  Mon Jun 17 12:55:03 2024 -0700
allow list functions to work on a genark genome without hubUrl specified no redmine

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/list.c src/hg/hubApi/list.c
index cfe6829..9754953 100644
--- src/hg/hubApi/list.c
+++ src/hg/hubApi/list.c
@@ -1,1237 +1,1252 @@
 /* manage endpoint /list/ functions */
 #include "dataApi.h"
 #include "bamFile.h"
 #include "htslib/tbx.h"
 static void hubPublicJsonData(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct hubPublic *el,
   int columnCount, char **columnNames)
 /* Print array data for one row from hubPublic table, order here
  * must be same as was stated in the columnName header element
  * This code should be in hg/lib/hubPublic.c (which does not exist)
 int i = 0;
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->shortLabel);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->longLabel);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->registrationTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->dbCount);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->dbList);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->descriptionUrl);
 static void jsonPublicHubs()
 /* output the hubPublic SQL table */
 char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListPublicHubs); /* no extras allowed */
 if (extraArgs)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/publicHubs '%s'", extraArgs);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, hubPublicTableName());
 time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
 struct hubPublic *el = hubPublicDbLoadAll();
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
 // redundant: jsonWriteString(jw, "tableName", hubPublicTableName());
 char **columnNames = NULL;
 char **columnTypes = NULL;
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 int columnCount = tableColumns(conn, hubPublicTableName(), &columnNames,
     &columnTypes, &jsonTypes);
 jsonWriteListStart(jw, "publicHubs");
 for ( ; el != NULL; el = el->next )
     hubPublicJsonData(jw, el, columnCount, columnNames);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 static void genArkJsonData(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct genark *el,
     int columnCount, char **columnNames)
 /* Print out genark table element in JSON format.
  * must be same as was stated in the columnName header element
 int i = 0;
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, el->gcAccession);
 // redundant: jsonWriteString(jw, NULL, el->gcAccession);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->asmName);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->scientificName);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->commonName);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->taxId);
 static void dbDbJsonData(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct dbDb *el,
     int columnCount, char **columnNames)
 /* Print out dbDb table element in JSON format.
  * must be same as was stated in the columnName header element
  * This code should be over in hg/lib/dbDb.c
 int i = 0;
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, el->name);
 // redundant: jsonWriteString(jw, NULL, el->name);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->description);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->nibPath);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->organism);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->defaultPos);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->active);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->orderKey);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->genome);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->scientificName);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->htmlPath);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->hgNearOk);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->hgPbOk);
 jsonWriteString(jw, columnNames[i++], el->sourceName);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, columnNames[i++], (long long)el->taxId);
 static void jsonDbDb()
 /* output the dbDb SQL table */
 char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListUcscGenomes); /* no extras allowed */
 if (extraArgs)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/ucscGenomes '%s'", extraArgs);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, "dbDb");
 time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
 struct dbDb *dbList = ucscDbDb();
 struct dbDb *el;
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
 char **columnNames = NULL;
 char **columnTypes = NULL;
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 int columnCount = tableColumns(conn, "dbDb", &columnNames, &columnTypes,
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "ucscGenomes");
 for ( el=dbList; el != NULL; el = el->next )
     dbDbJsonData(jw, el, columnCount, columnNames);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 static void jsonGenArk()
 /* output the genark.hgcentral SQL table */
 char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListGenarkGenomes); /* no extras allowed */
 if (extraArgs)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/genark '%s'", extraArgs);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char *genArkTable = genarkTableName();
 char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, genArkTable);
 time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
 long long genArkCount = genArkSize();
 char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
 struct genark *list = genArkList(genome);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 if (genome && slCount(list) < 1)
     apiErrAbort(err404, err404Msg, "genome '%s' not found", genome);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
