  Fri Apr 19 06:15:49 2024 -0700
uniprot comment

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/uniprot/doUniprot src/hg/utils/otto/uniprot/doUniprot
index 0469804..21b5dbb 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/uniprot/doUniprot
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/uniprot/doUniprot
@@ -432,30 +432,34 @@
         bed[3] = "%s%s%s" % (firstAnnot.origAa, firstAnnot.begin, firstAnnot.mutAa)
         if len(bed[3]) > 20:
             bed[3] = "%daa to %daa" % (len(firstAnnot.origAa), len(firstAnnot.mutAa))
     color = None
     if firstAnnot.featType=="sequence variant":
         annoType = "Naturally occurring sequence variant"
         color = "100,0,0"
     elif firstAnnot.featType=="mutagenesis site":
         annoType = "Experimental mutation of amino acids"
         color = "0,0,100"
         bed[3] = firstAnnot.shortFeatType
+        #if firstAnnot.shortFeatType=="phos":
+            #color = ""
         if firstAnnot.featType in useComment:
             comment = firstAnnot.comment
             # trembl doesn't have comments for chains so make one up
             if comment=="":
                 comment = "%s:%s-%s" % (acc, str(firstAnnot.begin), str(firstAnnot.end))
             bed[3] = comment
         if firstAnnot.featType=="signal peptide":
             bed[3] = "Signal peptide"
         if firstAnnot.featType=="lipid moiety-binding region":
             bed[3] = "Lipidation"
         if firstAnnot.featType=="transmembrane region":
             bed[3] = "Transmembrane"
         if firstAnnot.comment=="Nuclear localization signal":