e5a054a02e7a80af675a99ba146c27465837f1d8 markd Thu Dec 21 10:13:23 2023 -0800 more work on running tests in parallel diff --git src/hg/autoSql/tests/dbLinkTest.c src/hg/autoSql/tests/dbLinkTest.c index ba10ab4..97fe727 100644 --- src/hg/autoSql/tests/dbLinkTest.c +++ src/hg/autoSql/tests/dbLinkTest.c @@ -1,329 +1,330 @@ /* Program to test -dbLink functions of autoSql. Assumes that there is a working database available and that you have the correct passwords in ~/.hg.conf and write permission to the database. */ #include "common.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "output/newTest.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "hdb.h" char *testTableName = "autoTest"; /* table name that newTest.as will produce. */ int numPassed = 0; /* How many tests we have passed. */ int numFailed = 0; /* How many tests we have failed. */ void usage() { errAbort("dbLinkTest - Test -dbLink functions of autoSql. Assumes that\n" "there is a working database available and that you have the\n" "correct passwords in ~/.hg.conf and write permission to the\n" "database.\n" "usage:\n\t" "dbLinkTest"); } struct sqlConnection *dbConnect() /* Get a connection do database specified in ~/.hg.conf */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; char *hdbHost = cfgOption("db.host"); char *hdbUser = cfgOption("db.user"); char *hdbPassword = cfgOption("db.password"); char *hdbDatabase = cfgOption("db.database"); if(hdbDatabase == NULL) hdbDatabase = hDefaultDb(); if(hdbHost == NULL || hdbUser == NULL || hdbPassword == NULL) errAbort("Cannot read in connection setting from configuration file."); conn = sqlConnectRemote(hdbHost, hdbUser, hdbPassword, hdbDatabase); return conn; } void setupTable(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Set up the autoTest table for testing. Call dropTable() later to remove table. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen("output/newTest.sql", TRUE); char *update = NULL; char query[4096]; char *line = NULL; struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(256); if (sqlTableExists(conn, testTableName)) errAbort("dbLinkTest.c::setupTable() - Table %s.%s already exists. Can't create another.", sqlGetDatabase(conn), testTableName); while(lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) { char *tmp = strstr(line, "not null"); if(tmp != NULL) { *tmp = ','; tmp++; *tmp = '\0'; } subChar(line, '\t', ' '); dyStringPrintf(ds, "%s", line); } update = replaceChars(ds->string, "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE"); // TRUST sql data off disk sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, update, NULL); sqlUpdate(conn, query); freez(&update); dyStringFree(&ds); lineFileClose(&lf); } void dropTable(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Drop the test table that was created in setupTable(). */ { char update[256]; -sqlSafef(update, sizeof(update), "drop table %s", testTableName); +sqlSafef(update, sizeof(update), "drop table if exists %s", testTableName); sqlUpdate(conn, update); } int countWcDiff(char *fileName) /** Count how many lines counted are reported by 'wc'. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line; int lineSize; int numLineDiff=0; char *row[3]; lineFileNeedNext(lf, &line, &lineSize); line = trimSpaces(line); chopString(line, " ", row, 3); numLineDiff=atoi(row[0]); lineFileClose(&lf); return numLineDiff; } boolean testingFileIdentical(char *file1, char *file2) /** Check to see if two files are the same. */ { struct dyString *command = dyStringNew(2048); char *resultsFile = "_testingFileIdentical.tmp"; int result = 0; boolean identical = FALSE; int numDiff = 0; dyStringPrintf(command, "diff -b %s %s | wc > %s", file1, file2,resultsFile ); result = system(command->string); if(result != 0) errAbort("testing::testingFileIdentical() - Failed running diff on %s and %s", file1, file2); numDiff = countWcDiff(resultsFile); if(numDiff ==0) identical = TRUE; dyStringFree(&command); remove(resultsFile); return identical; } struct autoTest *newAutoTestSample() /* Create an autotest structure and return it. */ { struct autoTest *at = NULL; AllocVar(at); at->id=1; snprintf(at->shortName, sizeof(at->shortName), "shortName"); at->longName = cloneString("autoSql autoTest longName"); at->aliases[0] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest aliases"); at->aliases[1] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest aliases"); at->aliases[2] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest aliases"); at->ptCount = 3; AllocArray(at->pts, 