  Tue Jun 18 13:17:12 2024 -0700
Add showTutorial hg.conf parameter to ex.hg.conf, refs #33992

diff --git src/product/ex.hg.conf src/product/ex.hg.conf
index d0675b0..3f0af84 100644
--- src/product/ex.hg.conf
+++ src/product/ex.hg.conf
@@ -1,696 +1,704 @@
 # Config file for the UCSC Human Genome server
 # the format is in the form of name/value pairs
 # written 'name=value' (note that there is no space between
 # the name and its value.
 # is the name of the MySQL host to connect to
 #  high-volume sites will want a separate database server from the web server
 # db.user is the username is use when connecting to the specified
 #	it needs read-only access.  The browser CGIs do not need
 #	read-write access to the database tables
 # db.password is the password to use with the specified db.user
 # if your MySQL system is configured for a different socket connection,
 # use the following variables to override the MySQL defaults:
 # db.socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
 # db.port=3306
 # *!# NOTE: the port override will only work when host is *not* localhost
 #	when localhost is used, MySQL may connect via shared memory
 #	connections and not via TCP/IP socket ports
 # slow-db is the name of a MySQL host to fallback to if a query failed 
 # on This means that tables can be dropped from as long as
 # they are present on slow-db.
 # If you have assemblies that exists only on this server but not at UCSC, they have to 
 # be declared here, so that the slow-db code does not try to find them on the 
 # server
 # If the slow-db host is far away (more than a few msecs), a table on
 # with schema information of the slow-db databases will speed up most tracks.
 # The table is created with the command "makeTableList" and its name is
 # specified here. If you activate the command below, AND you also have a genome
 # assembly database on your local mirror that is not present on
 #, then you will need to run the tool 'makeTableList
 # <database>' to make your genome usable.  The table list is a pretty essential
 # tool to increase remote data access performance to genomes loaded from UCSC,
 # via slow-db and gbdbLoc1/2 (see below) and so it is assumed to be present.
 # The code does not know if a genome is local-only or local-and-UCSC, so the tableList
 # must be created for local databases if you use the showTableCache speedup.
 # showTableCache=tableList
 # If your mysql server is configured to reject the option LOCAL in the command
 # LOAD DATA INFILE (e.g. in OpenSuse) then you can force the browser to never
 # use the LOCAL option.  Note that for this to work, you have to keep all you
 # mysql servers on the same machine as the CGIs and these servers must have
 # file permissions and any security infrastructure like SELinux or AppArmor
 # setup in a way that allows them to read temporary files that the CGIs
 # (hgCustom, the custom track loaders) create 
 # db.neverLocal=1
 # if you want a different default species selection on the Gateway
 # page, change this default Human to one of the genomes from the
 #	defaultDb table in hgcentral:
 #	hgsql -e "select genome from defaultDb;" hgcentral
 # If you need a different version of that specific genome, change
 #	the defaultDb table entry, for example, a different mouse genome
 #	version as default:
 #	hgsql -e 'update defaultDb set name="mm8" where genome="Mouse"
 #	then this defaultGenome would read: defaultGenome=Mouse
 # tracks display width has a default maximum width of 5000 pixels
 # override that limit with a larger number for maxDisplayPixelWidth
 # maxDisplayPixelWidth=5000
 # The maximum number of features that can be read from a bigBed file.
 # This limits the time spent on loading a bigBed track. In coverage mode,
 # in theory the user can display millions of features, but loading these
 # can take too much time.
 # trackDb table to use. A simple value of `trackDb' is normally sufficient.
 # In general, the value is a comma-separated list of trackDb format tables to
 # search.  This supports local tracks combined with a mirror of the trackDb
 # table from UCSC. The names should be in the form `trackDb_suffix'. This
 # implies a parallel hgFindSpec format search table exists in the form
 # hgFindSpec_suffix.  The specified trackDb tables are searched in the order
 # specified, with the first occurrence of a track being used.  