 char *hubPrefix = cfgOption("genarkHubPrefix");
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrlPrefix", hubPrefix);
 char **columnNames = NULL;
 char **columnTypes = NULL;
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 int columnCount = tableColumns(conn, genArkTable, &columnNames, &columnTypes,
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "genarkGenomes");
 struct genark *el;
 for ( el=list; el != NULL; el = el->next )
     genArkJsonData(jw, el, columnCount, columnNames);
 long long itemCount = slCount(list);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "totalAssemblies", genArkCount);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "itemsReturned", itemCount);
 if (!genome && (genArkCount > itemCount))
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "maxItemsLimit", TRUE);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 static void bigFileChromInfoOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw,
     struct trackDb *thisTrack, char *bigDataUrl)
 /* output the chromosome list for the bigDataUrl file */
 struct bbiFile *bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
 struct bbiChromInfo *chrList = bbiChromList(bbi);
 slSort(chrList, chromInfoCmp);
 struct bbiChromInfo *el = chrList;
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(chrList));
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "chromosomes");
 for ( ; el; el = el->next )
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, el->name, (long long)el->size);
 jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw);	/* chromosomes */
 static void hubChromInfoJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *hubUrl, char *genome)
 /* for given hubUrl list the chromosomes in the sequence for specified genome
 struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *ge = NULL;
 char *track = cgiOptionalString("track");
 if (isEmpty(genome))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must specify a 'genome=name' with hubUrl for endpoint: /list/chromosomes?hubUrl=%s;genome=<empty>", hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *foundGenome = NULL;
 for (ge = hub->genomeList; ge; ge = ge->next)
     if (sameOk(genome, ge->name))
 	foundGenome = ge;
 	continue;	/* found genome */
 if (NULL == foundGenome)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified 'genome=%s' for endpoint: /list/chromosomes?hubUrl=%s;genome=%s", genome, hubUrl, genome);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
 if (isNotEmpty(track))
     jsonWriteString(jw, "track", track);
     struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(foundGenome, NULL);
     if (NULL == tdb)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find a track hub definition in genome=%s for endpoint '/list/chromosomes' given hubUrl=%s'", genome, hubUrl);
     struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(track, tdb);
     if (NULL == thisTrack)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/list/chromosomes'  given hubUrl='%s'", track, genome, hubUrl);
     char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl");
     bigFileChromInfoOutput(jw, thisTrack, bigDataUrl);
     struct chromInfo *ci = NULL;
     /* might be a track hub on a UCSC database */
     if (isEmpty(foundGenome->twoBitPath))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(foundGenome->trackHub->defaultDb);
 	if (NULL == conn)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/chromosomes", foundGenome->trackHub->defaultDb);
 	ci = createChromInfoList(NULL, foundGenome->trackHub->defaultDb);
 	ci = trackHubAllChromInfo(foundGenome->name);
     slSort(ci, chromInfoCmp);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(ci));
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "chromosomes");
     struct chromInfo *el = ci;
     for ( ; el != NULL; el = el->next )
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, el->chrom, (long long)el->size);
     jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw);	/* chromosomes */
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 static char *validChromName(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *db, char *table,
    char **splitTableName, struct hTableInfo **tableInfo)
 /* determine what the 'chrom' name should be for this table (aka track)
  * this function could be used in getData() also TBD
 static char *returnChrom = NULL;
 /* to be determined if this table name is used or is some other name */
 char *sqlTableName = cloneString(table);
 /* 'track' name in trackDb usually refers to a SQL 'table' */
 struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(NULL, db);
 struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(table,tdb);
 /* thisTrack can be NULL at this time, taken care of later */
 if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container for data access", table);
 if (thisTrack && ! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type))
     apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, table);
 /* however, the trackDb might have a specific table defined instead */
 char *tableName = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "table");
 if (isNotEmpty(tableName))
     sqlTableName = cloneString(tableName);
 /* this function knows how to deal with split chromosomes, the NULL
  * here for the chrom name means to use the first chrom name in chromInfo
 struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTableName);
 *tableInfo = hti;	/* returning to caller */
 /* check if table name needs to be modified */
 if (hti && hti->isSplit)
     char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db);
     char fullTableName[256];
     safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName);
