  Wed Feb 7 12:37:17 2024 -0800
do all the exon numbering stuff in squish as well as pack and full

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
index 01b75c9..33ba9df 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
@@ -4352,31 +4352,31 @@
 /* Check to see if we draw exon and intron maps labeling their number. */
 if (tg->tdb)
     char *type = tg->tdb->type;
     if (sameString(type, "interact") || sameString(type, "bigInteract"))
         return FALSE;
 char *defVal = "off";
 char *type = tg->tdb->type;
 if (startsWith("bigGenePred", type) || startsWith("genePred", type))
     defVal = "on";
 boolean exonNumbers = sameString(trackDbSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "exonNumbers", defVal), "on");
-return (withExonNumbers && exonNumbers && (vis==tvFull || vis==tvPack) && (winEnd - winStart < 400000)
+return (withExonNumbers && exonNumbers && (vis==tvSquish || vis==tvFull || vis==tvPack) && (winEnd - winStart < 400000)
  && (tg->nextPrevExon==linkedFeaturesNextPrevItem));
 void genericMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item,
 		    char *itemName, char *mapItemName, int start, int end,
 		    int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* This is meant to be used by genericDrawItems to set to tg->mapItem in */
 /* case tg->mapItem isn't set to anything already. */
 // Don't bother if we are imageV2 and a dense child.
 if (!theImgBox || tg->limitedVis != tvDense || !tdbIsCompositeChild(tg->tdb))
     char *directUrl = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "directUrl");
     boolean withHgsid = (trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "hgsid") != NULL);
     char *trackName = tg->track;
@@ -4422,31 +4422,31 @@
 /* Draw the actual triangles.  These are always at the edge of the window. */
 if (lButton)
     hvGfxNextItemButton(hvg, insideX + NEXT_ITEM_ARROW_BUFFER, y,
                         heightPer-1, heightPer-1, color, MG_WHITE, FALSE);
 if (rButton)
     hvGfxNextItemButton(hvg, insideX + insideWidth - NEXT_ITEM_ARROW_BUFFER - heightPer,
                         y, heightPer-1, heightPer-1, color, MG_WHITE, TRUE);
 boolean compat = exonNumberMapsCompatible(tg, vis);
-if (vis == tvPack || (vis == tvFull && isTypeBedLike(tg)))
+if (vis == tvSquish || vis == tvPack || (vis == tvFull && isTypeBedLike(tg)))
     int w = x2-textX;
     if (lButton)
         { // if left-button, the label will be on far left, split out a map just for that label.
 	tg->mapItem(tg, hvg, item, tg->itemName(tg, item), tg->mapItemName(tg, item),
                     s, e, textX, y, insideX-textX, heightPer);
 	textX = insideX + buttonW; // continue on the right side of the left exon button
 	w = x2-textX;
     if (rButton)
 	w -= buttonW;
     if (compat)