You may associate
 # trackDb/hgFindSpec tables with other instances of genome databases using a
 # specification of dbProfile:trackDbTbl, where dbProfile is the name of a
 # databases profile in hg.conf, and trackDbTbl is the name of the table in the
 # remote databases.  See below for details of dbProfile
 # track group table definitions.  This is a comma-seperate list similar to
 # db.trackDb that defines the track group tables.  Database profiles 
 # may alow be included using the syntax dbProfile:grpTbl.
 #  New browser function as of June 2012:
 #  The UCSC genome browser is using new hgLogin CGI to replace 
 #  sign-in service provided by genomewiki previously. 
 # To maintain backward compatibility, the hgLogin CGI 
 # reuse most of the genomewiki related configuration parameters such as 
 # host and cookie names. This design make transition from genomewiki 
 # to hgLogin transparent. For current mirror sites with sign-in function
 # (via a simulated- or locally-installed mediawiki server), as long as
 # hgLogin is not enabled, all browser functions and current sign-in 
 # functions will work as before. Please refer to 
 # for more details.
 #  To enable the hgLogin function, set the following 8 parameters as 
 #  described below:
 #  login.systemName:  must be set to some name to enable hgLogin CGI.
 #  should be set to the host that running the hgLogin CGI.
 #              The host should be in the same domain as value set in 
 #              "central.domain".  
 #              The special value HTTPHOST for will use the 
 #              server hostname as supplied by the http request. This allows
 #              login to work if a server is reached under different names.
 #              The default value HTTPHOST should work in all contexts.
 #  Set the values of the two cookies to value exactly the same as below. 
 # required to use hgLogin
 login.systemName=hgLogin CGI
 # url to server hosting hgLogin
 # Arbitrary name of cookie holding user name 
 # Arbitrary name of cookie holding user id 
 # The following 4 parameters are used for UI headings (browserName) and 
 # necessary text string used in emails send out to user.
 # You should set them to any appropriate local values.  
 # title of host of browser, this text be shown in the user interface of
 # the login/sign up screens
 login.browserName=myLab Genome Browser
 # base url of browser installed
 # signature written at the bottom of hgLogin system emails
 login.mailSignature=My Lab browser administrator
 # from/return email address used for system emails
 # or NOEMAIL to skip the email confirmation
 # If login is enabled, then the server should be configured to support HTTPS.
 # HTTPS is used for hgLogin by default.  If the server cannot support HTTPS
 # but login is still enabled (not recommended), HTTPS for hgLogin can be
 # disabled by uncommenting this setting:
 # if https is on, the user login (hgLogin) redirects the user to https.
 # To do this, it has to use an absolute link that starts with https and the server
 # name. In certain circumstances, this is not needed, e.g. when the genome browser
 # is always using https anyways. If the genome browser runs behind a reverse
 # proxy, this does not work at all, as the CGI does not know that the connection is 
 # already using HTTPs. In these cases, the following statement will not try to
 # redirect to HTTPS but just use a normal, relative link during/after the login
 # If you do not want to use our hgLogin but want to use HTTP Basic Authentication
 # (e.g. if you have usernames in an htpasswd file or want to use mod_auth_ldap and
 # validate users against an LDAP server), then you can activate this here.
 # login.basicAuth=on
 # Secret text string (like password) for generating and validating secure login key:
 # The following 6 parameters are used to set up your browser to accept user suggestions.
 # After a user submits a suggestion, both the user and the suggestion admin address below
 # will receive an email containing the suggestion.
 # email address for the suggestion admin
 # sender address for the suggestion email
 # Keyword in the mail subject line to help filter out spam
 # signature written at the bottom of suggestion emails
 suggest.mailSignature=My Lab browser administrator
 # contact address for suggestion follow up
 # browser name used in emails
 suggest.browserName=myLab Genome Browser
