  Mon Sep 30 11:07:54 2024 -0700
put a limit on genark returned list refs #32596

diff --git src/hg/hgGateway/hgGateway.c src/hg/hgGateway/hgGateway.c
index 94186b8..7598059 100644
--- src/hg/hgGateway/hgGateway.c
+++ src/hg/hgGateway/hgGateway.c
@@ -941,42 +941,49 @@
     jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", gHubMatch->gcAccession);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "db", gHubMatch->asmName);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", gHubMatch->hubUrl);
     jsonWriteString(jw, "scientificName", gHubMatch->scientificName);
     // Add a category label for customized autocomplete-with-categories.
     jsonWriteString(jw, "category", "UCSC GenArk - bulk-annotated assemblies from NCBI Genbank/RefSeq");
     jsonWriteString(jw, "value", gHubMatch->asmName);
     // Use just the db as label, since shortLabel is included in the category label.
     jsonWriteStringf(jw, "label", "%s - %s", gHubMatch->commonName, gHubMatch->scientificName);
+/* maximum limit of how many matches to display from genark */
+#define GENARK_LIMIT 20
 static struct gHubMatch *filterGenarkMatches(char *genarkHubUrl, struct genark *matchList)
 /* Turn the sql results into a struct gHubMatch list */
 struct genark *match;
 struct gHubMatch *ret = NULL;
+int c = 0;
 for (match = matchList; match != NULL; match = match->next)
+    ++c;
     // the match contains tab-sep accession, hubUrl, asmName, scientificName, commonName
     char hubUrl[PATH_LEN+1];
     safef(hubUrl, sizeof(hubUrl), "%s/%s", genarkHubUrl, match->hubUrl);
     slAddHead(&ret, gHubMatchNew(match->gcAccession, hubUrl, match->asmName, match->scientificName, match->commonName, -1));
+    if (c > GENARK_LIMIT)
+	break;
 if (ret)
 return ret;
 static struct gHubMatch *filterAssemblyListMatches(struct sqlConnection *conn,
    char *asmListTable, char *term, char *genarkPrefix, boolean wildCard)
 struct gHubMatch *ret = NULL;
 struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(64);
 /* LIMIT of 100 will allow enough results to include some genArk assemblies */
 if (wildCard)
     sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE MATCH(name, commonName, scientificName, clade, description, refSeqCategory, versionStatus, assemblyLevel) AGAINST ('%s*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND browserExists=1 ORDER BY priority LIMIT 100", asmListTable, term);
@@ -984,31 +991,31 @@
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 char **row;
 int c = 0;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct assemblyList *el = assemblyListLoadWithNull(row);
     if (isGenArk(el->name))
 	char genarkUrl[PATH_MAX];
 	safef(genarkUrl, sizeof(genarkUrl), "%s/%s", genarkPrefix, el->hubUrl);
 	slAddHead(&ret, gHubMatchNew(el->name, genarkUrl, NULL, el->scientificName, el->commonName, *el->priority));
-    if ( c > 20 )	/* allow only 20 genArk returns */
+    if ( c > GENARK_LIMIT)	/* limit genArk returns */
 if (ret)
 return ret;
 }	/*	static struct gHubMatch *filterAssemblyListMatche	*/
 static struct gHubMatch *searchGenark(char *term)
 /* Search through the genark table (or assemblyList table) for hubs
    matches term */
 char *genarkPrefix = cfgOption("genarkHubPrefix");
 if (genarkPrefix == NULL)