  Thu Jun 20 14:20:02 2024 -0700
Switching Track search page, Get DNA page, hgBlat, hgSession, hgPcr, and hgCustom buttons to sentence case, refs #25787

diff --git src/hg/inc/customTrack.h src/hg/inc/customTrack.h
index a4804fc..8e365e7 100644
--- src/hg/inc/customTrack.h
+++ src/hg/inc/customTrack.h
@@ -1,200 +1,200 @@
 /* Data structure for dealing with custom tracks in the browser. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #ifndef BED_H
 #include "bed.h"
 #ifndef TRACKDB_H
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #define CT_PREFIX       "ct_"
 #define CT_FILE_VAR_PREFIX       "ctfile_"
 #define CT_DEFAULT_TRACK_NAME    "User Track"
 #define CT_DEFAULT_TRACK_DESCR   "User Supplied Track"
-#define CT_MANAGE_BUTTON_LABEL   "manage custom tracks"
+#define CT_MANAGE_BUTTON_LABEL   "Manage custom tracks"
 #define CT_ADD_BUTTON_LABEL      "Add custom tracks"
 /* setting used when creating custom tracks in table browser -- indicates
  * custom track file in trash has not been through the factory parser */
 #define CT_UNPARSED              "unparsed"
 /* TODO: Remove this when hgCustom is ready for release. This cart variable is
  * only used to preserve old behavior during testing */
 struct customTrack
 /* A custom track.  */
 /* NOTE: if you add any trash-stored *File members to struct customTrack, please make sure they
  * appear in the ctfile track line, or add it to stealthFiles in hgSession/sessionData.c. */
     struct customTrack *next;	/* Next in list. */
     struct trackDb *tdb;	/* TrackDb description of track. */
     char *genomeDb;             /* Genome database the track is associated */
     struct bed *bedList;	/* List of beds. */
     int fieldCount;		/* Number of fields in bed. */
     int maxChromName;		/* max chromName length	*/
     boolean needsLift;		/* True if coordinates need lifting. */
     boolean fromPsl;		/* Track was derived from psl file. */
     boolean wiggle;		/* This is a wiggle track */
     boolean dbTrack;		/* This track is in the trash database */
     char *dbTableName;		/* name of table in trash database */
     char *dbTrackType;		/* type of data in this db table */
     boolean dbDataLoad;		/* FALSE == failed loading */
     char *dbStderrFile;		/* trash file to receive stderr of loaders */
     char *wigFile;		/* name of .wig file in trash */
     char *wibFile;		/* name of .wib file in trash */
     char *wigAscii;		/* wiggle ascii data file name in trash .wia */
     char *htmlFile;             /* name of .html file in trash */
     struct gffFile *gffHelper;	/* Used while processing GFF files. */
     int offset;			/* Base offset. */
     char *groupName;		/* Group name if any. */
     struct bbiFile *bbiFile;	/* Handle for bigWig/bigBed file. */
     char *networkErrMsg;        /* Network error message */
     char *progressFile;         /* name of download progress file in trash */
 /* cart/cgi variables */
 #define CT_CUSTOM_TEXT_VAR      "hgt.customText"
     /* alternate variable, compatible with javascript */
 #define CT_CUSTOM_TEXT_ALT_VAR  "hgct_customText"
 #define CT_CUSTOM_FILE_VAR      "hgt.customFile"
 #define CT_CUSTOM_FILE_NAME_VAR "hgt.customFile__filename"
 #define CT_CUSTOM_DOC_TEXT_VAR  "hgct_docText"
 #define CT_CUSTOM_DOC_FILE_VAR  "hgct_docFile"
 #define CT_CUSTOM_DOC_FILE_NAME_VAR "hgct_docFile__filename"
 #define CT_DO_REMOVE_VAR        "hgct_doRemoveCustomTrack"
 #define CT_SELECTED_TABLE_VAR   "hgct_table"
 #define CT_UPDATED_TABLE_VAR    "hgct_updatedTable"
 struct customTrack *customTracksParseCart(char *genomeDb, struct cart *cart,
 					  struct slName **retBrowserLines,
 					  char **retCtFileName);
 /* Parse custom tracks from cart */
 /* Another method of creating customTracks is customFactoryParse. */
 struct customTrack *customTracksParseCartDetailed(char *genomeDb, struct cart *cart,
 					  struct slName **retBrowserLines,
 					  char **retCtFileName,
                                           struct customTrack **retReplacedCts,
                                           int *retNumAdded,
                                           char **retErr,
                                           boolean *retWarnOnly);
 /* Figure out from cart variables where to get custom track text/file.