 # The following instructions for using genomewiki has been replaced by the 
 # new hgLogin function as describe above. The section are preserved here
 # to serve as a reference for the current mirror site using locally
 # installed mediawiki for the sign-in function. 
 #  New browser function as of March 2007, allowing saved genome browser
 #	sessions into genomewiki.  These Cookie names depend upon how
 #	your wiki is configured.  The wiki system constructs the cookie
 #	names from its own variables $wgDBname and $wgDBprefix
 #	You can find these in your LocalSettings.php, if $wgDbprefix
 #	is not null the cookie name is: $wgDBname_$wgDBprefix_UserName
 #	if wgDbprefix is null then simply: $wgDBname_UserName
 #	same pattern for _UserID and __session below
 #	The example here is for $wgDBName=wikidb and $wgDBprefix=mw1
 # wiki.userNameCookie=wikidb_mw1_UserName
 # wiki.loggedInCookie=wikidb_mw1_UserID
 #	You will need to create the namedSessionDb table in your hgcentral db:
 #	hgsql hgcentral < yourSourceTree/src/hg/lib/namedSessionDb.sql
 #  See notes about this in the source tree: src/hg/wikiMods/
 # wikiTrack function turned on 2009 (this only works if you operate a
 #               local instance of MediaWiki, see also ../hg/wikiMods/ )
 #    session cookie is used during wiki page edits
 # wiki.sessionCookie=wikidb_mw1__session
 #    URL is the wiki location for the article pages
 #    wikiTrack.URL=
 #    browser to return to from wiki created pages
 #	You will need to create the namedSessionDb table in your hgcentral db:
 #	hgsql hgcentral < yourSourceTree/src/hg/lib/namedSessionDb.sql
 #  See notes about this in the source tree: src/hg/wikiMods/
 #  List of wiki user names that have super user edit privileges
 #	to wiki track items.  Currently this is only a delete item privilege.
 # wikiTrack.editors=Hiram
 #    List of databases to enable the wikiTrack function
 # wikiTrack.dbList=hg18,mm9,hg19
 #  New browser function as of April 2007, custom track data is kept
 #	in a database instead of in trash files.  This function requires
 #	several other factors to be in place before it will work.
 #  This was an optional feature for quite some time in 2007 and 2008,
 #	but it is now mandatory.  The older file-based trash system will
 #	appear to work, but it does not operate properly, and can not
 #	operate some of the newer types of custom tracks.
 #	See also:
 #  Use these settings to provide host, user, and password settings<your specific host name>
 customTracks.user=<your specific MySQL user for this function>
 customTracks.password=<MySQL password for specified user>
 #	tmpdir of /data/tmp is the default location if not specified here
 #	Set this to a directory as recommended in the genomewiki
 #	discussion mentioned above.
 # self destruct option June 2011.  To avoid problem of lost long running
 #	CGI processes.  Default CGI expiration time is 20 minutes,
 #	enable cgiExpireMinutes to change that default.
 #	A time of 0 indicates no expiration time.  positive integer only
 # browser.cgiExpireMinutes=20
 # default for cgiTime printout to Apache error_log is "yes"
 # uncomment this cgiTime=no option to turn off the printouts to error_log
 # browser.cgiTime=no
 # Do not show the generic 500 Apache error, but show the browser error message
 # instead to the user. 
 # The opposite: try to suppress very early errors as far as possible as
 # show a 500 Apache error instead. This somewhat reduces the options for
 # Cross-Site-Scripting attacks but makes it harder for users to find out
 # what caused an error, e.g. in custom tracks.
 # suppressVeryEarlyErrors=on
 # There are additional fonts available, not all are perfect.
 # Uncomment this to see extra font selections in the configure page
 # fonts.extra=yes
 # is the name of the host of the central MySQL
 # database where stuff common to all versions of the genome
 # and the user database is stored.
 # Be sure this user has UPDATE AND INSERT privs for hgcentral
 #	The central.domain will allow the browser cookie-cart
 #	function to work.  Set it to the domain of your Apache
 #	WEB server.  For example, if your browser URL is:
 #	set central.domain to:
 #	An exception to this is when multiple virtual hosts share the
 #	same central database and central.cookie setting (see below).
 #	In #that case, domain should be inclusive of all virtual hosts
 #	(e.g. only
 #       The special value HTTPHOST will set the domain to whatever
 #       servername was sent with the last HTTP request. This allows cookies
 #       to work if a server has multiple names.
 # use this cookie setting to keep your installation hguid cookie setting
 #	distinct from UCSC hguid cookie.  