  Wed Feb 7 10:12:23 2024 -0800
set up a mechanism to limit memory through an hg.conf variable

diff --git src/hg/lib/hgConfig.c src/hg/lib/hgConfig.c
index 8c0d1f9..6e041bc 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hgConfig.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hgConfig.c
@@ -1,347 +1,360 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 /* the file to read the global configuration info from */
 #define GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE "hg.conf"
 //#define GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hg.conf"
 /* the file to read the user configuration info from, starting at the user's home */
 #define USER_CONFIG_FILE ".hg.conf"
 // forwards
 static void parseConfigFile(char *filename, int depth);
 /* the hash holding the config options */
 static struct hash* cfgOptionsHash = NULL;
 static boolean isBrowserCgi()
 /* test if this is a browser CGI */
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 /* this long complicated test is needed because, cgiSpoof may have already
  * been called thus we have to look a little deeper to seem if were are really
  * a cgi we do this looking for cgiSpoof in the QUERY_STRING, if it exists.
  * If not a cgi, read from home directory, e.g. ~/.hg.conf */
 static boolean firstTime = TRUE;
 static boolean result = FALSE;
 if (firstTime)
     result = ((cgiIsOnWeb()) && !((getenv("QUERY_STRING") != NULL) && (strstr(getenv("QUERY_STRING"), "cgiSpoof") != NULL)));
     firstTime = FALSE;
 return result;
 return FALSE;
 static void checkConfigPerms(char *filename)
 /* Check that that config files starting with "." are only readable by the
  * user or don't exist. */
 char *p = strrchr(filename, '/');
 if (p != NULL)
     p = filename;  // no dir in path
 struct stat statBuf;
 if ((p[0] == '.') && (stat(filename, &statBuf) == 0))
     if ((statBuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) != 0)
         errAbort("config file %s allows group or other access, must only allow user access",
 static void getConfigFile(char filename[PATH_LEN])
 /* get path to .hg.conf file to use */
 if (!isEmpty(getenv("HGDB_CONF")))
     // use environment variable
     strcpy(filename, getenv("HGDB_CONF"));
 else if (isBrowserCgi())
     /* on the web, read from global config file */
     safef(filename, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s",
     /*use one in home */
     safef(filename, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s",
           getenv("HOME"), USER_CONFIG_FILE);
 static void parseConfigInclude(struct lineFile *lf, int depth, char *line)
 /* open and parse an included config file */
 if (depth > 10)
     errAbort("maximum config include depth exceeded: %s:%d",
              lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
 // parse out file name
 char line2[PATH_LEN+64];
 safecpy(line2, sizeof(line2), line);  // copy so we can make a useful error message
 char *p = line2;
 char *relfile = nextWord(&p);
 if ((relfile == NULL) || (p != NULL))
     errAbort("invalid format for config include: %s:%d: %s",
              lf->fileName, lf->lineIx, line);
 // construct relative to current file path, unless include
 // file is absolute
 char incfile[PATH_LEN];
 safecpy(incfile, sizeof(incfile),  lf->fileName);
 char *dirp = strrchr(incfile, '/');
 if ((dirp != NULL) && (relfile[0] != '/'))
     // construct relative path
     *(dirp+1) ='\0';
     safecat(incfile, sizeof(incfile), relfile);
     // use as-is
     safecpy(incfile, sizeof(incfile),  relfile);
 parseConfigFile(incfile, depth+1);
 static void parseConfigDelete(struct lineFile *lf, char *line)
 /* parse and process a delete directive */
 char *p = line, *var;
 (void)nextWord(&p);  // skip "delete"
 while ((var = nextWord(&p)) != NULL)
     hashRemove(cfgOptionsHash, var);
 static void parseConfigLine(struct lineFile *lf, int depth, char *line)
 /* parse one non-comment, non-blank line of the config file.
