Wed Feb 7 13:52:36 2024 -0800
Removing some unused facets. Changing CIRM to SSPsyGene a few places.
diff --git src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwWebBrowse/cdwWebBrowse.c src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwWebBrowse/cdwWebBrowse.c
index 5d0249a..fc4ca8d 100644
--- src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwWebBrowse/cdwWebBrowse.c
+++ src/hg/cirm/cdw/cdwWebBrowse/cdwWebBrowse.c
@@ -1,2371 +1,2374 @@
/* cdwWebBrowse - Browse CIRM data warehouse.. */
/* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California
* See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "obscure.h"
#include "cheapcgi.h"
#include "sqlSanity.h"
#include "trix.h"
#include "htmshell.h"
#include "fieldedTable.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "paraFetch.h"
#include "tagStorm.h"
#include "rql.h"
#include "intValTree.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "cartDb.h"
#include "jksql.h"
#include "cdw.h"
#include "cdwLib.h"
#include "cdwValid.h"
#include "hui.h"
#include "hgConfig.h"
#include "hgColors.h"
#include "rainbow.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "tablesTables.h"
#include "jsHelper.h"
#include "wikiLink.h"
#include "cdwFlowCharts.h"
#include "cdwStep.h"
#include "facetField.h"
#include "rqlToSql.h"
/* Global vars */
struct cart *cart; // User variables saved from click to click
struct hash *oldVars; // Previous cart, before current round of CGI vars folded in
struct cdwUser *user; // Our logged in user if any
static char *accessibleFilesToken = NULL; // Token for file access if any
boolean isPublicSite = FALSE;
char *excludeVars[] = {"cdwCommand", "submit", "DownloadFormat", NULL};
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"cdwWebBrowse is a cgi script not meant to be run from command line.\n"
void printHash(char *label, struct hash *hash)
/* Print out keys in hash alphabetically. */
struct hashEl *list, *el;
list = hashElListHash(hash);
slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
printf("%s:\n", label);
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
printf(" %s\n", el->name);
// fields/columns of the browse file table
char *fileTableFields = NULL;
char *visibleFacetFields = NULL;
#define FILEFIELDS "file_name,file_size,ucsc_db"
-#define FILEFACETFIELDS "species,assay,format,output,organ_anatomical_name,lab,data_set_id,biosample_cell_type,sample_label"
+#define FILEFACETFIELDS "species,assay,format,lab,data_set_id"
struct dyString *printPopularTags(struct hash *hash, int maxSize)
/* Get all hash elements, sorted by count, and print all the ones that fit */
maxSize -= 3; // Leave room for ...
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(hash);
slSort(&helList, hashElCmpIntValDesc);
for (hel = helList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
int oldSize = dy->stringSize;
if (oldSize != 0)
dyStringAppend(dy, ", ");
dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s (%d)", hel->name, ptToInt(hel->val));
if (dy->stringSize >= maxSize)
dy->string[oldSize] = 0;
dy->stringSize = oldSize;
dyStringAppend(dy, "...");
return dy;
static long long sumCounts(struct hash *hash)
/* Figuring hash is integer valued, return sum of all vals in hash */
long long total = 0;
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(hash);
for (hel = helList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
int val = ptToInt(hel->val);
total += val;
return total;
int labCount(struct tagStorm *tags)
/* Return number of different labs in tags */
struct hash *hash = tagStormCountTagVals(tags, "lab", "accession");
int count = hash->elCount;
return count;
void wrapFileName(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper that links us to metadata display */
field, val, cartSidUrlString(cart));
printf("%s", shortVal);
void wrapTagField(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper that links us to something nice */
val, cartSidUrlString(cart));
printf("%s", shortVal);
void wrapTagValueInFiles(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper that links us to something nice */
printf("%s", shortVal);
void wrapFileSize(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char * field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper that displays file sizes in human-readable format */
if (!isdigit(val[0]))
warn("Warning: expected a number for file_size, but got %s", val);
double fVal = atof(val);
char* valQual = "";
int intVal = 0;
if (fVal>=1E12)
intVal = round(fVal/1E12);
valQual = "TB";
else if (fVal>=1E9)
intVal = round(fVal/1E9);
valQual = "GB";
else if (fVal>=1E6)
intVal = round(fVal/1E6);
valQual = "MB";
else if (fVal>=1E3)
intVal = round(fVal/1E3);
valQual = "KB";
intVal = round(fVal);
valQual = "B";
printf("%d %s", intVal, valQual);
static char *mustFindFieldInRow(char *field, struct slName *fieldList, char **row)
/* Assuming field is in list, which is ordered same as row, return row cell
* corrsepondint to field */
int fieldIx = 0;
struct slName *el;
for (el = fieldList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
if (sameString(el->name, field))
return row[fieldIx];
errAbort("Couldn't find field %s in row", field);
return NULL;
char *tagDescription(char *tag)
/* Return tag description given tag name. */
char *unparsed[] = {
#include "tagDescriptions.h"
int unparsedCount = ArraySize(unparsed);
int i;
for (i=0; i%s tag description: %s \n", tag, description);
/* Print out some summary stats */
struct hash *hash = tagStormCountTagVals(tags, tag, "accession");
printf("The %s tag has %d distinct values and is used on %lld files. ",
tag, hash->elCount, sumCounts(hash));
/* Initially sort from most popular to least popular */
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(hash);
slSort(&helList, hashElCmpIntValDesc);
/* Create fielded table containing tag values */
char *labels[] = {"files", tag};
int fieldCount = ArraySize(labels);
struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew("Tag Values", labels, fieldCount);
for (hel = helList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
char numBuf[16];
safef(numBuf, sizeof(numBuf), "%d", ptToInt(hel->val));
char *row[2] = {numBuf, hel->name};
fieldedTableAdd(table, row, fieldCount, 0);
/* Draw sortable table */
char returnUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
safef(returnUrl, sizeof(returnUrl), "../cgi-bin/cdwWebBrowse?cdwCommand=oneTag&cdwTagName=%s&%s",
tag, cartSidUrlString(cart) );
struct hash *outputWrappers = hashNew(0);
hashAdd(outputWrappers, tag, wrapTagValueInFiles);
webSortableFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, "cdwOneTag", 0, outputWrappers, NULL);
void generateTableRow(struct slName *list,char **row, char *idTag , char *idVal)
struct slName *el;
static char *outputFields[] = {"tag", "value"};
struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew("File Tags", outputFields,ArraySize(outputFields));
int fieldIx = 0;
char *accession = NULL;
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
char *outRow[2];
char *val = row[fieldIx];
if (val != NULL)
outRow[0] = el->name;
outRow[1] = row[fieldIx];
// add a link to the accession row
if (sameWord(el->name, "accession"))
char link[1024];
safef(link, sizeof(link), "%s download", outRow[1], outRow[1]);
accession = cloneString(outRow[1]);
outRow[1] = cloneString(link);
// add a link to the submit_file_name row
if (sameWord(el->name, "submit_file_name"))
char link[1024];
safef(link, sizeof(link), "%s download", outRow[1], accession);
outRow[1] = cloneString(link);
fieldedTableAdd(table, outRow, 2, fieldIx);
char returnUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
safef(returnUrl, sizeof(returnUrl),
idTag, idVal, cartSidUrlString(cart) );
struct hash *outputWrappers = hashNew(0);
hashAdd(outputWrappers, "tag", wrapTagField);
webSortableFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, "cdwOneFile", 0, outputWrappers, NULL);
char *unquotedCartString(struct cart *cart, char *varName)
/* Return unquoted cart variable */
char *val = cartOptionalString(cart, varName);
if (val == NULL)
return "";
stripChar(val, '"');
stripChar(val, '\'');
return val;
char *getCdwSetting(char *setting, char *deflt)
/* Get string cdw. */
char cdwSetting[1024];
safef(cdwSetting, sizeof cdwSetting, "cdw.%s", setting);
return cfgOptionDefault(cdwSetting, deflt);
char *getCdwTableSetting(char *setting)
/* Get string cdw.