     sqlTableName = cloneString(fullTableName);
     *splitTableName = cloneString(fullTableName);	/* return to caller */
     *splitTableName = sqlTableName;	/* return to caller */
 if (! sqlTableExists(conn, sqlTableName))
     returnChrom = NULL;
 /* may need to extend this in the future for other track types */
 else if (sqlColumnExists(conn, sqlTableName, "chrom"))	/* standard bed tables */
     returnChrom = cloneString("chrom");
 else if (sqlColumnExists(conn, sqlTableName, "tName"))	/* track type psl */
     returnChrom = cloneString("tName");
 else if (sqlColumnExists(conn, sqlTableName, "genoName"))	/* track type rmsk */
     returnChrom = cloneString("genoName");
 return returnChrom;
 }	/*	static char *validChromName() */
 static long long bbiItemCount(char *bigDataUrl, char *type, char *indexFileOrUrl)
 /* check the bigDataUrl to see what the itemCount is there */
 long long itemCount = 0;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     if (allowedBigBedType(type))
         struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
         bbi = bigBedFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
         itemCount = bigBedItemCount(bbi);
     else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", type))
         struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(bigDataUrl);
         struct bbiSummaryElement sum = bbiTotalSummary(bwf);
         itemCount = sum.validCount;
     else if (sameString("bam", type))
         itemCount = bamFileItemCount(bigDataUrl, indexFileOrUrl);
     else if (sameString("vcfTabix", type))
         itemCount = vcfTabixItemCount(bigDataUrl, indexFileOrUrl);
 if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
     fprintf(stderr, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
 return itemCount;
 static void outputTrackDbVars(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *db, struct trackDb *tdb,
     long long itemCount)
 /* JSON output the fundamental trackDb variables */
 if (NULL == tdb)	/* might not be any trackDb */
 boolean isContainer = tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb);
 boolean protectedData = FALSE;
 protectedData = protectedTrack(db, tdb, tdb->track);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "shortLabel", tdb->shortLabel);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "type", tdb->type);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "longLabel", tdb->longLabel);
 if (! isContainer && (itemCount > 0))	/* containers do not have items to count and if itemCount == -1 we didn't count */
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "itemCount", itemCount);
 if (tdb->parent)
     jsonWriteString(jw, "parent", tdb->parent->track);
     if (tdb->parent->parent)
         jsonWriteString(jw, "parentParent", tdb->parent->parent->track);
 if (tdb->settingsHash)
     struct hashEl *hel;
     struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
     while ((hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)
         if (sameWord("track", hel->name))
             continue;	// already output in header
         if (sameWord("tableBrowser", hel->name)
 		&& startsWithWord("off", (char*)hel->val))
             jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "protectedData", TRUE);
         else if (isEmpty((char *)hel->val))
             jsonWriteString(jw, hel->name, "empty");
         else if (protectedData && sameWord(hel->name, "bigDataUrl"))
             jsonWriteString(jw, hel->name, "protectedData");
             jsonWriteString(jw, hel->name, (char *)hel->val);
 static void hubSchemaJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *hubUrl, char *genome, char *track)
 /* for given hubUrl and track, output the schema for the hub track */
 struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *ge = NULL;
 if (isEmpty(genome))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must specify a 'genome=name' with hubUrl for endpoint: /list/schema?hubUrl=%s;genome=<empty>", hubUrl);
 struct trackHubGenome *foundGenome = NULL;
 for (ge = hub->genomeList; ge; ge = ge->next)
     if (sameOk(genome, ge->name))
 	foundGenome = ge;
 	continue;	/* found genome */
 if (NULL == foundGenome)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified 'genome=%s' for endpoint: /list/schema?hubUrl=%s;genome=%s", genome, hubUrl, genome);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "track", track);
 struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(foundGenome, NULL);
 if (NULL == tdb)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find a track hub definition in genome=%s track=%s for endpoint '/list/schema' given hubUrl=%s'", genome, track, hubUrl);
 struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(track, tdb);
 if (NULL == thisTrack)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/list/schema'  given hubUrl='%s'", track, genome, hubUrl);
 char *bigDataUrl = hReplaceGbdb(trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl"));
 if (NULL == bigDataUrl)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find bigDataUrl for specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/list/schema'  given hubUrl='%s'", track, genome, hubUrl);
 char *indexFileOrUrl = hReplaceGbdb(trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataIndex"));
 struct bbiFile *bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
 long long itemCount = bbiItemCount(bigDataUrl, thisTrack->type, indexFileOrUrl);
 outputTrackDbVars(jw, genome, thisTrack, itemCount);
 struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi);
 if (! as)
     apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome: '%s' for endpoint '/list/schema' given hubUrl='%s'", bigDataUrl, track, genome, hubUrl);
 struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
 bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 }	/* static void hubSchemaJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *hubUrl,
 	 *	char *genome, char *track) */
 static char *bigDataUrlFromTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
 /* perhaps there is a bigDataUrl in a database table */
 char *bigDataUrl = NULL;
 char query[4096];
 char quickReturn[2048];
 if (sqlColumnExists(conn, table, "fileName"))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select fileName from %s", table);
     if (sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, quickReturn, sizeof(quickReturn)))
 	bigDataUrl = hReplaceGbdb(cloneString(quickReturn));
 return bigDataUrl;
 static void schemaJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *db, char *track)
 /* for given db and track, output the schema for the associated table */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
 if (NULL == conn)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/schema", db);
 struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(NULL, db);
 struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(track, tdb);
 if (NULL == thisTrack)	/* OK to work with tables without trackDb definitions */
     if (! sqlTableExists(conn, track))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/list/schema'", track, db);
 else if ( ! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type))
     apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, track);
 if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack))
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container for data access", track);
 /* might be a table that points to a big* file
  * or is just a bigDataUrl without any table
 char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl");
 char *sqlTableName = cloneString(track);
 /* the trackDb might have a specific table defined instead */
 char *tableName = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "table");
 if (isNotEmpty(tableName))
     sqlTableName = cloneString(tableName);
 /* this function knows how to deal with split chromosomes, the NULL
  * here for the chrom name means to use the first chrom name in chromInfo
 struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTableName);
 /* check if table name needs to be modified */
 char *splitTableName = NULL;
 if (hti && hti->isSplit)
     char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db);
     char fullTableName[256];
     safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName);
     sqlTableName = cloneString(fullTableName);
     splitTableName = cloneString(fullTableName);
     splitTableName = sqlTableName;
 struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
 if (thisTrack && startsWith("big", thisTrack->type))
     if (isEmpty(bigDataUrl))
         bigDataUrl = bigDataUrlFromTable(conn, splitTableName);
     if (bigDataUrl)
 	bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl);
     if (NULL == bbi)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find bigDataUrl=%s for track=%s type=%s in database=%s for endpoint '/list/schema'", bigDataUrl, track, thisTrack->type, db);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "track", track);
 time_t dataTimeStamp = 0;
 char *dataTime = NULL;
 if (bbi)
     dataTimeStamp = bbiUpdateTime(bbi);
     dataTime = sqlUnixTimeToDate(&dataTimeStamp, FALSE);
     dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, splitTableName);
     dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
 char **columnNames = NULL;
 char **columnTypes = NULL;
 int *jsonTypes = NULL;
 int columnCount = 0;
 struct asObject *as = NULL;
 struct asColumn *columnEl = NULL;
 int asColumnCount = 0;
 long long itemCount = 0;
 if (bbi)
     /* do not show itemCount for protected data */
     if (! protectedTrack(db, thisTrack, track))
 	char *indexFileOrUrl = hReplaceGbdb(trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataIndex"));
 	itemCount = bbiItemCount(bigDataUrl, thisTrack->type, indexFileOrUrl);
     if (startsWith("bigWig", thisTrack->type))
 	as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi);
 	if (! as)
 	    apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome: '%s' for endpoint '/list/schema'", bigDataUrl, track, db);
 	struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
 	bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as);
     columnCount = tableColumns(conn, splitTableName, &columnNames, &columnTypes, &jsonTypes);
     as = asForTable(conn, splitTableName, thisTrack);
     if (! as)
 	apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for table '%s', track=%s genome: '%s' for endpoint '/list/schema'", splitTableName, track, db);
     columnEl = as->columnList;
     asColumnCount = slCount(columnEl);
     /* do not show counts for protected data */
     if (! protectedTrack(db, thisTrack, track))
 	char query[2048];
 	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s", splitTableName);
 	if (hti && hti->isSplit)	/* punting on split table item count */
 	    itemCount = 0;
 	    itemCount = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 if (hti && (hti->isSplit || debug))
     jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "splitTable", hti->isSplit);
 outputSchema(thisTrack, jw, columnNames, columnTypes, jsonTypes, hti,
   columnCount, asColumnCount, columnEl);
 outputTrackDbVars(jw, db, thisTrack, itemCount);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 }	/*	static void schemaJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *db, char *track) */
 /* typical rsync return
 columns: 0              1        2      3         4
 drwxrwxr-x            162 2022/10/18 16:58:16 .