If you have *multiple* central
 #	databases for multiple hosts, set a distinct cookie name per
 #	central database.
 # central.cookie=hguid.mylab
 # Configuratuion database containing cart tables.  Normally thest in in the
 # 	same database as central.db, however can be overriden with these
 # 	variables if needed.  If any of these are set, all must be set.
 # cart.db=
 # cart.user=
 # cart.password=
 #	personalize the background of the browser with a specified jpg
 #	floret.jpg is the standard UCSC default
 # Change this default documentRoot if different in your installation,
 #	to allow some of the browser cgi binaries to find help text files
 # Options to personalize the visual style of the browser
 #   Personalize the background of CGIs that don't use images
 #   Add a custom CSS file
 #   Give the user a choice between different background images and CSS files
 # optional location of grepIndex files
 #  new option for track reording functions, August 2006
 #	in case of failure of the above machine,
 #	the following settings will be used to access a secondary
 #	mirror of the database
 #	archivecentral settings are used for archived assemblies
 #	that have been moved to a different machine.
 # Big data files (sequences, bigBed, bigWig, trix, etc) are stored in /gbdb by default.
 # The directory can be moved to another location on the local file system.
 # The trailing slash is required.
 # gbdbLoc1=/usr/local/browser/gbdb/
 # If a gbdb file is not available on the local file system, then the browser
 # can also load it from a webserver. The trailing slash is required.
 # The browser will first try to load a file via gbdbLoc1 and if the file does
 # not exist, fall back to gbdbLoc2.
 # gbdbLoc2=
 # Bottleneck info for taming hyperactive web bots
 # bottleneck.port=17776
 # directory for temporary bbi file caching, default is /tmp/udcCache
 # see also: README.udc
 # udc.cacheDir=/tmp/udcCache
 # it is OK to specify udc.cachDir=../trash/udcCache
 # to place it in trash.
 # Parallel fetching of remote network resources using bigDataUrl such
 #       as trackHubs and customTracks
 # how many threads to use (set to 0 to disable)
 # If not specified at all, the default is used: 20 threads.
 # how long to wait in seconds for parallel fetch to finish
 # An include directive can be used to read text from other files.  this is
 # especially useful when there are multiple browsers hidden behind virtual
 # hosts.  The path to the include file is either absolute or relative to
 # the including file (*not* relative to the current direct directory).
 #   include ../cgi-bin-default/hg.conf
 # A delete directive can be used to delete previouly defined values.
 # this is useful in conjunction with include when an undefined
 # value has different meaning than an empty value:
 #   delete archivecentral.db [othervars ...]
 # Option to disable the "All Tables" query in the table browser.  Useful if
 # one wants to be restrictive about what tables can be seen.
 #   hgta.disableAllTables=yes
 # Option to disable the "Send output to Galaxy/Great" in the table browser
 # Useful if the server is not reachable from galaxy/great
 #   hgta.disableSendOutput=yes
 # Option to change the Galaxy target URL to a different site than the main 
 # Galaxy site at The Galaxy CGI is usually called "tool_runner"
 #   galaxyUrl=
 # Option to "Send output to GenomeSpace" in the table browser
 #   genomeSpace.dmServer=
 #   genomeSpace.identityServerUrl=
 # Option to disable .nib directories. If set to "no", the
 # browser will try to use the .2bit file instead of the .nib files, even if
 # they are setup in hgcentral.dbDb and <db>.chromInfo. .nib files can then
 # be deleted from this mirror.
 #   allowNib=no
 # Base Url of links to Encode PDF files
 # When this is set as below, the ENCODE PDF files can be deleted from this 
 # mirror. They will get loaded from UCSC.
 #   hgEncodeVocabDocBaseUrl=
 # If this option is enabled, the browser CGIs will attempt to generate a an
 # stack traceback on error and dump it to stderr (which is normally captured
 # in the web server error log).  This requires the pstack package to be
 # installed, which is available on for unix and linux systems.  If
 # signalsHandler is enabled, the stack will also be printed when a signal
 # indicates an error occurs.
 #   browser.dumpStack=on
 # log signals
 #   signalsHandler=on
 #  turn on google analytics by setting this key.  