* Allows us to use non-default settings for tables */
return getCdwSetting(setting, setting); // table name is its own default
void doFileFlowchart(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up a page with info on one file */
char *idTag = cartUsualString(cart, "cdwFileTag", "accession");
char *idVal = cartString(cart, "cdwFileVal");
char query[512];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where %s='%s'", getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), idTag, idVal);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct slName *list = sqlResultFieldList(sr);
char **row;
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
char *fileId = mustFindFieldInRow("file_id", list, row);
printf("Click on a box in the flow chart to navigate to that file.");
dy = makeCdwFlowchart(sqlSigned(fileId), cart);
printf("Remove flow chart");
generateTableRow(list, row, idTag, idVal);
void doOneFile(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up a page with info on one file */
struct sqlConnection *conn2 = cdwConnect();
char *idTag = cartUsualString(cart, "cdwFileTag", "accession");
char *idVal = cartString(cart, "cdwFileVal");
char query[512];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where %s='%s'", getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), idTag, idVal);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct slName *list = sqlResultFieldList(sr);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
char *fileName = mustFindFieldInRow("file_name", list, row);
char *fileSize = mustFindFieldInRow("file_size", list, row);
char *format = mustFindFieldInRow("format", list, row);
char *fileId = mustFindFieldInRow("file_id", list, row);
long long size = sqlLongLongInList(&fileSize);
printf("Tags associated with %s a %s format file of size ", fileName, format);
printLongWithCommas(stdout, size);
printf(" \n");
/* Figure out number of file inputs and outputs, and put up link to flowcharts */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwStepIn where fileId = %s", fileId);
struct cdwStepIn *cSI = cdwStepInLoadByQuery(conn2, query), *stepIter;
int outFiles = 0, stepRunId;
for (stepIter = cSI; stepIter != NULL; stepIter=stepIter->next)
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from cdwStepOut where stepRunId = %i", stepIter->stepRunId);
outFiles += sqlQuickNum(conn2, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select stepRunId from cdwStepOut where fileId = %s", fileId);
stepRunId = sqlQuickNum(conn2, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from cdwStepIn where stepRunId = %i", stepRunId);
int inFiles = sqlQuickNum(conn2, query);
if (inFiles > 0 || outFiles > 0)
printf("File relationships: %d inputs, %d outputs ", inFiles, outFiles);
printf("flow chart");
generateTableRow(list, row, idTag, idVal);
struct dyString *customTextForFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct cdwTrackViz *viz)
/* Create custom track text */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
dyStringPrintf(dy, "track name=\"%s\" ", viz->shortLabel);
dyStringPrintf(dy, "description=\"%s\" ", viz->longLabel);
//char *host = hHttpHost();
dyStringPrintf(dy, "bigDataUrl=https://localhost/cgi-bin/cdwGetFile?acc=%s", viz->shortLabel);
if (accessibleFilesToken != NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy, "&token=%s", accessibleFilesToken);
dyStringPrintf(dy, " ");
char *indexExt = NULL;
if (sameWord(viz->type, "bam"))
indexExt = ".bai";
else if (sameWord(viz->type, "vcfTabix"))
indexExt = ".tbi";
if (indexExt != NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy, "bigDataIndex=http://localhost/cgi-bin/cdwGetFile?addExt=%s&acc=%s", indexExt, viz->shortLabel);
if (accessibleFilesToken != NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy, "&token=%s", accessibleFilesToken);
dyStringPrintf(dy, " type=%s", viz->type);
return dy;
struct cdwTrackViz *cdwTrackVizFromFileId(struct sqlConnection *conn, long long fileId)
/* Return cdwTrackViz if any associated with file ID */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwTrackViz where fileId=%lld", fileId);
return cdwTrackVizLoadByQuery(conn, query);
void wrapFileVis(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *unwrapped)
/* Wrap hyperlink link to file around unwrapped text. Link goes to file in vf. */
char *host = hHttpHost();
printf("%s", unwrapped);
boolean wrapTrackVis(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct cdwValidFile *vf, char *unwrapped)
/* Attempt to wrap genome browser link around unwrapped text. Link goes to file in vf. */
if (vf == NULL)
return FALSE;
struct cdwTrackViz *viz = cdwTrackVizFromFileId(conn, vf->fileId);
if (viz == NULL)
return FALSE;
struct dyString *track = customTextForFile(conn, viz);
char *encoded = cgiEncode(track->string);
printf("%s", encoded);
printf("\">"); // Finish HREF quote and A tag
printf("%s", unwrapped);
return TRUE;
void wrapTrackNearFileName(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row, char *tag, char *val,
char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Construct wrapper to UCSC if row actually is a track */
struct sqlConnection *conn = context;
int fileNameIx = stringArrayIx("file_name", table->fields, table->fieldCount);
boolean printed = FALSE;
if (fileNameIx >= 0)
char *fileName = row->row[fileNameIx];
char acc[FILENAME_LEN];
safef(acc, sizeof(acc), "%s", fileName);
char *dot = strchr(acc, '.');
if (dot != NULL)
*dot = 0;
struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
struct cdwFile *ef = cdwFileFromId(conn, vf->fileId);
if (cdwCheckAccess(conn, ef, user, cdwAccessRead)) printed = wrapTrackVis(conn, vf, shortVal);
if (!printed)
printf("%s", shortVal);
void wrapTrackNearAccession(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *tag, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Construct wrapper that can link to Genome Browser if any field in table
* is an accession */
struct sqlConnection *conn = context;
int accIx = stringArrayIx("accession", table->fields, table->fieldCount);
boolean printed = FALSE;
if (accIx >= 0)
char *acc = row->row[accIx];
if (acc != NULL)
struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
struct cdwFile *ef = cdwFileFromId(conn, vf->fileId);
if (cdwCheckAccess(conn, ef, user, cdwAccessRead))
printed = wrapTrackVis(conn, vf, shortVal);
if (!printed)
printf("%s", shortVal);
boolean isWebBrowsableFormat(char *format)
/* Return TRUE if it's one of the web-browseable formats */
char *formats[] = {"html", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "text", "tsv"};
return stringArrayIx(format, formats, ArraySize(formats)) >= 0;
void wrapFormat(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper that links us to something nice */
struct sqlConnection *conn = context;
char *format = val;
if (isWebBrowsableFormat(format))
/* Get file name out of table */
int fileNameIx = stringArrayIx("file_name", table->fields, table->fieldCount);
if (fileNameIx < 0)
errAbort("Expecting a file_name in this table");