 drwxrwxr-x          4,096 2023/03/27 16:01:41 bigZips
 -r--rw-r--          3,455 2022/08/11 03:26:26 bigZips/GCA_009914755.4_assembly_report.txt
 -rw-rw-r--              0 2022/07/18 12:06:00 bigZips/THIS_IS_GENOME_ASSEMBLY_T2T-CHM13v2.0
 -rw-rw-r--    812,327,608 2022/07/16 14:27:39 bigZips/hs1.2bit
 appears to be a consistent set of columns
 /* might be variable depending upon which server request is coming from */
 #define DOWNLOAD_HOST ""
 static long long rsyncList(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *db, char *downPath, long long *itemsDone, boolean textOut)
 /* rsync listing from hgdownload on the given downPath/db
  *   returning total bytes in the files listing
 long long totalBytes = 0;
 if (*itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput)
     return totalBytes;
 boolean reachedMaxItems = FALSE;
 int index = 3;	/* rsyncCmd[3] == starts out at NULL, will become the
                  *    hgdownload path */
 char *rsyncCmd[] = {"/usr/bin/rsync", "-a", "--list-only", NULL, NULL};
 /* rsyncCmd[4] will remain NULL to terminate the list */
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(128);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "%s::%s/%s/", DOWNLOAD_HOST, downPath, db);
 rsyncCmd[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     struct pipeline *dataPipe = pipelineOpen1(rsyncCmd,
        pipelineRead, "/dev/null", NULL, 0);
     FILE *readingLines = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
     char lineBuf[PATH_MAX + 1024];
     while (! reachedMaxItems && fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), readingLines) != NULL)
         if (startsWith("d", lineBuf))
         *itemsDone += 1;
         if (*itemsDone > maxItemsOutput)
             reachedMaxItems = TRUE;
             char *columns[5];
             (void) chopByWhite(lineBuf, columns, ArraySize(columns));
             stripChar(columns[1], ',');
             long long bytes = sqlLongLong(columns[1]);
             totalBytes += bytes;
             char outString[PATH_MAX + 1024];
             if (textOut)
                 safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "https://%s/%s/%s/%s",
                     DOWNLOAD_HOST, downPath, db, columns[4]);
                 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
                 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "sizeBytes", sqlLongLong(columns[1]));
                safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "%sT%s", columns[2], columns[3]);
                 jsonWriteString(jw, "dateTime", outString);
           safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "%s/%s/%s", downPath, db, columns[4]);
                 jsonWriteString(jw, "url", outString);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find genome='%s' for endpoint '/list/files'", db);
 return totalBytes;
 static void filesJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *genome, boolean textOut)
 /* for given genome, output the URLs to files available on hgdownload
  *   can be a UCSC database genome, or a GenArk hub genome name
 long long itemsReturned = 0;
 boolean genArkHub = FALSE;
 char genArkUrl[PATH_MAX + 1024];
 if ( isGenArk(genome) )
     genArkHub = TRUE;
     safef(genArkUrl, sizeof(genArkUrl), "hubs/%s", genArkPath(genome));
 /* if UCSC genome database, it has already been proven to exist */
 struct jsonWrite *jw = NULL;
 if (textOut)
     char outString[1024];
     safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# genome: %s", genome);
   safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# rsyncHost: rsync://%s", DOWNLOAD_HOST);
     jw = apiStartOutput();
     jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "rsyncHost", "rsync://" DOWNLOAD_HOST);
     jsonWriteListStart(jw, "urlList");
 long long totalBytes = 0;
 if (genArkHub)
     totalBytes = rsyncList(jw, genome, genArkUrl, &itemsReturned, textOut);
     totalBytes = rsyncList(jw, genome, "goldenPath", &itemsReturned, textOut);
     if (itemsReturned < maxItemsOutput)
        totalBytes += rsyncList(jw, genome, "gbdb", &itemsReturned, textOut);
     if (itemsReturned < maxItemsOutput)
        totalBytes += rsyncList(jw, genome, "mysql", &itemsReturned, textOut);
 if (textOut)
     char outString[1024];
     safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# totalBytes: %lld", totalBytes);
     if (itemsReturned > maxItemsOutput)
         safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# maxItemLimit: TRUE");
    safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# itemsReturned: %d", maxItemsOutput);
    safef(outString, sizeof(outString), "# itemsReturned: %lld", itemsReturned);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "totalBytes", totalBytes);
     if (itemsReturned > maxItemsOutput)
 	jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "maxItemsLimit", TRUE);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "itemsReturned", maxItemsOutput);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "itemsReturned", itemsReturned);
     apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 static void chromInfoJsonOutput(FILE *f, char *db)
 /* for given db, if there is a track, list the chromosomes in that track,
  * for no track, simply list the chromosomes in the sequence
 char *splitSqlTable = NULL;
