417468b267382eaa03b7307439b4cb43aaab10f0 max Fri Dec 1 02:22:41 2023 -0800 hide some tracks on GBIC update, refs #32693 diff --git src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh index 1eefcc8..0269374 100644 --- src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh +++ src/product/installer/browserSetup.sh @@ -1841,30 +1841,32 @@ echo updating GBDB: $DBS for db in $DBS; do echo2 syncing gbdb: $db rsync -avp $RSYNCOPTS $HGDOWNLOAD::gbdb/$db/ $GBDBDIR/$db/ done # update the mysql DBs stopMysql DBS=`ls /var/lib/mysql/ | egrep -v '(Trash$)|(hgTemp)|(^ib_)|(^ibdata)|(^aria)|(^mysql)|(performance)|(.flag$)|(multi-master.info)|(sys)|(lost.found)|(hgcentral)'` for db in $DBS; do echo2 syncing full mysql database: $db $RSYNC --update --progress -avp $RSYNCOPTS $HGDOWNLOAD::mysql/$db/ $MYSQLDIR/$db/ done startMysql + hideSomeTracks + echo2 update finished } function addTools { rsync -avP hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu::genome/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/ /usr/local/bin/ rm -rf /usr/local/bin/blat.tmp # in case an old one is still there mv /usr/local/bin/blat /usr/local/bin/blat.tmp # tools under the BLAT license are separated into their own directory mv /usr/local/bin/blat.tmp/* /usr/local/bin/ rmdir /usr/local/bin/blat.tmp echo2 The UCSC User Tools were copied to /usr/local/bin echo2 Please note that most of the tools require an .hg.conf file in the users echo2 home directory. A very minimal .hg.conf file can be found here: echo2 "http://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/gitlist/kent.git/blob/master/src/product/minimal.hg.conf" }