thus need to recover valData so it will not be left with dangling symlinks.\n"
+  "                   submitDir can be \"allDatasetsUnSymlink\" in which case it applies to all datasets currently unsymlinking only.\n"
+  "             Never use this with -really unless you are abandoning the installation removing cdwRootDir /data/cirm/cdw/ entirely\n"
+  "             Please be careful with this command. Ask for help if you have questions.\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"really", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
+   {"unSymlinkOnly", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {NULL, 0},
 void cdwReallyRemoveDataset(char *submitDir)
 /* cdwReallyRemoveDataset - Remove all files from a dataset and in general all traces of it.. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = cdwConnectReadWrite();
 char query[512];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from cdwSubmitDir where url='%s'", submitDir);
 int submitDirId = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 if (submitDirId <= 0)
     errAbort("%s not found", submitDir);
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from cdwFile where submitDirId=%d", submitDirId);
 struct slInt *fileIdList = sqlQuickNumList(conn, query);
 verbose(1, "%d files in %s\n", slCount(fileIdList), submitDir);
 struct slInt *el;
 for (el = fileIdList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
-    cdwReallyRemoveFile(conn, submitDir, el->val, FALSE, really); 
+    cdwReallyRemoveFile(conn, submitDir, el->val, unSymlinkOnly, really); 
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from cdwSubmit where submitDirId = %d", submitDirId);
-if (really)
+if (really && !unSymlinkOnly)
     sqlUpdate(conn, query);
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from cdwSubmitDir where id = %d", submitDirId);
-if (really)
+if (really && !unSymlinkOnly)
     sqlUpdate(conn, query);
+if (!unSymlinkOnly)
     verbose(1, "Please remove dataset from cdwDataset table and run cdwMakeFileTags as well\n");
 if (!really)
     verbose(1, "-really was not specified. Dry run only.\n");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 2)
 really = optionExists("really");
+unSymlinkOnly = optionExists("unSymlinkOnly");
+if (sameString(argv[1], "allDatasetsUnSymlink"))
+    {
+    if (sameString(getenv("HOST"), "cirm-01"))
+	errAbort("Operation not allowed on cirm-01.");
+    unSymlinkOnly = TRUE; // required for additional safety and helps with repeatability since the command can resumed or re-run safely.
+    struct sqlConnection *conn = cdwConnectReadWrite();
+    struct sqlResult *sr;
+    char **row;
+    char query[512];
+    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select url from cdwSubmitDir");
+    sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
+    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
+	{
+	char *submitDir = row[0];
+	verbose(1, "\n\nProcessing submitDir=%s\n", submitDir);
+	cdwReallyRemoveDataset(submitDir);
+	}
+    sqlFreeResult(&sr);
+    sqlDisconnect(&conn);
+    }
 return 0;