 struct hTableInfo *tableInfo = NULL;
 char *chromName = NULL;
 char *table = cgiOptionalString("track");
 char *bigDataUrl = NULL;
 struct trackDb *thisTrack = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
 if (NULL == conn)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/chromosomes", db);
 if (table)
     chromName = validChromName(conn, db, table, &splitSqlTable, &tableInfo);
 /* given track can't find a chromName, maybe it is a bigDataUrl */
 if (table && ! chromName)
     /* 'track' name in trackDb usually refers to a SQL 'table' */
     struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(NULL, db);
     thisTrack = findTrackDb(table,tdb);
     /* might have a bigDataUrl */
     bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl");
     if (isEmpty(bigDataUrl))
         bigDataUrl = bigDataUrlFromTable(conn, table);
 /* in trackDb language: track == table */
 /* punting on split tables, just return chromInfo */
 if (table && chromName && ! (tableInfo && tableInfo->isSplit) )
     if (! sqlTableExists(conn, splitSqlTable))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified 'track=%s' for endpoint: /list/chromosomes?genome=%s;track=%s", table, db, table);
     if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, chromName))
 	char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, splitSqlTable);
 	time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 	replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
         struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "track", table);
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 	jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
         struct slPair *list = NULL;
 	char query[2048];
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct %s from %s", chromName, splitSqlTable);
 	struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 	char **row;
 	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
             int size = hChromSize(db, row[0]);
 	    slAddHead(&list, slPairNew(row[0], intToPt(size)));
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(list));
 	jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "chromosomes");
         struct slPair *el = list;
         for ( ; el != NULL; el = el->next )
             jsonWriteNumber(jw, el->name, (long long)ptToInt(el->val));
 	jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw);	/* chromosomes */
 	apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request table without chrom specification, genome: '%s'", table, db);
 else if (bigDataUrl)
     struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
     jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "track", table);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "bigDataUrl", bigDataUrl);
     bigFileChromInfoOutput(jw, thisTrack, bigDataUrl);
     apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 else if (table && !chromName)	/* only allowing position tables at this time */
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request table without chrom specification, genome: '%s'", table, db);
     char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, "chromInfo");
     time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
     replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
     struct chromInfo *ciList = createChromInfoList(NULL, db);
     slSort(ciList, chromInfoCmp);
     struct chromInfo *el = ciList;
     struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
     jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
     if (tableInfo && tableInfo->isSplit)	/* the split table punt */
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "track", table);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
     jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(ciList));
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "chromosomes");
     for ( ; el != NULL; el = el->next )
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, el->chrom, (long long)el->size);
     jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw);	/* chromosomes */
     apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 #ifdef NOTUSED
 static long long bbiTableItemCount(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *type, char *tableName)
 /* Given a tableName that has a fileName column pointing to big*, bam or vcfTabix files, return the
  * total itemCount from all rows (BAM and VCF tables may have one row per chrom). */
 long long itemCount = 0;
 char query[2048];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select fileName from %s", tableName);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     itemCount += bbiItemCount(hReplaceGbdb(row[0]), type, NULL);
 return itemCount;
 static long long dataItemCount(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* determine how many items are in this data set */
 long long itemCount = 0;
 if (trackHasNoData(tdb))	/* container 'tracks' have no data items */
     return itemCount;
 if (protectedTrack(db, tdb, tdb->track))	/*	private data */
     return itemCount;
 if (sameWord("downloadsOnly", tdb->type))
     return itemCount;
 char *bigDataUrl = hReplaceGbdb(trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl"));
 if (isNotEmpty(bigDataUrl))
     char *indexFileOrUrl = hReplaceGbdb(trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataIndex"));
