  Fri Feb 9 09:38:15 2024 -0800
Will SSPsyGene V1 Updates.

diff --git src/hg/cirm/gateway/js/cirmStuff.js src/hg/cirm/gateway/js/cirmStuff.js
index 713dc58..c0584e5 100644
--- src/hg/cirm/gateway/js/cirmStuff.js
+++ src/hg/cirm/gateway/js/cirmStuff.js
@@ -1,117 +1,108 @@
 // cirmStuff - Generally useful functions for CIRM site pages
 // Copyright (C) 2019 The Regents of the University of California
 // This file contains a few functions and invocations for adjusting the look of pages on the
 // public and private CIRM sites.  Depending on the site, users may be logged in using
 // basic auth or using hgLogin.  Either way, login/logout buttons should be presented as
 // appropriate (and those buttons should actually work).
 var cirmSiteFunctions = (function() {
     var isSecureSite = function() {
         if ((document.domain == "cirmdcm.soe.ucsc.edu") ||
             (document.domain.search(/^cirm-01/) >= 0) ||
             (document.domain.search(/^hgwdev/) >= 0)) {
             return true;
         return false;
     // copied from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/233507/how-to-log-out-user-from-web-site-using-basic-authentication
     function basicAuthLogout(secUrl, redirUrl) {
         if (bowser.msie) {
             document.execCommand('ClearAuthenticationCache', 'false');
         } else if (bowser.gecko) {
                 async: false,
                 url: secUrl,
                 type: 'GET',
                 username: 'logout'
         } else if (bowser.webkit || bowser.chrome) {
             var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
             xmlhttp.open('GET', secUrl, true);
             xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic logout');
         } else {
             // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5957822/how-to-clear-basic-authentication-details-in-chrome
             redirUrl = url.replace('http://', 'http://' + new Date().getTime() + '@');
         setTimeout(function () {
             window.location.href = redirUrl;
         }, 200);
     // This happens at the time the script is being read, so of course it's the last script in the
     // DOM.
     var thisScriptUrl=$("script")[$("script").length-1].src;
     var userUrl = thisScriptUrl.replace(/js\/cirmStuff\.js.*$/i, "cgi-bin/cdwWebBrowse?cdwCommand=userName");
     function userNameUrl() {
         return userUrl;
     return {
         basicAuthLogout: basicAuthLogout,
         isSecureSite: isSecureSite,
         userNameUrl: userNameUrl
 }()); // cirmSiteFunctions definition
 // Screw with login/logout button
 $(document).ready(function() {
     if (cirmSiteFunctions.isSecureSite()) {
         // Add returnto to login and logout link URLs
         $("a.login").attr('href', function(i,link){
             return link + "&returnto=" + document.baseURI;
         // Adjust for basic or hgLogin Auth, add username to logout
         var loginRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
         loginRequest.onload = function() {
             if (this.status == 200) {
                 var loginInfo = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
                 if (typeof(loginInfo.username) !== 'undefined') {
                         return oldText + " " + loginInfo.username;
                 if (loginInfo.auth === "basic") {
                         cirmSiteFunctions.basicAuthLogout('/', 'http://cirm.ucsc.edu'); return false;
         var url = cirmSiteFunctions.userNameUrl();
         loginRequest.open("GET", url, true);
     } else {
-// Screw with banner and search box (secure vs not)
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    if (cirmSiteFunctions.isSecureSite()) {
-        $(".cirm-banner").hide();
-        $(".securesite-banner").show();
-        $("#siteSearchBox").hide();
-    }
 // Call googleAnalytics
 $(document).ready(function() {
     var analyticsKey = "UA-135185279-1";
     if (cirmSiteFunctions.isSecureSite()) {
         analyticsKey = "UA-135185279-2";
     // should keep in sync with kent/src/hg/lib/googleAnalytics.c
     (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
     ga('create', analyticsKey, 'auto');
     ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
     ga('send', 'pageview');