  Wed Jan 17 08:03:49 2024 -0800
harden hgGeneGraph, ongoing build patch, no redmine ID yet

diff --git src/hg/pyLib/hgLib3.py src/hg/pyLib/hgLib3.py
index c188d35..b865f23 100644
--- src/hg/pyLib/hgLib3.py
+++ src/hg/pyLib/hgLib3.py
@@ -85,30 +85,53 @@
         elif line.startswith("include "):
             inclFname = line.split()[1]
             absFname = normpath(join(dirname(fname), inclFname))
             if os.path.isfile(absFname):
                 inclDict = parseConf(absFname)
         elif "=" in line: # string search for "="
             key, value = line.split("=",1)
             conf[key] = value
     return conf
 # cache of hg.conf contents
 hgConf = None
+captchaQuestions = {
+        1 : "How many chromosomes do humans have?",
+        2 : "What is the family name of the UCSC Genome Browser's original creator?",
+        3 : "The genome is stored in which type of molecule? It's a three letter acronym.",
+        4 : "RNA encodes for which type of molecule?",
+        5 : "In eukaryotes, transcripts are composed of exons and ...",
+        6 : "What do you call the specific location of a gene on a chromosome?",
+        7 : "A gene is composed of multiple .... ? (hint: starts with trans- and has exons and introns)",
+        8 : "Enter the name of either one of the human sex chromosomes",
+        9 : "This genome browser is hosted by a University named...",
+        }
+captchaAnswers = {
+        1 : ["46", "23"],
+        2 : ["kent", "jim"],
+        3 : ["dna"],
+        4 : ["proteins", "amino acids", "aa", "protein"],
+        5 : ["introns"],
+        6 : ["locus"],
+        7 : ["transcripts", "transcript", "isoforms", "proteins"],
+        8 : ["x", "y", "chrx", "chry"],
+        9 : ["ucsc"],
 def parseHgConf():
     """ return hg.conf as dict key:value. """
     global hgConf
     if hgConf is not None:
         return hgConf
     hgConf = dict() # python dict = hash table
     confDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # look for hg.conf in parent dir
     fname = os.path.join(confDir, "..", "hg.conf")
     hgConf = parseConf(fname)
     if cfgOptionBoolean("JKSQL_TRACE"):
         global jksqlTrace
         jksqlTrace = True
@@ -452,65 +475,83 @@
     if centralCookie:
         user = findCookieData(centralCookie)
     return user
 def getBotCheckString(ip, fraction):
     " port of lib/botDelay.c:getBotCheckString: compose user.ip fraction for bot check  "
     user = getCookieUser()
     if user:
         botCheckString = "%s.%s %f" % (user, ip, fraction)
         botCheckString = "%s %f" % (ip, fraction)
     return botCheckString
-def hgBotDelay(fraction=1.0):
+def hgBotDelay(fraction=1.0, useBytes=None):
     Implement bottleneck delay, get bottleneck server from hg.conf.
     This behaves similar to the function src/hg/lib/botDelay.c:hgBotDelay
     It does not use the hgsid, currently it always uses the IP address.
     Using the hgsid makes little sense. It is more lenient than the C version.
+    If useBytes is set, use only the first x bytes of the IP address. This helps
+    block bots that all use similar IP addresses, at the risk of blocking
+    entire institutes.
     global hgConf
     global doWarnBot
     global botDelayMsecs
     ip = os.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR")
     if not ip: # skip if not called from Apache
+    if useBytes is not None and ip.count(".")==3: # do not do this for ip6 addresses
+        ip = ".".join(ip.split(".")[:useBytes])
     host = cfgOption("bottleneck.host")
     port = cfgOption("bottleneck.port")
     if not host or not port or not ip:
     botCheckString = getBotCheckString(ip, fraction)
     millis = botDelayTime(host, port, botCheckString)
     debug(1, "Bottleneck delay: %d msecs" % millis)
     botDelayMsecs = millis
-    if millis>botDelayBlock:
+    captchaId = int(cgiString("captchaId", 0))
+    if captchaId!=0:
+        captchaAnswer = cgiString("captchaAnswer", "").lower()
+        allowedAnswers = captchaAnswers.get(captchaId, [])
+        if captchaAnswer in allowedAnswers:
+            millis -= 10000
+    if millis > (botDelayBlock/fraction):
         # retry-after time factor 10 is based on the example in the bottleneck help message
         sys.stderr.write("hgLib.py hogExit\n")
-        errAbort("Too many HTTP requests and not enough delay between them. "
+        printContentType(status=429, headers={"Retry-after" : str(millis / 200)})
+        print("<html><head></head><body>")
+        print("<b>Too many HTTP requests and not enough delay between them.</b><p> "
         "Your IP has been blocked to keep this website responsive for other users. "
-        "Please contact genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu to unblock your IP address. We can also help you obtain the data you need without "
-        "web crawling. ", status=429, headers = {"Retry-after" : str(millis / 10)})
+        "Please contact genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu to unblock your IP address or solve the captcha below. We can also help you obtain the data you need without "
+        "web crawling.<p>")
+        showCaptcha()
+        print("</html>")
+        sys.exit(0)
-    if millis>botDelayWarn:
+    if millis > (botDelayWarn/fraction):
         doWarnBot = True # = show warning message later in printContentType()
 def parseRa(text):
     " Parse ra-style string and return as dict name -> value "
     import string
     lines = text.split("\n")
     data = dict()
     for l in lines:
         if len(l)==0:
         key, val = l.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
         data[key] = val
     return data
@@ -1047,36 +1088,52 @@
     hguid = getCookieUser()
     hgsid = cgiString("hgsid")
     conn = hConnectCentral()
     cart = {}
     userInfo = cartDbLoadFromId(conn, "userDb", hguid, cart)
     sessionInfo = cartDbLoadFromId(conn, "sessionDb", hgsid, cart)
     return cart
 def cartString(cart, default=None):
     " Get a string from the cart. For better readability for programmers used to the C code. "
     return cart.get(cart, default)
-def cgiSetup():
+def showCaptcha():
+    import random
+    captchaId = random.choice(list(captchaAnswers.keys()))
+    print("Please answer the following question to unblock your IP:")
+    print("<p><b>")
+    print(captchaQuestions[captchaId])
+    print("</b><p>")
+    print('<form action="" method="get">')
+    print('<label for="textInput">Enter answer:</label>')
+    print('<input type="text" id="textInput" name="captchaAnswer" required>')
+    print('<input type="hidden" name="captchaId" value="'+str(captchaId)+'">')
+    print('<input type="hidden" name="debug" value="'+cgiString("debug", "0")+'">')
+    print('<input type="hidden" name="gene" value="'+cgiString("gene", "")+'">')
+    print('<input type="submit" value="Submit" />')
+def cgiSetup(bottleneckFraction=1.0, useBytes=None):
     """ do the usual browser CGI setup: parse the hg.conf file, parse the CGI
     variables, get the cart, do bottleneck delay. Returns the cart.
     This is not part of the C code (though it maybe should).
     global cgiArgs
     cgiArgs = cgi.FieldStorage() # Python has built-in cgiSpoof support: sys.argv[1] is the query string if run from the command line
     if cgiString("debug"):
         global verboseLevel
         verboseLevel = int(cgiString("debug"))
-    hgBotDelay()
+    hgBotDelay(fraction=bottleneckFraction, useBytes=useBytes)
     cart = cartAndCookieSimple()
     return cart
 #if __file__=="__main__":