  Sun Sep 8 00:17:45 2024 -0700
basic fixes for hubt make subcmd, refs #34405

diff --git src/utils/hubtools/hubtools src/utils/hubtools/hubtools
index 61e625a..93a8af3 100755
--- src/utils/hubtools/hubtools
+++ src/utils/hubtools/hubtools
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import logging, sys, optparse, os, json, subprocess, shutil
 from collections import defaultdict
 from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile, relpath, abspath, splitext, isdir
 # ==== functions =====
 def parseArgs():
     " setup logging, parse command line arguments and options. -h shows auto-generated help page "
     parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] <cmd> - create and edit UCSC track hubs
-    hubtools make: create a track hub for all bigBed/bigWig files under a directory. Creates single-file hub.txt
+    hubtools make <assemblyCode>: create a track hub for all bigBed/bigWig files under a directory. Creates single-file hub.txt
     - bigBed/bigWig files in the current directory will be top level tracks
     - big* files in subdirectories become composites
     - for every filename, the part before the first dot becomes the track base name
     - if a directory has more than 80% of track base names with both a bigBed
       and bigWig file, views are activated for this composite
     - track attributes can be changed using tracks.tsv or tracks.json files, in
       each top or subdirectory
     - tracks.tsv must have a first column named 'track'.
     hubtools up: upload files to hubSpace
     - needs ~/.hubt.conf with username and password. Create one with 'hubt conf'
     - uploads all files from the -i directory or the current dir if not specified.
     hubtools jbrowse <url> <db> : convert Jbrowse trackList.json files to hub.txt.
     - <url> is the URL to the Jbrowse2 installation, e.g. http://furlonglab.embl.de/FurlongBrowser/
     - <db> is assembly identifier 
+    hubtools make hg38
     hubtools jbrowse http://furlonglab.embl.de/FurlongBrowser/ dm3
     parser.add_option("-i", "--inDir", dest="inDir", action="store", help="Input directory where files are stored. Default is current directory")
     parser.add_option("-o", "--outDir", dest="outDir", action="store", help="Input directory where hub.txt file is created. Default is same as input directory.")
     #parser.add_option("", "--igv", dest="igv", action="store", help="import an igv.js trackList.json file hierarchy")
     parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show verbose debug messages")
     parser.add_option("-u", "--upload", dest="upload", action="store_true", help="upload all files from outDir to hubSpace")
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
     if len(args)==0:
@@ -226,31 +227,31 @@
             pairCount += 1
     pairShare = pairCount / len(fnameDict)
     return ( pairShare > 0.8 )
 def writeLn(ofh, spaceCount, line):
     "write line to ofh, with spaceCount before it "
     ofh.write("".join([" "]*spaceCount))
 def writeStanza(ofh, indent, tdb):
     " write a stanza given a tdb key-val dict "
     track = tdb["track"]
-    shortLabel = tdb.get("shortLabel", track)
+    shortLabel = tdb.get("shortLabel", track.replace("_", " "))
     visibility = tdb.get("visibility", "pack")
     longLabel  = tdb.get("longLabel", shortLabel)
     trackType = tdb["type"]
     writeLn(ofh, indent, "track %s" % track)
     writeLn(ofh, indent, "shortLabel %s" % shortLabel)
     if longLabel:
         writeLn(ofh, indent, "longLabel %s" % longLabel)
     if "parent" in tdb:
         writeLn(ofh, indent, "parent %s" % tdb["parent"])
     writeLn(ofh, indent, "type %s" % trackType)
     writeLn(ofh, indent, "visibility %s" % visibility)
     if "bigDataUrl" in tdb:
         writeLn(ofh, indent, "bigDataUrl %s" % tdb["bigDataUrl"])
@@ -421,33 +422,33 @@
     logging.info("Loading %s" % trackListUrl)
     trackList = requests.get(trackListUrl).json()
     tdbs = []
     for tl in trackList["tracks"]:
         if "type" in tl and tl["type"]=="SequenceTrack":
             logging.info("Genome is: "+tl["label"])
         if tl["storeClass"]=="JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList":
             logging.info("NCList found: ",tl)
         tdb = {}
         tdb["track"] = tl["label"]
         tdb["shortLabel"] = tl["key"]
         if "data_file" in tl:
-            tdb["bigDataUrl"] = baseUrl+"/"+tl["data_file"]
+            tdb["bigDataUrl"] = baseUrl+"/data/"+tl["data_file"]
-            tdb["bigDataUrl"] = baseUrl+"/"+tl["urlTemplate"]
+            tdb["bigDataUrl"] = baseUrl+"/data/"+tl["urlTemplate"]
         if tl["storeClass"] == "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BigWig":
             tdb["type"] = "bigWig"
         dispMode = tl.get("display_mode")
         if dispMode:
             if dispMode=="normal":
                 tdb["visibility"] = "pack"
             elif dispMode=="compact":
                 tdb["visibility"] = "dense"
                 tdb["visibility"] = "pack"
             tdb["visibility"] = "pack"
         writeStanza(ofh, 0, tdb)
@@ -485,32 +486,32 @@
     inDir = "."
     if options.inDir:
         inDir = options.inDir
     if cmd=="up":
     tdbDir = inDir
     if options.outDir:
         tdbDir = options.outDir
     if cmd=="jbrowse":
         importJbrowse(args[1], args[2], tdbDir)
-        return
+    elif cmd == "make":
+        db = args[1]
         dirFiles = readDirs(inDir)
         hubFname = join(tdbDir, "hub.txt")
         logging.info("Writing %s" % hubFname)
         ofh = open(hubFname, "w")
         meta = parseMeta(inDir)
         writeHubGenome(ofh, db, meta)
         writeTdb(inDir, dirFiles, "top", tdbDir, ofh)
         writeTdb(inDir, dirFiles, "comps", tdbDir, ofh)