     itemCount = bbiItemCount(bigDataUrl, tdb->type, indexFileOrUrl);
     /* prepare for getting table row count, find table name */
     /* the trackDb might have a specific table defined */
     char *tableName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "table");
     if (isEmpty(tableName))
 	tableName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "track");
     if (isNotEmpty(tableName))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
 	if (conn)
             if ((startsWith("big", tdb->type) ||
                  sameString("vcfTabix", tdb->type) || sameString("bam", tdb->type)) &&
                 sqlColumnExists(conn, tableName, "fileName"))
                 itemCount = bbiTableItemCount(conn, tdb->type, tableName);
                 /* punting on split tables, return zero */
                 struct hTableInfo *hti =
                     hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, tableName);
                 if (!hti || hti->isSplit)
                     itemCount = 0;
                     char query[2048];
                     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s", tableName);
                     itemCount = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 return itemCount;
 }	/*	static long long dataItemCount(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb) */
 static void recursiveTrackList(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct trackDb *tdb,
     char *db)
 /* output trackDb tags only for real tracks, not containers,
  * recursive when subtracks exist
 boolean isContainer = trackHasNoData(tdb);
 /* do *NOT* print containers when 'trackLeavesOnly' requested */
 if (! (trackLeavesOnly && isContainer) )
 #ifdef NOTNOW
     long long itemCount = 0;
     /* do not show counts for protected data or continers (== no items)*/
     if (! (isContainer || protectedTrack(db, tdb, tdb->track)))
 	itemCount = dataItemCount(db, tdb);
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, tdb->track);
     if (tdbIsComposite(tdb))
         jsonWriteString(jw, "compositeContainer", "TRUE");
     if (tdbIsCompositeView(tdb))
         jsonWriteString(jw, "compositeViewContainer", "TRUE");
     outputTrackDbVars(jw, db, tdb, -1);
     if (tdb->subtracks)
 	struct trackDb *el = NULL;
 	for (el = tdb->subtracks; el != NULL; el = el->next )
 	    recursiveTrackList(jw, el, db);
 else if (tdb->subtracks)
     struct trackDb *el = NULL;
     for (el = tdb->subtracks; el != NULL; el = el->next )
 	recursiveTrackList(jw, el, db);
 }	/*	static void recursiveTrackList()	*/
 static void trackDbJsonOutput(char *db, FILE *f)
 /* return track list from specified UCSC database name */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
 if (NULL == conn)
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/tracks", db);
 char *dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, "trackDb");
 time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime);
 replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T');	/* ISO 8601 */
 struct trackDb *tdbList = obtainTdb(NULL, db);
 struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp);
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, db);
 struct trackDb *el = NULL;
 for (el = tdbList; el != NULL; el = el->next )
     recursiveTrackList(jw, el, db);
 apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 }	/*	static void trackDbJsonOutput(char *db, FILE *f)	*/
 void apiList(char *words[MAX_PATH_INFO])
 /* 'list' function words[1] is the subCommand */
 if (sameWord("publicHubs", words[1]))
 else if (sameWord("ucscGenomes", words[1]))
 else if (sameWord("genarkGenomes", words[1]))
 else if (sameWord("hubGenomes", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListHubGenomes); /* only one allowed */
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/hubGenomes '%s'", extraArgs);
     char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl");
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply hubUrl='http:...' some URL to a hub for /list/hubGenomes");
     struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
     if (hub->genomeList)
 	slNameSort((struct slName **)&hub->genomeList);
         struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
 	jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "genomes");
 	struct trackHubGenome *el;
         for ( el = hub->genomeList; el; el = el->next)
 	    jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, el->name);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "organism", el->organism);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "description", el->description);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "trackDbFile", el->trackDbFile);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "twoBitPath", el->twoBitPath);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "groups", el->groups);
 	    jsonWriteString(jw, "defaultPos", el->defaultPos);
 	    jsonWriteNumber(jw, "orderKey", el->orderKey);
 	apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 else if (sameWord("tracks", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListTracks);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/tracks '%s'", extraArgs);
     char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl");
     char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