  * If keyword=value, put in global hash, otherwise process
  * includes. */
 /* parse the key/value pair */
 char *name = trimSpaces(line);
 if (startsWithWord("include", line))
     parseConfigInclude(lf, depth, line);
 else if (startsWithWord("delete", line))
     parseConfigDelete(lf, line);
     char *value = strchr(name, '=');
     if (value == NULL)
         errAbort("invalid format in config file %s:%d: %s",
                  lf->fileName, lf->lineIx, line);
     *value++ = '\0';
     name = trimSpaces(name);
     value = trimSpaces(value);
     hashAdd(cfgOptionsHash, name, cloneString(value));
     /* Set environment variables to enable sql tracing and/or profiling */
     if (sameString(name, "JKSQL_TRACE") || sameString(name, "JKSQL_PROF"))
         envUpdate(name, value);
 static void parseConfigFile(char *filename, int depth)
 /* open and parse a config file */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileMayOpen(filename, TRUE);
 if (lf == NULL)
 char *line;
 while(lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     // check for comment or blank line
     char *p = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
     if (!((p[0] == '#') || (p[0] == '\0'))) 
         parseConfigLine(lf, depth, line);
 static void addConfigIfUndef(char *prefix, char *suffix, char *value)
 /* if the specified config item doesn't exist, add it */
 char name[256];
 safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s", prefix, suffix);
 if (cfgOption(name) == NULL)
     hashAdd(cfgOptionsHash, name, cloneString(value));
 static boolean haveProfile(char *profileName)
 /* see if we appear to have the profile.  Can't do this in
  * actual profile code, since it wants the config object that is being
  * hacked */
 return (cfgOption2(profileName, "host") != NULL) && (cfgOption2(profileName, "user") != NULL)
     && (cfgOption2(profileName, "password") != NULL);
 static void hackConfigProfiles()
 /* Add in some pre-defined profile mappings if needed.  This was added to make
  * older conf files compatible with the db profile paradigm */
 /* add mapping of customTrash database to profile if we have customTracks 
  * profile defined */
 if (haveProfile(CUSTOM_TRACKS_PROFILE))
     addConfigIfUndef(CUSTOM_TRASH, "profile", CUSTOM_TRACKS_PROFILE);
 static void initConfig()
 /* create and initilize the config hash */
 char filename[PATH_LEN];
 cfgOptionsHash = newHash(6);
 parseConfigFile(filename, 0);
 char* cfgOption(char* name)
 /* Return the option with the given name.  Return NULL if
  * it doesn't exist. */
 /* initilize the config hash if it is not */
 if(cfgOptionsHash == NULL)
 return hashFindVal(cfgOptionsHash, name);
 char *cfgOptionDefault(char* name, char* def)
 /* Return the option with the given name or the given default 
  * if it doesn't exist. */
 char *val = cfgOption(name);
 if (val == NULL)
     val = def;
 return val;
 boolean cfgOptionBooleanDefault(char* name, boolean def)
 /* return the boolean value for option with the given name or the given
  * default if it doesn't exist. Booleans of yes/no/on/off/true/false are
  * recognized */
 char *val = cfgOptionDefault(name, NULL);
 if (val == NULL)
     return def;
 if (sameString(val, "yes") || sameString(val, "on") || sameString(val, "true"))
     return TRUE;
 else if (sameString(val, "no") || sameString(val, "off")|| sameString(val, "false"))
     return FALSE;
     errAbort("hg.conf value for %s: \"%s\", expected one of yes, no, on, off, true, false",
              name, val);
     return FALSE;
 char *cfgOption2(char *prefix, char *suffix)
 /* Return the option with the given two-part name, formed from prefix.suffix.
  * Return NULL if it doesn't exist. */
 /* initilize the config hash if it is not */
 if(cfgOptionsHash == NULL)
 char name[256];
 safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s", prefix, suffix);
 return hashFindVal(cfgOptionsHash, name);
 char* cfgOptionDefault2(char *prefix, char *suffix, char* def)
 /* Return the option with the given two-part name, formed from prefix.suffix,
  * or the given default if it doesn't exist. */
 char *val = cfgOption2(prefix, suffix);
 if (val == NULL)
     val = def;
 return val;
 char *cfgOptionEnv(char *envName, char* name)
 /* get a configuration optional value, from either the environment or the cfg
  * file, with the env take precedence.  Return NULL if not found */
 char *val = getenv(envName);
 if (val == NULL || (strlen(val) == 0))
     val = cfgOption(name);
 return val;
 char *cfgOptionEnvDefault(char *envName, char* name, char *def)
 /* get a configuration optional value, from either the environment or the cfg
  * file, with the env take precedence.  Return default if not found */
 char *val = cfgOptionEnv(envName, name);
 return (val == NULL) ? def : val;
 char *cfgVal(char *name)
 /* Return option with given name.  Squawk and die if it
  * doesn't exist. */
 char *val = cfgOption(name);
 if (val == NULL)
     errAbort("%s doesn't exist in hg.conf file", name);
 return val;
 struct slName *cfgNames()
 /* get list of names in config file. slFreeList when finished */
 if(cfgOptionsHash == NULL)
 struct slName *names = NULL;
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(cfgOptionsHash);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     slSafeAddHead(&names, slNameNew(hel->name));
 return names;
 struct slName *cfgNamesWithPrefix(char* prefix)
 /* get list of names in config file that start with prefix. slFreeList when finished */
 if(cfgOptionsHash == NULL)
 struct slName *names = NULL;
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(cfgOptionsHash);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) 
     if (startsWith(prefix, hel->name)) 
         slSafeAddHead(&names, slNameNew(hel->name));
 return names;
 unsigned long cfgModTime()
 /* Return modification time of config file */
 char filename[PATH_LEN];
 return fileModTime(filename);
+void cfgSetMaxMem()
+/* Check hg.conf for maxMem.  If not set, don't limit memory.  Otherwise
+ * limit memory usage to that number. */
+char *maxMemStr = NULL;
+if ((maxMemStr = cfgOption("maxMem")) != NULL)
+    {
+    unsigned long maxMem = atol(maxMemStr);
+    setMemLimit(maxMem);
+    }