char *fileName = row->row[fileNameIx];
/* Convert file to accession by chopping off at first dot */
char *acc = cloneString(fileName);
char *dot = strchr(acc, '.');
if (dot != NULL)
*dot = 0;
struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
struct cdwFile *ef = cdwFileFromId(conn, vf->fileId);
if (cdwCheckAccess(conn, ef, user, cdwAccessRead))
wrapFileVis(conn, acc, shortVal);
printf("%s", format);
void wrapMetaNearAccession(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Write out wrapper on a column that looks for accession in same table and uses
* that to link us to oneFile display. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = context;
int accIx = stringArrayIx("accession", table->fields, table->fieldCount);
boolean wrapped = FALSE;
if (accIx >= 0)
char *acc = row->row[accIx];
if (acc != NULL)
struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
if (vf != NULL)
wrapped = TRUE;
acc, cartSidUrlString(cart));
printf("%s", shortVal);
if (!wrapped)
printf("%s", shortVal);
void wrapExternalUrl(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
/* Attempt to wrap genome browser link around unwrapped text. Link goes to file in vf. */
printf("%s", val, shortVal);
static void rSumLocalMatching(struct tagStanza *list, char *field, int *pSum)
/* Recurse through tree adding matches to *pSum */
struct tagStanza *stanza;
for (stanza = list; stanza != NULL; stanza = stanza->next)
if (tagFindLocalVal(stanza, field))
*pSum += 1;
if (stanza->children != NULL)
rSumLocalMatching(stanza->children, field, pSum);
int tagStormCountStanzasWithLocal(struct tagStorm *tags, char *localField)
/* Return count of all stanzas that include locally a given field */
int sum = 0;
rSumLocalMatching(tags->forest, localField, &sum);
return sum;
int hashElCmpIntValDescNameAsc(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare two hashEl from a hashInt type hash, with highest integer values
* comingFirst. */
struct hashEl *a = *((struct hashEl **)va);
struct hashEl *b = *((struct hashEl **)vb);
int diff = b->val - a->val;
if (diff == 0)
diff = strcmp(b->name, a->name);
return diff;
struct suggestBuilder
/* A structure to help build a list of suggestions for each file */
struct suggestBuilder *next;
char *name; /* Field name */
struct hash *hash; /* Keyed by field values, values are # of times seen */
struct hash *accessibleSuggestHash(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fields,
struct cdwFile *efList)
/* Create hash keyed by field name and with values the distinct values of this
* field. Only do this on fields where it looks like suggest would be useful. */
struct hash *suggestHash = hashNew(0);
int totalFiles = slCount(efList);
/* Make up list of helper structures */
struct slName *name, *nameList = slNameListFromComma(fields);
struct suggestBuilder *field, *fieldList = NULL;
for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next)
field->name = name->name;
field->hash = hashNew(0);
slAddHead(&fieldList, field);
/* Build up sql query to fetch all our fields */
struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select ");
for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
if (field != fieldList) // not first one
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, ",");
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s", field->name);
/* Put where on it to limit it to accessible files */
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " from %s where file_id in (", getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"));
struct cdwFile *ef;
for (ef = efList; ef != NULL; ef = ef->next)
if (ef != efList) // not first one
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, ",");
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%u", ef->id);
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, ")");
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
int fieldIx = 0;
for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next, ++fieldIx)
char *val = row[fieldIx];
if (val != NULL)
hashIncInt(field->hash, val);
/* Loop through fields making suggestion hash entries where appropriate */
for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
struct hash *valHash = field->hash;
if (valHash->elCount < 20 || valHash->elCount < totalFiles/3)
struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(valHash);
slSort(&helList, hashElCmpIntValDescNameAsc);
struct slName *valList = NULL;
int limit = 200;
for (hel = helList ; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
if (--limit < 0)
slNameAddHead(&valList, hel->name);
hashAdd(suggestHash, field->name, valList);
return suggestHash;
static struct hash *sqlHashFields(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
/* Return a hash containing all fields in table */
struct slName *field, *fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, table);
struct hash *hash = hashNew(7);
for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
hashAdd(hash, field->name, NULL);
return hash;
static char *filterFieldsToJustThoseInTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fields, char *table)
/* Return subset of all fields just containing those that exist in table */
struct hash *hash = sqlHashFields(conn, table);
struct slName *name, *nameList = slNameListFromComma(fields);
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(strlen(fields));
char *separator = "";
for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next)
char *s = name->name;
if (hashLookup(hash, s))
dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%s", separator, s);
separator = ",";
return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
void searchFilesWithAccess(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *searchString, char *allFields,
char* initialWhere, struct cdwFile **retList, struct dyString **retWhere, char **retFields,
boolean securityColumnsInTable)
/* Get list of files that we are authorized to see and that match searchString in the trix file
* Returns: retList of matching files, retWhere with sql where expression for these files, retFields
* If nothing to see, retList is NULL
* DO NOT Convert to safef V2 since the where clause is checked by gbSanity in tablesTables.c
* */
char *fields = filterFieldsToJustThoseInTable(conn, allFields, getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"));
struct cdwFile *efList = NULL;
if (!securityColumnsInTable)
efList = cdwAccessibleFileList(conn, user);
struct cdwFile *ef;
if (!securityColumnsInTable && !efList)
*retList = NULL;
struct rbTree *searchPassTree = NULL;
if (!isEmpty(searchString))
searchPassTree = intValTreeNew(0);
char *lowered = cloneString(searchString);
char *words[128];
int wordCount = chopLine(lowered, words);
char *trixPath = "/gbdb/cdw/cdw.ix";
struct trix *trix = trixOpen(trixPath);
struct trixSearchResult *tsr, *tsrList = trixSearch(trix, wordCount, words, tsmExpand);
for (tsr = tsrList; tsr != NULL; tsr = tsr->next)
if (securityColumnsInTable) // creates a list with all found items file ids on it.
