621d571584c54c2114a233fcd74f83d11e5648b7 lrnassar Thu Jun 6 10:00:00 2024 -0700 Fixing the apache conditional statement, when I added hgwalpha I broke it so the security scan spammed us again. No RM. diff --git src/hg/htdocs/redmineWidget.html src/hg/htdocs/redmineWidget.html index 8bb5bc5..f2ecd82 100755 --- src/hg/htdocs/redmineWidget.html +++ src/hg/htdocs/redmineWidget.html @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -<!--#if expr='("$SERVER_NAME" == /.*.ucsc.edu/ || "$SERVER_NAME" == /.*.sdsc.edu/ || "$SERVER_NAME" == /browser/) && "$SERVER_NAME" != /genome-preview.*.ucsc.edu/ || "$SERVER_NAME" != /hgwalpha.*.ucsc.edu/'--> +<!--#if expr='("$SERVER_NAME" == /.*.ucsc.edu/ || "$SERVER_NAME" == /.*.sdsc.edu/ || "$SERVER_NAME" == /browser/) && ("$SERVER_NAME" != /genome-preview.*\.ucsc\.edu/) && ("$SERVER_NAME" != /hgwalpha.*\.ucsc\.edu/)'--> <div id="helpdesk_widget"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://redmine.soe.ucsc.edu/helpdesk_widget/widget.js"></script> <script> RedmineHelpdeskWidget.config({ color: '#426f9e', translation: { subjectLabel: 'Subject', descriptionLabel: 'Questions or comments?', nameLabel: 'Please enter your name here', emailLabel: 'Please put your email here', createButtonLabel: 'Send', createSuccessDescription: 'Thank you for your feedback.', createErrorLabel: 'We have encountered an error, please try again or email us directly at genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu', createSuccessLabel: 'We have received your input, and will get back to you soon.' }, identify: { nameValue: 'GenomeBrowser', emailValue: 'genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu', trackerValue: 'MLQ', projectValue: 'Mail Lists', customFieldValues: { 'MLQ Category - primary': 'Widget', 'MLQ Category - secondary': 'Widget', 'MLM': 'Lou Nassar' } }, attachment: true, title: '<br>We welcome questions and feedback from our users. For general questions you may also find our <a href="/FAQ/" target="_blank">FAQs</a> helpful.' }); </script> <!--#endif -->