This is the identifier
 #	specified by your analytics account
 #  set key for analytics account, used in the getTracker(key) function
 #  analyticsKey=<your analytics key>
 # These settings enable geographic allele frequency images on the 
 # details pages for the HGDP Allele Frequency (hgdpGeo) track.
 # (HGDP = Human Genome Diversity Project)
 # Programs required for per-SNP geographic maps of HGDP population
 # allele frequencies:
 # the RNAplot program from the Vienna RNA package
 # is used for the RNA
 # structure plots on the hgGene page. By default it is searched in the
 # cgi-bin directory itself.
 # rnaPlotPath=/usr/bin/RNAplot
 # The 'dot' program from the graphviz package is used by hgGeneGraph
 # to layout the protein interaction network. We provide a static 
 # binary with the Genome Browser for convenience
 # graphvizPath=ext/dot_static
 # Customize your downloads.server machine name here
 #	This can be used in track html description pages when they use
 #	the variable downloadsServer
 # Also used by Encode tracks
 # downloads.server=<your download server machine>
 # enable user specific javascript
 # browser.javaScriptDir=js/<your logname>
 # enable user specific style directory (CSS files)
 # browser.styleDir=style-public
 # enable user specific style/images directory
 # browser.styleImagesDir=style/images-public
 # enable user specific css file
 # enable user specific trix file for track search tool
 # does substitution on the $db variable
 # browser.trixPath=/gbdb/$db/trackDb.ix
 # Options are abort, warn, log, or none (currently default is warn)
 # domains to whitelist, skip cert checking, space-separated list
 # enable http(s) proxy support in net.c
 # if proxy server needs BASIC authentication
 # if some domain suffixes should not be proxied:,,localhost,
 # enable local file access for custom tracks
 # By default you have to supply http:// URLs for custom track data, e.g. in bigDataUrls
 # With this statement, you can allow loading from local files, as long as the path
 # starts with a specific prefix
 # udc.localDir=/bamFiles
 # deactivate local disk caching
 # The system that loads customTrack and track hubs/assembly hubs (internally called UDC)
 # caches files on local disk in the trash directory. The main disk format in
 # OSX does not have the functionality needed ("sparse files"), so you can
 # switch off this cache.
 # udc.useLocalDiskCache=off
 # Directory to find CRAM reference sequences in.  If a CRAM reference sequence
 # is not found in this directory, a request file containing the URL to fetch
 # the sequence will be created in a subdirectory named "pending".  A
 # subdirectory named "error" will be checked for error messages related to
 # the fetch of reference sequences.
 # cramRef=/cramFiles
 # Database profiles
 #   The dbProfile facility provides a limited mechanism for access tracks from
 # multiple database servers.  This is particularly useful when a mirror server
 # contains the majority of the track data needs to be shared by multiple
 # groups with a small number of locally produced tracks that they the need to
 # keep isolated from the other groups.  A dbProfile associates a MySQL host,
 # user, and password with a dbProfile name.  To define a dbProfile named
 # myProfile, define the hg.conf variables:
 #    myProfile.user
 #    myProfile.password
 # The default profile is named `db', and is defined by the `db.*' variables
 # described above.  The `customTracks.*' and `central.*' variables also define
 # profiles.
 # Profiles can be associated with an entire genome databases or some types of
 # tables.  To associate database myGenome with myProfile, define the
 # variable:
 #     myGenome.profile=myProfile
 # A dbProfile may be associated with a trackDb/hgFindSpec table pair or a grp
 # table as described in the `db.trackDb' and `db.grp' variables above.  To
 # associate a particular track table, specify the "dbProfile" setting in the
 # trackDb entry:
 #    track myTrack
 #    ...
 #    dbProfile myProfile
 # Note that dbProfile only works on a small number of track types and is not
 # well tested.  In general, the dbProfile facility has not been widely use and
 # may still contain bugs.  The recommended approach for setting up a
 # remote/local server pair is to use the default profile for the remote server
 # with the majority of tracks, and use a non-default profile for local tracks
 # and trackDb tables.  