     char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome");
+    /* allow a GCx genome specified without hubUrl for GenArk genomes */
+    if (isEmpty(hubUrl)  && isNotEmpty(genome) && isGenArk(genome))
+	{
+	hubUrl = genArkHubTxt(genome);
+	}
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isNotEmpty(db))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
         if (NULL == conn)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/tracks", db);
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isEmpty(db))
       apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing hubUrl or genome name for endpoint /list/tracks");
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl))	// missing hubUrl implies UCSC database
         trackDbJsonOutput(db, stdout);	// only need db for this function
     if (isEmpty(genome) || isEmpty(hubUrl))
         if (isEmpty(genome))
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply genome='someName' the name of a genome in a hub for /list/tracks\n");
 	if (isEmpty(hubUrl))
             apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply hubUrl='http:...' some URL to a hub for /list/tracks");
     struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl);
     struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = findHubGenome(hub, genome,
 	"/list/tracks", hubUrl);
     struct trackDb *tdbList = obtainTdb(hubGenome, NULL);
     struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput();
     jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, hubGenome->name);
     struct trackDb *el = NULL;
     for (el = tdbList; el != NULL; el = el->next )
 	    recursiveTrackList(jw, el, db);
     apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw);
 else if (sameWord("chromosomes", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListChromosomes);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/chromosomes '%s'", extraArgs);
     char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl");
     char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
     char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome");
+    /* allow a GCx genome specified without hubUrl for GenArk genomes */
+    if (isEmpty(hubUrl)  && isNotEmpty(genome) && isGenArk(genome))
+	{
+	hubUrl = genArkHubTxt(genome);
+	}
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isNotEmpty(db))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
         if (NULL == conn)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/chromosomes", db);
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isEmpty(db))
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply hubUrl or genome name for endpoint '/list/chromosomes", hubUrl, db);
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl))	// missing hubUrl implies UCSC database
         chromInfoJsonOutput(stdout, db);
         hubChromInfoJsonOutput(stdout, hubUrl, genome);
 else if (sameWord("schema", words[1]))
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListSchema);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/schema '%s'", extraArgs);
     char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl");
     char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
     char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome");
     char *track = cgiOptionalString("track");
+    /* allow a GCx genome specified without hubUrl for GenArk genomes */
+    if (isEmpty(hubUrl)  && isNotEmpty(genome) && isGenArk(genome))
+	{
+	hubUrl = genArkHubTxt(genome);
+	}
     if (isEmpty(track))
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing track=<name> for endpoint '/list/schema'");
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isNotEmpty(db))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db);
         if (NULL == conn)
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/list/schema", db);
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isEmpty(db))
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply hubUrl or genome name for endpoint '/list/schema", hubUrl, db);
     if (isEmpty(hubUrl))	// missing hubUrl implies UCSC database
         schemaJsonOutput(stdout, db, track);
         hubSchemaJsonOutput(stdout, hubUrl, genome, track);
 else if (sameWord("files", words[1]))
     boolean textOut = FALSE;
     char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argListFiles);
     if (extraArgs)
 	apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /list/files '%s', only 'genome' and 'format' is allowed.", extraArgs);
     char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome");
     char *format = cgiOptionalString("format");
     if (isEmpty(genome))
         apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "must supply a genome name for endpoint '/list/files' (a database name or GenArk genome name, e.g.: 'hg38' or 'GCA_021951015.1'");
     if (isNotEmpty(format))
 	if (sameWord("text", format))
 	    textOut = TRUE;
 	    apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "only format=text allowed for endpoint '/list/files', found: format=%s", format);
     filesJsonOutput(stdout, genome, textOut);
     apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "do not recognize endpoint function: '/%s/%s'", words[0], words[1]);
 }	/*	void apiList(char *words[MAX_PATH_INFO])        */