ef->id = sqlUnsigned(tsr->itemId);
slAddHead(&efList, ef);
intValTreeAdd(searchPassTree, sqlUnsigned(tsr->itemId), tsr);
if (securityColumnsInTable)
/* Loop through all files constructing a SQL where clause that restricts us
* to just the ones that we're authorized to hit, and that also pass initial where clause
* if any. */
struct dyString *where = dyStringNew(0);
if (!isEmpty(initialWhere))
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, "(%-s)", initialWhere); // trust
if (securityColumnsInTable)
if (user)
// get all groupIds belonging to this user
char query[256];
if (!user->isAdmin)
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select groupId from cdwGroupUser "
" where cdwGroupUser.userId = %d", user->id);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
if (!isEmpty(where->string))
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, " and ");
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, "(allAccess > 0");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
int groupId = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, " or FIND_IN_SET('%u', groupIds)", groupId);
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, ")");
if (!isEmpty(where->string))
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, " and ");
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, "allAccess > 0");
if (efList
|| (securityColumnsInTable && (!isEmpty(searchString)))) // have search terms but nothing was found
if (!isEmpty(where->string))
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, " and ");
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, "file_id in (0"); // initial 0 never found, just makes code smaller
for (ef = efList; ef != NULL; ef = ef->next)
if (searchPassTree == NULL || securityColumnsInTable || intValTreeFind(searchPassTree, ef->id) != NULL)
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, ",%u", ef->id);
sqlDyStringPrintf(where, ")");
// return three variables
*retWhere = where;
*retList = efList;
*retFields = fields;
struct cdwFile* findDownloadableFiles(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct cart *cart,
char* initialWhere, char *searchString)
/* return list of files that we are allowed to see and that match current filters */
// get query of files that match and where we have access
struct cdwFile *efList = NULL;
struct dyString *accWhere;
char *fields;
searchFilesWithAccess(conn, searchString, fileTableFields, initialWhere, &efList, &accWhere, &fields, FALSE);
// reduce query to those that match our filters
struct dyString *dummy;
struct dyString *filteredWhere;
char *table = isEmpty(initialWhere) ? getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileFacets") : getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags");
webTableBuildQuery(cart, table, accWhere->string, "cdwBrowseFiles", fileTableFields, FALSE, &dummy, &filteredWhere);
// Selected Facet Values Filtering
char *selectedFacetValues=cartUsualString(cart, "cdwBrowseFiles_facet_selList", "");
struct facetField *selectedList = deLinearizeFacetValString(selectedFacetValues);
struct facetField *sff = NULL;
struct dyString *facetedWhere = dyStringNew(1024);
for (sff = selectedList; sff; sff=sff->next)
if (slCount(sff->valList)>0)
sqlDyStringPrintf(facetedWhere, " and "); // use Frag to prevent NOSQLINJ tag
sqlDyStringPrintf(facetedWhere, "ifnull(%s,'n/a') in (", sff->fieldName);
struct facetVal *el;
for (el=sff->valList; el; el=el->next)
sqlDyStringPrintf(facetedWhere, "'%s'", el->val);
if (el->next)
sqlDyStringPrintf(facetedWhere, ",");
sqlDyStringPrintf(facetedWhere, ")");
// get their fileIds
struct dyString *tagQuery = sqlDyStringCreate("SELECT file_id from %s %-s", table, filteredWhere->string); // trust
if (!isEmpty(facetedWhere->string))
sqlDyStringPrintf(tagQuery, "%-s", facetedWhere->string); // trust because it was created safely
struct slName *fileIds = sqlQuickList(conn, tagQuery->string);
// retrieve the cdwFiles objects for these
struct dyString *fileQuery = sqlDyStringCreate("SELECT * FROM cdwFile WHERE id IN (");
sqlDyStringPrintValuesList(fileQuery, fileIds);
sqlDyStringPrintf(fileQuery, ")");
return cdwFileLoadByQuery(conn, fileQuery->string);
static void continueSearchVars()
/* print out hidden forms variables for the current search */
char *fieldNames[128];
char *tempFileTableFields = cloneString(fileTableFields); // cannot modify string literals
int fieldCount = chopString(tempFileTableFields, ",", fieldNames, ArraySize(fieldNames));
int i;
for (i = 0; iDownload %d File%s", count, count>1?"s":"");
char *createTokenForUser()
/* create a random token and add it to the cdwDownloadToken table with the current username.
* Returns token, should be freed.*/
struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); // r/w access -> has to be in hgcentral
char query[4096];
if (!sqlTableExists(conn, "cdwDownloadToken"))
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"CREATE TABLE cdwDownloadToken (token varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
"userId int NOT NULL, createTime datetime DEFAULT NOW())");
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
char *token = makeRandomKey(80);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO cdwDownloadToken (token, userId) VALUES ('%s', %d)", token, user->id);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
return token;
void accessibleFilesTable(struct cart *cart, struct sqlConnection *conn,
char *searchString, char *allFields, char *fromTable, char *initialWhere,
char *returnUrl, char *varPrefix, int maxFieldWidth,
struct hash *tagOutWrappers, void *wrapperContext,
boolean withFilters, char *itemPlural, int pageSize,
char *visibleFacetList, boolean securityColumnsInTable)
struct cdwFile *efList = NULL;
struct dyString *where;
char *fields;
searchFilesWithAccess(conn, searchString, allFields, initialWhere, &efList, &where, &fields, securityColumnsInTable);
if (!securityColumnsInTable && !efList)
if (user != NULL && user->isAdmin)
printf(" The file database is empty.");
printf(" Unfortunately there are no %s you are authorized to see.", itemPlural);
if (user!=NULL)
accessibleFilesToken = createTokenForUser();
/* Let the sql system handle the rest. Might be one long 'in' clause.... */
struct hash *suggestHash = NULL;
if (!securityColumnsInTable)
suggestHash = accessibleSuggestHash(conn, fields, efList);
webFilteredSqlTable(cart, conn, fields, fromTable, where->string, returnUrl, varPrefix, maxFieldWidth,
tagOutWrappers, wrapperContext, withFilters, itemPlural, pageSize, 15, suggestHash, visibleFacetList, makeDownloadAllButtonForm);
/* Clean up and go home. */
char *showSearchControl(char *varName, char *itemPlural)
/* Put up the search control text and stuff. Returns current search string. */
/* Get cart variable and clean it up some removing quotes and the like */
char *varVal = unquotedCartString(cart, varName);
printf("Search ",
varName, varName, varVal);
printf(" ");
"$(function () {\n"
" $('#%s').watermark(\"type in words or starts of words to find specific %s\");\n"
" $('form').delegate('#%s','change keyup paste',function(e){\n"
" $('[name=cdwBrowseFiles_page]').val('1');\n"
" });\n"
varName, itemPlural, varName);
return varVal;
void doDownloadUrls()
/* serve textfile with file URLs and ask user's internet browser to save it to disk */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(cdwDatabase);
user = cdwCurrentUser(conn);
// on non-public cirm (and development vhosts) users must be logged in to use download tokens.
if (user==NULL && !isPublicSite)
// this should never happen through normal UI use
puts("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
puts("Error: user is not logged in");
// on public cirm we have users not logged in. user=NULL and download tokens are not required
char *token = NULL;
if (!isPublicSite)
token = createTokenForUser();
// if we recreate the submission dir structure, we need to create a shell script
boolean createSubdirs = FALSE;
if (sameOk(cgiOptionalString("cdwDownloadName"), "subAndDir"))
createSubdirs = TRUE;
cart = cartAndCookieWithHtml(hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars, FALSE);
if (createSubdirs)
puts("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=downloadCirm.sh\n");
puts("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=fileUrls.txt\n");
char *searchString = unquotedCartString(cart, "cdwFileSearch");
char *initialWhere = cartUsualString(cart, "cdwBrowseFiles_filter", "");
if (!sameString(initialWhere, ""))
struct dyString *safeWhere = dyStringNew(0);
sqlSanityCheckWhere(initialWhere, safeWhere);
initialWhere = dyStringCannibalize(&safeWhere);
struct cdwFile *efList = findDownloadableFiles(conn, cart, initialWhere, searchString);
char *host = hHttpHost();
// user may want to download with original submitted filename, not with format .
