  Tue Apr 16 14:03:00 2024 -0700
Adding older page that has been on the RR forever to git, refs #33444

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/mapPlots/RHguide.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/mapPlots/RHguide.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d72cf90
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/mapPlots/RHguide.html
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
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+<!--Content Tables------------------------------------------------------->
+ <table BGCOLOR="fffee8" WIDTH="100%"  BORDERCOLOR="888888" BORDER=1><tr><td>
+ <table BGCOLOR="D9E4F8"  BACKGROUND="../../images/hr.gif" WIDTH=100%><tr><td>
+ <font SIZE="4"><a NAME="TOC"></a><b>&nbsp; Users Guide for STS Maps vs. Genome Sequence Asembly Comparison Plots</font>
+ </td></tr></table>
+<!--outer table is for border purposes--> <table BGCOLOR="fffee8"
+WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><th HEIGHT=15></th><tr><td
+	The purpose of the STS Maps vs. Genome Sequence Assembly
+	scatter plots is to show the correspondence between previously
+	constructed genome-wide STS maps and the different clones
+	maps.  We show one plot for each chromosome that displays the
+	STS marker posistions for the Genethon, Marshfield, GeneMap99,
+	G3, TNG, Whitehead Integrated and Whitehead-YAC maps.  The
+	y-axis of the plots represent positions in the STS maps, while
+	the x-axis represents positions in the clone maps.  The
+	primary plots are scaled to fit an entire chromosome on one
+	page. Additional plots are available which show portions of
+	each chromosome in fixed scale 50mb windows and 10mb
+	windows.<P></P>
+        Each STS marker is represented by a point that is colored and
+        shape-coded as described in the legend in the upper right
+        corner. The horizontal position of the point is the location
+        of the marker on the clone map of the chromosome in
+        megabases. The vertical position of the point is the distance
+        of the marker along the chromosome as determined by one of the
+        seven STS maps. All seven maps are scaled to have comparable
+        distance ranges to facilitate comparison. Some markers map to
+        different chromosomes entirely. These are shown at the top of
+        the display.<P></P>
+        As you mouse-over the graph, the contig you are in, as
+        determined by your horizontal position, is displayed in the
+        little window at the bottom of the browser. (Position of this
+        is dependent on the browser and platform being used.) Clicking
+        on a contig will bring up a corresponding Summary Page which
+        is part of our <A HREF="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/chromReports">
+        Chromosome Reports</A> web pages.  This Summary Page displays
+        information about that particular contig with links to more
+        detailed information.<P></P>
+      <B>Caveats:</B>
+      <UL>
+	<LI>Due to the resolution, it is hard to pinpoint the clone
+	contig for some markers. Go to a higher resolution plot if it
+	appears that the marker you clicked on is not included in the
+	report you get.  
+	<LI>We use BLAT to place STS markers, but do
+	not require an exact match of the STS sequence and/or primer
+	sequences.  This will cause some false positive placements,
+	and some false negatives as well, mainly due to the draft
+	nature of the sequence.  
+        <LI>We have not yet incorporated LOD
+	scores for the markers. 
+	<LI>There are limitations of the
+	accuracy of each of the seven maps, for more details see 
+	"<A HREF="http://www.nature.com/genomics/human/papers/409860a0_fs_1.html">Initial
+	sequencing and analysis of the human genome</A>," by the
+	International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, Nature,
+	409:860-921.
+      </UL>
+      <hr>
+	<address><a href="mailto:booch@cse.ucsc.edu">Terry Furey</a></address>
+	<!-- Created: Fri Aug  3 13:14:49 PDT 2001 -->
+	<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Fri Mar 22 13:48:36 PST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+	</TD></TR></TABLE>