  * Parse text/file into a custom set of tracks.  Lift if necessary.
  * If retBrowserLines is non-null then it will return a list of lines
  * starting with the word "browser".  If retCtFileName is non-null then
  * it will return the custom track filename.  If any existing custom tracks
  * are replaced with new versions, they are included in replacedCts.
  * If there is a syntax error in the custom track this will report the
  * error, clear the custom track from the cart,  and return NULL.  It
  * will also leak memory. */
 void customTracksSaveCart(char *genomeDb, struct cart *cart, struct customTrack *ctList);
 /* Save custom tracks to trash file for database in cart */
 void customTracksSaveFile(char *genomeDb, struct customTrack *trackList, char *fileName);
 /* Save out custom tracks. This is just used by internally  */
 char *customTrackFileVar(char *database);
 /* return CGI var name containing custom track filename for a database */
 void customTrackLift(struct customTrack *trackList, struct hash *ctgPosHash);
 /* Lift tracks based on hash of ctgPos. */
 boolean customTrackNeedsLift(struct customTrack *trackList);
 /* Return TRUE if any track in list needs a lift. */
 char *customTrackTableFromLabel(char *label);
 /* Convert custom track short label to table name. */
 #define CUSTOM_TRASH	"customTrash"
 /*	custom tracks database name	*/
 #define CUSTOM_TRACKS_PROFILE	"customTracks"
 /*	custom tracks database profile	*/
 #define CT_META_INFO	"metaInfo"
 /*	table name in customTrash for last accessed memory and other data */
 #define CT_EXTFILE	"extFile"
 /*      table with references to external files  */
 void ctTouchLastUse(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 	boolean status);
 /* for status==TRUE - update metaInfo information for table
  * for status==FALSE - delete entry for table from metaInfo table
 boolean verifyWibExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table);
 /* given a ct database wiggle table, see if the wib file is there */
 boolean ctDbTableExists(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table);
 /* verify if custom trash db table exists, touch access stats */
 boolean ctDbUseAll();
 /* check if hg.conf says to try DB loaders for all incoming data tracks */
 void ctAddToSettings(struct customTrack *ct, char *name, char *val);
 /*	add a variable to tdb settings */
 void ctRemoveFromSettings(struct customTrack *ct, char *name);
 /*	remove a variable from tdb settings */
 struct trackDb *customTrackTdbDefault();
 /* Return default custom table: black, dense, etc. */
 boolean isCustomTrack(char *track);
 /* determine if track name refers to a custom track */
 char* customTrackTypeFromBigFile(char *fileName);
 /* return most likely type for a file name or NULL, has
  * to be freed */
 boolean customTrackIsBigData(char *fileName);
 /* return TRUE if fileName has a suffix that we
  * recognize as a bigDataUrl track type. */
 boolean customTrackIsCompressed(char *fileName);
 /* test for file suffix indicating compression */
 void  customTrackDump(struct customTrack *track);
 /* Write out info on custom track to stdout */
 struct customTrack *customTrackAddToList(struct customTrack *ctList,
                                          struct customTrack *addCts,
                                          struct customTrack **retReplacedCts,
                                          boolean makeDefaultUnique);
 /* add new tracks to the custom track list, removing older versions,
  * and saving the replaced tracks in a list for the caller */
 void customTrackHandleLift(char *db, struct customTrack *ctList);
 /* lift any tracks with contig coords */
 boolean customTracksExistDb(struct cart *cart, char *db, char **retCtFileName);
 /* determine if there are any custom tracks for db.  Cleanup from expired tracks */
 boolean customTracksExist(struct cart *cart, char **retCtFileName);
 /* determine if there are any custom tracks.  Cleanup from expired tracks */
 boolean ctConfigUpdate(char *filename);
 /* CT update is needed if database has been enabled since
  * the custom tracks in this file were created.  The only way to check is
  * by file mod time, unless we add the enable time to
  * browser metadata somewhere */
 struct customTrack *ctFind(struct customTrack *ctList,char *name);
 /* Find named custom track. */