char *optArg = "";
if (sameOk(cgiOptionalString("cdwDownloadName"), "sub"))
optArg = "&useSubmitFname=1";
struct cdwFile *ef;
for (ef = efList; ef != NULL; ef = ef->next)
struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromFileId(conn, ef->id);
if (createSubdirs)
struct cdwFile *cf = cdwFileFromId(conn, vf->fileId);
// if we have an absolute pathname in our DB, strip the leading '/'
// so if someone runs the script as root, it will not start to write
// files in strange directories
char* submitFname = cf->submitFileName;
if ( (submitFname!=NULL) && (!isEmpty(submitFname)) && (*submitFname=='/') )
submitFname += 1;
printf("curl ");
if (!isPublicSite)
printf("--netrc-file cirm_credentials ");
host, vf->licensePlate);
if (!isPublicSite)
printf("&token=%s", token);
printf("' --create-dirs -o %s\n",
printf("https://%s/cgi-bin/cdwGetFile?acc=%s", host, vf->licensePlate);
if (!isPublicSite)
printf("&token=%s", token);
printf("%s\n", optArg);
void doDownloadFileConfirmation(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* show overview page of download files */
if (user==NULL && !isPublicSite)
printf("Sorry, you have to log in before you can download files.");
"$('.scriptButton').change( function() {$('#urlListDoc').hide(); $('#scriptDoc').show()} );\n"
"$('.urlListButton').change( function() {$('#urlListDoc').show(); $('#scriptDoc').hide()} );\n"
puts("When you click 'submit', a text file with the URLs of the files will get downloaded.\n");
puts("The URLs are valid for one week.
puts("To download the files:\n");
With Firefox and DownThemAll: Click Tools - DownThemAll! - Manager. Right click - Advanced - Import from file. Right-click - Select All. Right-click - Toogle All\n");
if (isPublicSite)
OSX/Linux: With curl and a single thread: xargs -n1 curl -JO < fileUrls.txt\n");
Linux: With wget and a single thread: wget --content-disposition -i fileUrls.txt\n");
With wget and 4 threads: xargs -n 1 -P 4 wget --content-disposition -q < fileUrls.txt\n");
With aria2c, 16 threads and two threads per file: aria2c -x 16 -s 2 -i fileUrls.txt\n");
OSX/Linux: With curl and a single thread: xargs -n1 curl -JO --user YOUREMAIL:YOURPASS < fileUrls.txt\n");
Linux: With wget and a single thread: wget --content-disposition -i fileUrls.txt --user YOUREMAIL --password YOURPASS\n");
With wget and 4 threads: xargs -n 1 -P 4 wget --content-disposition -q --user YOUREMAIL --password YOURPASS < fileUrls.txt\n");
With aria2c, 16 threads and two threads per file: aria2c --http-user YOUREMAIL --http-password YOURPASS -x 16 -s 2 -i fileUrls.txt\n");
puts("When you click 'submit', a shell script that runs curl will get downloaded.\n");
puts("The URLs are valid for one week.
if (!isPublicSite)
puts("Before you start the download, create a file called cirm_credentials with your username and password like this: \n");
puts("echo 'default login user@university.edu password mypassword' > cirm_credentials
puts("Then, to download the files:\n");
Linux/OSX: With curl and a single thread: sh downloadCirm.sh\n");
Linux/OSX: With curl and four threads: parallel -j4 :::: downloadCirm.sh\n");
void doBrowseFiles(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Print list of files */
char *getBrowseTracksTables()
char tables[1024];
safef(tables, sizeof tables, "%s,cdwTrackViz", getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"));
return cloneString(tables);
void doBrowseTracks(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Print list of files */
struct hash* loadDatasetDescs(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Load cdwDataset table and return hash with name -> cdwDataset */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "SELECT * FROM cdwDataset");
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct hash *descs = hashNew(7);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct cdwDataset *dataset = cdwDatasetLoad(row);
hashAdd(descs, dataset->name, dataset);
return descs;
static boolean cdwCheckAccessFromFileId(struct sqlConnection *conn, int fileId, struct cdwUser *user, int accessType)
/* Determine if user can access file given a file ID */
struct cdwFile *ef = cdwFileFromId(conn, fileId);
boolean ok = cdwCheckAccess(conn, ef, user, accessType);
return ok;
static boolean cdwCheckFileAccess(struct sqlConnection *conn, int fileId, struct cdwUser *user)
/* Determine if the user can see the specified file. Return True if they can and False otherwise. */
return cdwCheckAccessFromFileId(conn, fileId, user, cdwAccessRead);
void doServeTagStorm(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *dataSet)
/* Put up meta data tree associated with data set. */
printf(", text");
printf(", tsv");
printf(", csv)");
int getRecentSubmitFileId(struct sqlConnection *conn, int submitDirId, char *submitFileName)
/* Get the file ID of the most recent index.html file for dataset. */
char query[PATH_LEN];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select max(id) from cdwFile where submitFileName='%s' and submitDirId=%d", submitFileName,
return sqlQuickNum(conn, query); // returns 0 if none found
void doBrowseDatasets(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Show datasets and links to dataset summary pages. */
char query[PATH_LEN];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM cdwDataset ORDER BY label ");
struct cdwDataset *dataset, *datasetList = cdwDatasetLoadByQuery(conn, query);
// Go through the cdwDataset table and generate an entry for each dataset.
for (dataset = datasetList; dataset != NULL; dataset = dataset->next)
char *label = dataset->label;
char *desc = dataset->description;
char *datasetId = dataset->name;
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from cdwSubmitDir where url='/data/cirm/wrangle/%s'", datasetId);
int submitDirId = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
// If the ID exists and the user has access print a link to the page.
int fileId = getRecentSubmitFileId(conn, submitDirId, "summary/index.html");
boolean haveAccess = ((fileId > 0) && cdwCheckFileAccess(conn, fileId, user));
if (haveAccess)
%s (%s) \n",
datasetId, label, datasetId);
// Print out file count and descriptions.
