  Thu Feb 29 10:53:41 2024 -0800
loadSizes is now a src/hg/common.c function refs #33064

diff --git src/hg/utils/pslLiftSubrangeBlat/pslLiftSubrangeBlat.c src/hg/utils/pslLiftSubrangeBlat/pslLiftSubrangeBlat.c
index ca4f7c4..30abd3c 100644
--- src/hg/utils/pslLiftSubrangeBlat/pslLiftSubrangeBlat.c
+++ src/hg/utils/pslLiftSubrangeBlat/pslLiftSubrangeBlat.c
@@ -1,133 +1,121 @@
 /* pslLiftSubrangeBlat - lift PSLs from blat subrange alignments. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "pslReader.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "pslLiftSubrangeBlat - lift PSLs from blat subrange alignments\n"
   "   pslLiftSubrangeBlat isPsl outPsl\n"
   "Lift a PSL with target coordinates from a blat subrange query\n"
   "(e.g. blah/hg18.2bit:chr1:1000-20000) which has subrange\n"
   "coordinates as the target name (e.g. chr1:1000-200000) to\n"
   "actual target coordinates.\n"
   "  -tSizes=szfile - lift target side based on tName, using target sizes from\n"
   "                   this tab separated file.\n"
   "  -qSizes=szfile - lift query side based on qName, using query sizes from\n"
   "                   this tab separated file.\n"
   "Must specify at least on of -tSizes or -qSize or both.\n"
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
     {"tSizes", OPTION_STRING},
     {"qSizes", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0},
-static struct hash *loadSizes(char *szFile)
-/* load sizes into a hash */
-struct hash *sizes = hashNew(0);
-struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(szFile, TRUE);
-char *row[2];
-while (lineFileNextRowTab(lf, row, 2))
-    hashAddInt(sizes, row[0], sqlSigned(row[1]));
-return sizes;
 static boolean parseName(char *desc, char *name, int *start, int *end)
 /* parse and validate name into it's parts. Return FALSE if name doesn't
  * contain a subrange specification. */
 char *nameEnd = strchr(name, ':');
 if (nameEnd == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *p = nameEnd+1;
 char *pp = strchr(p, '-');
 if (pp == NULL)
     errAbort("invalid %s subrange: %s", desc, name);
 *pp = '\0';
 *start = sqlUnsigned(p);
 *pp = '-';
 *end = sqlUnsigned(pp);
 if (*end <= *start)
     errAbort("range zero or negative length in %s subrange: %s", desc, name);
 *nameEnd = '\0';
 return TRUE;
 static void liftSide(char *desc, struct hash *seqSizes, struct psl *psl, char *name, char strand, unsigned *seqSize, int *start, int *end, unsigned *starts)
 /* life one side of the alignment */
 int regStart, regEnd, i;
 if (parseName(desc, name, &regStart, &regEnd))
     *seqSize = hashIntVal(seqSizes, name);
     if (*end > *seqSize)
         errAbort("subrange %s:%d-%d extends past sequence end %ud", name, regStart, regEnd, *seqSize);
     *start += regStart;
     *end += regStart;
     if (strand == '-')
         reverseIntRange(&regStart, &regEnd, *seqSize);
     for (i = 0; i < psl->blockCount; i++)
         starts[i] += regStart;
 static void liftIt(struct psl *psl, struct hash *qSizes, struct hash *tSizes)
 /* lift one subrange PSL based on tName */
 if (qSizes != NULL)
     liftSide("qName", qSizes, psl, psl->qName, pslQStrand(psl), &psl->qSize, &psl->qStart, &psl->qEnd, psl->qStarts);
 if (tSizes != NULL)
     liftSide("tName", tSizes, psl, psl->tName, pslTStrand(psl), &psl->tSize, &psl->tStart, &psl->tEnd, psl->tStarts);
 static void pslLiftSubrangeBlat(char *inPsl, char *outPsl, char *qSizesFile, char *tSizesFile)
 /* pslLiftSubrangeBlat - lift PSLs from blat subrange alignments. */
 struct hash *qSizes = (qSizesFile != NULL) ? loadSizes(qSizesFile) : NULL;
 struct hash *tSizes = (tSizesFile != NULL) ? loadSizes(tSizesFile) : NULL;
 struct pslReader *inRd = pslReaderFile(inPsl, NULL);
 FILE *outFh = mustOpen(outPsl, "w");
 struct psl *psl;
 while ((psl = pslReaderNext(inRd)) != NULL)
     liftIt(psl, qSizes, tSizes);
     pslTabOut(psl, outFh);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 3)
 char *qSizesFile = optionVal("qSizes", NULL);
 char *tSizesFile = optionVal("tSizes", NULL);
 if ((qSizesFile == NULL) && (tSizesFile == NULL))
     errAbort("must specify at least one of -tSizes or -qSizes");
 pslLiftSubrangeBlat(argv[1], argv[2], qSizesFile, tSizesFile);
 return 0;