Sun Sep 8 10:51:52 2024 -0700
correctly trim white space from before and after the query string and correctly test for words beginning with + or - refs #32596
diff --git src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
index 39c4bcb..bd01a27 100644
--- src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
+++ src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
@@ -123,31 +123,32 @@
comment = document.getElementById("comment");
requestSubmitButton = document.getElementById("submitButton");
document.getElementById("modalFeedback").addEventListener("submit", checkForm, false);
var tableBody = document.getElementById('tableBody');
tableBody.innerHTML = '
(empty table)
clearButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
searchInput.value = ''; // Clear the search input field
searchForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
- var searchTerm = document.getElementById('searchBox').value;
+ // the trim() removes stray white space before or after the string
+ var searchTerm = document.getElementById('searchBox').value.trim();
var resultCountLimit = document.getElementById('maxItemsOutput');
var mustExist = document.getElementById('mustExist').checked;
var notExist = document.getElementById('notExist').checked;
browserExist = "mustExist";
if (mustExist && notExist) {
browserExist = "mayExist";
} else if (notExist) {
browserExist = "notExist";
makeRequest(searchTerm, browserExist, resultCountLimit.value);
advancedSearchButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById('urlCopyLink').style.display = "none";
let searchOptions = document.getElementById("advancedSearchOptions");
@@ -229,31 +230,31 @@
var tableHeader = document.getElementById('tableHeader');
if (urlParams.has('maxItemsOutput')) {
maxItemsOutput = parseInt(urlParams.get('maxItemsOutput'), 10);
if (maxItemsOutput < 1) {
maxItemsOutput = 1;
} else if (maxItemsOutput > 1000) {
maxItemsOutput = 1000;
document.getElementById('maxItemsOutput').value = maxItemsOutput;
if (urlParams.has('q')) {
- query = urlParams.get('q');
+ query = urlParams.get('q').trim();
if (query.length > 0) {
searchInput.value = query;
document.getElementById("measureTiming").style.display = "none";
// refresh the thead columns in the specified table
function headerRefresh(tableHead) {
// clear existing content
tableHead.innerHTML = '';
// re-populate header row - the sortable system added a class to
// the last sorted column, need to rebuild the headerRow to get the
// header back to pristine condition for the next sort
@@ -314,31 +315,31 @@
prefix.push(noPrefix.replace(/\*$/, ''));
} else {
if (wholeWord.length > 0) {
for (let word of wholeWord) {
for (let key in rowData) {
if (rowData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (typeof rowData[key] === 'string') {
let value = rowData[key];
let subWords = value.match(/(\w+)|(\W+)/g);
let newString = "";
let wholeSubs = word.match(/(\w+)/g);
- if (wholeSubs.length > 0) {
+ if (wholeSubs && wholeSubs.length > 0) {
for (let whole of wholeSubs) {
for (let subWord of subWords) {
if ( whole.toLowerCase() === subWord.toLowerCase() ) {
newString += "" + subWord + "";
} else {
newString += subWord;
newString = newString.trim();
if (newString !== rowData[key])
rowData[key] = newString;
} // for (let whole of wholeSubs)
} // if (wholeSubs.length > 0)
} // if (typeof rowData[key] === 'string')
} // if (rowData.hasOwnProperty(key))
@@ -387,31 +388,31 @@
var genomicEntries = {};
var extraInfo = {};
for (var key in jsonData) {
if (jsonData[key].scientificName) {
genomicEntries[key] = jsonData[key];
} else {
extraInfo[key] = jsonData[key];
var count = 0;
for (var id in genomicEntries) {
- highlightMatch(extraInfo.q, genomicEntries[id]);
+ highlightMatch(extraInfo.q.trim(), genomicEntries[id]);
var dataRow = '
var browserUrl = id;
var asmInfoUrl = id;
if (genomicEntries[id].browserExists) {
if (id.startsWith("GC")) {
browserUrl = "View";
asmInfoUrl = "" + id + "";
} else {
browserUrl = "View";
asmInfoUrl = "" + id + "";
dataRow += "
tableBody.innerHTML += dataRow;
var dataTable = document.getElementById('dataTable');
var itemCount = parseInt(extraInfo.itemCount, 10);
var totalMatchCount = parseInt(extraInfo.totalMatchCount, 10);
var availableAssemblies = parseInt(extraInfo.availableAssemblies, 10);
- var resultCounts = "results for search string: '" + extraInfo.q + "', ";
+ var resultCounts = "results for search string: '" + extraInfo.q.trim() + "', ";
if ( itemCount === totalMatchCount ) {
resultCounts += "showing " + itemCount.toLocaleString() + "match results, ";
} else {
resultCounts += "showing " + itemCount.toLocaleString() + "match results ";
resultCounts += "from " + totalMatchCount.toLocaleString() + "total matches, ";
resultCounts += "out of " + availableAssemblies.toLocaleString() + "total number of assemblies";
document.getElementById('resultCounts').innerHTML = resultCounts;
if (measureTiming) {
var etMs = extraInfo.elapsedTimeMs;
var elapsedTime = "" + etMs.toLocaleString() + "milliseconds";
if ( etMs > 1000 ) {
var etSec = etMs/1000;
elapsedTime = "" + etSec.toFixed(2) + "seconds";
@@ -740,40 +741,40 @@
var asmStatus = document.querySelector('input[name="asmStatus"]:checked').value;
var refSeqCategory = document.querySelector('input[name="refSeqCategory"]:checked').value;
var asmLevel = document.querySelector('input[name="asmLevel"]:checked').value;
// start with what the user requested:
var queryString = query;
// for allWords, place + sign in front of each word if not already there
if (wordMatch === "allWords") {
var words = queryString.split(/\s+/);
if (words.length > 1) { // not needed on only one word
var queryPlus = ""; // compose new query string
let inQuote = false;
words.forEach(function(word) {
if (word.match(/^[-+]?"/)) {
- if (word.match(/^[-+]/))
+ if (/^[-+]/.test(word))
queryPlus += " " + word; // do not add + to - or + already there
queryPlus += " +" + word;
inQuote = true;
} else if (inQuote) {
queryPlus += " " + word; // space separates each word
if (word.endsWith('"'))
inQuote = false;
- } else if (word.match(/[^-+]/)) {
+ } else if (/^[-+]/.test(word)) {
queryPlus += " " + word; // do not add + to - or + already there
} else {
queryPlus += " +" + word;
queryString = queryPlus.trim();
// remove stray white space from beginning or end
queryString = queryString.trim();
// Show the wait spinner
document.getElementById("loadingSpinner").style.display = "block";