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select count(*) from %s where data_set_id='%s'", getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), datasetId);
long long fileCount = sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
// printf("%s (%lld files)",fileCount);
int fileId = getRecentSubmitFileId(conn, submitDirId, "meta.txt");
if ((fileId > 0) && cdwCheckFileAccess(conn, fileId, user))
printf(" (metadata: html");
doServeTagStorm(conn, datasetId);
else // Otherwise print a label and description.
void doDataSetMetaTree(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up meta data tree associated with data set. */
char *dataSet = cartString(cart, "cdwDataSet");
char metaFileName[PATH_LEN];
safef(metaFileName, sizeof(metaFileName), "%s/%s", dataSet, "meta.txt");
int fileId = cdwFileIdFromPathSuffix(conn, metaFileName);
if (!cdwCheckFileAccess(conn, fileId, user))
errAbort("Unauthorized access to %s", metaFileName);
Metadata tree for %s
\n", dataSet);
char *path = cdwPathForFileId(conn, fileId);
char command[3*PATH_LEN];
safef(command, sizeof(command), "./tagStormToHtml -embed %s -nonce=%s stdout", path, getNonce());
void doBrowseFormat(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Browse through available formats */
static char *labels[] = {"count", "format", "description"};
int fieldCount = ArraySize(labels);
char *row[fieldCount];
struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew("Data formats", labels, fieldCount);
struct slPair *format, *formatList = cdwFormatList();
for (format = formatList; format != NULL; format = format->next)
char countString[16];
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s where format='%s'",
getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), format->name);
sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, countString, sizeof(countString));
row[0] = countString;
row[1] = format->name;
row[2] = format->val;
fieldedTableAdd(table, row, fieldCount, 0);
char returnUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
safef(returnUrl, sizeof(returnUrl), "../cgi-bin/cdwWebBrowse?cdwCommand=browseFormats&%s",
cartSidUrlString(cart) );
webSortableFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, "cdwFormats", 0, NULL, NULL);
void doBrowseLabs(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up information on labs */
static char *labels[] = {"name", "files", "PI", "institution", "web page"};
int fieldCount = ArraySize(labels);
char *row[fieldCount];
struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew("Data contributing labs", labels, fieldCount);
printf("Here is a table of labs that have contributed data \n");
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwLab");
struct cdwLab *lab, *labList = cdwLabLoadByQuery(conn, query);
int i = 0;
for (lab = labList; lab != NULL; lab = lab->next)
row[0] = lab->name;
char countString[16];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s where lab='%s'",
getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), lab->name);
sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, countString, sizeof(countString));
row[1] = countString;
row[2] = lab->pi;
row[3] = lab->institution;
row[4] = lab->url;
fieldedTableAdd(table, row, fieldCount, ++i);
char returnUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
safef(returnUrl, sizeof(returnUrl), "../cgi-bin/cdwWebBrowse?cdwCommand=browseLabs&%s",
cartSidUrlString(cart) );
struct hash *outputWrappers = hashNew(0);
hashAdd(outputWrappers, "web page", wrapExternalUrl);
webSortableFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, "cdwLab", 0, outputWrappers, NULL);
void doAnalysisQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Print up query page */
if (cartNonemptyString(cart, "cdwQueryReset"))
cartRemovePrefix(cart, "cdwQuery");
/* Do stuff that keeps us here after a routine submit */
printf("Enter a SQL-like query below. ");
printf("In the box after 'select' you can put in a list of tag names including wildcards. ");
printf("In the box after 'where' you can put in filters based on boolean operations between ");
printf("fields and constants. Select one of the four formats and press view to see the matching data on ");
printf("this page. The limit can be set lower to increase the query speed.
printf(" Clicking the download button will take you to a new page with all of the matching data in ");
printf("the selected format. ");
// Get field list for the cdwFileTags table, leaving out things we don't want to display on the site
// (allAccess and groupIds).
struct dyString *descQuery = dyStringNew(0);
sqlDyStringPrintf(descQuery, "desc cdwFileTags");
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, descQuery->string);
char **row;
struct slName *allFieldList = NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
if (sameString(row[0], "allAccess") || sameString(row[0], "groupIds"))
slNameAddHead(&allFieldList, row[0]);
// Verify the query restrictions are on existing fields
cdwCheckRqlFields(rql, allFieldList);
// Obtain the list of fields to be returned by the query
struct slName *returnedFieldList = wildExpandList(allFieldList, rql->fieldList, TRUE);
// Retrieve results from the server
struct dyString *sqlQuery = dyStringNew(0);
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, "select ");
struct slName *l = returnedFieldList;
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, "%s", l->name);
l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, ",%s", l->name);
l = l->next;
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " from cdwFileTags");
int whereClauseStarted = 0;
if (!isEmpty(where))
// Can't use sqlDyString functions due to the possible presence of valid wildcards, but
// the while clause has already been validated by passing through the more restrictive
// rql parser anyway.
// Note currently unable to use sqlSafefV2 inside /src/lib/rqlParse* since it needs functions in /src/hg/lib/jksql.c
// and things in /src/lib are not supposed to use and depend on stuff under /src/hg/lib.
char *rqlWhere = rqlParseToSqlWhereClause(rql->whereClause, FALSE);
char trustedQuery[strlen(rqlWhere) + NOSQLINJ_SIZE + 1];
safef(trustedQuery, sizeof trustedQuery, NOSQLINJ "%s", rqlWhere);
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " where %-s", trustedQuery);
whereClauseStarted = 1;
// Ensure the user has access to the data. Access means either it's a public set (allAccess = 1) or one of the user's
// associated group IDs appears in the groupIds field (or they're an admin).
if ((user == NULL) || (!user->isAdmin))
if (whereClauseStarted == 0)
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " where ");
whereClauseStarted = 1;
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " and ");
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, "(allAccess = 1");
if (user != NULL)
// Handle group-based access for this user
struct dyString *groupQuery = dyStringNew(0);
sqlDyStringPrintf(groupQuery, "select groupId from cdwGroupUser where userId = %u\n", user->id);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, groupQuery->string);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " or find_in_set(\"%s\", groupIds) > 0", row[0]);
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, ")");
// limit
sqlDyStringPrintf(sqlQuery, " limit %d", limit);
// Now to actually fetch the data!
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, sqlQuery->string);
struct slName *fieldNames = sqlResultFieldList(sr);
struct slRef *resultData = NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct slPair *fieldList = NULL;
struct slName *fieldName = fieldNames;
int fieldIdx = 0;
while (fieldName != NULL)
char *val = NULL;
if (!isEmpty(row[fieldIdx]))
val = cloneString(row[fieldIdx]);
slPairAdd(&fieldList, fieldName->name, val);
fieldName = fieldName->next;
refAdd(&resultData, fieldList);
// Now, resultData is an slRef list of results, and each result contains an slPair list of field name/value pairs.
int matchCount = slCount(resultData);
void doAnalysisJointPages(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Show datasets and links to dataset summary pages. */
char query[PATH_LEN];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM cdwJointDataset ORDER BY label ");
struct cdwJointDataset *jointDataset, *datasetList = cdwJointDatasetLoadByQuery(conn, query);
// Go through the cdwDataset table and generate an entry for each dataset.
for (jointDataset = datasetList; jointDataset != NULL; jointDataset = jointDataset->next)
char *label = jointDataset->label;
char *desc = jointDataset->description;
char *datasetId = jointDataset->name;
// Check if we have a dataset summary page in the CDW and store its ID. The file must have passed validation.
char summFname[8000];
safef(summFname, sizeof(summFname), "%s/summary/index.html", datasetId);
int fileId = cdwFileIdFromPathSuffix(conn, summFname);
// If the ID exists and the user has access print a link to the page.
boolean haveAccess = ((fileId > 0) && cdwCheckFileAccess(conn, fileId, user));
if (haveAccess)
%s (%s) \n",
datasetId, label, datasetId);
// Print out file count and descriptions.