A common configuration would be:
 # Track Data Hub related conf variables
 # email address that appears in the hgHubConnect CGI
 # to use something other than "hubPublic" for the hubPublic table
 # to use something other than "hubStatus" for the hubStatus table
 # time in seconds to wait before re-trying a hub with error status
 # default is 30 minutes (1800 seconds)
 # Directory where a static cache of public hub files exists to
 # support hub search.
 # Log visible tracks to error_log
 # trackLog=on
 # warning: this can greatly increase the size of your apache error_log
 # Display phylogenetic tree in hgGateway (URL relative to cgi-bin)
 # hgGateway.dbDbTaxonomy=../js/dbDbTaxonomy.js
 # Configuration options for creating session thumbnails:
 # System path from cgi-bin to an alternate directory to store
 # thumbnails (default is ../trash/hgPS).
 # Path from cgi-bin to the thumbnail directory as seen from
 # the web (default is ../trash/hgPS).
 # System path to Imagemagick convert executable, in case it's not
 # in Apache's path.
 # Suppress creation of thumbnails and associated warnings.  Must
 # be set to "on" to disable thumbnail creation.
 # deactivate the hgMirror CGI on this machine
 # hgMirror is currently only supported on the GBIB VirtualMachine
 # default is 0
 # allowHgMirror=1
 # use 2bit files instead of nib. This is only relevant in failover mode
 # e.g. on GBIB/GBIC on-line modes.  and for very old assemblies. 
 # Only the assemblies dm1, cb1, hg16, and sacCer1 default to using .nib
 # files. Default is no.
 # forceTwoBit=yes
 # Turn off option to save blat results as a custom track. Default is on.
 # useBlatBigPsl=off
 # number of sequences allowed to submit to on-line blat, default is 25
 # hgBlat.maxSequenceCount=25
 # use a database other than hgFixed for the location of genbank table like gbCdnaInfo
 # genbankDb=hgFixed
 # use a table other than clade to hold the mappings from clades to their labels
 # cladeTableName=clade
 # use a table other than genomeClade to hold the mappings from genome to clade
 # genomeCladeTableName=genomeClade
 # use a table other than defaultDb to hold the default assembly for a genome
 # defaultDbTableName=defaultDb
 # use a table other than dbDb to describe attributes of installed assemblies
 # dbDbTableName=dbDb
 # use a table other than userDb to describe the user database
 # userDbTableName=userDb
 # put error lines from warnings about bigBeds in the apache error_log
 # bigWarn=on
 # specify the root directory for a CGI to use instead of the directory the script lives in
 # browser.cgiRoot=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
 # Limit the number of bytes that the custom track loader for MAF or VCF track will read in
 # customTracks.maxBytes=52428800
 # Allows hgHubConnect to run hubCheck and present a tree of errors or the overall hub
 # layout. Requires the hubCheck program to be present in the loader directory.
 # On by default but can be turned off with this setting
 # hgHubConnect.validateHub=off
 ### mouseOverEnabled turns on display of data values in mouse over of a wiggle
 ### track.  It is on by default.  Can be turned off with this off setting:
 # mouseOverEnabled=off
 # Move the multi region button in hgTracks from below the browser image to beside the position box
 # multiRegionButtonTop=on/off
 # Turn on the cart rewrite feature
 # cartVersion=on/off
 # Provides support for svgBarCharts in hgc. Needed for certain bar chart hgc images to display
 # svgBarChart=on/off 
 # show a link on hgTracks at the top-right
 #surveyLabel=Link to some Unix company
 # Like the above, but not in yellow and just for a database
 #wuhCor1_TopLinkLabel=Quick start guide
 # Similar to a survey link, but you can add a piece of html and configure everything yourself
 #hgTracksNoteHtml=<span style="color:yellow">Some text</span>
 # Configure a program to resolve cloud URLs to HTTP URLs.  See mirrorManual.txt for details.
 #resolvCmd=/var/www/tools/urlResolver /var/www/tools/config
 # user-specific CSS files that can be activated via the configuration menu.
 # Not active on our main site and still under development
 # The format is browser.theme.<numberForSorting>.<labelUnderscoresAreSpaces>=<filenameInStyleDirectory>
 # A filename of "<>" means "no file", just the default CSS settings.
+# print the javascript includes to the following external javascript libraries that allow
+# the interactive tutorial to work:
+# Having this variable off will cause the files to not be included and so the tutorial link
+# in the help menu won't work