3); at->pts[0] = 0; at->pts[1] = 1; at->pts[2] = 2; at->difCount = 3; AllocArray(at->difs, 3); at->difs[0] = '0'; at->difs[1] = '1'; at->difs[2] = '2'; at->valCount = 3; AllocArray(at->vals, at->valCount); at->vals[0] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest vals"); at->vals[1] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest vals"); at->vals[2] = cloneString("autoSql autoTest vals"); return at; } boolean autoTestsIdentical(struct autoTest *at1, struct autoTest *at2) /* Check to see if at's are identical by writing them to files and diffing the results. */ { char *tFile = "_testAutoTest.test"; char *tDbFile = "_testAutoTestFromDb.test"; FILE *out = NULL; FILE *outDb = NULL; boolean result = FALSE; /* Tab out results. */ if(fileExists(tFile)) errAbort("Can't create file %s. Already exists", tFile); out = mustOpen(tFile, "w"); autoTestTabOut(at1, out); if(fileExists(tDbFile)) errAbort("Can't create file %s. Already exists", tDbFile); outDb = mustOpen(tDbFile, "w"); autoTestTabOut(at2, outDb); carefulClose(&out); carefulClose(&outDb); /* Compare files. */ result = testingFileIdentical(tFile, tDbFile); /* Cleanup. */ remove(tFile); remove(tDbFile); return result; } void testCommaOutputInput() /* Test if we can write and read to text files. */ { struct autoTest *at = newAutoTestSample(); struct autoTest *atRead = NULL; char *fileName = "_testAutoTest.test"; char * line = NULL; struct lineFile *lf = NULL; FILE *out = NULL; boolean result = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "testCommaOutputInput() - "); fflush(stderr); /* Open file and write. */ if(fileExists(fileName)) errAbort("testOutputInput() - Can't open %s to write, already exists.", fileName); out = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); autoTestCommaOut(at, out); carefulClose(&out); /* Read in. */ lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); lineFileNextReal(lf, &line); atRead = autoTestCommaIn(&line, NULL); remove(fileName); /* Compare. */ result = autoTestsIdentical(at, atRead); if(result) { warn("PASSED."); numPassed++; } else { warn("FAILED."); numFailed++; } lineFileClose(&lf); autoTestFree(&at); autoTestFree(&atRead); } void testTabOutputInput() /* Test if we can write and read to text files. */ { struct autoTest *at = newAutoTestSample(); struct autoTest *atRead = NULL; char *fileName = "_testAutoTest.test"; struct lineFile *lf = NULL; FILE *out = NULL; boolean result = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "testTabOutputInput() - "); fflush(stderr); /* Open file and write. */ if(fileExists(fileName)) errAbort("testOutputInput() - Can't open %s to write, already exists.", fileName); out = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); autoTestTabOut(at, out); carefulClose(&out); /* Read in. */ atRead = autoTestLoadAllByTab(fileName); remove(fileName); /* Compare. */ result = autoTestsIdentical(at, atRead); if(result) { warn("PASSED."); numPassed++; } else { warn("FAILED."); numFailed++; } lineFileClose(&lf); autoTestFree(&at); autoTestFree(&atRead); } void testInsertion(struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean escaped) /* Test saveToDb() and loadByQuery() functions. */ { struct autoTest *at=NULL, *atFromDb=NULL; char query[256]; boolean result = FALSE; if(escaped) fprintf(stderr, "testEscapedInsertion() - "); else fprintf(stderr, "testRegularInsertion() - "); fflush(stderr); /* Load into db and then read back out. */ at = newAutoTestSample(); if(escaped) { freez(&at->longName); at->longName = cloneString("autoSql's autoTest longName"); at->id++; autoTestSaveToDb(conn, at, testTableName, 1024); } else autoTestSaveToDb(conn, at, testTableName, 1024); sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where id = %d", testTableName, at->id); atFromDb = autoTestLoadByQuery(conn, query); result = autoTestsIdentical(at, atFromDb); if(result) { warn("PASSED."); numPassed++; } else { warn("FAILED."); numFailed++; } autoTestFree(&at); autoTestFree(&atFromDb); } void doTests() /* Run our set of tests that use functions exploited by -dbLink flag. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = dbConnect(); testCommaOutputInput(); testTabOutputInput(); +dropTable(conn); setupTable(conn); testInsertion(conn, FALSE); testInsertion(conn, TRUE); dropTable(conn); if(numFailed == 0) warn("dbLinkTest: PASSED. All %d tests passed", numPassed); else warn("dbLinkTest: FAILURES. %d tests failed", numFailed); sqlDisconnect(&conn); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 1) usage(); doTests(); return 0; }