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select count(*) from %s where data_set_id='%s'",
getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), datasetId);
//long long fileCount = sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
printf("%s", desc);
char metaFileName[PATH_LEN];
safef(metaFileName, sizeof(metaFileName), "%s/%s", datasetId, "meta.txt");
int fileId = cdwFileIdFromPathSuffix(conn, metaFileName);
if ((fileId > 0) && cdwCheckFileAccess(conn, fileId, user))
printf(" (metadata: html");
doServeTagStorm(conn, datasetId);
struct slName *dataset, *dataSetNames=charSepToSlNames(jointDataset->childrenNames, *",");
int totFileCount = 0;
// Go through each sub dataset, print a link into the search files and count total files.
for (dataset = dataSetNames; dataset != NULL; dataset=dataset->next)
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s where data_set_id='%s'",
getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), dataset->name);
totFileCount += sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
dataset->name, cartSidUrlString(cart), dataset->name);
if (dataset->next != NULL) printf(",");
printf(") (Total files: %i)",totFileCount);
else // Otherwise print a label and description.
void facetSummaryRow(struct fieldedTable *table, struct facetField *ff)
/* Print out row in a high level tag counting table */
struct facetVal *fv;
int total = 0; // Col 4, 'files'
char valValueString[PATH_LEN], valCountString[32]; // Col 3, 'popular values (files)...' and col 2, 'vals'
valValueString[0]= '\0';
strcat(valValueString, " ");
safef(valCountString, sizeof(valCountString), "%d", slCount(ff->valList));
bool hairpin = TRUE;
for (fv = ff->valList; fv != NULL; fv = fv->next)
total += fv->useCount;
if (hairpin == FALSE) continue;
char temp[4*1024];
// Make a new name value pair which may get added to the existing string.
safef(temp, sizeof(temp),"%s (%d)", fv->val, fv->useCount);
int newStringLen = ((int) strlen(valValueString))+((int) strlen(temp));
if (newStringLen >= 107) // Check if the new string is acceptable size.
// The hairpin is set to false once the full line is made, this stops the line from growing.
if (hairpin)
//Remove the comma and append '...'.
valValueString[strlen(valValueString)-2] = '\0';
strcat(valValueString, "...");
hairpin = FALSE;
else{ // Append the name:value pair to the string.
strcat(valValueString, temp);
if (fv->next != NULL)
strcat(valValueString, ", ");
char trueTotal[PATH_LEN];
safef(trueTotal, sizeof(trueTotal), "%d", total);
/* Add data to fielded table */
char *row[4];
row[0] = cloneString(ff->fieldName);
row[1] = cloneString(valCountString);
row[2] = cloneString(valValueString);
row[3] = cloneString(trueTotal);
fieldedTableAdd(table, row, ArraySize(row), 0);
void tagSummaryRow(struct fieldedTable *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tag)
/* Print out row in a high level tag counting table */
// These will become the values for our columns.
int total = 0; // Col 4, 'files'
char valValueString[PATH_LEN], valCountString[32]; // Col 3, 'popular values (files)...' and col 2, 'vals'
// Get the necessary data via SQL and load into a slPair.
char query[PATH_LEN];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),"select %s, count(*) as count from %s where %s is not NULL group by %s order by count desc",
getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileTags"), tag, tag, tag);
struct slPair *iter = NULL, *pairList = sqlQuickPairList(conn, query);
safef(valCountString, sizeof(valCountString), "%d", slCount(&pairList)-1);
bool hairpin = TRUE;
valValueString[0]= '\0';
strcat(valValueString, " ");
//Go through the pair list and generate the 'popular values (files)...' column and the 'files' column
for (iter = pairList; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
total += sqlSigned( ((char*) iter->val)); // Calculate the total of the values for files column.
if (hairpin == FALSE) continue;
char temp[4*1024];
// Make a new name value pair which may get added to the existing string.
safef(temp, sizeof(temp),"%s (%s)", iter->name, (char *)iter->val);
int newStringLen = ((int) strlen(valValueString))+((int) strlen(temp));
if (newStringLen >= 107) // Check if the new string is acceptable size.
// The hairpin is set to false once the full line is made, this stops the line from growing.
if (hairpin)
//Remove the comma and append '...'.
valValueString[strlen(valValueString)-2] = '\0';
strcat(valValueString, "...");
hairpin = FALSE;
else{ // Append the name:value pair to the string.
strcat(valValueString, temp);
if (iter->next != NULL)
strcat(valValueString, ", ");
char trueTotal[PATH_LEN];
safef(trueTotal, sizeof(trueTotal), "%d", total);
/* Add data to fielded table */
char *row[4];
row[0] = cloneString(tag);
row[1] = cloneString(valCountString);
row[2] = cloneString(valValueString);
row[3] = cloneString(trueTotal);
fieldedTableAdd(table, row, ArraySize(row), 0);
struct tagCount
/* A tag name and how many things are associated with it. */
struct tagCount *next;
char *tag;
long count;
struct tagCount *tagCountNew(char *tag, int count)
/* Return fresh new tag */
struct tagCount *tc;
tc->tag = cloneString(tag);
tc->count = count;
return tc;
void drawPrettyPieGraph(struct facetVal *fvList, char *id, char *title, char *subtitle)
/* Draw a pretty pie graph using D3. Import D3 and D3pie before use. */
// Some D3 administrative stuff, the title, subtitle, sizing etc.
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
dyStringPrintf(dy,"var pie = new d3pie(\"%s\", {\n\"header\": {", id);
if (title != NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"title\": { \"text\": \"%s\",", title);
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"fontSize\": 16,");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"font\": \"open sans\",},");
if (subtitle != NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"subtitle\": { \"text\": \"%s\",", subtitle);
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"color\": \"#999999\",");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"fontSize\": 10,");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"font\": \"open sans\",},");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"titleSubtitlePadding\":9 },\n");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"footer\": {\"color\": \"#999999\",");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"fontSize\": 10,");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"font\": \"open sans\",");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"location\": \"bottom-left\",},\n");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"size\": { \"canvasWidth\": 330, \"canvasHeight\": 220},\n");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"data\": { \"sortOrder\": \"value-desc\", \"content\": [\n");
struct facetVal *fv = NULL;
float colorOffset = 1;
int totalFields = slCount(fvList);
for (fv=fvList; fv!=NULL; fv=fv->next)
float currentColor = colorOffset/totalFields;
struct rgbColor color = saturatedRainbowAtPos(currentColor);
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\t{\"label\": \"%s\",\n\t\"value\": %d,\n\t\"color\": \"rgb(%i,%i,%i)\"}",
fv->val, fv->useCount, color.r, color.b, color.g);
if (fv->next!=NULL)
dyStringPrintf(dy,"]},\n\"labels\": {");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"percentage\":{\"color\":\"#ffffff\", \"decimalPlaces\": 0},");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"value\":{\"color\":\"#adadad\", \"fontSize\":11},");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"effect\": \"linear\",");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"speed\": 400,");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"size\": 8}},\n");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"enabled\": true,");
dyStringPrintf(dy,"\"percentage\": 100}}});");
#ifdef OLD
struct tagCount *tagCountListFromQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query)
/* Return a tagCount list from a query that had tag/count values */
struct tagCount *list = NULL, *tc;
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
tc = tagCountNew(row[0], sqlUnsigned(row[1]));
slAddHead(&list, tc);
return list;
#endif /* OLD */
void pieOnFacet(struct facetField *ff, char *divId)
/* Write a pie chart base on the values of given tag in storm */
struct facetVal *majorTags = facetValMajorPlusOther(ff->valList, 0.01);
drawPrettyPieGraph(majorTags, divId, ff->fieldName, NULL);
void printFile(char *fname)
/* print file to stdout. Do nothing if file does not exist. */
FILE *fh = fopen(fname, "r");
if (fh==NULL)
char buf[1000];
while (fgets(buf, 1000, fh) != NULL)
char *tagPopularityFields[] = { "tag name", "vals", "popular values (files)...", "files",};
void doHome(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up home/summary page */
printf("\n", 200, 275);
/* Print sentence with summary of bytes, files, and labs */
char query[256];
-printf("The CIRM Stem Cell Hub contains ");
+printf("The SSPsyGene Staging Portal contains ");
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select sum(size) from cdwFile,cdwValidFile where cdwFile.id=cdwValidFile.id "
" and (errorMessage = '' or errorMessage is null)"
long long totalBytes = sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
printWithGreekByte(stdout, totalBytes);
printf(" of data in ");
#ifdef OLD
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select count(*) from cdwFile,cdwValidFile where cdwFile.id=cdwValidFile.fileId "
" and (errorMessage = '' or errorMessage is null)"
#endif /* OLD */
/* Using a query that is faster than the table join but gives the same result
* (0.2 sec vs. 0.8 sec) */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select count(*) from cdwFile where (errorMessage = '' || errorMessage is null)"
" and cdwFileName like '%%/%s%%'", cdwLicensePlateHead(conn) );
long long fileCount = sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
printLongWithCommas(stdout, fileCount);
printf(" files");
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
"select count(*) from cdwLab "
+#ifdef OLD
long long labCount = sqlQuickLongLong(conn, query);
printf(" from %llu labs. \n", labCount);
+#endif /* OLD */
+printf(". \n");
printf("Try using the browse menu on files or tracks. ");
printf("The query link allows simple SQL-like queries of the metadata.");
printf(" \n");
/* Print out some pie charts on important fields */
static char *pieTags[] =
{"lab", "format", "assay", };
struct facetField *pieFacetList = facetFieldsFromSqlTable(conn, getCdwTableSetting("cdwFileFacets"),
pieTags, ArraySize(pieTags), "N/A", NULL, NULL, NULL);
struct facetField *ff;
int i;
charts are based on proportion of files in each category
#ifdef OLD
void doBrowseTags(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up browse tags page */
struct tagStorm *tags = cdwUserTagStorm(conn, user);
struct slName *tag, *tagList = tagStormFieldList(tags);
slSort(&tagList, slNameCmp);
printf("This is a list of all tags and their most popular values.");
struct fieldedTable *table = fieldedTableNew("Important tags", tagPopularityFields,
for (tag = tagList; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
tagSummaryRow(table, conn, tag->name);
char returnUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
safef(returnUrl, sizeof(returnUrl), "../cgi-bin/cdwWebBrowse?cdwCommand=browseTags&%s",
cartSidUrlString(cart) );
struct hash *outputWrappers = hashNew(0);
hashAdd(outputWrappers, "tag name", wrapTagField);
webSortableFieldedTable(cart, table, returnUrl, "cdwBrowseTags", 0, outputWrappers, NULL);
#endif /* OLD */
void doHelp(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up help page */
#include "cdwHelp.h"
void doTestPage(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up test page */
printf("testing 1 2 3... \n");
void dispatch(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Dispatch page after to routine depending on cdwCommand variable */
char *command = cartOptionalString(cart, "cdwCommand");
if (command == NULL)
else if (sameString(command, "home"))
else if (sameString(command, "analysisQuery"))
else if (sameString(command, "analysisJointPages"))
else if (sameString(command, "downloadFiles"))
else if (sameString(command, "browseFiles"))
else if (sameString(command, "doFileFlowchart"))
else if (sameString(command, "browseTracks"))
#ifdef OLD
else if (sameString(command, "browseTags"))
#endif /* OLD */
else if (sameString(command, "browseLabs"))
else if (sameString(command, "browseDataSets"))
else if (sameString(command, "browseFormats"))
else if (sameString(command, "oneFile"))
else if (sameString(command, "oneTag"))
else if (sameString(command, "help"))
else if (sameString(command, "dataSetMetaTree"))
else if (sameString(command, "test"))
printf("unrecognized command %s \n", command);
void doMiddle()
/* Menu bar has been drawn. We are in the middle of first section. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(cdwDatabase);
user = cdwCurrentUser(conn);
static void doSendMenubar()
/* print http header and menu bar string */
oldVars = hashNew(0);
cart = cartAndCookieWithHtml(hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars, TRUE);
puts("Content-Type: text/html\n\n");
char* mb = cdwLocalMenuBar(cart, TRUE);
static void doSendUserName()
/* send username and authentication method info in a tiny JSON block */
oldVars = hashNew(0);
cart = cartAndCookieWithHtml(hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars, TRUE);
int firstEntry = 1;
if (loginUseBasicAuth())
if (!firstEntry)
firstEntry = 0;
printf ("\"auth\": \"basic\"\n");
if (!firstEntry)
firstEntry = 0;
printf ("\"auth\": \"hgLogin\"\n");
char *userName = wikiLinkUserName();
if (userName != NULL)
if (!firstEntry)
firstEntry = 0;
printf("\"username\": \"%s\"\n", userName);
void localWebStartWrapper(char *titleString)
/* Output a HTML header with the given title. Start table layout. Draw menu bar. */
/* Do html header. We do this a little differently than web.c routines, mostly
* in that we are strict rather than transitional HTML 4.01 */
printf("%s\n", titleString);
jsIncludeFile("jquery.watermark.js", NULL);
jsIncludeFile("d3pie.min.js", NULL);
jsIncludeFile("dagre-d3.js", NULL);
puts(cdwPageHeader(cart, FALSE));
puts(cdwLocalMenuBar(cart, FALSE)); // Menu bar after tables open but before first section
webPushErrHandlers(); // Now can do improved error handler
void localWebWrap(struct cart *theCart)
/* We got the http stuff handled, and a cart. Now wrap a web page around it. */
cart = theCart;
-localWebStartWrapper("CIRM Stem Cell Hub Data Browser v0.62");
+localWebStartWrapper("SSPsyGene Staging Portal Data Browser v0.62");